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2007年8月,北京贞亨利民印刷机械有限公司(以下简称贞亨利公司)在北京市通州区宋庄镇工业园的新厂房正式投入使用.近期,贞亨利公司在产品创新研发频有利好消息传出,为此,本刊记者走入贞亨利公司的新厂,采访了贞亨利公司营销总监冯磊先生.  相似文献   

刘佰东 《印刷技术》2008,(16):71-72
井然有序的生产车间、高效的管理团队、务实的企业发展思路,成就了今天国内单凹机行业的“龙头老大”——北京贞亨利民印刷机械有限公司(以下简称“贞亨利”)。在刚刚落幕的drupa2008展会上,贞亨利盛装亮相,满载而归。经过简单的约见,记者走进了总部位于北京朝阳区优±阎大厦的贞亨利,贞亨利执行董事冯岩先生与我们分享了他在drupa2008上的收获以及贞亨利的成长之路。  相似文献   

近几年来,单张纸凹印机以强劲势头席卷国内包装印刷尤其是烟酒包装印刷行业。国产和进口单张纸凹印机的装机量已达到300台左右。其中北京贞亨利印刷机械有限公司装机量为150台,市场占有率达50%以上,覆盖全国20多个省市,89个厂家。现在在国内提起单凹机,自然而然就想到贞亨利。那么,贞亨利是如何打造单张纸凹印机品牌的?北京贞亨利印刷机械有限公司冯岩总经理以市场抓得准、抓得专,产品起点高、改进快,客户利益最大化三句话,精炼地概括了贞亨利的品牌之路。  相似文献   

一枫 《今日印刷》2003,(8):65-67
近几年来,单张纸凹印机以强劲势头席卷国内包装印刷尤其是烟酒包装印刷行业。国产和进口单张纸凹印机的装机量已达到300台左右。其中北京贞亨利印刷机械有限公司装机量为150台,市场占有率达50%以上,覆盖全国20多个省市,89个厂家。现在在国内提起单凹机,自然而然就想到贞亨利。那么,贞亨利是如何打造单张纸凹印机品牌的?北京贞亨利印刷机械有限公司冯岩总经理以市场抓得准、抓得专,产品起点高、改进快,客户利益最大化三句话,精炼地概括了贞亨利的品牌之路。  相似文献   

《食品添加剂市场》会刊是由北京商无城网络科技有限公司办的中国唯一一本食品添加剂市场专业刊物.主要为读者提供品添加剂市场资讯、实用技术等综合服务,已在食品添加剂及关应用行业产生了广泛的影响。本刊被中国著名食品专家壮子端生誉为“市场睛雨表,企业好参谋”;中国食品添加剂生产应用业协会吕坚东理事长特为本刊题词:“食品需要添加剂,行业需《食品添加剂市场》“。  相似文献   

今麦郎日清食品有限公司是一家以方便食品为主业,集生产、销售、研发于一体的现代化大型综合食品企业集团.公司自创建以来发展非常迅速,创造了企业超常规、跨越式的发展模式,发展成为中国面制品行业的龙头企业.公司现设制面、面粉、饮品、综合、挂面五大事业部,在全国建有38个生产工厂,市场网络遍布全国,下设8大区,68个营业部,下辖259个营业所、终端销售网点95万个;产品远销美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国、日本等海外36个国家和地区.  相似文献   

<正> 在北京市著名古建筑德胜门迤北一公里处,马甸立交桥南端矗立着一座现代化的高层建筑——果脯大厦,它便是全国唯一一家国营果脯蜜饯的国营商业企业北京市果脯蜜饯公司。 该公司以下属的四大合资企业为主体,包括北京麦克麦食品有限公司、北京金丰果氏食品有限公司、北京华丰食品有限公司和北京福农食品有限公司。现有员工980余人,注册资金1,000万元人民  相似文献   

经审查,现批准宏燿洋参珍珠含片等52种国家产食品为保健食品;批准原本酵素粉剂GENUFOOD等12种进口食品为进口保健食品; 批准救护善(几丁聚糖)粉剂等3种保健食品增补功能; 批准Super Nu-life牌海鱼油等9种保健食品更改申报单位; 批准北京绿环超健康产品有限公司等5家企业更改10种产品名称;公布江西省景德镇酒业食品有限公司等4家企业领取9种保健食品批准证书副本;公布维格尔美容套餐为组合式保健食品,在卫生部备案; 批准鹰牌花旗参茶修改说明书.  相似文献   

<正> 乐天四通巧克力派、鲜奶油派将于今年9月进军上海、济南市场。孜孜以求,以为消费者创造生活新感觉为目标的乐天四通食品有限公司,决定将松软巧克力派、松软鲜奶油派两个新上市的产品在上海和济南两地推出。 乐天四通食品有限公司是由国际上著名的日本株式会社LOTTE、中国四通集团公司、韩国LOTTE制果株式会社及日本三井物产株式会社和北京京放经济发展公司共同投资兴办的大型现代化企业。  相似文献   

名誉主任: 秦含章(轻工部食品发酵所名誉所长) 郭其昌(轻工部食品发酵所教授级高工) 王秋芳(中国酿酒工业协会副秘书长、高工)顾问: 陈朴先(烟台张裕葡萄酿酒公司副总、高工) 李华(西北农业大学教授)主任单位: 烟台张裕葡萄酿酒公司副主任单位: 北京葡萄酒厂 中国长城葡萄酒有限公司 青岛华冠酒业总公司 通化葡萄酒公司 民权葡萄酒厂 连云港葡萄酒厂 都善葡萄酒厂 山东省酿酒葡萄科学研究所秘书长: 王恭堂(烟台张裕葡萄酿酒公司总工、高工)副秘书长: 李素慧(北京葡萄酒厂高工) 赵全迎(中国长城葡萄酒有限公司副总经理) 王好德(青岛华冠酒业…  相似文献   

韩国泡菜拼出国际标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 在韩国农水产品加工食品中,泡菜是第一个获得国际精品标准认证的。国际精品认证,与适用于工业晶的ISO国际认证一样,是农水产品加工食品的国际流通标准。 Codex是由联合国食品及农业组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合运营的国际食品规格委员会为促进食品的国际贸易,以保护消费者的健康为目的制定的国际食品规格。 韩国农林部为更好地应付瞬息万变的国际环境,以及泡菜的世界食品化,在与韩国食品开发研究院的共同努力下,于  相似文献   


Literature on kimchi was reviewed with emphasis on preparation of kimchi, microorganisms involved in the fermentation, changes in the composition during ripening, methods to extend shelflife, and commercial production of kimchi. Kimchi is a traditional Korean fermented vegetable product with a historical background of over 1000 years. The variety of kimchi changes according to the main raw materials and minor ingredients used and methods of preparation. There are numerous microorganisms involved in kimchi fermentation, but it is basically a lactic acid fermentation. As excessive acids are formed during ripening, the quality of kimchi deteriorates. Thermal processing, cold storage, addition of preservatives, irradiation, and other methods have been employed to extend the shelflife of kimchi by preventing overripening. Cold storage appears to be the most promising method to preserve kimchi for an extended period without serious quality problems. Recently, commercial production of kimchi has increased for food service and export, and research on large‐scale production of kimchi is required.  相似文献   

Kimchi is a traditional Korean fermented food. Since it ferments continuously during distribution and storage, the extension of shelf life by preventing over-acidification is a major concern in the kimchi industry. One of the most frequently attempted ways to delay fermentation is to add naturally occurring antimicrobial agents. Many researchers have investigated ways to delay over-acidification by adding minor ingredients, fruits or fruit seed extracts, extracts of medicinal herbs, culinary herbs and spices, and other miscellaneous substances to kimchi. The addition of naturally occurring antimicrobial agents may enhance the acceptability of kimchi to consumers over a longer period of time but may also have a disadvantage in that it may cause changes in sensory quality, especially if added in large amounts. To avoid undesirable sensory changes, application of hurdle technologies (i.e., multifactor preservative systems) which involve using combinations of low amounts of various naturally occurring antimicrobial agents as ingredients should be explored with the goal of controlling fermentation. If synergistic or additive antimicrobial effects can be achieved using small amounts of a combination of natural agents, changes in sensory qualities will be minimized, thereby prolonging shelf life. Research findings summarized in this review provide a basis for developing effective hurdle technologies using naturally occurring antimicrobial agents to extend shelf life of kimchi and perhaps other types of traditional fermented foods.  相似文献   

新产品的开发对食品工业企业的发展起着重大的作用,在企业的市场竞争,生存,发展中扮有重要角色。研究消费者对产品,尤其是对新产品的感知及意愿是新产品开发研究中的重要部分。本文以北京部分城市居民为例,以其对新产品的感知和意愿进行调查,研究结果表明:食品的新产品开发是十分必要的,大多数消费者对此持肯定态度,并且愿意尝试不同的新产品,希望新产品能够具有多样性,在未来的食品市场中出现更多更新的食品,例如天然食品,保健食品,方便食品等。调查表明,“家人或朋友的推荐”和“产品质量”是消费者购买新产品的主要因素,因此,食品企业在新产品开发中,应注重产品质量,并且在市场的推广中要注意树立培养有影响力的先期消费者(即意见领袖)。此外,在新产品开发中应注意的健康,质量与价格问题也在消费者调查中显现出来。  相似文献   

Lactobacilli isolated from Kimchi, a Korean traditional food, were tested for their capacity to modulate the T helper (Th) 1/Th2 balance. Ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized mouse splenocytes were cultured with 26 strains of lactobacilli; the highest IL-12 induction and lowest IL-4 production were then observed in 4 strains, including Lactobacillus plantarum CJLP55, CJLP56, CJLP133, and CJLP136. These strains produced a larger amount of IL-12, which enhances differentiation and activation of Th1 cells, in macrophage cell-lines more than positive control strains L. casei KCTC 3109(T) and L. rhamnosus GG, although they also induced production of IL-10, which is a suppressor of IL-12. Indeed, CJLP133-stimulated macrophages induced production of more Th1 cytokine IFN-γ and less Th2 cytokine IL-4 than KCTC 3109(T) and GG in co-cultivation with T cells. These findings suggest that lactobacilli from Kimchi may modulate the Th1/Th2 balance via macrophage activation in the hypersensitive reaction caused by Th2 cells. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Allergic reactions including asthma and atopy are caused by predominance of Th2 response over Th1 response. Lactobacilli isolated from fermented foods such as yogurt, cheese, and Kimchi showed health-promoting activities. The present study indicated that several lactobacilli strains from Kimchi may reduce allergic reactions through macrophage-mediated induction of Th1 response.  相似文献   

Kimchi is a traditional, fermented Korean food that is prepared through a series of processes, including pretreatment of oriental cabbage (or radish), brining, blending with various spices and other ingredients, and fermentation. The characteristics of kimchi differ depending on the kimchi varieties, raw materials used, process, fermentation, and preservation methods. However, kimchi has typical biochemical, nutritional, and organoleptic properties and health‐related functions. Kimchi fermentation is initiated by various microorganisms originally present in the raw materials, but the fermentation is gradually dominated by lactic acid bacteria. Numerous physicochemical and biological factors influence the fermentation, growth, and sequential appearance of principal microorganisms involved in the fermentation. Complex biochemical changes occur depending on the environmental conditions before, during, and after fermentation. The most important characteristics are the compositional changes of sugars and vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), formation and accumulation of organic acids, and texture degradation and softening. Nutritionally, kimchi is an important source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other nutrients. This review covers in some detail the biochemical, microbiological, and nutritional characteristics of kimchi.  相似文献   

<正> 时下,为了适应消费者崇尚自然的心理,越来越多的饮料企业在产品标签上打出了“本产品不含任何食品添加剂”的字样。消费者是真的被各种假冒伪劣食品吓怕了,可这些企业宣传的就是真实的吗?带着这些问题,记者近日采访了上海香料研究所高工、上海食品添加剂协会杜世祥常务副秘书长。 饮料离不开香精香料 杜秘书长说:饮料中不放香精香料是不可能的,有些果味水中没有什么果汁成分,基本卜靠香精香料,比如橘子水靠橘子香精,柠檬水靠柠檬香精,再加上  相似文献   

辣白菜中分离含内源性质粒的魏斯氏菌及其鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨魏斯氏菌在辣白菜中起的作用和获得与明串珠菌相关乳酸细菌的质粒,从辣白菜中分离了魏斯氏菌。辣白菜是朝鲜民族的传统食品,在低温条件下大白菜经过乳酸细菌发酵而成的。将辣白菜汁液均匀涂布在含2%(m/v)CaCO3的MRS平板上,30℃恒温培养箱中培养24h~36h,在中国内地首次分离获得了魏斯氏菌。通过对该菌进行镜检、生理生化特性检测以及16S rDNA序列的系统发育树分析确定其分类地位。结果表明其属于Weissella cibaria,命名为kimshi006,在NCBI上的登录号为HM369807。这一魏斯氏菌菌株含有2条内源性质粒,其大小分别为大约3000bp和8000bp。  相似文献   

<正> 今年北京的冬天实在有点反常,"三九"天儿,河不上冻,雪不飞花,气温总在7~8度徘徊,怎么看都像春天的样子。有人发表谬论说:这可能是让北京满大街的火锅店闹的。还别说,今年北京的火锅是特别的"火",老北京的"涮羊肉",从四川引进的"麻辣烫"都在大街小巷蒸腾着热气,特别是"香辣蟹"更是风靡北京城。  相似文献   

<正> 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。我国食品工业的强劲发展,给国人带来了新的追求和渴望。中食协领导高屋建瓴,在刚刚结束四届五次理事会的第二天,就把握时机,与有关部门在京联合召开了《食品营养强化工作座谈会》。 全国著名营养专家、中食协顾问于若木教授亲自到会并讲话。中国营养学会理事长葛可佑教授、中国美食营养委员会常务副会长、李瑞芬教授、国务院发展研究中心杨建龙博士、中国粮油学会刘兴信副理事长、中疾控食品营养与安全所霍军生博士等应约到会,并分别作了精彩的学  相似文献   

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