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一种令P2P覆盖网络拓扑相关的通用方法   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
邱彤庆  陈贵海 《软件学报》2007,18(2):381-390
利用分布式哈希表,有结构的对等(peer-to-peer,简称P2P)网络具备了较短的路由长度和较好的扩展性.然而,由此产生了覆盖网络和物理网络之间的不匹配问题,它严重阻碍了在大规模环境下建立有效的对等网络.提出一种通用的、协议无关的方法来解决该问题.该方法基于节点交换机制,通过发现并实施有利于覆盖网络和物理网络匹配的节点交换来降低网络时延、提高性能.实验表明,该方法在明显降低了覆盖网络的平均时延的同时,也保证了额外开销可控.此外,若与其他协议相关的方法相结合,系统性能还可以得到进一步提高.  相似文献   

Chord是基于覆盖网的典型分布式结构化P2P(Peer-to-peer)系统,其相邻节点在IP Network上可能相距很远,从而导致网络访问速度大大降低.为此对Chord系统进行改进,提出一种新的P2P系统.在该系统中,将同一地区的节点组织为一个局域P2P网络(Location Area P2P Network,LAPN),使用指针连通这些局域P2P网络,可以很好地解决上述问题,使系统执行效率大大提高.  相似文献   

Building a Scalable Bipartite P2P Overlay Network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The peer-to-peer (P2P) model, being widely adopted in today's Internet computing, suffers from the problem of topology mismatch between the overlay networks and the underlying physical network. Traditional topology optimization techniques identify physically closer nodes to connect as overlay neighbors, but could significantly shrink the search scope. Efforts have been made to address the mismatch problem without sacrificing the search scope, but they either need time synchronization among peers or have a low convergent speed. In this paper, we propose a scalable bipartite overlay (SBO) scheme to optimize the overlay topology by identifying and replacing the mismatched connections. In SBO, we employ an efficient strategy for distributing optimization tasks in peers with different colors. We conducted comprehensive simulations to evaluate this design. The results show that SBO achieves approximately 85 percent of reduction on traffic cost and about 60 percent of reduction on query response time. Our comparisons with previous approaches to address the topology mismatch problem have shown that SBO can achieve a fast convergent speed, without the need of time synchronization among peers.  相似文献   

A great number of recent works deal with improving search in peer-to-peer systems, specifically by clustering peers into semantic groups. When the process of clustering is predetermined and static, it suffers from lack of adaptation to highly dynamic peer-to-peer environments. We model the problem as a non-superadditive coalition game with non-transferable utility characteristic function, and propose a distributed dynamic coalition formation algorithm through myopic best-reply with experiment rule to solve the coalition formation problem. Coalitions are formed by peers with similar interests considering geographical proximity. The overlay network is dynamically reconfigured over time based on the changes in the interests or locations of the individual peers. The convergence of the proposed algorithm using “core solution” concept is studied. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can efficiently reduce the search time, although the overhead of the overlay adaptation is slightly higher.  相似文献   

Prior studies show that more than 70 percent of communication paths in a popular unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) system (i.e., Gnutella) do not exploit the physical network topology, leading to the topology mismatch problem, and thus, lengthen communication between participating peers. While previous efforts in solving overlay topology matching problems do not guarantee the bounds of performance metrics (e.g., the communication delay between any two overlay peers and the broadcasting scope of any participating peer), in this paper, we present a novel topology matching algorithm that has provable performance qualities. In our proposal, each participating node creates and manages a constant number of overlay connections to other peers in a distributed manner. In rigorous performance analysis, we show that 1) the expected overlay communication delay between any two nodes in our P2P network is a constant; 2) in addition, any joining node has the exponential broadcasting scope in expectation; 3) furthermore, a participating node takes a polylogarithmic overhead to exploit the physical network locality and maintain its flooding scope. Together with extensive simulations, we present our proposal that significantly outperforms two recent solutions, i.e., THANCS and mOverlay, in terms of overlay communication latency and/or broadcasting scope.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of designing an efficient and robust distributed random number generator for peer-to-peer systems that is easy to implement and works even if all communication channels are public. A robust random number generator is crucial for avoiding adversarial join–leave attacks on peer-to-peer overlay networks. We show that our new generator together with a light-weight rule recently proposed in [B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, Towards a scalable and robust DHT, in: Proc. of the 18th ACM Symp. on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA, 2006. See also http://www14.in.tum.de/personen/scheideler] for keeping peers well distributed can keep various structured overlay networks in a robust state even under a constant fraction of adversarial peers.  相似文献   

Recently, peer-to-peer (P2P) search technique has become popular in the Web as an alternative to centralized search due to its high scalability and low deployment-cost. However, P2P search systems are known to suffer from the problem of peer dynamics, such as frequent node join/leave and document changes, which cause serious performance degradation. This paper presents the architecture of a P2P search system that supports full-text search in an overlay network with peer dynamics. This architecture, namely HAPS, consists of two layers of peers. The upper layer is a DHT (distributed hash table) network interconnected by some super peers (which we refer to as hubs). Each hub maintains distributed data structures called search directories, which could be used to guide the query and to control the search cost. The bottom layer consists of clusters of ordinary peers (called providers), which can receive queries and return relevant results. Extensive experimental results indicate that HAPS can perform searches effectively and efficiently. In addition, the performance comparison illustrates that HAPS outperforms a flat structured system and a hierarchical unstructured system in the environment with peer dynamics.  相似文献   

We present Juxtaposed approximate PageRank (JXP), a distributed algorithm for computing PageRank-style authority scores of Web pages on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Unlike previous algorithms, JXP allows peers to have overlapping content and requires no a priori knowledge of other peers’ content. Our algorithm combines locally computed authority scores with information obtained from other peers by means of random meetings among the peers in the network. This computation is based on a Markov-chain state-lumping technique, and iteratively approximates global authority scores. The algorithm scales with the number of peers in the network and we show that the JXP scores converge to the true PageRank scores that one would obtain with a centralized algorithm. Finally, we show how to deal with misbehaving peers by extending JXP with a reputation model. Partially supported by the EU within the 6th Framework Programme under contract 001907 “Dynamically Evolving, Large Scale Information Systems” (DELIS).  相似文献   

Gossip (or epidemic) algorithms have recently become popular solutions to multicast message dissemination in peer-to-peer systems. Nevertheless, it is not straightforward to apply gossip to on-demand streaming because it often fails to achieve a timely delivery. To solve this problem and taking into account the characteristic of peers randomly joining and leaving in peer-to-peer systems, an Efficient Membership Management Protocol (EMMP) has been presented. Every node only needs to keep contact with O (log(N)) nodes, and EMMP can support the reliable dissemination of messages. Considering the “distance” between peers, it causes the major data to be transmitted in a local area and reduces the backbone’s traffic, and speeds up the dissemination of messages between peers. This paper has adopted the “goodfriend” mechanism to reduce the influence on the system when a peer fails or leaves. Simulation results show that EMMP is highly efficient, and both the redundancy and the delay of the system are well solved.  相似文献   

In large-scale peer-to-peer (P2P) video-on-demand (VoD) streaming applications, a fundamental challenge is to quickly locate new supplying peers whenever a VCR command is issued, in order to achieve smooth viewing experiences. For many existing commercial systems which use tracker servers for neighbor discovery, the increasing scale of P2P VoD systems has overloaded the dedicated servers to the point where they cannot accurately identify the suppliers with the desired content and bandwidth. To avoid overloading the servers and achieve instant neighbor discovery over the self-organizing P2P overlay, we design a novel method of organizing peers watching a video. The method features a light-weight indexing architecture to support efficient streaming and fast neighbor discovery at the same time. InstantLeap separates the neighbors at each peer into a streaming neighbor list and a shortcut neighbor list, for streaming and neighbor discovery respectively, which are maintained loosely but effectively based on random neighbor list exchanges. Our analysis shows that InstantLeap achieves an O(1) neighbor discovery efficiency upon any playback “leap” across the media stream in streaming overlays of any size, and low messaging costs for overlay maintenance upon peer join, departure, and VCR operations. We also verify our design with large-scale simulation studies of dynamic P2P VoD systems based on real-world settings.  相似文献   

In unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, the overlay topology (or connectivity graph) among peers is a crucial component in addition to the peer/data organization and search. Topological characteristics have profound impact on the efficiency of a search on such unstructured P2P networks, as well as other networks. A key limitation of scale-free (power-law) topologies is the high load (i.e., high degree) on a very few number of hub nodes. In a typical unstructured P2P network, peers are not willing to maintain high degrees/loads as they may not want to store a large number of entries for construction of the overlay topology. Therefore, to achieve fairness and practicality among all peers, hard cutoffs on the number of entries are imposed by the individual peers, which limits scale-freeness of the overall topology, hence limited scale-free networks. Thus, it is expected that the efficiency of the flooding search reduces as the size of the hard cutoff does. We investigate the construction of scale-free topologies with hard cutoffs (i.e., there are not any major hubs) and the effect of these hard cutoffs on the search efficiency. Interestingly, we observe that the efficiency of normalized flooding and random walk search algorithms increases as the hard cutoff decreases.  相似文献   

移动环境中一种基于Hash的P2P覆盖网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前提出的大多数基于哈希(hash—based)的P2P网络都集中于固定的对等节点。当节点移动到网络中一个新的位置时,这种结构在消息传递等方面的效率就会下降。文章提出一种移动环境中的基于哈希的P2P覆盖网(Hash—based P2P Overlay in Mobile Environment,H—MP2P),允许节点在网络中自由移动。一个节点可通过P2P网络广播其位置信息,其他节点通过网络可以获知该节点的移动信息并进行定位。通过理论分析和实验可知H—MP2P在扩展性、可靠性和效率方面都可以取得较好的结果,可以很好的应用在移动环境中。  相似文献   

带宽自适应的P2P网络路由协议   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出一种普适于各种系统环境和网络规模的结构化P2P网络协议SmartBoa.与已有的结构化P2P路由协议(如Pastry,Chord等)相比,SmartBoa结点并不维护同样大小的路由表,而是各结点根据自身的带宽能力决定其路由表的大小(最强的结点可能记录全部结点的指针,最弱的结点可能只记录其中不足1%的一小部分),算法保证路由表大小正比于维护开销,充分利用所有结点的可用带宽,使路由效率达到最优;另一方面,SmartBoa并不因为系统规模的增大而增加对结点带宽的要求,因此与全连通的one-hop overlay相比,SmartBoa可以获得更好的可扩展性;再者,SmartBoa结点根据系统环境的变化动态地调节自身级别,并且可以通过逐渐调高级别的慢启动方式来克服one-hop overlay的启动时间过长的缺陷.总之,SmartBoa是一种可以运行于任何环境,不受限于系统规模的大小、结点能力的强弱、强弱结点的比例、结点出入的频率,并通过动态调节保证路由效率的P2P路由协议,适用于各种广域分布式系统.  相似文献   

沈项军  常青  姚银  查正军 《软件学报》2015,26(S2):218-227
非结构化P2P(unstructured peer-to-peer network)对等网络中的节点资源定位的路由查询是对等网络研究中的一个主要难题,特别是当网络中客户端节点由于其频繁加入、离开导致网络结构动态变化所带来的资源查询难题.提出了一种新的基于拥塞控制的路由查询方法来实现动态网络下的资源查询.该方法分两部分实现:首先是网络资源的分组与节点重连策略.该策略使得具有同等资源的节点相互连接,并周期性地调整节点上的节点连接数量以减少同组资源节点上的负载.通过以上策略,使得网络的拓扑结构自动地从随机网络结构进化到以资源组为单位的聚类网络,从而使得网络中形成网络资源组间的查询负载均衡.另一方面,组内的节点之间的路由负载均衡是通过节点间协同学习实现的.采用协同Q-学习方法,所研究的方法不仅从节点上学习其处理能力、连接数和资源的个数等参数,还将节点的拥塞状态作为协同Q-学习的重要参数,并建立模型.通过这种技术,同一组节点上的资源查询被有目的地引导,以避开那些组内拥塞的节点,从而最终实现资源组内节点之间的查询均衡.仿真实验结果表明,相比常用的random walk资源查找方法,该研究所实现的资源定位方法能够更迅速地实现网络的资源查询.仿真结果还表明,相比random walk方法,所提出的方法在网络高强度查询和网络节点动态加入和退出的情况下进行查询具有更高的鲁棒性和适应性.  相似文献   

We present two new algorithms, Arc Length and Peer Count, for choosing a peer uniformly at random from the set of all peers in Chord (Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2001 Technical Conference, 2001). We show analytically that, in expectation, both algorithms have latency O(log n) and send O(log n) messages. Moreover, we show empirically that the average latency and message cost of Arc Length is 10.01log n and that the average latency and message cost of Peer Count is 20.02log n. To the best of our knowledge, these two algorithms are the first fully distributed algorithms for choosing a peer uniformly at random from the set of all peers in a Distributed Hash Table (DHT). Our motivation for studying this problem is threefold: to enable data collection by statistically rigorous sampling methods; to provide support for randomized, distributed algorithms over peer-to-peer networks; and to support the creation and maintenance of random links, and thereby offer a simple means of improving fault-tolerance. Research of S. Lewis, J. Saia and M. Young was partially supported by NSF grant CCR-0313160 and Sandia University Research Program grant No. 191445.  相似文献   

The “small-world” graph structure is pervasive and is observed to arise “without-design” or “naturally” in many practical systems such as the World Wide Web. In contrast to natural systems, overlay networks provide an opportunity to design structure. We seek the advantages of designing overlay topologies with small-world properties to support file sharing in peer-to-peer networks. We focus on two metrics of performance: (a) search protocol performance, a local gain perceived directly by peer-to-peer network users and (b) network utilization, a global property that is of interest to network service providers. We propose a class of overlay topologies and show, by simulation, that a particular topology instance of this class where every node has many close neighbors and few random neighbors (i.e., a small-world graph) exhibits very good properties. In this overlay topology, the chances of locating files are high, and the nodes where these files are found are, on average, close to the query source. This improvement in search protocol performance is achieved while decreasing the traffic load on the links in the underlying network. We propose a simple greedy algorithm to construct such overlay topologies where each node operates independently and in a decentralized manner to select its neighbors.  相似文献   

Most of the existing search algorithms for unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) systems share one common approach: the requesting node sends out a keyword search query and the query message is repeatedly routed and forwarded to other peers in the overlay network. Due to multiple hops involved in query forwarding, the search may result in a long delay before it is answered. Furthermore, some incapable nodes may be overloaded when the query traffic becomes intensive or bursty.  相似文献   

WOW: Self-organizing Wide Area Overlay Networks of Virtual Workstations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes WOW, a distributed system that combines virtual machine, overlay networking and peer-to-peer techniques to create scalable wide-area networks of virtual workstations for high-throughput computing. The system is architected to: facilitate the addition of nodes to a pool of resources through the use of system virtual machines (VMs) and self-organizing virtual network links; to maintain IP connectivity even if VMs migrate across network domains; and to present to end-users and applications an environment that is functionally identical to a local-area network or cluster of workstations. We describe IPOP, a network virtualization technique that builds upon a novel, extensible user-level decentralized technique to discover, establish and maintain overlay links to tunnel IP packets over different transports (including UDP and TCP) and across firewalls. We evaluate latency and bandwidth overheads of IPOP and also time taken for a new node to become fully-routable over the virtual network. We also report on several experiments conducted on a testbed WOW deployment with 118 P2P router nodes over PlanetLab and 33 VMware-based VM nodes distributed across six firewalled domains. Experiments show that the testbed delivers good performance for two unmodified, representative benchmarks drawn from the life-sciences domain. We also demonstrate that the system is capable of seamlessly maintaining connectivity at the virtual IP layer for typical client/server applications (NFS, SSH, PBS) when VMs migrate across a WAN.  相似文献   

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