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Blending the art and science of medicine in the ICU setting is a growing challenge, given modern technological advances, spiraling healthcare costs, and the need to carefully consider evidence from the biomedical literature in our practice. Rather than keeping up to date with all primary research relevant to critical care, intensivists are increasingly seeking synthetic research to help with their day-to-day decision-making. Synthetic research includes systematic reviews, practice guidelines, and economic evaluations. These publications can address questions of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and/or palliation, thereby helping intensivists to integrate the results of sound research at the bedside.  相似文献   

A market basket survey was conducted to monitor organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in potatoes, citrus fruits, and fish collected from local Egyptian markets. Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues for gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) in potatoes were exceeded in 8 samples and for DDT in 2 samples. The aging of HCH and DDT indicated a recent use of both pesticides during the potato storage period between cultivation seasons. However, such use is illegal because HCH mixture isomers (gammaxane) and DDT have been officially prohibited from agricultural use in Egypt since 1980. The highest residue levels of fenitrothion (3.8 ppm) in potatoes may be due to its repeated use before and after harvest. No organochlorine pesticide residues were found in citrus fruits. None of the detected organophosphorus pesticides exceeded their MRLs. HCH and DDT residue limits were exceeded in 5 and 7 fish samples, respectively, collected from 12 markets throughout the country. The heptachlor MRL was violated in only one fish sample (3.9 ppm).  相似文献   

The presence of gliadin-specific IgA and IgG antibodies in colostrum and serum of 140 newly delivered mothers was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, cow's milk protein (CMP)-specific IgA was determined in the colostrum samples. From 14 of the mothers longitudinal milk samples were obtained after 1 and 2 months of lactation and from 12 mothers after 3 months. Gliadin-specific IgA was found in 97.1% and gliadin-specific IgG in 9.3% of the colostrum samples. Gliadin-specific IgA was detected in mature samples but at significantly lower levels after 1, 2, and 3 months of lactation (p less than 0.01) as compared with colostrum. Gliadin-specific IgA was found in 2.8% of the serum samples and gliadin-specific IgG in 40%; however, the levels of both isotypes were low. CMP-specific IgA was found in 78.1% of the colostrum samples. It is concluded that IgA antibodies to two common food proteins are frequently found in human milk and that food-specific IgA present in milk may play a role in adapting the infant's immune reactions to food antigens in the gut.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase (ARP) in complex with benzhydroxamic acid (BHA) as determined by X-ray analysis at 1.6 A shows unambiguously how BHA binds to ARP. BHA is located in the distal heme pocket. Its functional groups are held by three hydrogen bonds to His56N(epsilon), Arg52N(epsilon), and Pro(154)O, but are too far away to interact with the heme iron. The aromatic ring of BHA is positioned at the entrance of the channel to the heme pocket, approximately parallel to the heme group. Most water molecules at the active site of the native enzyme are replaced by BHA, leaving a ligand, probably a water molecule, at the sixth position of the heme. Results are compared with spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Fifty human temporal bones from necropsies were used to study the frequency of canal dehiscences in detail along the course of the facial nerve. Specifically, the study focused on bony dehiscences in the fallopian canal and vascular communications between the facial nerve and the surrounding bone. High frequency of dehiscences at the oval window (60%) and in the pyramidal segment (54%) were found. These dehiscence rates are in agreement with published reports. A 20% rate of dehiscences at the most anterior segment of the tympanic segment was noted and a non-reported high rate (20%) of multiple dehiscences along the course of the fallopian canal in the same temporal bone in specimens of newborns and young children. The significance of these findings in terms of clinical implications is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of hydration and benzene adsorption on 23Na resonance and the quadrupolar interaction in NaY zeolites is studied by triple-quantum MAS 23Na NMR spectroscopy. In the case of a C6D6/NaY system, the results show that with an increase in benzene loading, there is an up-field trend in isotropic chemical shift (delta CS) and a decreasing second order quadrupolar effect (chi s) for the site II sodium ions. It was found that adsorbed benzene molecules have a slight effect on the environment of sodium ions on site I. All the sodium sites in NaY are influenced upon hydration. The up-field shift of the sodium delta CS reflects the effect of coordination of oxygen atoms on sodium cations due to hydration. The magnitude of chi s for hydrated sodium sites increases and then falls off with water loading. The increase in chi s is due to the initial hydration among SI-, SI'- and SII-sodium ions, while the decrease is the result of approaching the final stage of saturated hydration.  相似文献   

Determination of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review concerning the determination of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables is presented. The basic principles and recent developments in the extraction and quantitation of pesticides are discussed. Consideration is given to solid phase and supercritical extraction techniques, automation and robotic systems, and immunoassay procedures.  相似文献   

The renal secretion of carbenicillin (CBPC) was studied in rats. The results obtained in the in vivo study indicated very poor renal secretion of CBPC in rats, which was entirely different from those observed in humans and rabbits. In humans and rabbits, significant and stereoselective renal secretion of CBPC was observed in vivo. In order to verify the poor renal secretion of CBPC in rats, the transport characteristics of the organic anion transporters were studied in vitro using basolateral and brush border membrane vesicles. Transport of p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) into the basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMVs) was inhibited by CBPC, indicating that the organic anion transporter located at the BLM may have affinity to CBPC. In contrast, the transport of PAH into the brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) was not inhibited by CBPC, suggesting that the organic anion transporter located at the BBM may not have affinity to CBPC. Similar results were obtained for sulbenicillin (SBPC). Since CBPC and SBPC exist as di-anions at physiological pH, the organic anion transporter located at the rat renal BBM may not exhibit affinity to water-soluble di-anions, which in turn will result in poor renal secretion of these compounds.  相似文献   

Cleft lip and palate surgery team activities in Cambodia were launched in 1989 by a Japanese non-governmental organization. The objectives of the project were to provide appropriate surgical treatment and safe general anaesthesia for local patients, and also to teach general anaesthesia and surgery to local medical staff. A surgery team was sent on four occasions between 1991 and 1993 and a total of 130 patients received surgical treatment and general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia techniques employed included total intravenous anaesthesia in 70 patients and intravenous anaesthesia and low dose halothane in 60 patients. There were no major complications, such as airway obstruction or apnoea in the postoperative period. Total intravenous anaesthesia is an appropriate technique for patients in developing countries. The teaching of anaesthesia should be emphasized during the surgery team activities.  相似文献   

A method for monitoring pesticides in apple samples, including Soxhlet extraction, an evaporation step and capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection, is applied to a decay study of the carbamate pesticide ethiofencarb. The evaporation step is carried out by a surface nitrogen flow and the recoveries of ethiofencarb measured in standard solutions of ethyl acetate and apple extracts. The results of the decay studies show that ethiofencarb is degraded in the apple peel faster than in the interior of the fruit. The methodology is then applied to decay studies in the laboratory of the organophosphorus pesticides, diclofluanid, fenitrothion and malathion.  相似文献   

Samples of blubber, liver, kidney and brain, obtained from 10 male, 6 female neonatal, and 4 lactating female harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus), were analysed for DDT, dieldrin, PCB, and total mercury. Methyl mercury levels in blood were also determined. Biocide deposition was not significantly different in female and male ten day old pups. There were no significant differences in biocide levels in the liver of the 14/+ day old males, but in blubber there were significant differences in dieldrin and DDT. There was no clear relationship between biocide levels in the 6-18 year old lactating adults and their pups. Younger adult seals (6 and 7 years) were found to have higher levels of PCB and sigmaDDT levels in their blubber than did older females (10 and 18 years). Wide intraspecific variation was noted in organochlorine and mercury residue levels. Pups taken in 1973 were found to have lower organochlorine residues than pups taken in the same area in 1971. Preliminary investigation indicates that detectable amounts of organochlorine and mercury residues are capable of crossing the placenta in the harp seal.  相似文献   

This paper reports the GC determination of 20 organochlorine pesticides in Chinese drugs Flos Ionicerae and Moluodan etc by the present method of Japan for determinaing pesticide residues. The results suggest that except Folium Isatidis, Radix Codonopsis and Sanqi Pian all accord with the for provisions pesticide residues in Japanese foodstuffs.  相似文献   

Planar chromatography is described in the field of water analysis. The principle of automated multiple development (AMD) technique is mentioned, the strategy of the whole procedure which became a German standard is demonstrated and separations of pesticide mixtures, as well as water samples containing pesticides are presented. The suitability of this method was proved for 283 pesticides and the corresponding ISO Standard has been applied for.  相似文献   

An isotopic indicator was used for the determination of the presence of iodine residues in milk after the post-milking dipping of teats in Iodonal A. The residues are below the permitted tolerance limit after the cleaning and disinfection of the milking equipment. As to teat dipping in Iodonal A, the residues are high after this treatment and the concentration of the chemical should be decreased from 33% to 20%.  相似文献   

The market for fish oils as dietary supplements is of global importance. Although it is widely recognised that lipophilic organic chemicals, particularly organochlorines, can accumulate in fish oils, dietary supplements are not routinely considered when estimating average daily intakes for these contaminants. This paper reports levels of organochlorine residues in 44 fish oils, collected from 15 countries between 1994 and 1995, including 38 purchased over the counter as dietary supplements. Despite controls on the use of persistent organochlorine substances, appreciable quantities are found in oils sold as dietary supplements. Levels are discussed in relation to the significance of fish oil dietary supplements as contributors to daily intake of PCBs and pesticide residues.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of solid-phase extraction with Florisil for the determination of 12 organochlorine pesticide residues from human serum was examined. Recoveries greater than 84% and coefficients of variation better than 19% were obtained. Others methods, such as column partition and matrix solid-phase dispersion, were compared. The better method provides quantification limits ranging from 1.08 microg/l for gamma-HCH and 37.5 microg/l for p,p'-DDT when capillary gas-liquid chromatography with electron-capture detection is used for the final determination.  相似文献   

A newly improved Bacillus calidolactis tube diffusion test and two postscreening test systems--a receptor assay (Charm HVS; Charm Sciences, Inc., Malden, MA) and a newly developed Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 mycoides test system--were evaluated for the detection and identification of tetracycline residues using 973 samples of bulk milk taken at random in The Netherlands. All milk samples were assayed with the B. calidolactis tube and the receptor test. The milk samples testing as suspect or positive with one or both of the test systems were analyzed with HPLC (limit of detection, 10 ng/ml) and the recently developed B. cereus test system. The B. calidolactis tube diffusion test detected tetracycline residues > 45 ng/ml in milk. With the B. cereus test plate, residues of oxytetracycline and tetracycline of > 30 ng/ml milk were detected; for chlortetracycline and doxycycline, the detection limit was 10 ng/ml. Raw milk exhibiting inhibition diameters of < 20 mm on the B. cereus test plate fulfilled the European Union criterion for maximum residue level for tetracyclines of < 100 ng/ml (including their 4-epimer derivatives). The detection limits of the receptor assay depended on the type of milk used. The scintillation counts that were obtained for control samples of bulk milk were considerably lower than for the milks obtained from Charm Sciences, Inc. or processed using UHT pasteurization. One of 973 milk samples was suspect for tetracycline residues by means of the B. calidolactis tube test as well as by the receptor assay; 8 other samples were also considered to be positive using the receptor assay alone. The presence of tetracycline residues could not be proved for these 9 samples (residue concentration, < 10 ng/ml) with HPLC. We concluded that the receptor assay was not reliable to detect tetracycline residues in raw milk at < 150 ng/ml. The B. cereus test plate was determined to be an inexpensive, reliable alternative for the receptor assay for detection of tetracycline residues.  相似文献   

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