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Brominated disinfection byproducts (Br-DBPs) are generally more cytotoxic and genotoxic than their chlorinated analogues. A great portion of total organic bromine in chlorinated drinking water is still unknown and may be ascribed to polar Br-DBPs. In this work, a novel approach, precursor ion scan using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, was adopted and further developed for selective detection and identification of polar Br-DBPs, which made it possible to reveal the whole picture of the formation and decomposition of polar Br-DBPs during chlorination. Simulated drinking water samples with chlorine contact times from 1 min to 7 d were analyzed. Many new polar aromatic and unsaturated aliphatic Br-DBPs were detected and tentatively proposed with chemical structures, of which 2,4,6-tribromophenol, 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 2,6-dibromo-1,4-hydroquinone, and 3,3-dibromopropenoic acid were confirmed or identified with authentic standards. It was found that various polar Br-DBPs formed and reached the maximum levels at different chlorine contact times; high molecular weight Br-DBPs might undergo decomposition to relatively low molecular weight Br-DBPs or even finally to haloacetic acids and trihalomethanes. The decomposition of newly detected intermediate Br-DBPs (including molecular ion cluster m/z 345/347/349/351, 2,4,6-tribromophenol, and 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid) during chlorination was investigated in detail. The "black box" from the input of "humic substances + bromide + chlorine" through the output of "haloacetic acids + trihalomethanes" was opened to a significant extent.  相似文献   

The kinetics of iodate formation is a critical factor in mitigation of the formation of potentially toxic and off flavor causing iodoorganic compounds during chlorination. This study demonstrates that the formation of bromine through the oxidation of bromide by chlorine significantly enhances the oxidation of iodide to iodate in a bromide-catalyzed process. The pH-dependent kinetics revealed species specific rate constants of k(HOBr + IO(-)) = 1.9 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), k(BrO(-) + IO(-)) = 1.8 × 10(3) M(-1) s(-1), and k(HOBr + HOI) < 1 M(-1) s(-1). The kinetics and the yield of iodate formation in natural waters depend mainly on the naturally occurring bromide and the type and concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM). The process of free chlorine exposure followed by ammonia addition revealed that the formation of iodo-trihalomethanes (I-THMs), especially iodoform, was greatly reduced by an increase of free chlorine exposure and an increase of the Br(-)/I(-) ratio. In water from the Great Southern River (with a bromide concentration of 200 μg/L), the relative I-incorporation in I-THMs decreased from 18 to 2% when the free chlorine contact time was increased from 2 to 20 min (chlorine dose of 1 mg Cl(2)/L). This observation is inversely correlated with the conversion of iodide to iodate, which increased from 10 to nearly 90%. Increasing bromide concentration also increased the conversion of iodide to iodate: from 45 to nearly 90% with a bromide concentration of 40 and 200 μg/L, respectively, and a prechlorination time of 20 min, while the I-incorporation in I-THMs decreased from 10 to 2%.  相似文献   

Aquatic humic substances react with chlorine to produce numerous disinfection byproducts (DBPs) during chlorination of drinking water. Although low molecular weight (MW) chlorinated DBPs have been intensively studied over the past several decades, relatively little is known about high MW chlorinated DBPs (above 500 Da) that may be associated with adverse health implications. In this work, carrier-free radioactive 36Cl was introduced into a Suwannee River fulvic acid sample to label the chlorine-containing DBPs. By combining the fractionation techniques of ultrafiltration (UF) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with the detection of 36Cl, UV, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the high MW region in the SEC-36Cl profiles of the chlorinated sample with and without UF was defined. SEC-UV and SEC-DOC profiles were found to be approximately indicative of SEC-36Cl profiles for the high MW region. The MW distribution shows that the high MW chlorinated DBPs were highly dispersed with an average MW around 2000 Da based on calibration with polystyrene sulfonate standards. The Cl/C atomic ratios of the high MW DBPs were roughly constant (0.025), which is much lower than those of the common known chlorinated DBPs.  相似文献   

Using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), we investigated the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) from high bromide waters (2 mg/L) treated with chlorine or chlorine dioxide used in combination with chlorine and chloramines. This study represents the first comprehensive investigation of DBPs formed by chlorine dioxide under high bromide conditions. Drinking water from full-scale treatment plants in Israel was studied, along with source water (Sea of Galilee) treated under carefully controlled laboratory conditions. Select DBPs (trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, aldehydes, chlorite, chlorate, and bromate) were quantified. Many of the DBPs identified have not been previously reported, and several of the identifications were confirmed through the analysis of authentic standards. Elevated bromide levels in the source water caused a significant shift in speciation to bromine-containing DBPs; bromoform and dibromoacetic acid were the dominant DBPs observed, with very few chlorine-containing compounds found. Iodo-trihalomethanes were also identified, as well as a number of new brominated carboxylic acids and 2,3,5-tribromopyrrole, which represents the first time a halogenated pyrrole has been reported as a DBP. Most of the bromine-containing DBPs were formed during pre-chlorination at the initial reservoir, and were not formed by chlorine dioxide itself. An exception wasthe iodo-THMs, which appeared to be formed by a combination of chlorine dioxide with chloramines or chlorine (either added deliberately or as an impurity in the chlorine dioxide). A separate laboratory study was also conducted to quantitatively determine the contribution of fulvic acids and humic acids (from isolated natural organic matter in the Sea of Galilee) as precursor material to several of the DBPs identified. Results showed that fulvic acid plays a greater role in the formation of THMs, haloacetic acids, and aldehydes, but 2,3,5-tribromopyrrole was produced primarily from humic acid. Because this was the first time a halopyrrole has been identified as a DBP, 2,3,5-tribromopyrrole was tested for mammalian cell cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. In comparison to other DBPs, 2,3,5-tribromopyrrole was 8x, 4.5x, and 16x more cytotoxic than dibromoacetic acid, 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2-[5H]-furanone [MX], and potassium bromate, respectively. 2,3,5-Tribromopyrrole also induced acute genomic damage, with a genotoxic potency (299 microM) similar to that of MX.  相似文献   

Disinfection of drinking water is the most successful measure to reduce water-borne diseases and protect health. However, disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed from the reaction of disinfectants such as chlorine and monochloramine with organic matter may cause bladder cancer and other adverse health effects. In this study the formation of DBPs through a full-scale water treatment plant serving a metropolitan area in Australia was assessed using in vitro bioanalytical tools, as well as through quantification of halogen-specific adsorbable organic halogens (AOXs), characterization of organic matter, and analytical quantification of selected regulated and emerging DBPs. The water treatment train consisted of coagulation, sand filtration, chlorination, addition of lime and fluoride, storage, and chloramination. Nonspecific toxicity peaked midway through the treatment train after the chlorination and storage steps. The dissolved organic matter concentration decreased after the coagulation step and then essentially remained constant during the treatment train. Concentrations of AOXs increased upon initial chlorination and continued to increase through the plant, probably due to increased chlorine contact time. Most of the quantified DBPs followed a trend similar to that of AOXs, with maximum concentrations observed in the final treated water after chloramination. The mostly chlorinated and brominated DBPs formed during treatment also caused reactive toxicity to increase after chlorination. Both genotoxicity with and without metabolic activation and the induction of the oxidative stress response pathway showed the same pattern as the nonspecific toxicity, with a maximum activity midway through the treatment train. Although measured effects cannot be directly translated to adverse health outcomes, this study demonstrates the applicability of bioanalytical tools to investigate DBP formation in a drinking water treatment plant, despite bioassays and sample preparation not yet being optimized for volatile DBPs. As such, the bioassays are useful as monitoring tools as they provide sensitive responses even at low DBP levels.  相似文献   

Clinical studies have documented the promotion of respiratory ailments (e.g., asthma) among swimmers, especially in indoor swimming pools. Most studies of this behavior have identified trichloramine (NCl3) as the causative agent for these respiratory ailments; however, the analytical methods employed in these studies were not suited for identification or quantification of other volatile disinfection byproducts (DPBs) that could also contribute to this process. To address this issue, volatile DBP formation resulting from the chlorination of four model compounds (creatinine, urea, L-histidine, and L-arginine) was investigated over a range of chlorine/precursor (Cl/P) molar ratios. Trichloramine was observed to result from chlorination of all four model organic-nitrogen compounds. In addition to trichloramine, dichloromethylamine (CH3NCl2) was detected in the chlorination of creatinine, while cyanogen chloride (CNCl) and dichoroacetonitrile (CNCHCl2) were identified in the chlorination of L-histidine. Roughly 0.1 mg/L (as Cl2) NCl3, 0.01 mg/L CNCHCl2, and 0.01 mg/L CH3NCl2 were also observed in actual swimming pool water samples. DPD/FAS titration and MIMS (membrane introduction mass spectrometry) were both employed to measure residual chlorine and DBPs. The combined application of these methods allowed for identification of sources of interference in the conventional method (DPD/FAS), as well as structural information about the volatile DBPs that formed. The analysis by MIMS clearly indicates that volatile DBP formation in swimming pools is not limited to inorganic chloramines and haloforms. Additional experimentation allowed for the identification of possible reaction pathways to describe the formation of these DBPs from the precursor compounds used in this study.  相似文献   

The application of UV disinfection in water treatment is increasing due to both its effectiveness against protozoan pathogens, and the perception that its lack of chemical inputs would minimize disinfection byproduct formation. However, previous research has indicated that treatment of nitrate-containing drinking waters with polychromatic medium pressure (MP), but not monochromatic (254 nm) low pressure (LP), UV lamps followed by chlorination could promote chloropicrin formation. To better understand this phenomenon, conditions promoting the formation of the full suite of chlorinated halonitromethanes and haloacetonitriles were studied. MP UV/postchlorination of authentic filter effluent waters increased chloropicrin formation up to an order of magnitude above the 0.19 μg/L median level in the U.S. EPA's Information Collection Rule database, even at disinfection-level fluences (<300 mJ/cm(2)) and nitrate/nitrite concentrations (1.0 mg/L-N) relevant to drinking waters. Formation was up to 2.5 times higher for postchlorination than for postchloramination. Experiments indicated that the nitrating agent, NO(2)(?), generated during nitrate photolysis, was primarily responsible for halonitromethane promotion. LP UV treatment up to 1500 mJ/cm(2) did not enhance halonitromethane formation. Although MP UV/postchloramination enhanced dichloroacetonitrile formation with Sigma-Aldrich humic acid, formation was not significant in field waters. Prechlorination/MP UV nearly doubled chloropicrin formation compared to MP UV/postchlorination, but effects on haloacetonitrile formation were not significant.  相似文献   

Chlorinated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) generated from the reaction of the disinfectant chlorine with naturally occurring humic substances in raw water have been intensively studied over the past three decades, yet only a fraction of the total organic halogen (TOX) formed during chlorination has been chemically identified or even well characterized. The majority of the unknown portion of the TOX is likely attributable to high molecular weight (MW) DBPs (above 500), which may have potential adverse health effects. In this work, typically dosed chlorinated Suwannee River fulvic acid (SRFA) samples with and without coagulation pretreatment were separated and fractionated by using ultrafiltration (UF) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) techniques. The SEC fractions corresponding to the high MW region were concentrated with nitrogen sparging and characterized by negative ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ESI-MS/MS. The results demonstrate that the ESI-MS/MS precursor ion scan is an effective tool for the selective detection of the electrospray ionizable chlorine-containing compounds in a complex mixture. Many high MW chlorine-containing DBPs were tentatively found in the UF-SEC fractions of the chlorinated SRFA samples with/without coagulation pretreatment. The SEC-UV chromatograms and SEC-ESI-MS spectra show that coagulation could significantly reduce the formation of high MW chlorinated DBPs.  相似文献   

Formation of the potent carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) during chlorine disinfection of water containing secondary amines is now generally acknowledged. The phenylurea herbicide diuron is one of the most widely used herbicides in California, has been frequently detected in California's water sources with a transient nature of appearance, and has a structure that suggests it might be an NDMA precursor. This study sought to quantify the potential for NDMA formation from aqueous diuron solutions under varied chlorine and chloramine conditions. NDMA formation was consistently observed even in the absence of added ammonia, which has usually been the source of the nitroso-nitrogen during chloramination of other precursors. It appears that both nitrogen atoms in NDMA are donated by diuron during chlorination in the absence of added ammonia. For a given chlorine and diuron dose, NDMA formation increased in the order OCl- < NH2Cl < NHCl2, a result consistentwith previous NDMAformation studies. Significant quantities of NDMA (170 ng/L) were produced during dichloramination of diuron using a low dichloramine concentration and a diuron concentration at the upper end of typically detected concentrations in California (20 microg/L), suggesting a need for further investigation to accurately assess the human health risks posed by diuron with respect to NDMA formation potential. A reaction pathway is proposed to provide a possible explanation for NDMA formation from diuron during chlorination or chloramination. The findings in this study identify a specific potential precursor of NDMA formation, one that arises from nonpoint sources. This further highlights the difficulties associated with determining the environmental safety of chemicals and their associated byproducts.  相似文献   

Triclosan is a widely used antibacterial agent found in many personal hygiene products. Although it has previously been established that pure triclosan and free chlorine readily react, interactions between triclosan-containing consumer products and free chlorine have not previously been analyzed in great depth. Sixteen double-blinded solutions including both triclosan-containing (1.14-3.12 mg triclosan/g product) and triclosan-free products were contacted with free chlorine at pH 7. Products detected included (chlorophenoxy) phenols, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, and chloroform. The daughter product yields were found to be highly variable and were dependent on the antimicrobial product investigated, the free chlorine to triclosan ratio, and the temperature at which the study was conducted. Lowering the temperature from 40 to 30 degrees C resulted in a decreased average chloroform yield from 0.50 to 0.37 mol chloroform/mol triclosan consumed after 1 min of reaction time for an initial free chlorine concentration of 4.0 mg/L as Cl2. At 40 degrees C the average molar chloroform yields decreased to 0.29 and <0.1 when the initial free chlorine concentration was decreased to either 2.0 or 1.0 mg/L as Cl2, respectively. Field experiments, in which Atlanta, GA and Danville, VA tap waters were augmented with various soap products, exhibited results varying from the laboratory experiments in that different productyields were observed. These differences are attributed to the chlorine demand of constituents in the tap water. A simple exposure model suggests that exposure to chloroform can be significant under some conditions.  相似文献   

Corrosion of iron pipes leads to the release of ferrous iron, Fe(II), and the formation of iron oxides, such as goethite and magnetite, on the pipe surface. Fe(II), a potent reductant when associated with iron oxide surfaces, can mediate the reduction of halogenated organic compounds. Batch experiments were performed to investigate the kinetics and pathways of the degradation of selected chlorinated disinfection byproducts (OBPs) by Fe(II) in the presence of synthetic goethite and magnetite. Trichloronitromethane was degraded via reduction, while trichloroacetonitrile, 1,1,1-trichloropropanone, and trichloroacetaldyde hydrate were transformed via both hydrolysis and reduction. Chloroform and trichloroacetic acid were unreactive. Observed pseudo-first-order reductive dehalogenation rates were influenced by DBP chemical structure and identity of the reductant. Fe(II) bound to iron minerals had greater reactivity than either aqueous Fe(II) or structural Fe(II) present in magnetite. For DBPs of structure Cl3C-R, reductive dehalogenation rate constants normalized by the surface density of Fe(II) on both goethite and magnetite correlated with the electronegativity of the -R group and with one electron reduction potential. In addition to chemical transformation, sorption onto the iron oxide minerals was also an important loss process for 1,1,1-trichloropropanone.  相似文献   

The halogenated acetic acids are a major class of drinking water disinfection byproducts (DBPs) with five haloacetic acids regulated by the U.S. EPA. These agents are cytotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic, and teratogenic. The decreasing toxicity rank order of the monohalogenated acetic acids (monoHAAs) is iodo- > bromo- > chloroacetic acid. We present data that the monoHAAs inhibit glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) activity in a concentration-dependent manner with the same rank order as above. The rate of inhibition of GAPDH and the toxic potency of the monoHAAs are highly correlated with their alkylating potential and the propensity of the halogen leaving group. This strong association between GAPDH inhibition and the monoHAA toxic potency supports a comprehensive mechanism for the adverse biological effects by this widely occurring class of regulated DBPs.  相似文献   

Iodoacid drinking water disinfection byproducts (DBPs) were recently uncovered in drinking water samples from source water with a high bromide/iodide concentration that was disinfected with chloramines. The purpose of this paper is to report the analytical chemical identification of iodoacetic acid (IA) and other iodoacids in drinking water samples, to address the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of IA in Salmonella typhimurium and mammalian cells, and to report a structure-function analysis of IA with its chlorinated and brominated monohalogenated analogues. The iodoacid DBPs were identified as iodoacetic acid, bromoiodoacetic acid, (Z)- and (E)-3-bromo-3-iodopropenoic acid, and (E)-2-iodo-3-methylbutenedioic acid. IA represents a new class (iodoacid DBPs) of highly toxic drinking water contaminants. The cytotoxicity of IA in S. typhimurium was 2.9x and 53.5x higher than bromoacetic acid (BA) and chloroacetic acid (CA), respectively. A similar trend was found with cytotoxicity in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells; IA was 3.2x and 287.5x more potent than BA and CA, respectively. This rank order was also expressed in its genotoxicity with IA being 2.6x and 523.3x more mutagenic in S. typhimurium strain TA100 than BA and CA, respectively. IA was 2.0x more genotoxic than BA and 47.2x more genotoxic than CA in CHO cells. The rank order of the toxicity of these monohalogenated acetic acids is correlated with the electrophilic reactivity of the DBPs. IA is the most toxic and genotoxic DBP in mammalian cells reported in the literature. These data suggest that chloraminated drinking waters that have high bromide and iodide source waters may contain these iodoacids and most likely other iodo-DBPs. Ultimately, it will be important to know the levels at which these iodoacids occur in drinking water in order to assess the potential for adverse environmental and human health risks.  相似文献   

Despite the growth in aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) as a technique for the provision of potable water supplies, quantitative data on the fate of disinfection byproducts that may be present in the injected water remain rare. This study evaluates the data from eight ASR sites in Australia and the United States that cover a wide range of source water compositions, hydrogeological environments, and operating conditions. Rates of attenuation and formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) in groundwater were determined using analytical techniques that took dilution effects into account. Half-lives varied by more than 2 orders of magnitude (e.g., <1 to >120 days for total THMs) and were both compound- and site- specific. Chloroform was most persistent, and more highly brominated compounds tended to be less persistent, as has generally been found. For any particular THM compound, much of the variability could be explained by contrasts in geochemical conditions within the aquifer since microbial degradation is the primary mechanism for THM attenuation. As such, bounds on the half-life were defined according to the redox state of the groundwater. In situ formation of some THMs in the aquifer after injection was directly observed at a number of sites, and was predicted to have taken place at all sites. The variance in formation estimates was large between the different methods used. Formation may be more common than previously thought because of the low frequency of groundwater sampling after injection and concomitant attenuation and mixing.  相似文献   

The decreasing availability of pristine water supplies is prompting drinking water utilities to exploit waters impacted by wastewater effluents and agricultural runoff. As these waters feature elevated organic nitrogen concentrations, the pathways responsible for transformation of organic nitrogen into toxic nitrogenous disinfection byproducts during chlorine and chloramine disinfection are of current concern. Partially degraded biomolecules likely constitute a significant fraction of organic nitrogen in these waters. As primary amines occur in important biomolecules, we investigated formation pathways for nitrile, aldehyde, and halonitroalkane byproducts during chlorination and chloramination of model primary amines. Chlorine and chloramines transformed primary amines to nitriles and aldehydes in significant yields overtime scales relevant to drinking water distribution systems. Yields of halonitroalkanes were less significant yet may be important because of the high toxicity associated with these compounds. Our results indicate that chloramination should reduce nitrile concentrations compared to chlorination but may increase the formation of aldehydes and halonitroalkanes at high oxidant doses.  相似文献   

There is a need for new technologies to rapidly and economically treatwater contaminated with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and related compounds because of their high toxicity and recent detection in drinking water sources as a consequence of industrial releases and chlorine disinfection of wastewater effluent Treatment of N-nitrosamines with H2 in conjunction with a high surface area porous nickel material, a model nonprecious metal catalyst, has been evaluated. Experiments show that NDMA is reduced rapidly and catalytically to dimethylamine and N2 (e.g., t1/2 = 1.5 min for 500 mg/L catalyst and PH2 = 1 atm), and kinetic trends are consistent with a surface-mediated mechanism involving scission of the N-nitrosamine N-N bond and subsequent reactions with adsorbed atomic hydrogen. The metal-loading-normalized pseudo-first-order rate constant (77.9 +/- 13.1 L g(Ni)(-1) h(-1)) exceeds values reported for Pd-based catalysts. Several related N-nitrosamines react at rates similar to those of NDMA, indicating a weak dependence on structure. The reaction rates for NDMA reduction are not significantly affected by changing pH, and the presence of high concentrations of many common water constituents (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO4(2-), HCO(3-), and NOM) exerts only a small effect on reaction rates. Nitrate is also reduced by the Ni catalyst, and high nitrate concentrations competitively inhibit the reduction of NDMA. (Bi)sulfide poisons the catalyst by strong chemisorption to the Ni surface. Cost-normalized rate constants for the Ni catalyst are highly favorable compared to Pd-based catalysts, indicating that, with further development, Ni-based catalysts may become attractive alternatives to precious metal catalysts.  相似文献   

Tribromonitromethane (bromopicrin), dibromochloronitromethane, bromodichloronitromethane, and trichloronitromethane (chloropicrin) have been identified as drinking water disinfection byproducts (DBPs). They are thermally unstable and decompose under commonly used injection port temperatures (200-250 degrees C) during gas chromatography (GC) or GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The major decomposition products are haloforms (such as bromoform), which result from the abstraction of a hydrogen atom from the solvent bythermally generated trihalomethyl radicals. A number of other products formed by radical reactions with the solvent and other radicals were also detected. The trihalonitromethanes also decompose in the hot GC/MS transfer line, and the mass spectra obtained are mixed spectra of the undecomposed parent compound and decomposition products. This can complicate the identification of these compounds by GC/MS. Trihalomethyl compounds that do not have a nitro group, such as tribromoacetonitrile, carbon tetrabromide, methyl tribromoacetate, and tribromoacetaldehyde, do not decompose or only slightly decompose in the GC injection port and GC/MS transfer line. The brominated trihalomethyl compounds studied also showed H/Br exchange by some of their fragment ions. This H/Br exchange also makes the identification of these compounds in drinking water more difficult. The extent of H/Br exchange was found to depend on the mass spectrometer ion source temperature, and it is proposed that the internal surface of the ion source is involved in this process.  相似文献   

Distilled residues (DR) of rice spirit and its derived vinegar produced a negligible inhibitory effect on advanced glycation end-products (AGE) formation. However, recycled DRs of rice spirit and barley spirit and their derived vinegars inhibited formation of Nε(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), a major AGE. Unlike the aforementioned DR and derived vinegars, the DR of sweet potato spirit and vinegar, contained very little protein, lysine and arginine, but they most potently inhibited CML formation. The DRs of various spirits and vinegars showed similar free radical-scavenging activities.  相似文献   

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