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提出了一种碳纤维增强复合材料点阵夹芯结构的一体化成型工艺方法。该方法克服了传统夹芯结构面板与芯子之间因需要二次粘接或焊接的方法所带来弱界面的缺点。将纤维杆两端埋入面板内,使面板与芯子成为一体而不存在明显的界面。对用该方法制备的碳纤维增强金字塔点阵夹芯板进行平压试验,研究发现随着载荷的增加,纤维杆发生弹性屈曲并在中间部位出现断裂。理论分析了点阵夹芯结构平压载荷下的弹性模量和纤维杆极限屈曲载荷。通过与传统夹芯材料相比较发现,这种新型复合材料点阵夹芯结构具有密度低、比强度和比刚度高等优点。 相似文献
A method of manufacturing carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) tetrahedral lattice truss core sandwich structure by thermal expansion silicon rubber mould was developed. The sandwich structure was manufactured integrally without secondary bonding and the silicon rubber mould can be made mass-production with low cost in this approach. The intrinsic property of the CFRP was fully exploited because of carbon fibres aligned in the axial orientation of the truss member. The mechanical properties of CFRP tetrahedral lattice truss core sandwich structures were investigated by flatwise compression and shear test. The experimental results indicate that CFRP tetrahedral lattice truss core sandwich structures have higher weight-specific compressive strength than some metal truss cores, and are competitive with conventional honeycombs. 相似文献
A novel hybrid truss construction concept is presented that incorporates a second-phase core material into trusses of carbon fiber (CF) composite pyramidal lattice (CPL) structures. Embedded core materials of wood and silicone rubber are selected for trial structures. Hybrid CPL structures were fabricated using a hot press molding approach and out-of-plane compression tests were performed to investigate properties. For prototype wood–core truss CPL, structural efficiencies increased comparing with solid truss CPL, while energy absorption capability was enhanced for rubber–core truss CPL. Employing the hybrid truss construction, the density-specific performance space of CF composite lattice structures can be expanded, and desired functional potential can be realized by judicious selection of core materials while simultaneously retaining structural properties. 相似文献
Composite sandwich structures with lattice truss cores are attracting more and more attention due to their superior specific strength/stiffness and multi-functional applications. In the present study, the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite sandwich panels with 2-D lattice truss core are manufactured based on the hot-pressing method using unidirectional carbon/epoxy prepregs. The facesheets are interconnected with lattice truss members by means of that both ends of the lattice truss members are embedded into the facesheets, without the bonding procedure commonly adopted by sandwich panels. The mechanical properties of the 2-D lattice truss sandwich panels are investigated under out-of-plane compression, shear and three-point bending tests. Delamination of the facesheets is observed in shear and bending tests while node failure mode does not occur. The tests demonstrate that delamination of the facesheet is the primary failure mode of this sandwich structure other than the debonding between the facesheets and core for conventional sandwiches. 相似文献
An experimental study was performed to investigate the effect of high temperature exposure on mechanical properties of carbon fiber composite sandwich panel with pyramidal truss core. For this purpose, sandwich panels were exposed to different temperatures for different times. Then sandwich panels were tested under out-of-plane compression till failure after thermal exposure. Our results indicated that both the thermal exposure temperature and time were the important factors affecting the failure of sandwich panels. Severe reductions in residual compressive modulus and strength were observed when sandwich panels were exposed to 300 °C for 6 h. The effect of high temperature exposure on failure mode of sandwich panel was revealed as well. Delamination and low fiber to matrix adhesion caused by the degradation of the matrix properties were found for the specimens exposed to 300 °C. The modulus and strength of sandwich panels at different thermal exposure temperatures and times were predicted with proposed method and compared with measured results. Experimental results showed that the predicted values were close to experimental values. 相似文献
Zhenkun Guo 《先进材料力学与结构力学》2019,26(5):424-429
An effective methodology is developed to investigate the vibration of the sandwich plate with pyramidal lattice core. Equation of motion of lattice sandwich plate is established by Hamilton's principle. Displacement fields are expressed with a simple method, and the natural frequencies of the lattice sandwich plate are conveniently calculated. The correctness of the analytical method is verified by comparing the present results with published literatures. The effects of structural and material parameters on the vibration characteristics of lattice sandwich plate are analyzed. The present method will be useful for vibration analysis and design of lattice sandwich plates. 相似文献
针对含孔复合材料点阵夹层结构在面内压缩载荷作用下的失效模式及其影响因素问题,通过实验对含孔复合材料点阵夹层结构失效模式进行了研究;基于3D Hashin准则和Chang-Chang刚度退化准则建立了含孔复合材料点阵夹层结构有限元渐进损伤失效分析模型,并将计算结果与实验结果进行了对比;基于有限元分析方法探讨了开孔形状、开孔率以及开孔位置对其极限承载力的影响。结果表明:当点阵夹层结构面板厚度较大时,含孔复合材料点阵夹层结构的主要失效模式为面板圧溃;通过对比有限元计算结果和实验结果,极限承载力的最大误差约为12%,失效位置与实验结果一致;当点阵夹层结构的对称面与载荷方向平行且孔的中心在对称面上时,面内压缩强度与开孔位置无关,主要受到开孔形状和开孔率的影响;当点阵夹层结构对称面与载荷方向垂直且孔的中心在对称面上时,边距大于一个胞元,面内压缩强度基本不变,边距小于一个胞元,面内压缩强度下降。 相似文献
Christian J. Yungwirth Haydn N.G. Wadley John H. O’Connor Alan J. Zakraysek Vikram S. Deshpande 《International Journal of Impact Engineering》2008
The ballistic performance edge clamped 304 stainless-steel sandwich panels has been measured by impacting the plates at mid-span with a spherical steel projectile whose impact velocity ranged from 250 to 1300 m s−1. The sandwich plates comprised two identical face sheets and a pyramidal truss core: the diameter of the impacting spherical projectile was approximately half the 25 mm truss core cell size. The ballistic behavior has been compared with monolithic 304 stainless-steel plates of approximately equal areal mass and with high-strength aluminum alloy (6061-T6) sandwich panels of identical geometry. The ballistic performance is quantified in terms of the entry and exit projectile velocities while high-speed photography is used to investigate the dynamic deformation and failure mechanisms. The stainless-steel sandwich panels were found to have a much higher ballistic resistance than the 6061-T6 aluminum alloy panels on a per volume basis but the ballistic energy absorption of the aluminum structures was slightly higher on a per unit mass basis. The ballistic performance of the monolithic and sandwich panels is almost identical though the failure mechanics of these two types of structures are rather different. At high impact velocities, the monolithic plates fail by ductile hole enlargement. By contrast, only the proximal face sheet of the sandwich plate undergoes this type of failure. The distal face sheet fails by a petalling mode over the entire velocity range investigated here. Given the substantially higher blast resistance of sandwich plates compared to monolithic plates of equal mass, we conclude that sandwich plates display a potential to outperform monolithic plates in multi-functional applications that combine blast resistance and ballistic performance. 相似文献
Free vibration of AISI 304 stainless steel sandwich beams with pyramidal truss core is investigated in the present paper. The lattice truss core is transformed to a continuous homogeneous material. Considering the deformation characteristics of the sandwich beam, the following assumptions are made: (1) the thickness of the sandwich beam remains constant during deformation; (2) for the thin face sheets, only bending deformation is considered, neglecting the effect of transverse shear deformation; (3) for the core, only shear deformation is considered as the core is too weak to provide a significant contribution to the bending stiffness of the sandwich beam. The shear stress is assumed to be constant along the thickness of the core. The governing equation of free vibration is derived from Hamilton's principle, and the natural frequencies are calculated under simply supported boundary conditions. Finally, numerical simulation is carried out to get the mode shapes and natural frequencies. Our results show that the theoretical solutions agree well with the numerical results. It indicates the present method would be useful for free vibration analysis of sandwich beams with lattice truss core. 相似文献
A new method for fabricating carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss cores was developed based on the molding hot-press technique. In this method, all the continuous fibers of composite are aligned in the direction of struts and thus, the truss structure can fully exploit the intrinsic strength of the fiber reinforced composite. The microstructure and organizations of fibers of fabricated composite structures were examined using scanning electron microscope. The crushing response of the truss cores was also investigated and the corresponding failure modes were studied and complemented with an analytic model of the core crushing response. Our results show that the fabricated low-density truss cores have superior compressive strength and thus, could be used in development of novel lightweight multifunctional structures. 相似文献
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite sandwich panels with hybrid foam filled CFRP pyramidal lattice cores have been assembled from linear carbon fiber braids and Divinycell H250 polymer foam trapezoids. These have been stitched to 3D woven carbon fiber face sheets and infused with an epoxy resin using a vacuum assisted resin transfer molding process. Sandwich panels with carbon fiber composite truss volumes of 1.5–17.5% of the core volume have been fabricated, and the through-thickness compressive strength and modulus measured, and compared with micromechanical models that establish the relationships between the mechanical properties of the core, its topology and the mechanical properties of the truss and foam. The through thickness modulus and strength of the hybrid cores is found to increase with increasing truss core volume fraction. However, the lattice strength saturates at high CFRP truss volume fraction as the proportion of the truss material contained in the nodes increases. The use of linear carbon fiber braids is shown to facilitate the simpler fabrication of hybrid CFRP structures compared to previously described approaches. Their specific strength, moduli and energy absorption is found to be comparable to those made by alternative approaches. 相似文献
With the equivalent mechanical properties of composite materials, analytical formulae of critical load for an all-composite sandwich column with pyramidal truss core are derived. Four failure modes are considered: macro Euler buckling, macro shear buckling, face-sheet wrinkling and face-sheet crushing. Failure mechanism maps are constructed with the four competing failure modes, and the relationship between the failure mechanism maps and material mechanical properties is discussed. Selected experiments validate the analytical predictions, and reasonable agreement is obtained. Macro shear buckling is the main failure mode for the sandwich column specimens, which is attributed to the low stiffness of core. The final failure loads is related to the strength of the nodes between face-sheets and truss core, so the node strength is the key of improving the failure load. Given by numerical simulations, the failure loads and failure modes agree well with analytical predictions. 相似文献
A combined theoretical, experimental and numerical investigation of carbon fiber composite pyramidal core sandwich plates subjected to torsion loading is conducted. Pyramidal core sandwich plates are made from carbon fiber composite material by a hot compression molding method. Based on the Classical Laminate Plate Theory and Shear Deformation Theory, the equivalent mechanical properties of laminated face-sheet are obtained; based on a homogenization concept combined with a mechanical of materials approach, the equivalent in-plane and out-of-plane shear moduli of pyramidal core are obtained. A torsion solution is derived with Prandtl stress function and can be used in the sandwich plate with orthotropic face-sheets and orthotropic core. The influences of material properties and geometrical parameters on the equivalent torsional stiffness are explored. In order to verify the accuracy of the analytical torsion solution, experimental tests of sandwich plate samples with different face-sheet thicknesses are conducted and two types of finite element models are developed. Good agreements among analytical predictions, finite element simulations and experimental evaluations are achieved, which prove the validity of the present derivation and simulation. The proposed method could also be applied in design applications and optimization of the pyramidal core sandwich structures. 相似文献
The effects of local damage on the natural frequencies and the corresponding vibration modes of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich structures are studied in the present paper. Hot press molding method is used to fabricate intact and damaged pyramidal truss core sandwich structures, and modal testing is carried out to obtain their natural frequencies. A FEM model is also constructed to investigate their vibration characteristics numerically. It is found that the calculated natural frequencies are in relatively good agreement with the measured results. By using the experimentally validated FEM model, a series of numerical analyses are conducted to further explore the effects of damage extent, damage location, damage form on the vibration characteristics of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich structures as well as the influence of boundary conditions. The conclusion derived from this study is expected to be useful for analyzing practical problems related to structural health monitoring of composite lattice sandwich structures. 相似文献
Mechanical property of lattice truss material in sandwich panel including strut flexural deformation
Lattice truss materials are usually assumed to be stretching dominated neglecting the bending resistance of struts. In this paper, bending resistance of struts is considered for lattice truss sandwich panels. The mechanical behaviors are not only decided by the relative density of the lattice and the strut inclination, but also the slenderness ratio of the strut. For stout and hierarchical struts, the slenderness ratio turns to smaller, and the shear force and the bending moment are comparable to the strut axial force. Compared with the stretching dominated theory, the stiffness of the lattice material should be improved while the strength reduced, which has been proved to be more consistent with experimental results. 相似文献
考虑一体化成型工艺制备的复合材料点阵夹芯结构及其不确定性,采用区间向量实现不确定参数定量化,建立复合材料点阵夹芯结构平压性能区间分析模型.考虑结构功能状态判断的模糊性,分别在不考虑设计容差与考虑设计容差情形下,建立了不确定平压载荷作用下含区间参数模糊可靠性分析与优化模型.研究结果表明:材料参数及结构参数不确定性,特别是设计容差对复合材料点阵夹芯结构平压性能影响明显,因此在工程优化中不仅需要充分考虑材料参数与外部载荷等不确定性,而且需要充分重视传统不确定设计方法中未计及的设计容差的影响.本研究实现了理论成果与工程应用的有机结合,为工程领域复合材料点阵夹芯结构平压性能分析与优化提供有效理论方法. 相似文献
考虑一体化成型工艺制备的复合材料点阵夹芯结构及其不确定性, 采用区间向量实现不确定参数定量化, 建立复合材料点阵夹芯结构平压性能区间分析模型。考虑结构功能状态判断的模糊性, 分别在不考虑设计容差与考虑设计容差情形下, 建立了不确定平压载荷作用下含区间参数模糊可靠性分析与优化模型。研究结果表明: 材料参数及结构参数不确定性, 特别是设计容差对复合材料点阵夹芯结构平压性能影响明显, 因此在工程优化中不仅需要充分考虑材料参数与外部载荷等不确定性, 而且需要充分重视传统不确定设计方法中未计及的设计容差的影响。本研究实现了理论成果与工程应用的有机结合, 为工程领域复合材料点阵夹芯结构平压性能分析与优化提供有效理论方法。 相似文献
C/SiC composite sandwich structure with stitched lattice core was fabricated by a technique that involved polymer impregnation and interweaving. The mechanical behaviors of C/SiC composite sandwich structure were investigated at room temperature. The out-of-plane compressive strength was 20.97 MPa while modulus was 1473.55 MPa. The microstructural evolution on compression fracture surfaces of the stitching yarns was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, and the damage pattern of fibers on compression fracture surface was presented and discussed. Under an in-plane compression loading, the C/SiC composite sandwich structure displayed a linear-elastic behavior until failure. The peak strength and average modulus are 165.61 MPa and 19.74 GPa, respectively. The failure of the specimen was dominated by the fracture of the facesheet. 相似文献
Response of metallic pyramidal lattice core sandwich panels to high intensity impulsive loading in air 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kumar P. Dharmasena Haydn N.G. WadleyKeith Williams Zhenyu XueJohn W. Hutchinson 《International Journal of Impact Engineering》2011,38(5):275-289
Small scale explosive loading of sandwich panels with low relative density pyramidal lattice cores has been used to study the large scale bending and fracture response of a model sandwich panel system in which the core has little stretch resistance. The panels were made from a ductile stainless steel and the practical consequence of reducing the sandwich panel face sheet thickness to induce a recently predicted beneficial fluid-structure interaction (FSI) effect was investigated. The panel responses are compared to those of monolithic solid plates of equivalent areal density. The impulse imparted to the panels was varied from 1.5 to 7.6 kPa s by changing the standoff distance between the center of a spherical explosive charge and the front face of the panels. A decoupled finite element model has been used to computationally investigate the dynamic response of the panels. It predicts panel deformations well and is used to identify the deformation time sequence and the face sheet and core failure mechanisms. The study shows that efforts to use thin face sheets to exploit FSI benefits are constrained by dynamic fracture of the front face and that this failure mode is in part a consequence of the high strength of the inertially stabilized trusses. Even though the pyramidal lattice core offers little in-plane stretch resistance, and the FSI effect is negligible during loading by air, the sandwich panels are found to suffer slightly smaller back face deflections and transmit smaller vertical component forces to the supports compared to equivalent monolithic plates. 相似文献