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The impact of disinfection efficacy in natural waters was evaluated by performing disinfection assays using four untreated surface waters of various qualities and ultra-pure buffered waters as a baseline condition for comparison. Bacillus subtilis spores were spiked in these waters and disinfection assays were conducted at 22 degrees C using either free chlorine or chlorine dioxide. Assays using indigenous aerobic spores were also completed. The inactivation kinetics in natural and ultra-pure buffered waters were not statistically different (at p = 0.05) while using free chlorine, as long as disinfectant decay was taken into account. Filtering natural waters through a 0.45 microm did not improve the sporicidal efficacy of chlorine. For three out of the four waters tested, the efficacy of chlorine dioxide was greater in natural waters compared to that observed in ultra-pure buffered waters. Such results are consistent with previous observations using ultra-pure waters supplemented with NOM-extract from the Suwannee River. Similar to free chlorine results, the impact of filtration (0.45 microm) on the efficacy of chlorine dioxide was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of Escherichia coli inactivation by several disinfectants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to elucidate dominant mechanisms of inactivation, i.e. surface attack versus intracellular attack, during application of common water disinfectants such as ozone, chlorine dioxide, free chlorine and UV irradiation. Escherichia coli was used as a representative microorganism. During cell inactivation, protein release, lipid peroxidation, cell permeability change, damage in intracellular enzyme and morphological change were comparatively examined. For the same level of cell inactivation by chemical disinfectants, cell surface damage was more pronounced with strong oxidant such as ozone while damage in inner cell components was more apparent with weaker oxidant such as free chlorine. Chlorine dioxide showed the inactivation mechanism between these two disinfectants. The results suggest that the mechanism of cell inactivation is primarily related to the reactivity of chemical disinfectant. In contrast to chemical disinfectants, cell inactivation by UV occurred without any changes measurable with the methods employed. Understanding the differences in inactivation mechanisms presented herein is critical to identify rate-limiting steps involved in the inactivation process as well as to develop more effective disinfection strategies.  相似文献   

Clark RM  Sivaganesan M  Rice EW  Chen J 《Water research》2003,37(11):2773-2783
Cryptosporidium parvum, a protozoan parasite, has been implicated in a number of waterborne disease outbreaks and is difficult to inactivate using free chlorine. It appears, however, to be inactivated more easily by other oxidants such as chlorine dioxide or ozone. A major element of the EPA (US EPA) strategy for controlling C. parvum (oocysts) in drinking water is the possible use of Ct (concentration of disinfectant in mg/L times time in minutes) values. To support this strategy a Ct equation, based on first-order kinetics, is proposed to provide guidance to drinking water utilities for the application of chlorine dioxide for controlling C. parvum oocysts. The equation is based on standard statistical techniques using available bench scale data. It can predict mean inactivation levels as well as a statistically conservative upper bound Ct value. This upper bound could be used to insure an appropriate safety factor for the protection of public health.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of very low concentrations of ClO2 applied in drinking water practice on the inactivation of bacteriophage MS2. Concentrations of 0.5 mg/L, 0.1 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L ClO2 inactivated at least 5 log units of MS2 after an exposure time of approximately 20, 50 and 300 min respectively. When the ClO2 concentration was as low as 0.005 mg/L, inactivation of 1 log unit MS2 was observed after 300 min exposure. Increasing the contact time to 24 h did not increase the inactivation any further. Non-linear inactivation kinetics (tailing) were observed for all conditions tested. Repeated addition of MS2 to the reactor showed that tailing was not caused by a reduction of the biocidal effect of ClO2 during disinfection. The Modified Chick-Watson, the Efficiency Factor Hom (EFH) model and the Modified Cerf model, a modification of the two-fraction Cerf model, were fitted to the non-linear inactivation curves. Both the EFH and the modified Cerf model did fit accurately to the inactivation data of all experiments. The good fit of the Modified Cerf model supports the hypothesis of the presence of two subpopulations. Our study showed that ClO2 is an effective disinfectant against model organism MS2, also at the low concentrations applied in water treatment practice. The inactivation kinetics followed a biphasic pattern due to the presence of a more ClO2-resistant subpopulation of MS2 phages, either caused by population heterogeneity or aggregation/adhesion of MS2.  相似文献   

Oxidation of pharmaceuticals during water treatment with chlorine dioxide   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The potential of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) for the oxidation of pharmaceuticals during water treatment was assessed by determining second-order rate constants for the reaction with selected environmentally relevant pharmaceuticals. Out of 9 pharmaceuticals only the 4 following compounds showed an appreciable reactivity with ClO2 (in brackets apparent second-order rate constants at pH 7 and T = 20 degrees C): the sulfonamide antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (6.7 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)), the macrolide antibiotic roxithromycin (2.2 x 10(2) M(-1) s(-1)), the estrogen 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (approximately 2 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)), and the antiphlogistic diclofenac (1.05 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)). Experiments performed using natural water showed that ClO2 also reacted fast with other sulfonamides and macrolides, the natural hormones estrone and 17beta-estradiol as well as 3 pyrazolone derivatives (phenazone, propylphenazone, and dimethylaminophenazone). However, many compounds in the study were ClO2 refractive. Experiments with lake water and groundwater that were partly performed at microgram/L to nanogram/L levels proved that the rate constants determined in pure water could be applied to predict the oxidation of pharmaceuticals in natural waters. Compared to ozone, ClO2 reacted more slowly and with fewer compounds. However, it reacted faster with the investigated compounds than chlorine. Overall, the results indicate that ClO2 will only be effective to oxidize certain compound classes such as the investigated classes of sulfonamide and macrolide antibiotics, and estrogens.  相似文献   

The drinking water industry is closely examining options to maintain disinfection in distribution systems. In particular this research compared the relative efficiency of the chlorite ion (ClO2-) to chlorine dioxide (ClO2) for biofilm control. Chlorite levels were selected for monitoring since they are typically observed in the distribution system as a by-product whenever chlorine dioxide is applied for primary or secondary disinfection. Previous research has reported the chlorite ion to be effective in mitigating nitrification in distribution systems. Annular reactors (ARs) containing polycarbonate and cast iron coupons were used to simulate water quality conditions in a distribution system. Following a 4 week acclimation period, individual ARs operated in parallel were dosed with high (0.25mg/l) and low (0.1mg/l) chlorite concentrations and with high (0.5 mg/l) and low (0.25mg/l) chlorine dioxide concentrations, as measured in the effluent of the AR. Another set of ARs that contained cast iron and polycarbonate coupons served as controls and did not receive any disinfection. The data presented herein show that the presence of chlorite at low concentration levels was not effective at reducing heterotrophic bacteria. Log reductions of attached heterotrophic bacteria for low and high chlorite ranged between 0.20 and 0.34. Chlorine dioxide had greater log reductions for attached heterotrophic bacteria ranging from 0.52 to 1.36 at the higher dose. The greatest log reduction in suspended heterotrophic bacteria was for high dose of ClO2 on either cast iron or polycarbonate coupons (1.77 and 1.55). These data indicate that it would be necessary to maintain a chlorine dioxide residual concentration in distribution systems for control of microbiological regrowth.  相似文献   

The drinking water industry is continually seeking innovative disinfection strategies to control biofouling in transmission systems. This research, conducted in collaboration with the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) in California, compared the efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to free chlorine (Cl2) with and without pre-treatment with low-pressure ultraviolet (UV) light for biofilm control. An additional goal was to determine disinfection by-product (DBP) formation with each disinfection strategy. Annular reactors (ARs) containing polycarbonate coupons were used to simulate EBMUD's 90-mile aqueduct that transports surface water from a source reservoir to treatment facilities. ARs were dosed with chemical disinfectants to achieve a residual of 0.2 mg/L, which is a typical value mid-way in the aqueduct. The experiment matrix included four strategies of disinfection including UV/ClO2, ClO2, UV/Cl2 and Cl2. Two ARs acted as controls and received raw water (RW) or UV-treated water. The data presented show that the UV/ClO2 combination was most effective against suspended and attached heterotrophic (heterotrophic plate count, HPC) bacteria with 3.93 log and 2.05 log reductions, respectively. ClO2 was more effective than Cl2 at removing suspended HPC bacteria and similarly effective in biofilm bacterial removal. UV light alone was not effective in controlling suspended or biofilm bacteria compared to treatment with ClO2 or Cl2. Pre-treatment with UV was more effective overall for removal of HPC bacteria than treating with corresponding chemical disinfectants only; however, it did not lower required chemical dosages. Therefore, no significant differences were observed in DBP concentrations between ARs pre-treated with UV light and ARs not pre-treated. Disinfection with ClO2 produced fewer total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) than chlorination but did produce low levels of chlorite. These data indicate that replacing Cl2 with ClO2 would further control microbiological re-growth and minimize TTHM and HAA formation, but may introduce other DBPs.  相似文献   

Goel S  Bouwer EJ 《Water research》2004,38(2):301-308
Inactivation of Klebsiella pneumoniae cultures by chlorine and chloramine was evaluated under different growth conditions by varying nutrient media dilution, concentrations of essential inorganic nutrients (FeCl3, MgSO4, phosphate, and ammonium salts), and temperature. All inactivation assays were performed at room temperature (22-23 degrees C) and near neutral pH (7.2-7.5). C*T(99.9) values for chlorine increased >20-fold and for chloramine increased 2.6-fold when cells were grown in 100-fold diluted nutrient broth (2NB) solutions (final TOC of 35-40 mg/L). Background levels of Mg: 6.75 x 10(-2) mM and Fe: 3.58 x 10(-5) mM or high levels of FeCl3 (0.01 mM) and MgSO4 (1 mM) during growth resulted in the highest resistances to chlorine with C*T(99.9) values of 13.06 (+/-0.91) and 13.78 (+/-1.97) mg-min/L, respectively. Addition of low levels of FeCl3 (0.001 mM) and MgSO4 (0.1 mM) to K. pneumoniae cultures during growth resulted in the lowest bacterial resistances to inactivation; C*T(99.9) values ranged from 0.28 (+/-0.06) to 1.88 (+/-0.53)mg-min/L in these cultures. Increase in growth temperature from 22.5 degrees C to 35 degrees C for unamended 2NB cultures resulted in a 42-fold decrease in C*T(99.9) values for chlorine. A similar change in temperature resulted in no significant change in C*T(99.9) values for chloramine. These results indicate that inactivation of K. pneumoniae cultures by chlorine was highly sensitive to changes in growth conditions unlike inactivation by chloramine.  相似文献   

A newly isolated enteric virus has recently been found to be associated with large outbreaks of waterborne gastroenteritis. Most commonly referred to as the Norwalk agent, this virus appears to be morphologically and biophysically similar to the parvoviruses. In this study the parvovirus H-1, a putative human virus containing single-stranded DNA, was used as a model virus for chlorine inactivation experiments. The objective of this research was to investigate the kinetics of inactivation of this virus by low levels of free chlorine (0.05–0.20 mgl−1) at pH 7 and at 5, 10, 20 and 30°C.Inactivation occurred in the usual dose-response relationship, that is, increasing the chlorine dose caused an increase in the rate of inactivation. The energy required for the inactivation reaction using 0.05 mgl−1 free chlorine from 5 to 30°C was graphically determined to be 2.4 kcal mol−1. The change in entropy was calculated to be -52.34 entropy units. For disinfection purposes, the time required for 99% inactivation of H-1 parvovirus at pH 7.20°C and a chlorine dose of 0.2 mgl−1 free chlorine was 3.2 min. The parvovirus H-1 appeared to be less resistant to free chlorine than poliovirus type 1 (LSc).  相似文献   

As the World Health Organization (WHO) progresses with provisional Drinking Water Guidelines of 1 microg/L for microcystin-LR and a proposed Guideline of 1 microg/L for cylindrospermopsin, efficient treatment strategies are needed to prevent cyanotoxins such as these from reaching consumers. A kinetic database has been compiled for the oxidative treatment of three cyanotoxins: microcystin-LR (MC-LR), cylindrospermopsin (CYN), and anatoxin-a (ANTX) with ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide and permanganate. This kinetic database contains rate constants not previously reported and determined in the present work (e.g. for permanganate oxidation of ANTX and chlorine dioxide oxidation of CYN and ANTX), together with previously published rate constants for the remaining oxidation processes. Second-order rate constants measured in pure aqueous solutions of these toxins could be used in a kinetic model to predict the toxin oxidation efficiency of ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide and permanganate when applied to natural waters. Oxidants were applied to water from a eutrophic Swiss lake (Lake Greifensee) in static-dose testing and dynamic time-resolved experiments to confirm predictions from the kinetic database, and to investigate the effects of a natural matrix on toxin oxidation and by-product formation. Overall, permanganate can effectively oxidize ANTX and MC-LR, while chlorine will oxidize CYN and MC-LR and ozone is capable of oxidizing all three toxins with the highest rate. The formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) in the treated water may be a restriction to the application of sufficiently high-chlorine doses.  相似文献   

The effect of pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide (ClO2) or ferrate (Fe(VI)) on the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) during chlorination or chloramination was tested with natural waters from 12 sources (9 surface waters, 1 groundwater, and 2 wastewater effluents). DBPs investigated included trihalomethanes (THM), chloral hydrate (CH), haloketones (HK), haloacetonitriles (HAN) and trichloronitromethane (TCNM), chlorite and chlorate. Chlorite and chlorate were found in the ClO2-treated waters. Application of 1 mg/L ClO2 ahead of chlorination reduced the formation potential for THM by up to 45% and the formation of HK, HAN and TCNM in most of the samples. The CH formation results were mixed. The formation of CH and HK was enhanced with low doses of Fe(VI) (1 mg/L as Fe), but was greatly reduced at higher doses (20 mg/L Fe). Fe(VI) reduced the formation of THM, HAN and TCNM in most of the samples. Reduced potential for the formation of NDMA was observed in most of the samples after both ClO2 and Fe(VI) pre-oxidation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of chlorine dioxide on dehydrogenase enzymes, protein synthesis, and deoxyribonucleic acid of bacteria in order to elucidate the mode of action of chlorine dioxide. Experiments were carried out in a specially designed unit which permitted sampling for bacterial survivals at time intervals from 5 to 1800 s after the addition of the disinfectant. Bacterial numbers were determined by the pour plate technique. The total dehydrogenase activity of Escherichia coli was determined by the colorimetric estimation of triphenyl formazan, and cell extracts were assayed for their ability to incorporate radioactive phenylalanine into protein. DNA extracted from chlorine dioxide-treated Haemophilus influenzae was tested for its ability to transform competent cells. Partially purified DNA was also exposed to chlorine dioxide and tested for transformability.Experimental results show that total dehydrogenase enzymes were completely inhibited within the first 5 s of reaction even while considerable numbers of bacteria remained viable. Protein synthesis was partially inhibited by chlorine dioxide and the extent of inhibition was found to be proportional to the initial chlorine dioxide dosage. Glutathione did not reverse the effect of chlorine dioxide on bacterial viability, total dehydrogenase activity or protein synthesis. When whole cells of H. influenzae were exposed to chlorine dioxide, the DNA transforming activity was not affected. Similarly, when a partially purified extract of H. influenzae DNA was treated with chlorine dioxide, no inhibition of DNA transformation occurred within the first minute of reaction. Moreover, after a contact time of 5 min or more, a very high chlorine dioxide dose of 20 mg l−1 produced only a slight inhibition of DNA transforming function. Thus, the primary site of action of chlorine dioxide on bacteria must lie elsewhere in the cell other than in the dehydrogenase enzymes, the protein synthesizing complex or DNA, although inhibition of protein synthesis may have a contributory lethal effect.  相似文献   

通过向含铁水中投加二氧化氯和混凝剂,考察了二氧化氯对水中铁的去除效果及其影响因素。结果表明,二氧化氯投加量、原水pH、预氧化时间和混凝剂投加量对铁的去除效果均有较大的影响。当原水Fe2+浓度为5 mg/L时,二氧化氯最佳投加量为5 mg/L,最佳氧化时间为10 min,混凝剂的最佳投加量为1 mg/L,最佳pH值为7~9,对铁离子的去除率可达到94.0%。  相似文献   

Reactivity of natural organic matter fractions with chlorine dioxide and ozone   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The effects of ozone and chlorine dioxide on the aquatic natural organic matter (NOM) were studied. The natural as well as oxidised organic matter in aerated and sand filtered water were fractionated using XAD, anion-exchange, and cation-exchange resins procedure into humic acid, hydrophobic acids and neutrals, and hydrophilic acids, bases and neutrals. The main NOM components were hydrophobic, while oxidation with both ozone and chlorine dioxide increased the proportion of hydrophilic fractions. High-pressure size exclusion chromatography with UV-254 nm and UV-220 nm detection was used to determine the differences between molecular weight distribution of natural and oxidised organic matter fractions. The main purpose of this paper was to compare the reactivity of individual NOM fractions with oxidants in order to compare the productivity of biodegradable by-products after oxidation with chlorine dioxide and ozone. The quantity as well as the quality of by-products were analysed by means of ion and gas chromatography.  相似文献   

Five oxidants, ozone, chlorine dioxide, chlorine, permanganate, and ferrate were studied with regard to the formation of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and oxalate in absence and presence of cyanobacteria in lake water matrices. Ozone and ferrate formed significant amounts of AOC, i.e. more than 100 μg/L AOC were formed with 4.6 mg/L ozone and ferrate in water with 3.8 mg/L dissolved organic carbon. In the same water samples chlorine dioxide, chlorine, and permanganate produced no or only limited AOC. When cyanobacterial cells (Aphanizomenon gracile) were added to the water, an AOC increase was detected with ozone, permanganate, and ferrate, probably due to cell lysis. This was confirmed by the increase of extracellular geosmin, a substance found in the selected cyanobacterial cells. AOC formation by chlorine and chlorine dioxide was not affected by the presence of the cells. The formation of oxalate upon oxidation was found to be a linear function of the oxidant consumption for all five oxidants. The following molar yields were measured in three different water matrices based on oxidant consumed: 2.4-4.4% for ozone, 1.0-2.8% for chlorine dioxide and chlorine, 1.1-1.2% for ferrate, and 11-16% for permanganate. Furthermore, oxalate was formed in similar concentrations as trihalomethanes during chlorination (yield ∼ 1% based on chlorine consumed). Oxalate formation kinetics and stoichiometry did not correspond to the AOC formation. Therefore, oxalate cannot be used as a surrogate for AOC formation during oxidative water treatment.  相似文献   

The hepatitis A virus (HAV) and poliovirus 1 were added to estuarine water samples and their stability in maintenance medium was compared to that in water samples untreated and treated by heat and filtration. The inactivation curves show that the inactivating factor is biological in nature.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to use Bayesian methods to estimate the kinetic parameters for the inactivation kinetics of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with chlorine dioxide or ozone which are characterized by the delayed Chick-Watson model, i.e., a lag phase or shoulder followed by pseudo-first-order rate of inactivation. As the length of the lag phase (CT(lag)) is not known, Bayesian statistics provides a more accurate approach than traditional statistical methods to fitting the delayed Chick-Watson kinetics. Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is used to estimate CT(lag) and first-order rate constant values. This method is also used to estimate the minimum CT requirement (with safety factor) for 99% inactivation of C. parvum oocysts.  相似文献   

以南方地区某水厂排泥水为处理对象,分别用次氯酸钠、二氧化氯进行了小试。结果表明,次氯酸钠、二氧化氯对排泥水中的细菌、藻类有一定的去除效果,达到同期原水水平,但对水中剑水蚤的灭活效果不显著;同时,水中UV254出现明显的上升。  相似文献   

Cell culture adapted hepatitis A virus (HAV) in 10 and 50 l. of seeded distilled water was respectively concentrated approx. 3300 and 17,000 fold by adsorption-elution on cellulose membrane. HAV (strain CF 53) was adsorbed at pH 4.0 with 0.15 M NaCl to the cellulose filters and eluted by 3% beef-extract at pH 8.5. Eluted virus was further concentrated by precipitation by polyethylene glycol 6000. Hepatitis A antigen (HAAg) was detected by radioimmunoassay and infectious virus was quantified by cell culture titration. The average of HAAg recovery was 76% for 101. and 85% for 501., whereas the average recovery for infectious virus was respectively 89 and 97%. The sensitivity of the method was tested by contaminating 101. with 16 TCID50 only; 63% of initial infectious virus were recovered.  相似文献   

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