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Wan  P.-J.  Călinescu  G.  Li  X.-Y.  Frieder  O. 《Wireless Networks》2002,8(6):607-617
Energy conservation is a critical issue in ad hoc wireless networks for node and network life, as the nodes are powered by batteries only. One major approach for energy conservation is to route a communication session along the route which requires the lowest total energy consumption. This optimization problem is referred to as Minimum-Energy Routing. While the minimum-energy unicast routing problem can be solved in polynomial time by shortest-path algorithms, it remains open whether the minimum-energy broadcast routing problem can be solved in polynomial time, despite the NP-hardness of its general graph version. Recently three greedy heuristics were proposed in [11]: MST (minimum spanning tree), SPT (shortest-path tree), and BIP (broadcasting incremental power). They have been evaluated through simulations in [11], but little is known about their analytical performances. The main contribution of this paper is a quantitative characterization of their performances in terms of approximation ratios. By exploring geometric structures of Euclidean MSTs, we have been able to prove that the approximation ratio of MST is between 6 and 12, and the approximation ratio of BIP is between 13/3 and 12. On the other hand, we show that the approximation ratio of SPT is at least n/2, where n is the number of receiving nodes. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first analytical results for the minimum-energy broadcasting problem.  相似文献   

Channel Adaptive Shortest Path Routing for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1 IntroductionAdhocnetworksareformedwithoutrequiringthepreexistinginfrastructureorcentralizedadminis tration ,incontrasttocellularnetworks.Asidefromtheoriginalmilitaryapplication ,ithasapplicationinpublicsafetyandcommercialareas,butadaptiveprotocolsarerequiredinorderforthemtodoso .Twoimportantcharacteristicsofacommunicationlinkinadhocnetworksareitsunreliabilityanditsvariability .Thelinksinsuchanetworkareunreli ablebecauseoffading ,interference,noise,andper hapsthefailureofthetransmittingorrec…  相似文献   

This paper investigates the benefits and impacts of using directional antennas for multicast communications in ad hoc networks. In terms of signal reception, directional antennas have shown considerable improvement in the performance of all aspects over omni-directional antennas, especially over dense networks with heavy traffic load. In addition, we have found that transmitting multicast packets directionally to known neighboring group members or forwarders can help reduce the average end-to-end packet delay and increase the overall throughput. However, directional transmission of unacknowledged data transfers may result in lower performance in terms of packet delivery ratio than omni-directional transmission in any carrier sensing MAC protocols under moderate load due to the effect from the hidden terminal problem. Both analytical results and simulation results, as well as an acknowledgment mechanism to improve the successful delivery rate of multicast data packets, are presented. Prepared through collaborative participation in the Communications and Networks Consortium sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under the Collaborative Technology Alliance Program, Cooperative Agreement DAAD19-01-2-0011. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.  相似文献   

Extending Global IP Connectivity for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ad hoc networks have thus far been regarded as stand-alone networks without assumed connectivity to wired IP networks and the Internet. With wireless broadband communications and portable devices with appropriate CPU, memory and battery performance, ad hoc connectivity will become more feasible and demand for global connectivity through ad hoc networking is likely to rapidly grow. In this paper we propose an algorithm and describe a developed prototype for connectivity between an ad hoc network running the ad hoc on-demand distance-vector protocol and a wired IP network where mobile IP is used for mobility management. Implementation issues and performance metrics are also discussed.  相似文献   

钟玲  郭虹 《通信技术》2002,(12):76-78
移动无线自组织网络正成为研究的热点,最近在网络通信中提出了一种为任播(anycasting)的通信模式,这里介绍了自组织网中任播的概念以及应用,说明了如何在网络层通过路由实现任播功能。  相似文献   

The network addresses of principals in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) are conventionally assumed to be public information. This may cause devastating consequences for MANETs deployed in hostile environments. For example, attackers can easily locate a target principal based his known network address and then launch a pinpoint attack. This paper identifies address privacy as a new security requirement to prevent attackers from ascertaining network addresses of MANET principals. We further present Swarms, the first solution to satisfying this requirement. Swarms eliminates the conventionally explicit one-on-one mappings between MANET principals and network addresses and allows any two principals to communicate while blind to each other’s address. We quantitatively measure the address privacy offered by Swarms via an entropy-based information-theoretic metric.
Kui RenEmail:

Yanchao Zhang   received the BE degree in computer communications from the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China, in July 1999, the ME degree in computer applications from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, in April 2002, the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in August 2006. Since then, he has been an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology. His research interests include network and distributed system security, wireless networking, and mobile computing. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and has served as a TPC member for many conferences, including INFOCOM, MOBIHOC, ICDCS, and IWQoS. He is a member of the IEEE and the ACM. Kui Ren   is an assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Illinois Institute of Technology. He obtained his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2007. He received his B. Eng and M. Eng both from Zhejiang University in 1998 and 2001, respectively. In the past, he has worked as a research assistant at Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, at Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, and at Information and Communications University, South Korea. His research interests include network security & privacy and applied cryptography with current focus on security & privacy in cloud computing, lower-layer attack & defense mechanisms for wireless networks, and sensor network security. His research is sponsored by US National Science Foundation. He serves as TPC member for many conferences including INFOCOM, ICDCS, WiSec, AsiaCCS, MASS, IWQoS, Securecomm, etc. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.   相似文献   

Estimating Hop Counts in Position Based Routing Schemes for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent availability of small, inexpensive low power GPS receivers and techniques for finding relative coordinates based on signal strengths, and the need for the design of power efficient and scalable networks, provided justification for applying position based routing methods in ad hoc networks. A number of such algorithms were developed recently. They are all based on three greedy schemes, applied when the forwarding node is able to advance the message toward destination. In this paper we show that the hop count, that is the number of transmissions needed to route a message from a source node to a destination node can be estimated reasonably accurately (in random unit graphs with uniform traffic), with less than 10%, 5% and 7% error for directional (compass), distance (greedy) and progress (MFR) based schemes, respectively, for 100 nodes with average degrees between 5 and 14, without experiments. Our results are derived from statistical observations regarding expected position of forwarding neighbor.  相似文献   

Cai  Zhijun  Lu  Mi  Wang  Xiaodong 《Telecommunication Systems》2003,22(1-4):281-297
Bandwidth-guaranteed QoS service in ad hoc networks is a challenging task due to several factors such as the absence of the central control, the dynamic network topology, the hidden terminal problem and the multihop routing property. An end-to-end bandwidth allocation algorithm was proposed in [Lin and Liu, 15] to support the QoS service in ad hoc networks. However, without exploring the global resource information along the route, the performance of that algorithm is quite limited. In addition, it also incurs significant control overhead. We develop a new algorithm for end-to-end bandwidth calculation and assignment in ad hoc networks which utilizes the global resource information along the route to determine the available end-to-end bandwidth. Our method also employs the topology-transparent scheduling technology to reduce the control overhead. The proposed algorithm can be efficiently utilized in a distributed manner. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that our end-to-end bandwidth allocation scheme can significantly improve the network capacity compared with the existing method.  相似文献   

Geocasting is a variation on the notion of multicasting. A geographical area is associated with each geocast, and the geocast is delivered to the nodes within the specified geographical area. Thus, geocasting may be used for sending a message that is likely to be of interest to everyone in a specified area. In this paper, we propose three geocasting protocols for ad hoc networks, obtained as variations of a multicast flooding algorithm, and then evaluate these approaches by means of simulations. Proposed geocasting algorithms attempt to utilize physical location information to decrease the overhead of geocast delivery.  相似文献   

Probabilistic Power Management for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extending system lifetime by effectively managing power on participating nodes is critical in wireless ad hoc networks. Recent work has shown that, by appropriately powering off nodes, energy may be significantly saved up to a factor of two, especially when node density is high. Such approaches rely on the selection of a virtual backbone (i.e., a connected dominating set) of the topology to forward ongoing traffic, coupled with algorithms to manually and periodically recompute such a backbone for load balancing purposes. The common drawback of such schemes is the need to involve periodic message exchanges and to make additional restrictive assumptions. This paper presents Odds1, an integrated set of energy-efficient and fully distributed algorithms for power management in wireless ad hoc networks. Odds build on the observation that explicit and periodic re-computation of the backbone topology is costly with respect to its additional bandwidth overhead, especially when nodes are densely populated or highly mobile. Building on a fully probabilistic approach, Odds seek to make a minimum overhead, perfectly balanced, and fully localized decision on each node with respect to when and how long it needs to enter standby mode to conserve energy. Such a decision does not rely on periodic message broadcasts in the local neighborhood, so that Odds are scalable as node density increases. Detailed mathematical analysis, discussions and simulation results have shown that Odds are indeed able to achieve our objectives while operating in a wide range of density and traffic loads.Zongpeng Li received his B.Engr. in 1999, from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China, and his M.S. degree in 2001 from the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto. His research interests include algorithm design and analysis for both wireless and wireline networks.Baochun Li received his B.Engr. degree in 1995 from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1997 and 2000 from the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 2000, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, where he is an Assistant Professor. In 2000, he was the recipient of the IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Award in the Field of Communications Systems. His research interests include network-level and application-level Quality of Service provisioning, application-layer overlay networks, wireless ad hoc networks, and mobile computing.  相似文献   

Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of autonomous mobile nodes that communicate with each other over wireless links. Such networks are expected to play an increasingly important role in future civilian and military settings, being useful for providing communication support where no fixed infrastructure exists or the deployment of a fixed infrastructure is not economically profitable and movement of communicating parties is possible. However, since there is no stationary infrastructure such as base stations, mobile hosts need to operate as routers in order to maintain the information about the network connectivity. Therefore, a number of routing protocols have been proposed for ad hoc wireless networks. In this paper, we study and compare the performance of the following routing protocols AODV, PAODV (preemptive AODV), CBRP, DSR, and DSDV. A variety of workload and scenarios, as characterized by mobility, load and size of the ad hoc network were simulated. Our results indicate that despite its improvement in reducing route request packets, CBRP has a higher overhead than DSR because of its periodic hello messages while AODV's end-to-end packet delay is the shortest when compared to DSR and CBRP. PAODV has shown little improvements over AODV.  相似文献   

吴昊  郑志彬 《电子学报》2005,33(B12):2317-2321
移动ad hoc网络(MANET)路由和分组转发功能需要节点间的相互合作,自私节点为节约能量而不参与合作,将会影响网络的正常工作.因此本文将针对自私节点危害和解决方法展开分析,并提出一种改进解决方法——基于可信任中心服务器和邻居监测的合作增强机制,该方法不但能够激励节点间的相互合作,而且有效地解决了自私节点改变用户身份的欺骗攻击.最后,仿真结果表明这种合作增强机制对自私节点安全问题是有效的,并且易于实用化.  相似文献   

在网络拓扑满足网络各种不同性能指标下,本文提出了一种新的转发策略和功率控制策略来估计ad hoc网络的吞吐量.实验结果证明:该方法能够有效的估算和提高ad hoc网络的吞吐量.  相似文献   

Internet Connectivity for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The growing deployment rate of wireless LANs indicates that wireless networking is rapidly becoming a prevalent form of communication. As users become more accustomed to the use of mobile devices, they increasingly want the additional benefit of roaming. The Mobile IP protocol has been developed as a solution for allowing users to roam outside of their home networks while still retaining network connectivity. The problem with this solution, however, is that the deployment of foreign agents is expensive because their coverage areas are limited due to fading and interference. To reduce the number of foreign agents needed while still maintaining the same coverage, ad hoc network functionality can cooperate with Mobile IP such that multihop routes between mobile nodes and foreign agents can be utilized. In this work, we present a method for enabling the cooperation of Mobile IP and the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol, such that mobile nodes that are not within direct transmission range of a foreign agent can still obtain Internet connectivity. In addition, we describe how duplicate address detection can be used in these networks to obtain a unique co-located care-of address when a foreign agent is not available.  相似文献   

ABRP: Anchor-based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ad hoc networks, which do not rely on any infrastructure such as access points or base stations, can be deployed rapidly and inexpensively even in situations with geographical or time constraints. Ad hoc networks are attractive in both military and disaster situations and also in commercial uses like sensor networks or conferencing. In ad hoc networks, each node acts both as a router and as a host. The topology of an ad hoc network may change dynamically, which makes it difficult to design an efficient routing protocol. As more and more wireless devices connect to the network, it is important to design a scalable routing protocol for ad hoc networks. In this paper, we present Anchor-based Routing Protocol (ABRP), a scalable routing protocol for ad hoc networks. It is a hybrid routing protocol, which combines the table-based routing strategy with the geographic routing strategy. However, GPS (Global Positioning System) (Kaplan, Understanding GPS principles and Applications, Boston: Artech House publishers, 1996) support is not needed. ABRP consists of a location-based clustering protocol, an intra-cell routing protocol and an inter-cell routing protocol. The location-based clustering protocol divides the network region into different cells. The intra-cell routing protocol routes packets within one cell. The inter-cell routing protocol is used to route packets between nodes in different cells. The combination of intra-cell and inter-cell routing protocol makes ABRP highly scalable, since each node needs to only maintain routes within a cell. The inter-cell routing protocol establishes multiple routes between different cells, which makes ABRP reliable and efficient. We evaluate the performance of ABRP using ns2 simulator. We simulated different size of networks from 200 nodes to 1600 nodes. Simulation results show that ABRP is efficient and scales well to large networks. ABRP combines the advantages of multi-path routing strategy and geographic routing strategy—efficiency and scalability, and avoids the burden—GPS support.  相似文献   

Wireless ad hoc networks are temporary formed, infrastructureless networks. Due to the unstable channel conditions and network connectivity, their characteristics impose serious challenges in front of network designers. The layering approach to network design does not fit the ad hoc environment well. Therefore, various cross-layering approaches, where protocol layers actively interact, exchange inherent layer information and fine tune their parameters according to the network status are becoming increasingly popular. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the latest cross-layering approaches for wireless ad hoc networks supported by several examples. A special emphasis is put on the link and network layer related cross-layer designs. Several link adaptation and efficient service discovery schemes are elaborated through analytical and simulation studies. Their performance shows the potentials of the cross-layering for boosting system characteristics in wireless ad hoc networks. Liljana Gavrilovska currently holds a position of full professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University “St. Cyril and Metodij” – Skopje, Macedonia. She is chief of Telecommunications Laboratory and teaches undergraduate courses in telecommunication networks, data transmission and switching and traffic theory, and graduate courses in wireless, mobile and personal networks, teletraffic engineering and planning, and broadband multiservices networks. In 2000 she joined the Center for PersonKommunikation, Aalborg University, Denmark, as a visiting professor and during 2001--2002 she held a position of associate research professor at the same university. Currently she holds a part-time position of associated research professor with Center for Teleinfrastructur (CTIF). Prof. Gavrilovska was involved in several EU (ACTS ASAP, IST PACWOMAN, MAGNET, TEMPUS) and national/international projects. She published numerous conference and journal papers and participated in several workshops. At the moment she is working on the book “Ad Hoc Networking Towards Seamless Communications” together with prof. R. Prasad. Her research interests include wireless and personal area networks, ad hoc networking, networking protocols, traffic analysis, QoS, and optimization techniques. She is a senior member of IEEE and serves as a Chair of Macedonian Communication Chapter.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of Location Management in mobile ad hoc networks where users are organized in groups. In the following this type of systems are referred to as Mobile Ad hoc Networks for Group Operations (MANGO). This paper proposes a framework for location management which exploits the trend of mobile users to spontaneously form groups in MANGOs. The management procedures required to support such spontaneous groups, which are by nature dynamic, are introduced as well. The proposed spontaneous group management is based on a hierarchical location database architecture and the concept of Group Leader, which is a terminal responsible for the location update of a group of terminals. Objective of the proposed framework is minimizing the burden on location databases and, at the same time, the signaling issued by terminals. In this paper, distributed operations required to support the whole framework are properly introduced and described. Simulation experiments have been run in order to assess the proposed scheme. Performance results show that the introduced methodology allows reduced signaling and location updating.  相似文献   

移动Ad Hoc网络中QoS参数的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
QoS参数的相关性研究对多约束条件下的QoS路由优化具有重要意义.本文结合仿真和理论分析,研究了移动ad hoc网络中三个重要的QoS参数——业务流的带宽、分组平均延迟、延迟抖动——的相关性问题,得到了这些参数间关系的解析表达式来.通过进一步的仿真验证,结果表明所得到的关系与试验结果相吻合.  相似文献   

Directional antennas are a promising technology for use in mobile ad hoc environments. By consuming smaller volumes than omni directional antennas, directional antennas enable significant increases in network capacity by allowing more simultaneous transmissions to occur within a multihop wireless network. In this paper, we present some of the challenges that face asynchronous directional channel access schemes and describe how these problems can be avoided by taking a synchronous approach. We describe a communications system architecture that enables modestly directional sectored antennas to be effectively exploited in a mobile ad hoc environment. A key part of this architecture is the Directional Synchronous Unscheduled Multiple Access (DSUMA) protocol. By making intelligent decisions regarding the enabling/disabling of sector antennas, DSUMA provides an increased density of transmissions while insuring that collisions do not occur. Our results indicate how the number of sectors per node affects performance in terms of spatial reuse, the likelihood of collisions, and overall network capacity.  相似文献   

Distributed Power Control for Energy Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, distributed power control is proposed as a means to improve the energy efficiency of routing algorithms in ad hoc networks. Each node in the network estimates the power necessary to reach its own neighbors, and this power estimate is used both for tuning the transmit power (thereby reducing interference and energy consumption) and as the link cost for minimum energy routing. With reference to classic routing algorithms, such as Dijkstra and Link State, as well as more recently proposed ad hoc routing schemes, such as AODV, we demonstrate by extensive simulations that in many cases of interest our scheme provides substantial transmit energy savings while introducing limited degradation in terms of throughput and delay.  相似文献   

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