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In this paper, a model of limestone/gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) system was developed based on unsteady theory. The models of processes of absorption section and oxidation section were developed and incorporated into the WFGD integral model. The sub-model of motion of slurry drops, absorption of SO2, dissolution of limestone and crystallization of gypsum were included in the model of absorption section, while the model of oxidation section was developed by the population balance theory. The calculation results of the desulfurization system for 300 MW utility in China by this model was compared to that of corresponding measured results. The simulation results agreed with the measurement results very well. The operation mode of boilers of power plant in China is different to that of other countries since variable coal property and unstable loads of boilers. The differences of operation mode lead to the variation of process parameters of WFGD system. The influences of liquid-to-gas ratio, SO2 concentration of inlet flue gas, and combination mode of different spray levels to the desulfurization efficiency were analyzed. Based on the analysis, some advices of performance optimization of flue gas desulfurization systems in China were suggested.  相似文献   

In this work the simulation of a wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit with spray tower of a power plant is presented, aiming at an efficient follow-up and the optimization of the FGD system operation. The dynamic model developed to simulate the performance of the system has been validated with operation data collected over a long period of time. All the partaking physical and chemical processes like the limestone dissolution, the crystallization of calcium sulfite and gypsum and the oxidation of sulfite ions have been taken into account for the development of the simulation model while the gas absorption by the liquid droplets was based on the two-film theory. The effect of the mean diameter of the slurry droplets on the performance of the system was examined, as it was used as an index factor of the normal operation of the system. The operation limits of the system were investigated on the basis of the model developed. It is concluded that the model is capable of simulating the system for significantly different SO2 loads and that the absorption rate of SO2 is strongly affected by the liquid dispersion in the tower.  相似文献   

湿法烟气脱硫塔内传递与化学反应过程CFD模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以某330 MW燃煤发电机组湿法烟气脱硫塔为研究对象,采用欧拉-拉格朗日方法建立了塔内气-液两相流动、热质交换模型,以溶解平衡、质量守恒及电荷守恒描述浆液内13种溶质组分瞬时化学反应特性,通过用户自定义函数实现流动模型与传质模型、化学反应模型的耦合。基于上述模型预测了脱硫塔内气-液两相流动、液滴蒸发与SO2化学吸收过程,获得了SO2浓度与浆液pH的径向分布特性,详细分析了气-液流动对化学吸收特性的影响,结果表明局部液气比分布特性是影响SO2径向分布的关键因素之一,可通过调控近壁区及主管道区的两相流动状态提高脱硫塔的吸收性能;随着气相侧SO2浓度提高或液滴粒径减小,浆液pH下降速率增大且各化学组分浓度达到稳定状态用时缩短。  相似文献   

范丽婷  王福利  李鸿儒 《化工学报》2013,64(7):2543-2549
引言在现代控制工程领域中,许多工业对象实际上是非线性分布参数系统。由于这类对象的复杂性,原始模型常常进行集中线性化处理后分析和设计控制系统,然而系统本质的分布特性以及非线性引起的模型失配将造成控制的失败。这种情况促使在先进控制中越来越多地直接采用非线性分布参数机理  相似文献   

张睿 《化学工程师》2010,24(10):34-36,54
在众多的烟气脱硫技术中,基于炭基吸附剂的干法脱硫技术由于其不产生二次污染以及易回收硫资源等优势倍受人们的关注。本文对该技术的脱硫机理、发展历史和工业应用现状进行了介绍,同时分析了干法脱硫技术的经济前景,并对该技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘祚人  许传龙  汤光华 《化工进展》2021,40(12):6564-6573
以某600MW燃煤机组环保岛系统为研究对象,利用ASPEN Plus软件对烟气污染物脱除过程进行建模,并通过仿真实验对氨氮摩尔比、循环浆液pH、脱硫塔液气比、烟气温度、烟气流量等运行参数进行了敏感性分析,获得了烟气污染物脱除系统对各参数的静态响应特性。结果表明,对于在钒钛基催化剂上发生的选择性催化还原脱硝反应,氨氮摩尔比应略高于0.92,以保证脱硝效率,减小运行成本和氨逃逸量;当氨逃逸量在允许范围内时,提高浆液pH有利于增强脱硫作用和增加石膏产量,同时,应尽量降低脱硫塔液气比以减小运行成本,但液气比不可小于8,否则系统脱硫效率将大幅下降;省煤器出口烟温应小于350℃,控制在310~350℃时,系统综合脱硫脱硝效果较好;对于烟气流量变化,环保岛系统具备较强的适应能力。这些结果为环保岛系统的优化运行和智能控制提供了定量参考。  相似文献   

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