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近年来,我国乳业发展呈现“三快两多一大”度、增长速度、产品开发速度越来越快:生产、销的特点,即乳业发展速售同一种乳制品的厂商越来越多:买方市场已经形成,消费者选择品牌的余地越来越大。乳业的快速发展带动了整个产业链的发展,但也使乳业市场竞争日趋激烈,由此导致我国乳业开始进入了整体的发展整合期。  相似文献   

制约我国乳业实现跨越式发展的主要问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过比较我国乳业与发达国家乳业存在的差距和不足,讨论了加入WTO后,要实现我国乳品企业的跨越式发展应具备的条件。提出我国孔业在奶质量、奶源基地的建设、奶牛单产、原料乳成本、乳品结构等方面与国外相比存在很大的差距;并讨论了我国乳业管理体制、建立奶牛风险基金、高新技术在乳品工业的应用、技术创新体系建设和设备制造技术等问题,得出我国乳业要在管理方面、企业经营规模和效益方面、乳业的管理体制和政策方面、乳品加工技术的创新及体系方面需加强和提高,从而实现我国乳业的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

一、我国已成为全球乳业未来发展的增长点 就世界范围而言,乳业未来发展趋势在很大程度上取决于全球社会和经济发展的形势。而我国目前社会和经济已经进入快速发展时期,乳业发展受到空前重视,宏观环境对乳业发展越来越有利,乳业作为畜牧业中潜力最大的产业已被各地列为发展的重点,政府和农民对发展乳业都有很高的积极性。  相似文献   

“十五”期间是我国乳业发展最快的时期。乳制品产量和加工量,以及城市居民乳制品消费量都保持了两位数的年均增长速度,乳业的生产规模和产品质量不断提高,综合生产能力大为增强,城乡居民的消费潜能持续释放。这折射出,我国乳业仍然具有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

我国乳业现状分析及今后发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中从国内外乳业发展的特点、我国乳业的发展现状入手,详细阐述、分析了我国乳业目前存在的几大问题及制约乳业发展的因素,并提出对我国乳业今后的发展趋势及对策的看法和观点  相似文献   

近日,内蒙古乳业研究院揭牌仪式在呼和浩特市举行,这是伊利集团联手内蒙古自治区科技厅合作成立的国内第一个专业的省级乳业研究机构,据了解,这也是目前我国最大的乳业研发中心。  相似文献   

印度乳业的发展概况黑龙江乳业集团总公司王安山乳业在我国是一个新兴的产业,作为商品性生产不过百余年的历史,因而基础薄弱,起点低。新中国成立40年来,随着国民经济的发展,人民生活水平不断改善,技术的进步促使乳业有较大的发展,尽管如此,同国外先进国家相比,...  相似文献   

“中国乳业科技大会”经过一年的筹备,于今年8月19—22日在京隆重召开。近年来,我国乳业发展呼声很高,呈现出一派蓬勃发展的势头,但同时隐藏在乳业界的问题也随之浮出水面,“无抗奶”说法的炒作,乳品企业的兼并重组、重新洗牌和激烈的市场竞争,使乳品行业掀起了巨大波澜。党中央非常重视乳业的发展,农业部、科技部制定了重点发展乳业的政策,全国纷纷响应,把乳业作为畜牧业结构调整、提高农民收入的工作重点来抓。怎样促进乳业行业持续健康地发展,使市场竞争公平有序?这是摆在政府和企业面前的共同话题。中国畜产品加工研究…  相似文献   

目前我国的乳制品生产与消费水平与世界发达国家相比,还处于起步阶段,人均奶及奶制品占有量远远低于世界平均水平。我国乳制品市场潜力巨大,乳业发展步伐还应加快。乳业发展,奶源为本。优质、充足的奶源供应是现代乳业健康发展的重要保障。近年来,我们根据国情,遵循...  相似文献   

我国乳业连续5年持续增长 深层次矛盾显露   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国乳业已连续5年持续增长,总体上是健康的,但在持续、快速增长中,一些深层次的矛盾也逐渐暴露出来,突出表现是乳业产业链的生产、加工和市场营销发展不协调。解决好乳源问题,从乳业发展本身看,是解决整个乳业产业链的源头问题。要解决原料乳的产量水平问题,提高单产,增加总产。要解决原料乳的质量问题,生产优质原料乳。发展乳业必须从源头抓起,要优质高产。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to describe dairy farm demographic and socioeconomic conditions in the top 100 counties in the United States for dairy sales in 2007, and to describe the association of dairy farm demographics with socioeconomic conditions. The top 100 counties were responsible for 56% of all US dairy sales in 2007 with a median growth rate of 78% compared with 1997. Counties varied widely for farm demographics with as few as 5 very large dairy farms that averaged $17,924,000 in dairy sales per farm to as many as 1,730 dairy farms with less than $250,000 in dairy sales per farm. Most of the top 100 dairy counties had higher illiteracy rates, a higher proportion of residents without a high school degree, and lower median incomes than state averages, but unemployment rates were similar to the state average. The socioeconomic measures were from public records and not collected specifically for this research. Nevertheless, the top dairy counties in the western states tended to have poorer socioeconomic conditions than the top dairy counties in other regions, and significant associations were observed between dairy farm demographics and socioeconomic conditions. Having many dairy farms was associated more favorably with county socioeconomic conditions than having high dairy sales.  相似文献   

康傑  王殿华 《食品工业》2021,(2):336-340
对消费者进行调研,结合相关理论,采用Logistics回归分析法对消费者对乳品质量的认知途径进行实证探讨。结果表明,家庭最高学历的消费者对乳品安全认知程度、消费者购买乳品次数、消费者对乳品质量的安全认知度、家里有13岁以下孩童对乳品质量的安全认知度起到促进作用。基于分析结果,从扩大乳品信息的披露途径、加强消费者交易、激励乳品企业信息披露等方面提出建议,以期推动消费者对乳品质量的安全认知度提升。  相似文献   

进一步加快黑龙江省乳品行业发展的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据黑龙江省乳品行业发展的总体形势,通过深入分析制约黑龙江省乳业发展的几个主要问题,结合我省几家有影响力的乳品企业的实际情况.提出了加快黑龙江省乳业发展的建议:包括进一步加强奶源基地建设、加速培育乳业“航母”、切实加大对龙头企业的扶持力度、规范乳品市场秩序、加强品牌整合力度。  相似文献   

The research activities in dairy science at the University of Guelph, Université Laval, and the University of Alberta are presented. At the University of Guelph, the Ontario dairy industry (producers and processors) and the federal government sponsor two dairy research chairs, one in dairy chemistry/technology and the other in dairy microbiology/food safety. This activity is complemented by other food science faculty with dairy research interests. At Université Laval, the dairy research group STELA, comprised of several faculty and support staff, focuses on the chemistry and technology of milk proteins, milk lipids and lactic acid fermentations. The University of Alberta also supports an active dairy research group. Dairy research is very strong at these institutions due to very proactive funding arrangements with dairy industry groups.  相似文献   

分析了中国奶羊业的现状及问题,并有针对性地提出了中国奶羊业发展的8项战略,分别为:实验跨世纪的提高全民乳营养战略;北羊南进战略;养羊扶贫战略;奶山羊肉改战略,民族乳制品开发战略;羊奶进城战略;基地养羊战略;奶山羊产品系列开发战略。通过实施这些战略,将促使中国奶羊业更快更好地发展。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4461-4473
The provision of pasture and outdoor access for dairy cattle differs around the globe. For example, in Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, dairy farms are largely pasture based, whereas dairy farms in the United States and Canada are largely confinement based. There is a high level of public support for pasture and outdoor access for dairy cows, and the available evidence shows that dairy cattle are highly motivated to access pasture, especially at night. The decision as to whether to provide outdoor access is typically made by farmers, but little is known about dairy farmers' perspectives on this topic. We investigated perspectives of Western Canadian dairy farmers on outdoor access, as well as how they believe different stakeholders (i.e., the dairy industry, the dairy cows, and the general public) regard outdoor access for dairy cows. Data were collected via (1) 11 focus group discussions with a total of 50 Western Canadian dairy farmers, and (2) semi-structured individual interviews with an additional 6 dairy farmers of Hutterite colonies. Data were analyzed using template analysis. Although most participants in this study did not provide outdoor access on their farms, or only provided outdoor access to certain cow groups, participants generally mentioned that they enjoyed seeing cows on pasture or outdoors. However, participants shared that the Canadian supply management system (including processors) required a consistent flow of production, which was thought to be easier and more economically realized with indoor housing of lactating cows. Participants believed that pasture or outdoor access for dairy cows was desired by the public. Some participants believed that dairy cows prefer to spend time outside under favorable weather conditions, but others felt that cows preferred to stay indoors in modern, ventilated freestall barns. The results of this study describe the perspectives of dairy farmers regarding the views of dairy industry stakeholders as they relate to outdoor access, helping to inform conversations around the provision of outdoor access for dairy cattle.  相似文献   

对牛乳中主要的生物活性成分进行了阐述,对牛初乳和以发酵乳制品为代表的功能性乳制品的特点进行了综述。分析了功能性牛乳制品发展过程中存在的主要问题,对制定功能型牛乳制品标准的必要性进行了分析,提出了功能性牛乳制品标准的主要内容。  相似文献   

以调查问卷的形式对合肥乳制品消费情况进行了调查。问卷共发放了1 000份,回收有效问卷869份,问卷有效率86.9%。调查群体集中反映了合肥市当地青壮年市民乳制品消费情况。通过调查得知,一线城市乳制品消费人群已形成稳定乳制品消费习惯,而且消费水平高于全国城镇居民乳制品消费平均水平;酸奶、常温奶和需要冷链储藏鲜奶成为大城市消费的主流,且安全、营养、品牌成为选择乳制品的重要考虑;消费者对当前乳制品质量安全比较放心,对外国品牌的乳制品较为认可;城市人群获取乳制品相关信息的重要渠道为电视节目。  相似文献   

乳制品质量与安全是一个全球性的重要问题。许多国家纷纷采取立法、行政、司法以及提高检验技术等多种措施,以提高乳及乳制品的质量与安全。近年来,我国进口乳及乳制品的种类和数量与日俱增,但由于国内外法规与标准检测指标差异,导致进口乳制品“安全风险难以发现”、出口乳制品“遭受贸易技术壁垒”事件频发。为维护我国进出口乳制品企业和消费者合法权益,保障乳制品质量安全,亟需明确国内外乳制品法规与标准在检测指标方面的差异,提升检测方法的针对性和准确度。本文对我国乳制品的标准现状、我国与主要贸易国在乳制品质量与安全方面主要检测指标的差异进行了比较分析,指出了中外乳制品法规、检测指标和限量值的不同,并对我国乳制品法规、检测指标及限量值等标准的改进给出了建议,以期为我国全面科学地优化进出口乳及乳制品法规提供参考。  相似文献   

Different studies have shown that people are aware of the benefits of dairy products, but a sizeable part of the world's population still does not consume the recommended amount of dairy produce. The aims of the present research were to determine which dairy products are consumed by the middle-aged and elderly (50–81 yr old) living in Switzerland and to explore why some of this population segment are actually reducing their consumption of dairy products. On average, older Swiss adults consumed 2.6 portions of dairy products per day, which is slightly less than the recommended 3 to 4 portions a day. Additionally, about one-quarter of the respondents indicated that they have reduced their milk or dairy consumption. The main reasons given for this decision were to reduce fat or cholesterol. A reported difficulty in digesting some dairy products may be a further reason for limiting dairy intake, particularly cheese. It follows that a need for the propagation of appropriate nutritional information about dairy products to the middle-aged and elderly exists.  相似文献   

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