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谷朊粉在面团中作用机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马涛  周佳  张良晨 《食品工业科技》2012,33(15):124-126
通过Ellman’s试剂比色法测定添加谷朊粉的面粉蛋白质中的巯基和二硫键,同时研究了其在面团中的化学作用力,利用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)深入了解加入谷朊粉后面团的蛋白质和化学键的变化,同时讨论谷朊粉对面团吸水率、质构性质的影响。   相似文献   

The effects of different isomalt concentrations on the quality of wheat flour dough and spicy wheat gluten sticks (SWGS) were evaluated at the physical, structural and molecular levels. The results showed that the radial expansion rate (RER) and oil absorption rate (OAR) of SWGS increased first and then decreased with increased isomalt supplementation, which reached the maximum at 3 wt%. The pasting properties of wheat starch also changed, and the peak viscosity, breakdown and setback were decreased with the addition of isomalt. Dynamic rheological properties results showed that the storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G'') increased with the addition of isomalt, which may be attributed to the reinforcement of gluten network structure by hydrogen bonding of isomalt. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images illustrated that the SWGS surface becomes smooth and the broken gluten structure was reduced after the addition of different isomalt levels compared with the control group. Overall, the wheat flour dough quality analysis showed that the addition of isomalt could generate a close binding with wheat starch and protein and further strengthen the internal structure of gluten through isomalt hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gluten peptide was prepared by trypsin hydrolysis and characterized by high‐performance liquid chromatographic analysis. The effects on non‐frozen and frozen doughs of trypsin‐hydrolyzed gluten peptide (THGP) and its combination with ascorbic acid or KBrO3 were investigated. RESULTS: Molecular analysis of THGP showed a decrease in the high‐molecular‐weight and an increase in the low‐molecular‐weight sodium dodecyl sulfate‐soluble fractions, compared with those of control wheat gluten. The addition of 8% THGP decreased the mixing time and tolerance of the dough, both with and without ascorbic acid or KBrO3. However, the maximum resistance and extensibility of the rested dough containing 8% THGP, with and without ascorbic acid or KBrO3, were not significantly different from those of the control dough. The addition of 8% THGP significantly increased the loaf volume of bread baked from non‐frozen dough when combined with 60 ppm ascorbic acid or 30 ppm KBrO3, but it had a significant effect both with and without ascorbic acid or KBrO3 on frozen‐dough bread. A large difference in volume was observed between breads made with and without THGP at the oven‐spring, rather than at proofing. CONCLUSION: The addition of 8% THGP increased the loaf volume of bread made from freeze‐damaged dough and this effect increased when THGP was combined with 60 ppm ascorbic acid. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects of reduced glutathione (GSH) on dough rheology, water state and distribution, gluten conformation, and protein molecular weight distribution were investigated. Addition of GSH (0.02−0.04%) resulted in a more viscous and less elastic dough with decreased G′ and increased tanδ values, which suggested decreased cross-links in gluten network and a weakened dough structure. The molecular weight of proteins was reduced by the GSH-induced cleavage of intermolecular disulphide bonds. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed a high fraction of β-sheet formation at the expense of α-helix and β-turns, indicating a destabilised secondary structure and protein depolymerisation. GSH increased water release from the gluten network in dough resulting in an increase in freezable water content and caused water redistributed from bound water to weakly bound water. This study provided insights into correlation between wheat dough rheological properties and gluten structure influenced by GSH.  相似文献   

该文以市售金苑特一粉为原料,探索面团状态对小麦淀粉和谷朊粉分离效果的影响。分别控制加水量和醒面时间,分离、提取A–淀粉和谷朊粉,测定其得率与纯度及水溶物含量,分析得出最佳的加水量和醒面时间。  相似文献   

The effect of baked wheat germ (BWG) on the gluten network structure in steam bread dough was investigated. The secondary structure, free sulphydryl (-SH) content, disulphide (-SS-) bonds content and microstructure of gluten were analysed to evaluate gluten structural changes. The addition of different amounts of BWG (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12%) in dough resulted in decreased content of α-helix and β-sheet structures, but increased random coils, which indicated that a disordered structure was formed. The presence of BWG increased the -SH content but decreased the -SS- bonds content, which indicated fracture of disulfide bonds. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) analysis indicated that steamed bread dough containing BWG had larger-sized gas cell and granules of starch separated by the protein matrix, which weakened the gluten network structure. These changes may inevitably affect the viscoelastic properties of steamed bread dough.  相似文献   

《Journal of food engineering》2009,95(3-4):241-247
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of three hydrocolloids from different sources (arabic gum, pectin and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) on wheat dough major components (gluten and starch) using hydrated model systems. Gluten characteristics were evaluated concerning hydration properties (swelling, water retention capacity, water binding capacity), gluten quality (gluten index, the amount of wet and dry gluten), protein sodium dodecyl sulphate extractability, and rheological properties (elastic and viscous moduli); whereas the effect of hydrocolloids on wheat starch was assessed by recording the viscometric profile. Results showed that hydrocolloids tested affected in different extent to starch and gluten properties, being their effect dependent on the hydrocolloid type and also its concentration. All the hydrocolloids, with the exception of arabic gum, decreased the viscoelastic moduli during heating and cooling, yielding a weakening effect on gluten. Pectin mainly acted on gluten properties, varying gluten hydration, and also the quantity and quality of gluten. In addition, arabic gum acted primarily on the viscometric properties of starch. Therefore, hydrocolloid effect was greatly dependent on the hydrocolloid type, which defines its interaction with other components of the system.  相似文献   

Observations that lipids normally extracted from flour with nonpolar solvents become bound upon dough or gluten formation have been confirmed. Lipids bound in this way can be extracted by solvents of high dielectric constant and by mixtures of some alcohols with solvents containing donor hydrogen atoms. Low molar volume of solvent, in general associated with high dielectric constant, also leads to good extraction of bound lipid. Ethanol/ether/water (2:2:1) was the most efficient of the solvents tried and appeared to give almost complete extraction of lipid from flour. The reported reduction of lipid bound in dough containing salt has been investigated further and it was found that lipid binding decreased with added salt up to about 4% of flour weight. Doughing and lipid-binding occur when flour is mixed with solvents of high dielectric constant as well as with water.  相似文献   

Minor variations in the metabolic profile of yeast strongly affect wheat dough structure, the resulting bread volume and its crumb texture. However, it is complex to analyze the impact of single yeast metabolites on the development of dough during processing. In this study, a chemical-leavening system based on glucono-delta-lactone and NaHCO3 was applied to analyze aeration and gas retention in presence of glutathione independent from the yeast metabolism. The addition of glutathione-amplified gas release during kneading and reduced the time to reach the maximum gas formation rate. The results indicated that the inflation of dough is not limited by the amount of CO2 nor its release kinetics; however, during baking further aeration is restricted. The oven rise was impaired by high initial CO2 volumes, which is enhanced by the presence of glutathione.Industrial relevanceThis investigation addressed the effect of yeast equivalent glutathione on the properties of aerated dough and the resulting bread properties. Through the application of a chemical-leavening system the yeast metabolism can be avoided. GSH from lysed yeast cells had a weakening effect, which confirms observations of structure-loss after freeze–thaw processes of dough. Moreover, the use of chemical-leavening agents reduces bread production costs, since the fermentation process can be neglected.  相似文献   

Dynamic rheological properties of dough and gluten were studied and related to the empirical rheology (Farinograph) and the protein fractions of different wheat varieties. The relationship between high molecular weight-glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) and dough strength was evaluated. Dynamic rheology of under-, optimum- and over-mixed dough was also related to the farinograph characteristics and the protein fractions. The moduli (G′ and G″) of over- and optimally-mixed dough were significantly correlated with Farinograph characteristics and SDS-unextractable polymeric protein (UPP) content. The temperature-induced rheology of glutens revealed that the differences in G′ and G″ during heating as well as cooling were related to the UPP content. Principal component analysis revealed wide range of differences in the dynamic rheology among the wheat varieties mainly attributed to UPP.  相似文献   

The present study sought to investigate the rheological properties of wheat starch-gluten (WS-G) and potato starch-gluten (PS-G) model doughs with different gluten fractions to elucidate the effectiveness of using model dough to predict wheat dough properties. The highest linear viscoelastic region, frequency dependence, maximum creep compliance and the lowest viscoelastic modulus and zero shear viscosity were observed in the wheat dough, followed by WS-G and PS-G model doughs. PS exerted a more significant damage effect on the gluten network while WS shared a tight integration with gluten protein, forming a more stable dough structure. The viscoelasticity of the model doughs shared a close association with the wheat dough under increased gluten fraction, while the frequency dependence of the model doughs showed no trend towards wheat dough. Therefore, starch-gluten model dough could not fully stimulate the functionality of wheat dough irrespective of its gluten fraction.  相似文献   

Protein is an important component of grain which affects the technological properties of durum wheat. It is known that the amount and composition of protein can influence dough rheology and pasta quality but the influence of the major classes of protein is not well documented. The influence of the various gluten components on dough and pasta properties was investigated. The protein composition of durum semolina was altered by either adding gluten fractions to a base semolina or preparing reconstituted flours with varying protein composition. The effects on semolina dough rheology and spaghetti texture were measured. Published methods to isolate relatively pure quantities (gram amounts) of glutenin, gliadin, high molecular and low molecular weight glutenin subunits were evaluated and modified procedures were adopted. Reconstituted flours with additional glutenin increased dough strength while additional gliadin and LMW‐GS decreased strength. These changes did not impact on spaghetti texture. Results from using the addition of protein fractions to a base semolina showed that gluten and glutenin addition increased the dough strength of a weak base semolina while gliadin addition weakened the base dough further. Addition of HMW‐GS greatly increased dough strength of the base while addition of LMW‐GS greatly reduced dough strength. Again, these affects were not translated into firmer pasta. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Controlled stress rheometry revealed that differences in wheat flour dough strengths could be observed by means of dynamic rheological measurements in the region of higher stress amplitude (ie >100 Pa). At lower stress amplitude (τo) the values of elastic modulus G′ for weak doughs were higher than those for strong doughs, but they decreased substantially beyond 100 Pa stress amplitude (τo), such that the G′ values for strong doughs crossed over the G′ values for weak doughs. Beyond a critical value of stress amplitude (ie 100 Pa), true differences in dough strengths could be seen on the basis of their elastic characteristics, because at large deformations protein–protein interactions played a more dominant role in the rheological behaviour of flour doughs. Dynamic rheological analysis demonstrated a very weak inverse relationship (R2 = 0.16) between the G′ values of flour doughs and loaf volume data for 12 wheat cultivars of diverse bread‐making performance. However, the G′ values of glutens showed significant positive relationships with bread‐making performance, explaining 73% of the variation in loaf volume. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The impact of differences in dough transient gluten network on gluten cross-linking during baking is insufficiently understood. We varied dough mixing times and/or added sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL; 1.0% on flour dry matter basis) to the recipe and studied the effect on subsequent gluten polymerization during heating. The level of proteins extractable in sodium dodecyl sulfate containing media was fitted using first order kinetics. The extent and rate of gluten polymerization were lower when mixing for 8 min than when mixing for 2 min. This effect was even more outspoken in the presence of SSL. The present observations were explained as resulting from less gliadin incorporation in the polymer gluten network and from interaction of SSL with the gluten proteins. Finally, a higher degree of gluten polymerization during baking increased the firmness of the baked products.  相似文献   

This study mainly explored that the influence of wheat starch source on the rheology behaviours and structural properties of gluten–starch dough, and then the model doughs were prepared by the AK58 wheat gluten and three types of starches from strong (ZM366S), medium (AK58S) and weak gluten wheat (ZM103S) during mixing were studied. The damaged starch content of wheat starch was positively correlated with the wheat gluten strength, while the granule size was negatively. The G', G" and the extension resistance of ZM366S dough were higher than those of other doughs, which implied the source of starch also had a significant influence on the rheological properties. CLSM also observed that ZM366S was more closely bound to the gluten protein network. The glutenin macropolymer (GMP) content of ZM366S model dough was the highest, while the SH content was the lowest. Decreases in elasticity, extension and GMP, and small increase in SH content were displayed during dough mixing. Molecular forces were varied with different wheat starch and mixing time. The covalent bond was the main force between ZM103S and gluten, whereas the hydrogen and covalent bonds were the main force between ZM366S or AK58S and gluten. The interactions between ZM366 starch and gluten were stronger than others starch.  相似文献   

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