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nc-Si/SiO2 crystalline semiconductor quantum dots are very attractive as fluorescent labels for developing biosensors integrated with biomedical materials due to their unique physical properties in the visible region of the spectrum. We report on the functionalization of such nanostructures by single-strand short oligonucleotides using the d(20G,20T) system (d is deoxyribonucleotide, G is guanine, and T is thymine) as an example. Oligonucleotides are obtained by chemical synthesis using the solid-phase phosphoramidite technique. Studies using developed methods of Raman spectroscopy of high spectral and spatial resolution are performed on such complexes. The previously unpredicted phenomenon of multiband selective resonant light scattering by isolated molecular groups, caused by the nonradiative transfer of photoexcited electrons, is observed using a system of nc-Si/SiO2 quantum dots functionalized by d(20G,20T) oligonucleotides as an example. The results obtained suggest that the developed approach can be used to study the molecular structure of semiconductor quantum-dot and DNA complexes.  相似文献   

Nc-Si/SiO2 multilayers were fabricated on silicon wafers in a plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition system using in situ oxidation technology,followed by three-step thermal treatments.Carrier transportation at room temperature is characterized by current voltage measurement,and negative different conductances can be observed both under forward and negative biases,which is explained by resonant tunnelling.The resonant tunnelling peak voltage is related to the thicknesses of the nc-Si and SiO2 sublayers.And the resonant tunnelling peak voltage under negative bias is larger than that under forward bias.An energy band diagram and an equivalent circuit diagram were constructed to analyze and explain the above transportation process and properties.  相似文献   

A review is given of progress in our understanding of the electronic excitations in semiconductor quantum dots as studied by inelastic light scattering spectroscopy. Such experiments have revealed the characteristics of single particle, charge density, and spin density excitations of many-electron dots in zero and applied magnetic fields. Theoretical calculations, which reveal an electronic shell structure, are in general accord with the experimental results. Although the behaviour in a magnetic field is extremely complex, it is now feasible to study collective excitations from a range of strongly correlated ground states using this technique.  相似文献   

石墨烯量子点/介孔SiO2复合材料的发光效率是影响其应用的重要指标,文章从实验和理论两个方面总结了量子点/介孔复合材料发光效率的研究现状,分析了其发光效率的影响因素和理论预测方法,提出了建立石墨烯量子点/介孔SiO2复合材料发光效率模型的方法和亟待解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

The transition from two-dimensional (2D) pseudomorphic growth to the three-dimensional (3D) (nanoisland) growth in InxGa1?xAs/GaAs multilayer structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy was investigated by atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence, and Raman scattering. The nominal In content x in InxGa1?xAs was varied from 0.20 to 0.50. The thicknesses of the deposited InxGa1?xAs and GaAs layers were 14 and 70 monolayers, respectively. It is shown that, at these thicknesses, the 2D-3D transition occurs at x ≥ 0.27. It is ascertained that the formation of quantum dots (nanoislands) does not follow the classical Stranski-Krastanov mechanism but is significantly modified by the processes of vertical segregation of In atoms and interdiffusion of Ga atoms. As a result, the InxGa1?xAs layer can be modeled by a 2D layer with a low In content (x < 0.20), which undergoes a transition into a thin layer containing nanoislands enriched with In (x > 0.60). For multilayer InxGa1?xAs structures, lateral alignment of quantum dots into chains oriented along the \([\overline 1 10]\) direction can be implemented and the homogeneity of the sizes of quantum dots can be improved.  相似文献   

CdSe/ZnSe量子点的合成与荧光特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用低温成核生长与一步法相结合的方式合成了CdSe/ZnSe核壳结构量子点,并通过吸收光谱、荧光光谱、X射线衍射等分析手段证明了ZnSe壳层包覆成功.对加入空穴传输材料后CdSe/ZnSe量子点的荧光变化情况进行了深入的研究.稳态光谱结果表明.空穴传输材料对量子点发光有较强的淬灭作用;时间分辨光谱结果显示,随着空穴传输材料分子浓度的增加,量子点的荧光寿命明显缩短,其荧光淬灭过程可以解释为静态淬灭和动态淬灭过程.静态淬灭来源于量子点表面与空穴传输材料间的相互作用;而动态淬灭则来源于量子点到空穴传输材料的空穴转移过程.因此,量子点的壳层结构及空穴传输材料的种类对量子点的荧光淬灭起关键作用.  相似文献   

Resonant Raman spectroscopy of modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well dots and wires is reported. Deep etching with a SiCl4 reactive ion etching process achieved an excellent aspect ratio (>10:1) and low surface damage for dots and wires of sizes in the range 60–250 nm. A rich spectrum of single particle excitations was observed at Raman shifts in the range 1–35 meV for both dots and wires. Sharp resonances were found for the Raman intensities. The electronic scattering in wires exhibits distinct polarization properties in agreement with theoretical predictions and the spin density excitation energies are in reasonable agreement with Hartree approximation calculations. The dispersion of the intrasubband plasmon collective mode in 60 nm wires has been determined. The excitations in dots show a systematic shift to higher energy with decreasing dot diameter consistent with increased confinement. Magneto-Raman scattering from dot samples was also investigated at magnetic fields up to 12 T and the excitation spectra show level splitting, level crossing and mode softening with increasing magnetic field.  相似文献   

We report detailed photoluminescence (PL) studies of ZnSe quantum dots grown by controlling the flow duration of the precursors in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition system. The growth time of the quantum dots determines the amount of blue shift observed in the PL measurements. Blue shift as large as 320 meV was observed, and the emission was found to persist up to room temperature. It is found that changing the flow rate and the total number of quantum dot layers also affect the peak PL energy. The temperature dependence of the peak PL energy follows the Varshni relation. From analyzing the temperature-dependent integrated intensity of the photoluminescence spectra, it is found that the activation energy for the quenching of photoluminescence increases with decreasing quantum dot size, and is identified as the binding energy of the exciton in ZnSe quantum dot.  相似文献   

CdSe量子点的制备与荧光特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要讨论了CdSe量子点的制备及荧光特性。CdSe量子点由化学方法制备,通过选择不同的反应时间得到不同尺度的量子点样品。用荧光方法研究了量子点样品在石英衬底和有机溶剂中的荧光特性。实验表明,这些量子点都有良好的荧光特性。还用无限深球方势阱模型分析了量子点样品的电子态,并根据荧光参数估算了量子点的尺度.各样品荧光峰具有一致的半峰宽,表明CdSe量子点的成核过程在反应开始时同时完成。  相似文献   

陈德媛 《半导体学报》2011,32(8):083004-4
采用等离子体淀积和原位氧化技术,并结合后续的热退火处理制备了nc-Si/SiO2 多层膜结构。通过电流电压特性对室温下器件中的载流子输运过程进行了表征。在正向和反向偏压下的电流电压特性曲线中都表现出了由于共振隧穿引起的负微分电导。共振隧穿产生的峰值电流对应的电压值与器件结构中的势垒层厚度相关,势垒层越厚,发生隧穿的峰值电压越高。文中通过器件的能带结构简图和等效电路图对正向、反向偏压下的共振隧穿峰值电压差异进行了细致的分析。  相似文献   

The influence of a magnetic field on the low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) kinetics of InAs/AlAs quantum dots is studied. It is found that the PL decay becomes faster upon application of the magnetic field. The results obtained are explained in the context of a model that considers the fine structure of exciton levels and their Zeeman splitting in the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of the differential cross section characterizing the resonant scattering of photons by the atoms of a dilute gas has been investigated. It is supposed that the scatterers are sufficiently dispersed so that interference between different scatterers may be neglected. Elastic collisions between the scatterers and the atoms of a buffer gas are treated in the impact approximation. A Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities is assumed. Analytic expressions for the cross section are obtained in the limits natural widthggcollision widthggDoppler width, Doppler widthggnatural widthggcollision width, and collision widthggnatural widthggDoppler width. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

We report on room temperature continuous-wave optically pumped InAs/GaAs quantum dot whispering gallery mode microdisk lasers,heterogeneously integrated on silica/silicon chips.The microdisks are fabricated by photolithography and inductively coupled plasma etching.The lasing wavelength is approximately 1200 nm and the obtained lowest laser threshold is approximately 28μW.The experimental results show an approach of possible integrated Ⅲ-Ⅴ optical active materials on silica/silicon chip for low threshold WGM microdisk lasers.  相似文献   

The effects of accelerating voltage and collection angle on the mean free path for all inelastic electron scattering (lambdap), which is an important parameter for determining specimen thickness by using electron energy-loss spectroscopy, were investigated with crystalline Si and amorphous SiO2. First, thickness of Si film was measured with the convergent-beam electron diffraction method, while thickness of SiO2 particles was estimated from their spherical shape. Then from electron energy-loss spectra, lambdap was evaluated for Si film and SiO2 particles by changing the accelerating voltage (100 to approximately 300 kV) and the collection angle for the scattered electrons. Under the condition of no objective aperture, lambdap for Si film and SiO2 particles was found to increase with the increase of accelerating voltage and to take values of 180+/-6 nm (Si) and 247+/-8 nm (SiO2) at 300 kV. Also, it was found that lambdap in both cases decreases drastically with the increase of collection angle in the range smaller than 25 mrad, while it tends to take a constant value at the collection angle larger than 25 mrad at 200 kV.  相似文献   

A report is presented on the observation of hole excitations in unintentionally p-doped self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots by resonant Raman spectroscopy. The small difference in the valence intraband energy values obtained by Raman and PL spectra is explained by the Coulomb interaction between electrons and holes. However, the reason why the maximum resonance occurs at a slightly higher energy than that of the hole excitation seen in Raman spectra is unknown.  相似文献   

等离子体氧化nc-Si/SiO_2多层膜的蓝光发射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了在等离子体增强化学气相沉积 (PECVD)系统中用交替淀积 a-Si对其进行原位等离子体氧化的方法制备了 a-Si∶H/ Si O2 多层膜。随着 a-Si∶H子层的厚度从 3 .8nm减小到 1 .5 nm,a-Si∶H/ Si O2 多层膜的光吸收边和光致发光 (PL )出现了蓝移。在晶化的 a-Si∶ H/ Si O2 多层膜中不仅观察到室温下的红光带 (80 0nm)的发光峰 ,而且还观察到蓝光发射 (4 2 5 nm) ,结合 Raman,TEM和 PL测试 ,对其原因作了简单的分析  相似文献   

The tensile strained Ge/SiGe multiple quantum wells (MQWs) grown on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate were fabricated successfully by ultra-high chemical vapor deposition. Room temperature direct band photoluminescence from Ge quantum wells on SOI substrate is strongly modulated by Fabry-Perot cavity formed between the surface of Ge and the interface of buried SiO2. The photoluminescence peak intensity at 1.58 μm is enhanced by about 21 times compared with that from the Ge/SiGe quantum wells on Si substrate, and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) is significantly reduced. It is suggested that tensile strained Ge/SiGe multiple quantum wells are one of the promising materials for Si-based microcavity lijzht emitting devices.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectra, the X-ray diffraction patterns, and the effect of conjugation with biomolecules upon these characteristics are studied for silanized CdSe/ZnS quantum dots. Along with the band of annihilating excitons in the quantum dots, the luminescence spectra exhibit emission associated with defects. It is established that the emission spectrum of defects involves at least two components. It is shown that the defects are located mainly at the small-sized quantum dots; the defects responsible for the long-wavelength component are located mainly at the quantum dots larger in size than the quantum dots, at which the defects responsible for the short-wavelength component are located. It is found that conjugation with biomolecules induces not only the blue shift of the excitonic band, but transformation of the emission spectra of defects and an increase in the contribution of defects to the luminescence spectrum as well. The changes observed in the emission spectrum of defects are attributed to the formation of certain emission centers. It is shown that, when conjugated with biomolecules, the quantum dots experience increasing compression strains. This effect is responsible for the blue shift of the luminescence band of the quantum dots.  相似文献   

采用水相法制备了颗粒尺寸为3.75nm的硒化锌(ZnSe)量子点,采用表面活性剂将ZnSe量子点转移到有机相聚(2-甲氧基-5-辛氧基)对苯乙炔(MO-PPV)中,获得了MO-PPV/ZnSe复合材料。通过对MO-PPV和ZnSe量子点的吸收光谱(ABS)和光致发光(PL)光谱的研究发现,随着ZnSe量子点掺杂浓度的提高,复合材料的发光强度明显增强,发光峰位置出现了蓝移。当ZnSe∶MO-PPV的质量比为1∶0.181时,发光峰位置蓝移10nm。结果表明,MO-PPV与ZnSe量子点之间存在着能量传递,这是导致MO-PPV/ZnSe量子点复合材料具有PL增强的重要原因。  相似文献   

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