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We consider preemptive online and semi-online scheduling of unit jobs on two uniformly related machines. Jobs are presented one by one to an algorithm, and each job has a rejection penalty associated with it. A new job can either be rejected, in which case the algorithm pays its rejection penalty, or it can be scheduled preemptively on the machines, in which case it may increase the maximum completion time of any machine in the schedule, also known as the makespan of the constructed schedule. The objective is to minimize the sum of the makespan of the schedule of all accepted jobs and the total penalty of all rejected jobs. We study two versions of the problem. The first one is the online problem where the jobs arrive unsorted, and the second variant is the semi-online case, where the jobs arrive sorted by a non-increasing order of penalties. We also show that the variant where the jobs arrive sorted by a non-decreasing order of penalties is equivalent to the unsorted one. We design optimal online algorithms for both cases. These algorithms have smaller competitive ratios than the optimal competitive ratio for the more general problem with arbitrary processing times (except for the case of identical machines), but larger competitive ratios than the optimal competitive ratio for preemptive scheduling of unit jobs without rejection.  相似文献   

We study a problem of scheduling a set of n jobs with unit processing times on a set of m multipurpose machines in which the objective is to minimize the makespan. It is assumed that there are two different job types, where each job type can be processed on a unique subset of machines. We provide an optimal offline algorithm to solve the problem in constant time and an online algorithm with a competitive ratio that equals the lower bound. We show that the worst competitive ratio is obtained for an inclusive job-machine structure in which the first job type can be processed on any of the m machines while the second job type can be processed only on a subset of m/2 machines. Moreover, we show that our online algorithm is 1-competitive if the machines are not flexible, i.e., each machine can process only a single job type.  相似文献   

This paper is about scheduling parallel jobs, i.e. which can be executed on more than one machine at the same time. Malleable jobs is a special class of parallel jobs. The number of machines a malleable job is executed on may change during its execution.In this work, we consider the NP-hard problem of scheduling malleable jobs to minimize the total weighted completion time (or mean weighted flow time). For this problem, we introduce the class of “ascending” schedules in which, for each job, the number of machines assigned to it cannot decrease over time while this job is being processed.We prove that, under a natural assumption on the processing time functions of jobs, the set of ascending schedules is dominant for the problem. This result can be used to reduce the search space while looking for an optimal solution.  相似文献   

We consider the NP-hard problem of scheduling parallel jobs with release dates on identical parallel machines to minimize the makespan. A parallel job requires simultaneously a prespecified, job-dependent number of machines when being processed. We prove that the makespan of any nonpreemptive list-schedule is within a factor of 2 of the optimal preemptive makespan. This gives the best-known approximation algorithms for both the preemptive and the nonpreemptive variant of the problem. We also show that no list-scheduling algorithm can achieve a better performance guarantee than 2 for the nonpreemptive problem, no matter which priority list is chosen. List-scheduling also works in the online setting where jobs arrive over time and the length of a job becomes known only when it completes; it therefore yields a deterministic online algorithm with competitive ratio 2 as well. In addition, we consider a different online model in which jobs arrive one by one and need to be scheduled before the next job becomes known. We show that no list-scheduling algorithm has a constant competitive ratio. Still, we present the first online algorithm for scheduling parallel jobs with a constant competitive ratio in this context. We also prove a new information-theoretic lower bound of 2.25 for the competitive ratio of any deterministic online algorithm for this model. Moreover, we show that 6/5 is a lower bound for the competitive ratio of any deterministic online algorithm of the preemptive version of the model jobs arriving over time.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an issue of rescheduling on identical parallel machines where the original jobs have already been scheduled to minimize the total completion time, when a single set of jobs to be reworked re-arrives and creates a job rework disruption. Two conflicting rescheduling criteria are considered: the total completion time, as the measure of scheduling cost (efficiency); and the number of jobs assigned to different machines in the original schedule and newly generated schedule, as the measure of disruption cost (stability). Further, the rescheduling problem is defined as a bi-criteria scheduling problem. Two polynomial time algorithms are proposed to lexicographically optimize the two criteria. Besides, the set of all efficient schedules with respect to the two criteria can be also generated in polynomial time.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling jobs on two parallel identical machines where an optimal schedule is defined as one that gives the smallest makespan (the completion time of the last job) among the set of schedules with optimal total flowtime (the sum of the completion times of all jobs). We propose an algorithm to determine optimal schedules for the problem, and describe a modified multifit algorithm to find an approximate solution to the problem in polynomial computational time. Results of a computational study to compare the performance of the proposed algorithms with a known heuristic shows that the proposed heuristic and optimization algorithms are quite effective and efficient in solving the problem.Scope and purposeMultiple objective optimization problems are quite common in practice. However, while solving scheduling problems, optimization algorithms often consider only a single objective function. Consideration of multiple objectives makes even the simplest multi-machine scheduling problems NP-hard. Therefore, enumerative optimization techniques and heuristic solution procedures are required to solve multi-objective scheduling problems. This paper illustrates the development of an optimization algorithm and polynomially bounded heuristic solution procedures for the scheduling jobs on two identical parallel machines to hierarchically minimize the makespan subject to the optimality of the total flowtime.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling jobs arriving over time in a multiprocessor setting, with immediate dispatching, disallowing job migration. The goal is to minimize both the total flow time (total time in the system) and the total completion time. Previous studies have shown that while preemption (interrupt a job and later continue its execution) is inherent to make a scheduling algorithm efficient, migration (continue the execution on a different machine) is not. Still, the current non-migratory online algorithms suffer from a need for a central queue of unassigned jobs which is a "no option" in large computing systems, such as the Web. We introduce a simple online non-migratory algorithm IMD, which employs immediate dispatching, i.e., it immediately assigns released jobs to one of the machines. We show that the performance of this algorithm is within a logarithmic factor of the optimal migratory offline algorithm, with respect to the total flow time, and within a small constant factor of the optimal migratory offline algorithm, with respect to the total completion time. This solves an open problem suggested by Awerbuch et al. (STOC 99).  相似文献   

This paper studies two closely related online-list scheduling problems of a set of n jobs with unit processing times on a set of m multipurpose machines. It is assumed that there are k different job types, where each job type can be processed on a unique subset of machines. In the classical definition of online-list scheduling, the scheduler has all the information about the next job to be scheduled in the list while there is uncertainty about all the other jobs in the list not yet scheduled. We extend this classical definition to include lookahead abilities, i.e., at each decision point, in addition to the information about the next job in the list, the scheduler has all the information about the next h jobs beyond the current one in the list. We show that for the problem of minimizing the makespan there exists an optimal (1-competitive) algorithm for the online problem when there are two job types. That is, the online algorithm gives the same minimal makespan as the optimal offline algorithm for any instance of the problem. Furthermore, we show that for more than two job types no such online algorithm exists. We also develop several dynamic programming algorithms to solve a stochastic version of the problem, where the probability distribution of the job types is known and the objective is to minimize the expected makespan.  相似文献   

Preemptive scheduling problems on parallel machines are classic problems. Given the goal of minimizing the makespan, they are polynomially solvable even for the most general model of unrelated machines. In these problems, a set of jobs is to be assigned to run on a set of m machines. A job can be split into parts arbitrarily and these parts are to be assigned to time slots on the machines without parallelism, that is, for every job, at most one of its parts can be processed at each time. Motivated by sensitivity analysis and online algorithms, we investigate the problem of designing robust algorithms for constructing preemptive schedules. Robust algorithms receive one piece of input at a time. They may change a small portion of the solution as an additional part of the input is revealed. The capacity of change is based on the size of the new piece of input. For scheduling problems, the supremum ratio between the total size of the jobs (or parts of jobs) which may be re-scheduled upon the arrival of a new job j, and the size of j, is called migration factor. We design a strongly optimal algorithm with the migration factor $1-\frac{1}{m}$ for identical machines. Strongly optimal algorithms avoid idle time and create solutions where the (non-increasingly) sorted vector of completion times of the machines is lexicographically minimal. In the case of identical machines this results not only in makespan minimization, but the created solution is also optimal with respect to any ? p norm (for p>1). We show that an algorithm of a smaller migration factor cannot be optimal with respect to makespan or any other ? p norm, thus the result is best possible in this sense as well. We further show that neither uniformly related machines nor identical machines with restricted assignment admit an optimal algorithm with a constant migration factor. This lower bound holds both for makespan minimization and for any ? p norm. Finally, we analyze the case of two machines and show that in this case it is still possible to maintain an optimal schedule with a small migration factor in the cases of two uniformly related machines and two identical machines with restricted assignment.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a job scheduling problem on multiple identical parallel machines so as to minimize job completion time variance (CTV). CTV minimization is closely related to the Just-In-Time philosophy and the service stability concept since it penalizes both earliness and tardiness. Its applications can be found in many real-life areas such as Internet data packet dispatching and production planning. This paper focuses on the unrestricted case of the problem where idle times are allowed to exist before machines start to process jobs. We prove several dominant properties about the optimal solution to the problem. For instance, we prove that the mean completion time (MCT) on each machine should be the same under an optimal schedule. Based on these properties, an efficient heuristic algorithm is proposed. Computational experiments are conducted to test the performance of the proposed algorithm. The outputs demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is near optimal for small problem instances and greatly outperforms some existing algorithms for large problem instances.  相似文献   

针对带有机器人制造单元的作业车间调度优化问题, 在若干加工机器上可以加工具有特定加工工序的若干工件, 并且搬运机器人可以将工件在装卸载站与各加工机器间进行搬运. 在实际生产过程中, 由于不确定性, 特别是带有存货的加工单元, 要求工件的完工时间在一个时间窗内, 而不是一个特定的时间点. 因此针对此情况的作业车间, 考虑到其在求解问题过程中的复杂性和约束性等特点, 研究了在时间窗约束下, 目标值为最小化工件完成时间提前量和延迟量的总权重. 提出了一种将文化基因算法与邻域搜索技术(变邻域下降搜索)相结合的改进元启发式算法, 在求得最优目标值的同时, 可得到最优值的工件加工序列及机器人搬运序列. 通过实验结果表明, 所提出的算法有效且优于传统文化基因算法与遗传算法.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of scheduling a set of jobs with arbitrary sizes and unequal weights on a set of parallel batch machines with non-identical capacities. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the accepted jobs and the total rejection penalty of the rejected jobs, simultaneously. To address the studied problem, a Pareto-based ant colony optimization algorithm with the first job selection probability (FPACO) is proposed. A weak-restriction selection strategy is proposed to obtain the desirability of candidate jobs. Two objective-oriented heuristic information and pheromone matrices are designed, respectively, to record the experience in different search dimensions. Moreover, a local optimization algorithm is incorporated to improve the solution quality. Finally, the proposed algorithm is compared with four existing algorithms through extensive simulation experiments. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms all of the compared algorithms within a reasonable time.  相似文献   

In traditional scheduling problems, the processing time for the given job is assumed to be a constant regardless of whether the job is scheduled earlier or later. However, the phenomenon named “learning effect” has extensively been studied recently, in which job processing times decline as workers gain more experience. This paper discusses a bi-criteria scheduling problem in an m-machine permutation flowshop environment with varied learning effects on different machines. The objective of this paper is to minimize the weighted sum of the total completion time and the makespan. A dominance criterion and a lower bound are proposed to accelerate the branch-and-bound algorithm for deriving the optimal solution. In addition, the near-optimal solutions are derived by adapting two well-known heuristic algorithms. The computational experiments reveal that the proposed branch-and-bound algorithm can effectively deal with problems with up to 16 jobs, and the proposed heuristic algorithms can yield accurate near-optimal solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with setup time and learning effects simultaneously. The setup time is proportional to the length of the already processed jobs. That is, the setup time of each job is past-sequence-dependent. The objectives are to minimize the total absolute deviation of job completion times and the total load on all machines, respectively. We show that the proposed problem is polynomially solvable. We also discuss two special cases of the problem and show that they can be optimally solved by lower order algorithms.  相似文献   

We study the problem of scheduling a set of N jobs with non-identical job sizes from F different families on a set of M parallel batch machines; the objective is to minimize the makespan. The problem is known to be NP-hard. A meta-heuristic based on Max–Min Ant System (MMAS) is presented. The performance of the algorithm is compared with several previously studied algorithms by computational experiments. According to our results, the average distance between the solutions found by our proposed algorithm and the lower bounds is about 4% less than that of the best of all the compared algorithms, demonstrating that our algorithm outperforms the previously studied algorithms.  相似文献   

Shachnai  Tamir 《Algorithmica》2002,32(4):651-678
Abstract. Modern computer systems distribute computation among several machines to speed up the execution of programs. Yet, setup and communication costs, as well as parallelism constraints, bound the number of machines that can share the execution of a given application, and the number of machines by which it can be processed simultaneously . We study the resulting scheduling problem, stated as follows. Given a set of n jobs and m uniform machines, assign the jobs to the machines subject to parallelism and machine allotment constraints, such that the overall completion time of the schedule (or makespan ) is minimized. Indeed, the multiprocessor scheduling problem (where each job can be processed by a single machine) is a special case of our problem; thus, our problem is strongly NP-hard. We present a (1+ α) -approximation algorithm for this problem, where α ∈ (0,1] depends on the minimal number of machine allotments and the minimal parallelism allowed for any job. Also, we show that when the maximal number of machines that can share the execution of a job is some fixed constant, our problem has a polynomial time approximation scheme ; for other special cases we give optimal polynomial time algorithms. Finally, through the relation of our problem to the classic preemptive scheduling problem on multiple machines, we shed some fresh light on what is known in scheduling folklore as the power of preemption.  相似文献   

Shachnai  Tamir 《Algorithmica》2008,32(4):651-678
Abstract. Modern computer systems distribute computation among several machines to speed up the execution of programs. Yet, setup and communication costs, as well as parallelism constraints, bound the number of machines that can share the execution of a given application, and the number of machines by which it can be processed simultaneously . We study the resulting scheduling problem, stated as follows. Given a set of n jobs and m uniform machines, assign the jobs to the machines subject to parallelism and machine allotment constraints, such that the overall completion time of the schedule (or makespan ) is minimized. Indeed, the multiprocessor scheduling problem (where each job can be processed by a single machine) is a special case of our problem; thus, our problem is strongly NP-hard. We present a (1+ α) -approximation algorithm for this problem, where α ∈ (0,1] depends on the minimal number of machine allotments and the minimal parallelism allowed for any job. Also, we show that when the maximal number of machines that can share the execution of a job is some fixed constant, our problem has a polynomial time approximation scheme ; for other special cases we give optimal polynomial time algorithms. Finally, through the relation of our problem to the classic preemptive scheduling problem on multiple machines, we shed some fresh light on what is known in scheduling folklore as the power of preemption.  相似文献   

In this paper, the single processor scheduling problem to minimize the total weighted completion times is analysed, where the processing times of jobs are described by functions dependent on the sum of the normal processing times of previously processed jobs, which can model learning or aging (deteriorating) effects. We construct the exact pseudopolynomial time algorithm based on the dynamic programming, which solves the problem, where the processing time of each job is described by an arbitrary stepwise function. Moreover, the parallel metaheuristic algorithms are provided for the general version of the problem with arbitrary sum-of-processing time based models. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is evaluated during numerical analysis.  相似文献   

Resource optimal control in some single-machine scheduling problems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider a problem to schedule a set of jobs on a single machine under the constraint that the maximum job completion time does not exceed a given limit. Before a job is released for processing, it must undergo some preprocessing treatment which consumes resources. It is assumed that the release time of a job is a positive strictly decreasing continuous function of the amount of resources consumed. The objective is to minimize the total resource consumption. We show that ordering jobs in nonincreasing processing times yields an optimal solution. We then consider a bicriterion approach to the problem in which the maximum job completion time and the resource consumption are simultaneously minimized and present a polynomial time solution algorithm. Finally, we consider a related problem in which the job release times are given but the processing times are functions of the amount of resource consumed. We show that ordering jobs in nondecreasing release times gives an optimal solution and that the problem to minimize both the maximum completion time and resource consumption is polynomially solvable  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling a set of nonsimultaneously available jobs on one machine. Each job has a ready time only at or after which the job can be processed. All the jobs have a common due date, which needs to be determined. The problem is to determine a due date and a schedule so as to minimize a total penalty depending on the earliness, tardiness and due date. We show that this problem is strongly NP-hard and give an efficient algorithm that finds an optimal due date and schedule when either the job sequence is predetermined or all jobs have the same processing time. We also propose three approximation algorithms for the general and special cases together with their experimental analysis.

Scope and purpose

We consider the single machine due date assignment problem for scheduling jobs which are ready for processing at different times. The problem under consideration arises in production planning and scheduling concerning the setting of appropriate due dates for a number of customer orders arriving over time. Most of the earlier publications on this subject assumed that the jobs are ready for processing simultaneously. This assumption is too restrictive for real-life production systems where jobs arrive at different times. We show that the problem with unequal ready times is NP-hard and develop fast heuristic algorithms for it, and exact algorithms for two special cases.  相似文献   

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