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H. Kim S. L. Bud’ko M. A. Tanatar D. V. Avdashchenko A. V. Matovnikov N. V. Mitroshenkov V. V. Novikov R. Prozorov 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2012,25(7):2371-2375
We report magnetic susceptibility measurements of RB66 (R = Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, and Lu) boron-rich rare earth containing borides down to 50?mK. The data suggest a spin glass low temperature state for RB66 (R = Gd, Tb, Ho, and Er) with the freezing temperatures below 1?K. The magnetic properties appear to be influenced by the anisotropy of the magnetic moments, probably via the crystalline electric field effects. 相似文献
F. Mekkaoui F. Litimein R. Khenata O. Merabiha A. Bouhemadou D. Varshney F. Soyalp Ş. Uğur S. Bin-Omran D. Rached 《International Journal of Thermophysics》2013,34(11):2102-2118
The structural, elastic, and thermodynamic properties of the cubic anti-perovskite $\hbox {RBRh}_{3}$ (R = Sm, Eu, Gd, and Tb) compounds have been investigated using first principles full-potential augmented-plane wave plus local orbitals (FP-APW+lo) method with the generalized gradient approximation. The ground-state quantities such as the lattice parameter, bulk modulus, and its pressure derivative, as well as elastic constants are estimated. Computed equilibrium lattice constants agree well with the available experimental data. The full set of first-order elastic constants and their pressure dependence, which have not been calculated or measured yet, have been determined. The elastic moduli increase linearly with increasing pressure and satisfy the generalized elastic stability criteria for cubic crystals under hydrostatic pressure. The shear modulus, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio are calculated for ideal polycrystalline $\hbox {RBRh}_{3}$ aggregates. The Debye temperature is estimated from the average sound velocity. From the elastic parameter behavior, it is inferred that cubic anti-perovskites $\hbox {RBRh}_{3}$ are ductile in nature and that the bonding is predominantly of an ionic nature. Following the quasi-harmonic Debye model, the temperature effect on the lattice constant, bulk modulus, heat capacity, and Debye temperature is calculated reflecting the anharmonic phonon effects. 相似文献
Samples with nominal compositions of (Ru0.9Nb0.1)Sr2(Gd0.67R0.67Ce0.66)Cu2O z (R = Nd, Gd, Tb) were prepared, and the influence of doped rare-earth element on the structural, magnetic and superconducting properties of these samples has been investigated. Resistivity and room-temperature thermoelectric power measurements showed that the superconductivity is mainly affected by the change in the hole concentration induced by doping of the rare-earth element. All of these samples exhibited weak ferromagnetic behavior at temperatures below approximately 90 K with the branching of zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) magnetization. In the ZFC magnetization measurements, diamagnetic transition was observed at temperatures below approximately 15 K for the R=Gd and Nd samples. Magnetization measurements also revealed that the partial substitution of Tb for Gd results in a significant enhancement of weak-ferromagnetic component of the FC magnetization, as well as an increase in the magnetic ordering temperature up to 20 K. A quite opposite behavior was observed in the FC magnetization for the case of the R=Nd sample. The experimental results are discussed in conjunction with the local structural changes in the Ru sublattice, which are induced by doping of the rare-earth element, based on the results of Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction data. 相似文献
Leila Hasni Mohammed Ameri Djillali Bensaid Ibrahim Ameri Smain Mesbah Yarub Al-Douri José Coutinho 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2017,30(12):3471-3479
The structural, magnetic, electronic and optical properties of Terbium-based binaries (TbX) (X = N, O, S and Se) in two cubic structures NaCl and CsCl have been investigated. This study is carried out by Full-Potential linearized Muffin-Tin orbitals (FP-LMTO) method in the framework of the functional theory of density (DFT) implemented in the lmtart code. The presence of f-state electrons in these induced high-correlation materials led us to study these systems using local density approximation (LDA) for the paramagnetic state and spin local density approximation (LSDA) for the ferromagnetic state within two cubic structures. We have demonstrated that these binaries are stable in the ferromagnetic state in the cubic phase of NaCl, which allows us to deduce the magnetic moments of these components. From the electronic band structures and density states, we have concluded that TbX (X = N, O, S and Se) are metallic in the NaCl phase. The results obtained in this work show that the theoretical parameters of the ground state, structure of the bands, density of the states (DOS) and optical properties agree well with other available theoretical and experimental data. 相似文献
Maryam Safavi Mahmood Moradi Mohammad Rostami 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2017,30(4):989-997
The electronic and magnetic properties of the half-Heusler compounds of NaKZ (Z = N, P, As, and Sb) are investigated on the basis of density functional theory. The spin-polarized calculations indicate that these materials are half-metallic ferromagnets with an integer magnetic moment of 1 μ B at their equilibrium lattice constants. The mechanism that leads to half-metallicity in these materials is also investigated. It is found that these compounds are half-metallic ferromagnets on a wide range of lattice constants, and as a result, they could be used in the spintronic devices that contain heterojunctions of half-metal/semiconductors. The Curie temperatures of NaKN, NaKP, NaKAs, and NaKSb are estimated to be 526.3, 494.7, 475.9, and 358.1 K in the mean field approximation, respectively. 相似文献
N. Mahfoudh M. Koubaa W. Cheikhrouhou-Koubaa A. Cheikhrouhou 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(5):1631-1637
Structural, magnetic, and magnetocaloric properties of La0.5M0.1Sr0.4MnO3 (M=Bi, Eu, Gd, and Dy) powder samples, synthesized using the solid-state reaction at high temperature, have been experimentally investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis using the Rietveld refinement show that La0.5Bi0.1Sr0.4MnO3 sample is single phase and crystallizes in the rhombohedral system with $R\overline{3}c$ space group whereas a mixture of orthorhombic (Pbnm) and rhombohedral ( $R\overline{3}c$ ) phases is observed for M=Eu, Gd, and Dy compounds. The Curie temperature, T C , shifts to lower temperature with decreasing the average A-site ionic radius 〈r A 〉, which is consistent with large cationic disorder. Arrott plots show that all our samples exhibit a second order magnetic phase transition. From the measured magnetization data of La0.5M0.1Sr0.4MnO3 (M=Bi, Eu, Gd, and Dy) samples as a function of magnetic applied field, the associated magnetic entropy change |ΔS M | has been determined. In the vicinity of T C , |ΔS M | reached, in a magnetic applied field of 1 T, maximum values of 0.98 J/kg?K, 1.01 J/kg?K, 0.81 J/kg?K, and 0.77 J/kg?K for M=Bi, Eu, Gd, and Dy, respectively. 相似文献
Nasir Mehmood Rashid Ahmad G. Murtaza 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2017,30(9):2481-2488
The first principle study of half-Heusler compounds RhCrZ (Z = Si, Ge) is performed in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The compounds are found to have small band gap in the minority spin channel (spin-down). While the majority spin channel (spin-up) is metallic. Therefore, both compounds are half-metallic and 100 % spin polarized at Fermi level. Several properties including structural, mechanical, elastic, electronic, magnetic, and optical are computed using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method as implemented in the WIEN2k simulation package. Equilibrium lattice constants for both compounds are found to be in the range 5.5–6.0 Å. Elastic properties indicate the ductile nature of the compounds. The total magnetic moments for these compounds are approximately equal to 1μ B, i.e., MTot ≈ 1μ B. Hence, the compounds are weak ferromagnetic materials. We have calculated the complex dielectric function. Many optical properties including reflectivity, refractive index, conductivity, and absorption coefficients are obtained form dielectric function. Imaginary part of the dielectric functions shows that compounds are optically metallic and become transparent above 17 and 13 eV, respectively. It is also observed that compounds are more active in the infrared region. 相似文献
Yu. L. Yaropolov V. N. Verbetsky A. S. Andreenko K. O. Berdyshev S. A. Nikitin 《Inorganic Materials》2010,46(4):364-371
Hydrogen interaction with RNi intermetallic compounds and the influence of hydrogen on magnetic properties of these compounds were investigated. Ternary hydrides GdNiH3.2, TbNiH3.4, DyNiH3.4 and SmNiH3.7 were prepared by hydrogenation of the initial alloys at room temperature and hydrogen pressure up to 0.1 MPa. Hydrides possess orthorhombic CrB-type structure (S.G. Cmcm). The formation of hydrides results in substantial expansion of the metallic sublattices, weakening of the ferromagnetic interactions and decreasing of the paramagnetic Curie temperatures. The article was translated by the author. 相似文献
F. Ahmadian 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(5):1737-1743
The electronic and magnetic properties of the Cr2YSb (Y=Co, Fe, and Ni) Heusler alloys with both CuHg2Ti-type and AlCu2Mn-type structures have been investigated using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). Two nearly half-metallic ferrimagnets (HMFs), Cr2CoSb, and Cr2FeSb in CuHg2Ti-type structure, are predicted. The energy gap lies in the minority spin band for both alloys. The calculated total spin magnetic moments are 2μ B and 1μ B per unit cell for Cr2CoSb and Cr2FeSb alloys, respectively, which are in good agreement with the Slater–Pauling relation. For these alloys, the magnetic moments of Y and Cr(B) are antiparallel to that of Cr(A) and all of these moments increase with increasing lattice constant. It was also found that the half-metallic properties of Cr2CoSb and Cr2FeSb are unaffected to the lattice distortion and the half-metallicity can be obtained within the wide range of 5.52–6.07 Å and 5.96–6.16 Å for Cr2CoSb and Cr2FeSb alloys, respectively. 相似文献
R. Masrour E. K. Hlil M. Hamedoun A. Benyoussef O. Mounkachi H. El Moussaoui 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2015,28(6):1815-1819
The self-consistent ab initio calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT) approach and using full-potential linear augmented plane wave (FLAPW) method, are performed to investigate both electronic and magnetic properties of the MnSb compounds. Polarized spin and spin-orbit coupling are included in calculations within the framework of the ferromagnetic state between two adjacent Mn atoms. The ferromagnetic energy of MnSb systems is obtained. Magnetic moment considered to lie along the (001) axes are computed. The exchange interactions between the magnetic atoms Mn–Mn in MnSb are given using the mean field theory. Obtained data from ab initio calculations are used as input for the high-temperature series expansions (HTSEs) calculations to compute other magnetic parameters. The HTSEs of the magnetic susceptibility of the magnetic moments in MnSb (m Mn) is given up to the tenth order series in (x = J 1(Mn–Mn)/ k B T). The critical temperature T C is deduced by HTSEs of the magnetic susceptibility series combined with the Padé approximation method. The critical exponent γ associated with the magnetic susceptibility is deduced as well. 相似文献
Xueyan WuHongpeng You Hongtao CuiXiaoqing Zeng Guangyan Hong Chang-Hong KimChong-Hong Pyun Byung-Yong YuCheol-Hee Park 《Materials Research Bulletin》2002,37(9):1531-1538
Vacuum ultraviolet excitation spectra of phosphors (La,Gd)PO4:RE3+ (RE=Eu or Tb) and X-ray photoelectron spectra of LaPO4 and GdPO4 are investigated. The vacuum ultraviolet excitation intensity of (La,Gd)PO4:RE3+ is enhanced with the increasing of Gd3+ content, which implies that Gd3+ plays an intermediate role in energy transfer from host absorption band to RE3+. When Gd3+ is doped into LaPO4:Eu3+, charge transfer band (CT band) begins to shift to higher energy region and the overlap degree of CT band and the host absorption band gets greater with more Gd3+ doped into LaPO4. These results suggest that the dopant (Gd3+) gives an important influence on energy transfer efficiency. The top of LaPO4 valance band is formed by the 2p level of O2−, whereas that of GdPO4 valance band is formed by the 2p level of O2− and the 4f level of Gd3+, showing the differences in band structures between LaPO4 and GdPO4. 相似文献
Using a density functional scheme, for the first time the carbon dependence on the structural, dynamic, thermodynamic, and dynamic properties of \(\hbox {Si}_{1-x}\hbox {C}_{x} \) alloys (\(x=0.0\) to 1.0 in steps of 0.125) has been investigated. The structural properties of these materials, in particular, the composition dependence of the lattice parameter and bulk modulus, are in excellent agreement with experimental data and follow a quadratic law in (x). A nonlinear relationship is found between the elastic constants \(C_{11}\), \(C_{12}\), and \(C_{44}\) and the carbon concentration (x). The behavior of the acoustical and optical phonon frequencies at high-symmetry points \(\varGamma \), X, and L is predicted. Through the quasi-harmonic Debye model, in which the photonic effects are taken into account, the Debye temperature, the heat capacity, the Helmholtz free energy, the internal energy, and the entropy are determined for the \(\hbox {Si}_{1-x}\hbox {C}_{x }\) compounds. 相似文献
The11Bnmr results on RRh3B2(R=La, Ce, Nd and Gd) are reported. For CeRh3B2, specific heat and electrical resistivity are reported. From a comparative study of the11Bnmr Knight shifts and the spin lattice relaxation times of these compounds it is shown that in CeRh3B2, there is strong hybridization of 4f states with the conduction electrons. A local moment on Ce with admixture of 4f and 5d–6s orbitals is suggested. 相似文献
采用第一性原理(First-principles)的超软赝势平面波法,结合广义梯度近似(GGA)及PW91算法,计算了煤中的方解石CaCO3、菱镁矿MgCO3和白云石CaMg(CO3)2的电子结构和热力学性质。首先,分别对这3种矿物质的结构进行优化,使其达到最稳定的状态,计算结果给出了这3种矿物质的电子结构和晶胞参数。其次,采用声子谱态密度方法计算了这3种矿物质的熵S、热容Cp、焓H及吉布斯自由能G。最后,由相应的数据拟合成图像。这样,采用微观计算得出的结果,给煤灰结渣问题的研究提供理论上的指导作用。 相似文献
《Optical Materials》2014,36(12):2128-2131
Green-emitting (Gd1−x−yLaxTby)2O(WO4)2 (0 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.05, 0.05 ⩽ y ⩽ 0.15) phosphors were synthesized in a single phase form by the conventional solid-state reaction method, and their photoluminescent properties were characterized. The (Gd1−x−yLaxTby)2O(WO4)2 phosphors showed strong and broad excitation bands from 230 to 350 nm, corresponding to the energy transition from the 4f8 to 4f75d configuration of Tb3+ and the charge-transfer (CT) transition of O2−−W6+. The oxytungstate phosphors exhibited typical emission peaks assigned to the transition from 5D4 to 7FJ (J = 6, 5, 4, and 3) of Tb3+, and the luminescence emission intensity was effectively enhanced by the La3+ doping into the host Gd2O(WO4)2 lattice. The highest green emission intensity was obtained for (Gd0.87La0.03Tb0.10)2O(WO4)2, where the relative emission intensity was 63% that of a commercial green-emitting (La0.52Ce0.31Tb0.17)PO4 phosphor. 相似文献