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每个人都会对“轻”有着各自的期盼:想要体重再轻一些、想要书包再轻一些、想要压力再轻一些、想要烦恼再轻一些……总之,我们都巴不得像空气一样漂浮起来,在承受城市生活的强压后,甚至连衣服鞋子的重量都开始渴望抛开,让自己享受从内到外的轻盈生活。  相似文献   

假期不出门,跟随味觉去旅行。轻松尝遍各地美食,海天有的是好“拌”法!  相似文献   

跑步机是家庭及健身房常备的器材,而且是当今家庭健身器材中最简单的一种,是家庭健身器的最佳选择。美国年跑步机的批发销售额达4.6亿美元较以前增加了15%,专家们相信未来跑步机市场将以高价位产品为主导。这些迹象都表明,未来跑步机仍会持续增长。  相似文献   

昊楠 《饮食科学》2005,(9):8-10
韩晓,一个身高186厘米、体重72.5公斤的阳光男孩。身为导游的韩晓有点孩子气,在约定的见面地点等了他十多分钟,没想到他却挺委屈地说:“给你们打了好几个电话,怎么不接啊!害得我绕了好大一圈。”也是这个帅帅的男孩把自己90公斤的体重在4个月内减掉了17.5公斤,成为一名兼职模特。  相似文献   

炎炎夏日,骄阳似火,原本就琐碎杂乱的厨房家务事更显得苦闷不堪。作为一名事业与家庭兼顾的全职女性,以往的我总要在每日繁忙的工作结束后,再赶到湿滑拥挤的菜市场转战一番,拎着大包,小包的新鲜肉菜从市场出来时已是汗流浃背。  相似文献   

想过吗?那些有可能被你当做垃圾而丢弃的旧家具、旧电器、旧容器等等,重新被利用后会散发出独特之美,为你的生活带来新鲜之感。  相似文献   

食不厌精脍不厌细,似乎已经被现代人演绎发挥到了极致。于是,厌倦了鱼肉之腻的人们如今又把目光盯在了爽口开胃的清凉泡菜上。尤其是冬日,如果能吃上一份可口的泡菜,会使人胃口大开,清除油腻,倍感惬意。  相似文献   

“健康管理”是否走进你的生活   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李毅 《电击高手》2006,(4):12-12
城市中生活节奏加快、社会竞争激烈、饮食结构改变、环境污染加剧,这些变化无不威胁着人们的健康。  相似文献   

深松犁深松部件的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

钱钰 《四川烹饪》1999,(11):20-20
“松”是将原料经初加工阶刀工处理)后,再用油炸至呈丝状或絮状的制品。“松”在烹任中应用广泛,它既可作冷、热菜肴的装饰,又可配合其它原料烹制成菜肴,还可以单独成菜,或直接食用。常见的由厨师自己制作的“松”类制品有“蛋松”和“菜松”,而其中菜松又分为“绿松”、“红松”和“芋松”。下面试分别介绍如下:蛋松蛋松一般用鸡蛋制成。成品外观呈浅黄色,絮状,质地松泡,口感绵韧。要达到这样的效果,在制作时对油温、火候及操作方法都有较高的要求。下面就介绍一下蛋蚣的制作过程。原料:鸡蛋1个盐、水豆粉各少许色拉油110克约…  相似文献   

Wheat hardness has major consequences for the entire wheat supply chain from breeders and millers over manufacturers to, finally, consumers of wheat‐based products. Indeed, differences in hardness among Triticum aestivum L. or between T. aestivum L. and T. turgidum L. ssp. durum wheat cultivars determine not only their milling properties, but also the properties of flour or semolina endosperm particles, their preferential use in cereal‐based applications, and the quality of the latter. Although the mechanism causing differences in wheat hardness has been subject of research more than once, it is still not completely understood. It is widely accepted that differences in wheat hardness originate from differences in the interaction between the starch granules and the endosperm protein matrix in the kernel. This interaction seems impacted by the presence of either puroindoline a and/or b, polar lipids on the starch granule surface, or by a combination of both. We focus here on wheat hardness and its relation to the presence of puroindolines and polar lipids. More in particular, the structure, properties, and genetics of puroindolines and their interactions with polar lipids are critically discussed as is their possible role in wheat hardness. We also address future research needs as well as the presence of puroindoline‐type proteins in other cereals.  相似文献   

The effect was examined of reducing the thickness of the blades in the shear compression cell of the Texture Test System in order to increase the clearance between the moving and the stationary cell components. The results indicated that blade thickness reductions up to 0.14mm did not affect the characteristic shape of the force-deformation curves for the 9 foods tested. Friction between the cell components was eliminated and the force to operate the cell tended to decrease, but force variations within foods were unaffected. It was concluded that it would be useful to reduce the thickness of the blades to decrease friction and to promote standardization by making the blades more precisely of steel. The variation of blade thickness may account for some of the differences between the presently manufactured aluminum cells.  相似文献   

介绍了毛型整理剂2F1T的组成和对中长毛型华达呢的整理工艺,并同其它后整理剂进行对比。实验表明:此产品优于其它后整理剂,整理后的中长织物各项指标达到部颁标准,成本也合算,经济效益可观。  相似文献   

Texture parameters (peak force and compression), muscle myofibre diameter, and hydroxyproline were measured in semitendinosus samples from a cattle gene-mapping herd. The data were analysed to determine the relationships between these traits. The traits were also mapped by genetic linkage analysis to identify quantitative trait loci, and hence, candidate genes for these traits. Neither texture parameters were affected by the muscle structural traits of myofibre diameter or collagen content (as measured by hydroxyproline), despite significant variation in these traits between animals. QTL for the texture parameters of peak force and compression, as well as collagen content, were found on cattle chromosome 2 (BTA2) and attributed to the myostatin gene. Within the cattle population used for the QTL mapping, a gene variant of myostatin, F94L, has been previously shown to increase muscle mass, predominantly in the semitendinosus. It was determined herein that the F94L myostatin homozygous animals had more tender meat as measured by both peak force and compression. The variant was also responsible for a reduction in the collagen/elastin content of muscle. The myostatin F94L variant had no effect on muscle myofibre diameter of the semitendinosus, even though the variant causes substantial increases in muscle mass. Consequently, the increase in muscle mass of the variant must be due to myofibre hyperplasia and not hypertrophy. In addition, myostatin effects on tenderness are caused by changes in the extracellular matrix rather than muscle myofibre diameter.  相似文献   

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