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A mobile ad‐hoc network (MANET) is a collection of autonomous nodes that communicate with each other by forming a multi‐hop radio network. Routing protocols in MANETs define how routes between source and destination nodes are established and maintained. Multicast routing provides a bandwidth‐efficient means for supporting group‐oriented applications. The increasing demand for such applications coupled with the inherent characteristics of MANETs (e.g., lack of infrastructure and node mobility) have made secure multicast routing a crucial yet challenging issue. Recently, several multicast routing protocols (MRP) have been proposed in MANETs. Depending on whether security is built‐in or added, MRP can be classified into two types: secure and security‐enhanced routing protocols, respectively. This paper presents a survey on secure and security‐enhanced MRP along with their security techniques and the types of attacks they can confront. A detailed comparison for the capability of the various routing protocols against some known attacks is also presented and analyzed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In ad hoc wireless networks, the high mobility of hosts is usually a major reason for link failures. The general ‘shortest path’ based routing protocols may not lead to stable routes. In this paper, we propose a mobility assessment on‐demand (MAOD) routing protocol to select a stable route in order to enhance system throughput and performance. An error count parameter is used to judge whether a host is highly mobile. The proposed MAOD routing protocol is an on‐demand routing protocol similar to dynamic source routing (DSR). The difference between MAOD and DSR is in the path selection method. Because MAOD takes the mobility of hosts into consideration, it will select a more stable and reliable path than DSR. In comparison, DSR only considers whether this route is a shortest path or not. Finally, the system performance is analyzed by using the global mobile simulation (GloMoSim) simulator. We can observe that MAOD routing protocol outperforms DSR routing protocol especially in the high mobility environment. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are characterized by random, multi‐hop topologies that do not have a centralized coordinating entity or a fixed infrastructure that may change rapidly over time. In addition, mobile nodes operate with portable and finite power sources. In this work, we propose an energy‐efficient routing protocol for MANETs to minimize energy consumption and increase the network's consistency. Traditional works mainly focused on the shortest path‐based schemes to minimize energy, which might result into network failure because some nodes might exhaust fast as they are used repetitively, while some other nodes might not be used at all. This can lead to energy imbalance and to network life reduction. We propose an energy‐efficient ad hoc on‐demand routing protocol that balances energy load among nodes so that a minimum energy level is maintained among nodes and the network life increases. We focused on increasing the network longevity by distributing energy consumption in the network. We also compared the simulation results with a popular existing on‐demand routing protocol in this area, AODV, to establish the superiority of our approach. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discussed the issues of QoS multicast routing in cognitive radio ad hoc networks. The problem of our concern was: given a cognitive radio ad hoc network and a QoS multicast request, how to find a multicast tree so that the total bandwidth consumption of the multicast is minimized while the QoS requirements are met. We proposed two methods to solve it. One is a two‐phase method. In this method, we first employed a minimal spanning tree‐based algorithm to construct a multicast tree and then proposed a slot assignment algorithm to assign timeslots to the tree links such that the bandwidth consumption of the tree is minimized. The other is an integrated method that considers the multicast routing together with the slot assignment. Extensive simulations were conducted to show the performance of our proposed methods. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In emerging wireless networks, cooperative retransmission is employed to replace packet retransmission between a pair of sender and receiver with poor channel condition. A cooperative MAC protocol which utilizes such benefit is proposed in this paper to improve the network performance in mobile ad hoc networks. In the proposed protocol, relay nodes between sender and receiver are used if the sender cannot communicate with the receiver reliably. Furthermore, the receiver may also stop forwarding the received data frame if the frame is received by the next‐hop receiver on the route to the final destination node. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol outperforms previous works in terms of increased transmission reliability and reduced delay time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Routing is the most basic and essential operation of any ad hoc network. A mobile ad hoc network presents many challenges, because of the severe resource limitations such as dynamic and varying topology, lack of centralized control, insecure medium, and limited battery power, among others. Therefore, optimization and conservation is the key to success of any ad hoc network operation. In this paper, we propose and define 2 new metrics for ad hoc networks: bandwidth utilization ratio and load index. These metrics can be used as an indicator to measure and monitor the network usability and to improve its efficiency by efficient load distribution. They can be used to predict the additional load that can be accommodated in the network, without causing any congestion or overflows. We also propose a new load balancing routing scheme for ad hoc networks, called efficient load balancing method. This method tries to offset the load on different paths using load index as a metric. Load index is defined as a measure of a node's degree of involvement in the message routing process, which is indicative of its load. To make this algorithm efficient, we limit our routes to a few efficient ones only. This number of alternate routes used, out of the pool of all available routes, is defined as degree of distribution. Simulation results adequately prove the efficiency of proposed method, vis‐à‐vis 2 other load balancing approaches, and these are verified statistically at 99% confidence interval. A p × q factorial design is used to verify that simulation results are the actual measurements and not due to some unknown errors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of broadcast routing in mobile ad hoc networks from the viewpoint of energy efficiency. In an ad hoc wireless network, each node runs on a local energy source which has a limited energy lifespan. Thus, energy conservation is a critical issue in ad hoc networks. One approach for energy conservation is to establish routes which require lowest total energy consumption. This optimization problem is referred as the minimum‐energy broadcast routing problem (MEBRP). In this paper, we propose new efficient algorithms for the construction of energy‐efficient trees for broadcast in mobile ad hoc networks. These algorithms exploit the broadcast nature of the wireless channel, and address the need for energy‐efficient operations. Empirical studies show that our algorithms are able to achieve better performance than algorithms that have been developed for MEBRP. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a Load‐Balancing and Coding‐Aware Multicast (LCM) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. In LCM protocol, a new route metric named Expected Transmission Time with Coding and Load Balancing (ETTCL) is presented at first, aiming at effectively selecting the path not only that has the possible coding opportunity but also where overflow due to network overload can be prevented. Then, we describe the route discovery phase by constructing the node‐disjoint multicast tree on the basis of ETTCL and employ network coding to encode the data flows for route maintenance. The effectiveness of LCM protocol is simulated and analyzed by NS‐2, which shows that this protocol has good performance in reducing average end‐to‐end delay and control overhead and can improve packet delivery ratio compared with the existing protocol. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks are recognized by their abilities to form, sustain, and deform networks on‐the‐fly without the need for any pre‐established and fixed infrastructures. This wireless multi‐hop technology requires adaptive networking protocols with low control overhead and low power consumption to operate efficiently. Existing research so far are mainly concerned with unicast routing for ad hoc mobile networks. There is a growing interest in supporting multicast communication in an ad hoc mobile environment. In this paper, the associativity‐based ad hoc multicast (ABAM) routing protocol is proposed. The concept of association stability is utilized during multicast tree discovery, selection, and reconfiguration. This allows routes that are long‐lived to be selected, thereby reducing the frequency of route reconstructions. ABAM employs a localized route reconstruction strategy in response to migrations by source, receiver, and tree nodes. It can repair an affected subtree via a single route reconstruction operation. ABAM is robust since the repair can be triggered by a node in the tree or by the migrated node itself. ABAM is also capable of handling multicast group dynamics when mobile hosts decide to join and leave an existing multicast group. Our simulation results reveal that under different mobility scenarios and multicast group size, ABAM has low communication overhead and yields better throughput performance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于粒子群优化的ad hoc网络最小能耗多播路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在无线ad hoc网络中,设备使用电池提供能量,随着多播应用日益广泛,如何构造最小能耗多播树是一个重要问题。针对选择不同的中继节点集对构造最小能耗多播树的影响,提出了一种优化最小能耗多播树构造的离散粒子群算法。为了避免离散粒子群算法早熟收敛,引入惯性权重策略,以平衡算法的全局搜索能力和局部搜索能力。模拟实验结果表明改进后的离散粒子群算法具有较强的优化能力,有效地优化了最小能耗多播树的构造。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of localized energy aware routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In localized routing algorithms, each node forwards a message based on the position of itself, its neighbors and the destination. The objective of energy aware routing algorithms is to minimize the total power for routing a message from source to destination or to maximize the total number of routing tasks that a node can perform before its battery power depletes. In this paper we propose new localized energy aware routing algorithms called OLEAR. The algorithms have very high packet delivery rate with low packet forwarding and battery power consumption. In addition, they ensure good energy distribution among the nodes. Finally, packets reach the destination using smaller number of hops. All these properties make our algorithm suitable for routing in any energy constrained environment. We compare the performance of our algorithms with other existing energy and non‐energy aware localized algorithms. Simulation experiments show that our algorithms present comparable energy consumption and distribution to other energy aware algorithms and better packet delivery rate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In large and dense mobile ad hoc networks, position-based routing protocols can offer significant performance improvement over topology-based routing protocols by using location information to make forwarding decisions. However, there are several potential security issues for the development of position-based routing protocols. In this paper, we propose a secure geographic forwarding (SGF) mechanism, which provides source authentication, neighbor authentication, and message integrity by using both the shared key and the TIK protocol. By combining SGF with the Grid Location Service (GLS), we propose a Secure Grid Location Service (SGLS) where any receiver can verify the correctness of location messages. We also propose a Local Reputation System (LRS) aiming at detecting and isolating both compromised and selfish users. We present the performance analysis of both SGLS and LRS, and compare them with the original GLS. Simulation results show that SGLS can operate efficiently by using effective cryptographic mechanisms. Results also show that LRS effectively detects and isolates message dropping attackers from the network.  相似文献   

This paper considers the channel assignment problem in a multi‐channel MANET environment. We propose a scheme called GRID, by which a mobile host can easily determine which channel to use based on its current location. In fact, following the GSM style, our GRID spends no communication cost to allocate channels to mobile hosts since channel assignment is purely determined by hosts' physical locations. We show that this can improve the channel reuse ratio. We then propose a multi‐channel MAC protocol, which integrates GRID. Our protocol is characterized by the following features: (i) it follows an ‘on‐demand’ style to access the medium and thus a mobile host will occupy a channel only when necessary, (ii) the number of channels required is independent of the network topology, and (iii) no form of clock synchronization is required. On the other hand, most existing protocols assign channels to a host statically even if it has no intention to transmit [IEEE/ACM Trans. Networks 1995; 3 (4):441–449; 1993; 1 (6): 668–677; IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 1999; 17 (8):1345–1352], require a number of channels which is a function of the maximum connectivity [IEEE/ACM Trans. Networks 1995; 3 (4):441–449; 1993; 1 (6): 668–677; Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM'97, November 1997; IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 1999; 17 (8):1345–1352], or necessitate a clock synchronization among all hosts in the MANET [IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 1999; 17 (8):1345–1352; Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'99, October 1999]. Through simulations, we demonstrate the advantages of our protocol. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A predictive model‐based mobility tracking method, called dead reckoning, is developed for mobile ad hoc networks. It disseminates both location and movement models of mobile nodes in the network so that every node is able to predict or track the movement of every other node with a very low overhead. The basic technique is optimized to use ‘distance effect’, where distant nodes maintain less accurate tracking information to save overheads. The dead reckoning‐based location service mechanism is evaluated against three known location dissemination service protocols: simple, distance routing effect algorithm for mobility (DREAM) and geographic region summary service (GRSS). The evaluation is done with geographic routing as an application. It is observed that dead reckoning significantly outperforms the other protocols in terms of packet delivery fraction. It also maintains low‐control overhead. Its packet delivery performance is only marginally impacted by increasing speed or noise in the mobility model, that affects its predictive ability. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although establishing correct and efficient routes is an important design issue in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), a more challenging goal is to provide energy efficient routes because mobile nodes' operation time is the most critical limiting factor. This article surveys and classifies the energy‐aware routing protocols proposed for MANETs. They minimize either the active communication energy required to transmit or receive packets or the inactive energy consumed when a mobile node stays idle but listens to the wireless medium for any possible communication requests from other nodes. Transmission power control approach and load distribution approach belong to the former category, and sleep/power‐down mode approach belongs to the latter category. While it is not clear whether any particular algorithm or a class of algorithms is the best for all scenarios, each protocol has definite advantages/disadvantages and is well suited for certain situations. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate the research efforts in combining the existing solutions to offer a more energy efficient routing mechanism. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transmission-scheduling protocols can support contention-free link-level broadcast transmissions and delay sensitive traffic in mobile, multiple-hop packet radio networks. Use of transmission-scheduling protocols, however, can be very inefficient in mobile environments due to the difficulty in adapting transmission schedules. The paper defines a new adaptive and distributed protocol that permits a terminal to adapt transmission assignments to changes in topology using information it collects from its local neighborhood only. Because global coordination among all the terminals is not required and changes to transmission assignments are distributed to nearby terminals only, the protocol can adapt quickly to changes in the network connectivity. The two key parameters that affect the ability of the protocol to adapt to changes in connectivity are the rate of connectivity changes and the number of terminals near the connectivity changes. Using simulation, we determine the ranges for these parameters for which our adaptive protocol can maintain collision-free schedules with an acceptable level of overhead. The stability of the protocol is also characterized by showing that the protocol can quickly return to a collision-free transmission schedule after a period of very rapid changes in connectivity. Our channel-access protocol does not require a contention-based random-access phase to adapt the transmission schedules, and thus its ability to adapt quickly does not deteriorate with an increase in the traffic load.  相似文献   

低开销的MANET网络按需路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江国星  易明 《通信学报》2009,30(7):27-35
针对简单泛洪效率低的问题,提出了一个限制洪泛的高效的路由广播算法,通过Euclidean距离来限制路由发现过程中请求分组被转发的次数;研究了减少路由维护开销,并降低路由发现的频率的方法,提出了一个基于节点高度的路由修复与优化算法,该算法使用节点监听来对链路断裂的路由进行修复与优化.基于限制泛洪的高效的路由广播算法和路由修复优化算法,提出了一种新的低开销的MANET网络按需路由协议LOOR(low overhead on-demand routing).仿真结果表明,新协议增强了路由的顽健性,减少了路由跳数,降低了路由发现的频率,提高了数据分组递送率,并显著地降低了路由控制开销.  相似文献   

Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks are emerging with advances in electronic device technology, wireless communications and mobile computing with flexible and adaptable features. Routing protocols act as an interface between the lower and higher layers of the network protocol stack. Depending on the size of target nodes, routing techniques are classified into unicast, multicast and broadcast protocols. In this article, we give analysis and performance evaluation of tree‐based multicast routing in wireless sensor networks with varying network metrics. Geographic multicast routing (GMR) and its variations are used extensively in sensor networks. Multicast routing protocols considered in the analytical model are GMR, distributed GMR, demand scalable GMR, hierarchical GMR, destination clustering GMR and sink‐initiated GMR. Simulations are given with comparative analysis based on varying network metrics such as multicast group size, number of sink nodes, average multicast latency, number of clusters, packet delivery ratio, energy cost ratio and link failure rate. Analytical results indicate that wireless sensor network multicast routing protocols operate on the node structure (such as hierarchical, clustered, distributed, dense and sparse networks) and application specific parameters. Simulations indicate that hierarchical GMR is used for generic multicast applications and that destination clustering GMR and demand scalable GMR are used for distributed multicast applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a speed prediction model using auto‐regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and neural networks for estimating the futuristic speed of the nodes in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The speed prediction promotes the route discovery process for the selection of moderate mobility nodes to provide reliable routing. The ARIMA is a time‐series forecasting approach, which uses autocorrelations to predict the future speed of nodes. In the paper, the ARIMA model and recurrent neural network (RNN) trains the random waypoint mobility (RWM) dataset to forecast the mobility of the nodes. The proposed ARIMA model designs the prediction models through varying the delay terms and changing the numbers of hidden neuron in RNN. The Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), auto‐correlation function (ACF), and partial auto‐correlation function (PACF) parameters evaluate the predicted mobility dataset to estimate the model quality and reliability. The different scenarios of changing node speed evaluate the performance of prediction models. Performance results indicate that the ARIMA forecasted speed values almost match with the RWM observed speed values than RNN values. The graphs exhibit that the ARIMA predicted mobility values have lower error metrics such as mean square error (MSE), root MSE (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) than RNN predictions. It yields higher futuristic speed prediction precision rate of 17% to 24% throughout the time series as compared with RNN. Further, the proposed model extensively compares with the existing works.  相似文献   

A core-based forwarding multicast tree is a shortest path tree rooted at core node that distributes multicast packets to all group members via the tree after the packets are sent to the core. Traditionally, the bandwidth cost consumed by transmitting a packet from the core via the tree is evaluated by the total weights of all the edges. And, the bandwidth cost is minimized by constructing the multicast tree that has minimum total weights of edges to span all group members. However, when the local broadcast operation is used to multicast a packet, we found that the bandwidth cost is supposed to be evaluated by the total weights of all senders that include the core and all non-leaves. Since the multicast tree with the number of nodes greater than or equal to three has minimum bandwidth cost only when the core is not a leaf, it leads us to find the multicast tree with the minimum number of non-leaves when each sender node has a unit weight. However, no polynomial time approximation scheme can be found for the minimum non-leaf multicast tree problem unless P = NP since the problem is not only NP-hard but also MAX-SNP hard. Thus, a heuristic is proposed to dynamically reduce the number of non-leaves in the multicast tree. Experimental results show that the multicast tree after the execution of our method has smaller number of non-leaves than others in the geometrically distributed network model.  相似文献   

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