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信息化战争要求作战系统\"看得明、反应快、打得准\",打得准的关键是对目标进行定位跟踪。文章介绍了无线传感器网络的基本概念和体系构成,探讨了无线传感器网络技术在战场目标定位跟踪方面应用的原理,讨论了无线传感器网络应用于战场目标跟踪定位的关键技术。 相似文献
视觉传感器网络中基于RANSAC的顽健定位算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
视觉传感器网络由于节点故障或环境变化将导致节点对目标的观测数据出现错误,而基于最小二乘的多视觉信息融合定位方法将因此造成较大的定位误差。针对此问题提出一种基于集中式RANSAC的顽健定位算法,将错误数据进行筛选剔除,从而提高定位精度,进一步针对集中式 RANSAC 将会导致单个节点的计算复杂度过高而导致网络节点能耗不平衡问题,提出基于分布式 RANSAC 的顽健定位算法,从而将大量的迭代计算平均分布在各个节点中并行处理,在保证定位过程顽健性的同时保证了网络的计算能耗平衡性。最后通过实验对no-RANSAC、cen-RANSAC 和 dis-RANSAC算法的定位性能进行了比较,验证了该算法能够依照预定的概率获得良好的定位结果,并对算法的时间复杂度进行了分析。 相似文献
Wei An Nan Qu Fang‐Ming Shao Xiangjun Xiong Song Ci 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2016,16(5):578-589
In flat wireless sensor networks, one fundamental issue is region coverage, which usually addresses whether the given region is sufficiently covered by sensing disks of sensor nodes or not. Although numerous research works have been carried out on region coverage, it still lacks in‐depth understanding on the relations between region coverage and sensing topology defined with the intersections of sensing areas of sensor nodes. In this paper, we consider the region coverage problem by using the sensing topology proposed in our previous work. Based on the notion of sensing topology, we prove that the given region can be partitioned into a number of the smallest cells, each of which is defined by sensing links among sensor nodes. Then, we investigate the sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of coverage holes for the specific polygon graph residing in the partitioned cells. Further, two polynomial time algorithms are presented for dividing the given region covered by the whole network and detecting the coverage holes existing in the interior area of the partitioned cells, respectively. The experiment results show that our proposed algorithms are effective for detecting the coverage holes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对无线传感网拓扑结构的动态特性和目标协同定位的准确性,通过对网络节点特性、网络模型和无线信道传输模型进行需求分析,给出若干相关定义和数学模型,并在此基础上提出了一种具有容错性的传感网协同环境下的目标检测和定位策略,由目标区域监测、目标监测定位和基站通信定位3个阶段组成。该方法的基本原理是所有传感节点通过判断接收目标信息的强度来确定观测值,在此基础上通过与其他节点进行通信,取观测平均值为本区域的观测值,从而筛选出合格和优秀传感节点与基站传感节点通信,最后由基站和通用两类传感节点协作完成对检测目标位置的准确定位,具有容错性能好、定位准确度高等特点。仿真结果从容错能力评价、定位准确度等方面验证了所提方法的正确性和有效性。 相似文献
针对智慧城市无线视频传感网络建设需要,提出一种基于量子遗传算法的网络优化覆盖算法。算法面向复杂的监视区场景,监视区中存在形状各异的障碍物,各区域的重要程度不同。以二维离散网格模型描述监视区场景,用编码描述矩阵表示监视区域,用七元组描述有向无线视频传感器。通过严格的数学推导得出了问题的数学规划模型。优化覆盖算法由IntialDeployment算法和OptimizedDeployment算法2部分组成,以获得最大有效覆盖率的网络部署方案为求解目标。采用量子遗传算法搜索解空间,通过合理编码染色体,优化量子旋转门参数,使算法的运算速度快,收敛性好。引入理想覆盖率和理想加权覆盖率2个极限值,采用相对比较法评判算法优劣。仿真实验和数据分析表明,算法获得的方案能很好地逼近理想极限值。在传感器节点数给定的情况下,算法能获得最大的覆盖率。 相似文献
迅速制敌是世界各国军事上追求的目标,信息技术的发展使无线传感器网络成为迅速制敌的关键性技术。文章介绍了无线传感器网络的基本概念和体系结构,探讨了传感器网络的体系结构和优势以及在军事上的应用情况,最后提出了传感器网络应用于军事的关键技术。 相似文献
已有的无线多媒体传感器网络(WMSNs)研究针对传感器放置在目标区域内的情况进行,且没有考虑节点通过云台的转动获得的整个可能感知区域对覆盖率的影响。本文首先针对节点放置点高于目标区域的应用进行研究,综合考虑节点感知区域和可能感知区域,建立了延时和无延时感知模型,并针对不同的感知模型提出了传感器网络部署控制算法(IVPDCA),算法中改进了虚拟势场算法,定义了节点质量的概念来表示节点间覆盖重叠的大小,建立受力模型,使得节点在合力作用下进行重新部署,同时关闭冗余节点,既延长了网络寿命,又提高了区域覆盖率。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。 相似文献
覆盖问题是无线传感器网络领域的一个基本问题,也是无线传感器网络特性当中的一个重点问题.如何通过某种算法达到以最少传感器节点对监测区域的有效覆盖已成为目前研究的一项重要课题.因此,提出一种增强型覆盖控制算法(Enhanced Coverage Control Algorithm, ECCA).该算法通过概率理论知识可以有效地求解出对监测区域进行有效覆盖下的最少节点,给出了传感器节点概率的期望值计算方法以及目标节点首次被传感器节点覆盖和多次覆盖后的期望值求解过程,验证随机变量相互之间不独立时的比例函数关系.仿真结果表明,ECCA算法可以使用较少的传感器节点数量完成对监测区域的有效覆盖,提高了对监测区域的覆盖质量. 相似文献
Mohamed Manoufali Peng‐Yong Kong Shihab Jimaa 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2016,29(6):1091-1115
In stationary camera sensor networks (CSNs), when the deployment characteristics and sensing models are defined, the coverage can be deduced and remain unchanged over time. However, in the maritime environment, the rough and random sea condition can move CSN from the initial location. We envisage that camera sensors are mounted on quasi‐mobile platforms such as buoys. Hence, it is important to understand the effect of realistic sea surface movements in achieving full‐view coverage because in full‐view coverage, target's facing direction is taken into account to judge whether a target is guaranteed to be captured because image shot at the frontal viewpoint of a given target considerably increases the possibility to detect and recognize the target. To accurately emulate the maritime environment, the movement of the buoy, which is attached with a cable that is nailed at the sea floor, has been characterized based on the sea wave that is created by the wind, and it is limited by the cable. The average percentage of full‐view coverage has been evaluated based on different parameters such as equilateral triangle grid length, sensing radius of camera, wind speed and wave height. Furthermore, a method to improve the target detection and recognition has been proposed in the presence of poor link quality using cooperative transmission with low power consumption. In some parameter scenario, the cooperative transmission method has achieved around 70% improvement in the average percentage of full‐view coverage of a given target and total reduction of around 13% for the total transmission power PTotal(Q). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Xu Lu Yujing Zhang Jun Liu Fei Yuan Lianglun Cheng 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2019,32(10)
Wireless camera sensor networks (WCSNs) possess a powerful physical environment monitoring capability. Camera nodes with adjustable monitoring directions further improve their flexibility. This study focuses on tracking multiple mobile targets to investigate the node scheduling and target location evaluation strategy of WCSNs on the basis of rotating nodes. By referring to existing research, this study improves the camera node monitoring and rotation model and proposes three network performance evaluation indicators. The proposed algorithm schedules nodes and their monitoring directions by using the unutilized energy of the nodes and the number of monitored targets. It also predicts the moving trends of the targets and selects active nodes by using the locations and linear speeds of the targets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a high target tracking accuracy. Compared with traditional target tracking algorithms, the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the number of active nodes, balance the energy consumption between nodes, and prolong network lifetime. 相似文献
Sensing coverage is one of fundamental problems in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we investigate the polytype target coverage problem in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks where each sensor is equipped with multiple sensing units and each type of sensing unit can sense an attribute of multiple targets. How to schedule multiple sensing units of a sensor to cover multiple targets becomes a new challenging problem. This problem is formulated as an integer linear programming problem for maximizing the network lifetime. We propose a novel energy‐efficient target coverage algorithm to solve this problem based on clustering architecture. Being aware of the coverage capability and residual energy of sensor nodes, the clusterhead node in each cluster schedules the appropriate sensing units of sensor nodes that are in the active status to cover multiple targets in an optimal way. Extensive simulations have been carried out to validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
一种基于RSS的环境自适应目标定位算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目标定位是无线传感器网络的重要应用之一,但是基于接收信号强度(RSS)的定位方法通常因为非合作目标未知其发射功率以及不同环境下难以获取准确的路径衰减指数而无法实现准确定位,得不到广泛应用。提出了一种环境自适应的未知目标定位算法,能够实现对未知信号发射功率的目标进行准确定位,同时不断更新路径衰减指数动态适应环境,从而使提高了算法的适用性。 相似文献
在无线传感网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,WSN)技术中,各传感节点覆盖区域的研究是这项技术应用的基础课题.文章对国外最近提出的部分覆盖技术进行了收集整理,对其技术特性做了分析和对比.从覆盖度、节点分布特性、节点类型以及网络拓扑结构4方面对这些技术进行比较.最后,对部分覆盖技术的未来可能的研究方... 相似文献
The RSS-based multi-target localization has the natural property of the sparsity in wireless sensor networks.A multi-target localization algorithm based on adaptive grid in wireless sensor networks was proposed,which divided the multi-target localization problem into two phases:large-scale grid-based localization and adaptive grid-based localization.In the large-scale grid-based localization phase,the optimal number of measurements was determined due to the sequential compressed sensing theory,and then the locations of the initial candidate grids were reconstructed by applying lp (0< p<1) optimization.In the adaptive grid-based localization phase,the initial candidate grids were adaptively partitioned according to the compressed sensing theory,and then the locations of the targets were precisely estimated by applying lpoptimization once again.Compared with the traditional multi-target localization algorithm based on compressed sensing,the simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has higher localization accuracy and lower localization delay without foreknowing the number of targets.Therefore,it is more appropriate for the multi-target localization problem in the large-scale wireless sensor networks. 相似文献
当节点采用概率感知模型且融合多个节点的数据进行联合感知的情况下,提出了一个新的无线传感器网络的覆盖优化问题:基于融合的k-集覆盖优化问题.首先,将优化问题建模为融合覆盖博弈,证明该博弈是势博弈,且势函数与优化目标函数一致,因此,最优解是一个纯策略Nash均衡解.其次,给出了节点间融合覆盖效用独立的判定条件,进而分别提出同步、异步控制的、基于局部信息的、分布式的覆盖优化算法,证明了算法收敛到纯策略Nash均衡.最后,仿真实验结果表明,当算法收敛时,网络能达到高的覆盖率且具有好的覆盖稳定性. 相似文献