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This paper examines the performance of a reduced rank minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver‐based direct sequence code division multiple access (DS‐CDMA) system. For such system, when a large processing gain is employed, substantial time is consumed in computing the filter tap weights. Many schemes for reducing the complexity of the MMSE have been proposed in recent years. In this paper, computational complexity reduction of the MMSE receiver is achieved by using the K‐mean classification algorithm. The performance of the uncoded and coded systems are investigated for the full rank MMSE receiver and reduced rank MMSE receiver and results are compared in terms of bit error rate at different loading levels in both AWGN and fading channels. A system with the matched filter (MF) receiver is also presented for the purpose of comparison and an analytical pair‐wise error bound for the coded system is derived. In the adaptive implementation of the receivers, results show that good performance is achieved for the reduced rank receiver when compared to the full rank receiver in both coded and uncoded systems, while in the optimum implementation of the tap weights, the reduced dimension receiver performance experiences degradation when compared to the full rank scheme. Over the band‐limited channels considered, results for the reduced rank receiver also reiterate the fact that higher code rates tend to yield lower BER than that of low rate codes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The matrix inversion operation is needed in the MMSE decoding algorithm of orthogonal space-time block coding (OSTBC) proposed by Papadias and Foschini. In this paper, an minimum mean square error (MMSE) decoding algorithm without matrix inversion is proposed, by which the computational complexity can be reduced directly but the decoding performance is not affected.  相似文献   

Cross‐layer design is a generic designation for a set of efficient adaptive transmission schemes, across multiple layers of the protocol stack, that are aimed at enhancing the spectral efficiency and increasing the transmission reliability of wireless communication systems. In this paper, one such cross‐layer design scheme that combines physical layer adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) with link layer truncated automatic repeat request (T‐ARQ) is proposed for multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems employing orthogonal space‐‐time block coding (OSTBC). The performance of the proposed cross‐layer design is evaluated in terms of achievable average spectral efficiency (ASE), average packet loss rate (PLR) and outage probability, for which analytical expressions are derived, considering transmission over two types of MIMO fading channels, namely, spatially correlated Nakagami‐m fading channels and keyhole Nakagami‐m fading channels. Furthermore, the effects of the maximum number of ARQ retransmissions, numbers of transmit and receive antennas, Nakagami fading parameter and spatial correlation parameters, are studied and discussed based on numerical results and comparisons. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work addresses channel estimation (CE) in the uplink phase for a cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output system operating under the time division duplex protocol. Considering that, channels are spatially correlated under the Rician fading model, where the investigated model is composed of two components: deterministic and nondeterministic, with the deterministic component describing the line-of-sight paths and the nondeterministic component describing the non-line-of-sight paths. Additionally, we dealt with correlated shadow fading that represents the most realistic situation. On the other hand, this work introduces a dynamic cooperation cluster framework in which the user is not served with the whole network ( i.e., all access points [APs]) but only the APs that present the best channel conditions regarding that user. In other words, this work proposes partial CE for each user because only APs with the best channel conditions are allowed to compute channel estimates. Consequently, we proposed partial channel estimators that perform the CE process with low complexity, namely, a partial minimum mean square error estimator and a partial element-wise minimum mean square error estimator. In addition, a simple pilot assignment technique is proposed in order to reduce interference signals so that each user experiences low interference from other users. Furthermore, the computational complexity required by each estimator is derived, where it is represented by the number of complex multiplications that each estimator requires in each consistency block. Theoretical and simulated results are provided, where the performance of each estimator is evaluated and analyzed using the normalized mean-square error metric.  相似文献   

Vertical‐Bell Labs Layered Space–Time (V‐BLAST) system is an emerging spatial multiplexing scheme that can achieve high spectral efficiency. Ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC) detection algorithm is suitable for V‐BLAST system because it can afford a reasonable trade‐off between complexity and performance. However, the correlation of a real‐world wireless channel may result in a substantial degradation of the OSIC performance. In this paper, the performance of OSIC under correlated fading is analyzed. We obtain the closed‐form expression of post‐processing signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) for each sub‐stream based on V‐BLAST architecture, and then derive the distribution of post‐processing SNR based on multivariate statistical theory. The upper bound of the average probability of error (APE) is derived by the nearest neighbor union bound theory. From the expression of APE for each sub‐stream, it is shown that the diversity gain at the ith processing step is (N ? M + i), where N and M are the number of receive and transmit antennas, respectively. Correlation can decrease the effective post‐processing SNR rather than the diversity gain, and the decreased amount of the effective post‐processing SNR is accurately measured by the corresponding diagonal element of the inverse of the transmit correlation matrix. The optimal ordering can improve the performance and this advantage vanishes gradually as the scattering angle decreases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple‐input and multiple‐output detectors may rely on the complex and real signal models, yielding complex detectors for quadrature amplitude modulated signals and real detectors for pulse amplitude modulated signals, respectively. It is well‐known that the complex and real maximum likelihood detectors are equivalent. But relying on both the conventional real and pairwise real models, we show in this paper that some of the suboptimal real detectors are equivalent to their counterpart complex detectors, whereas some are not. The equivalence between the complex and pairwise real detectors also leads us to develop fast preprocessing algorithms for the real ordered successive interference cancelation and tree search detectors. Finally, we show that the preprocessing computations required by the equivalent suboptimal complex and pairwise real detectors are of the same complexity. When some practical preprocessing criteria are used, the real detectors may not detect the PAM signals in the pairwise manner. Such non‐pairwise real detectors outperform their counterpart complex detectors at the cost of higher preprocessing complexity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the achievable sum‐rate of correlated two‐antenna multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) uplink channels. Most of previous works have considered the case when a single user has multiple transmit antennas (i.e. multi‐antenna single‐user scenario). This paper considers the case when two‐antenna MIMO uplink channels comprise two users with a single transmit antenna (i.e. single‐antenna two‐user scenario). The analytic and simulation results show that the achievable sum‐rate of correlated single‐antenna two‐user MIMO uplink channels highly depends on the angle difference between the receive correlation coefficients of two users. It is also shown that the achievable sum‐rate of correlated single‐antenna two‐user MIMO uplink channels is larger than that of correlated two‐antenna single‐user MIMO uplink channels and can even be larger than that of independent and identically distributed Rayleigh two‐antenna MIMO uplink channels. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

信道估计作为相干光正交频分复用(CO-OFDM)的 一种关键技术对系统的性能有着十分重要的影响。本文重点对系统信道估计的实现进行了数 学 分析,搭建起了CO-OFDM系统仿真平台,并在此平台上将提出的最小均方误差(MMSE)及其改进算法应用到CO- OFDM系统中进行信道估计。结果表明,MMSE及其改进算法能够很 好地提高CO-OFDM 系统的传输性能,在误码率(BER)为10-3时,与最小 二乘(LS)算法相比有约2dB的光信噪比(OSNR)增益,且改进型MMSE算 法的复杂度要比MMSE算法低2个数量级。  相似文献   

The design of the channel estimation method in a multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) relay system plays a highly crucial role in deciding the overall system performance. For the realistic scenarios specifically, with fast time‐varying channel conditions due to highly mobile communicating nodes, the degree of accuracy to which the channel estimates are obtained for MIMO relay systems influences the communication system reliability significantly. However, most of the channel estimation approaches proposed in literature for MIMO relay systems assume that the Doppler offset contributed by highly mobile nodes is already known to the receiver, ignoring the resulting nonlinear system dynamics. Hence, a novel hybrid algorithm is proposed to address the issue of time‐varying channel estimation under fast‐fading channel condition with Doppler offset influences contributed by high‐mobility communicating nodes for a 1‐way 2‐hop MIMO amplify‐and‐forward relaying system. The problem is first formulated as a nonlinear state‐space model, and then an algorithm is developed to estimate the individual source‐to‐relay and relay‐to‐destination channels in the presence of the associated dynamic Doppler offset. In the proposed method, a set of superimposed orthogonal pilots is used for aiding in the updation of the channel gains, since Kalman filter–based updation may lead to accumulation of estimation and prediction error. A detailed computational complexity analysis of the proposed hybrid algorithm is presented, which shows that the algorithm has moderate computational complexity with a good performance in fast time‐varying channel conditions with high node mobility in a dual‐hop MIMO relay system.  相似文献   

This paper considers cooperative power allocation with the use of partial channel state information (CSI) in a multi‐user dual‐hop relay system with multiple antennas. The end‐to‐end capacity can be improved by dynamically allocating the transmit power of the base station and relay according to co‐channel interference caused by the adjacent relays. The proposed scheme allocates the transmit power in association with the eigenvalues and angle difference between the eigenvectors of transmit correlation matrices of the desired and interference channel. It is shown by means of upper‐bound analysis that the end‐to‐end capacity of the proposed scheme can be maximized in highly correlated channel environments when the principal eigenvectors of transmit correlation matrices of the desired and interference channel are orthogonal to each other. It is also shown that the proposed scheme is robust to the channel estimation error. Finally, the performance of the proposed scheme is verified by the computer simulation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the source‐precoder, multiple‐relay amplifying matrices, and destination‐equalizer joint optimization is investigated in distributed MIMO amplify‐and‐forward multiple‐relay networks with direct source–destination transmission in correlated fading channels. With the use of taking both the direct link and spatial correlation between antenna elements into account, the cooperative transceiver joint design is developed based on the minimum mean‐squared error criterion under individual power constraints at the source and multiple‐relay nodes. Simulation results demonstrate that the cooperative transceiver joint design architecture for an amplify‐and‐forward MIMO multiple‐relay system outperforms substantially the noncooperative transceiver design techniques on the BER performance under the spatial‐correlation channels.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Space–time coded multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) technology is an important technique that improves the performance of wireless communication systems significantly without consuming bandwidth resource. This paper first discusses the characteristics and limitations of traditional symbol‐level space–time coding schemes, which work largely on the basis of an assumption that signals are sent to a block‐fading channel. Therefore, the symbol‐level space–time coding schemes rely on symbol‐level signal processing. Taking advantage of orthogonal complementary codes, we propose a novel MIMO scheme, in this paper, based on chip‐level space–time coding that is different from the traditional symbol‐level space–time coding. With the help of space–time–frequency complementary coding and multicarrier modem, the proposed scheme is able to achieve multipath interference‐free and multiuser interference‐free communications with simple a correlator detector. The proposed chip‐level space–time coded MIMO works well even in a fast fading channel in addition to its flexibility to achieve diversity and multiplexing gains simultaneously in varying channel environments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information‐guided channel hopping (IGCH) is a promising technique for high‐data‐rate communications using multiple antennas for information mapping at the transmitter and optional antenna diversity at the receiver. Compared with some popular multi‐antenna techniques, the advantage of this scheme is proven in ideal channel conditions, where the channel is spatially white and the perfect channel state information is assumed available at the receiver. The main objective of this paper is to present an information theoretical study on IGCH in realistic propagation environments with channel degeneracy due to spatial correlation and keyhole phenomena as well as imperfect channel estimation. It is proven that good performance promised by IGCH can be achieved in a variety of non‐ideal channel conditions. Moreover, the analysis in this paper provides a convenient tool for the corresponding system design in practical operating environments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mobile‐to‐mobile (M‐to‐M) communications are expected to play a crucial role in future wireless systems and networks. In this paper, we consider M‐to‐M multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) maximal ratio combining system and assess its performance in spatially correlated channels. The analysis assumes double‐correlated Rayleigh‐and‐Lognormal fading channels and is performed in terms of average symbol error probability, outage probability, and ergodic capacity. To obtain the receive and transmit spatial correlation functions needed for the performance analysis, we used a three‐dimensional (3D) M‐to‐M MIMO channel model, which takes into account the effects of fast fading and shadowing. The expressions for the considered metrics are derived as a function of the average signal‐to‐noise ratio per receive antenna in closed‐form and are further approximated using the recursive adaptive Simpson quadrature method. Numerical results are provided to show the effects of system parameters, such as distance between antenna elements, maximum elevation angle of scatterers, orientation angle of antenna array in the xy plane, angle between the xy plane and the antenna array orientation, and degree of scattering in the xy plane, on the system performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel identifiability for multiple‐input multiple‐output space–time block code (MIMO‐STBC) systems using Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices (JADE) is studied in this paper. Compared with the previous blind MIMO‐STBC channel estimation methods in literature, the method proposed in this paper is more suitable for non‐cooperative scenario because it needs less prior information and can be applied to a general class of STBCs. The main contribution of the paper consists in the theoretical proof that, although the sources transmitted by different antennas of MIMO‐STBC systems are not independent, they can be retrieved from the received data by directly using JADE in most cases. The conclusion is also demonstrated by a simulation. This shows that the classical JADE algorithm can be applied to a wider range of situations rather than strictly independent sources. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐hop communications equipped with parallel relay nodes is an emerging network scenario visible in environments with high node density. Conventional interference‐free medium access control (MAC) has little capability in utilizing such parallel relays because it essentially prohibits the existence of co‐channel interference and limits the feasibility of concurrent communications. This paper aims at presenting a cooperative multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) space division multiple access (SDMA) design that uses each hop's parallel relay nodes to improve multi‐hop throughput performance. Specifically, we use MIMO and SDMA to enable concurrent transmissions (from multiple Tx nodes to single/multiple Rx nodes) and suppress simultaneous links' co‐channel interference. As a joint physical layer (MAC/PHY) solution, our design has multiple MAC modules including load balancing that uniformly splits traffic packets at parallel relay nodes and multi‐hop scheduling taking co‐channel interference into consideration. Meanwhile, our PHY layer modules include distributive channel sounding that exchanges channel information in a decentralized manner and link adaptation module estimating instantaneous link rate per time frame. Simulation results validate that compared with interference‐free MAC or existing Mitigating Interference using Multiple Antennas (MIMA‐MAC), our proposed design can improve end‐to‐end throughput by around 30% to 50%. In addition, we further discuss its application on extended multi‐hop topology. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a dual‐polarized multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna system suitable for indoor wireless access point is proposed. The presented MIMO antenna system consists of two coplanar‐waveguide‐fed monopole antennas with orthogonally polarized modes. According to the closely spaced structure of the MIMO antenna system, the mutual coupling between the ports is a big challenge. Therefore, a new structure of parasitic element is introduced in order to improve the mutual coupling between the ports. For the purpose of validating the simulated results, the antenna prototype has been fabricated and measured; the comparison of the results shows that there is an acceptable agreement between the measurement and simulation results. The proposed design covers the frequency bands of WiFi (2.4 GHz), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (2.3 and 2.5 GHz), and Long‐Term Evolution (LTE; 1.5 and 2.6 GHz) applications with a reflection coefficient less than −10 dB and a mutual coupling coefficient better than −15 dB. The MIMO antenna system provides an envelope correlation coefficient less than 0.15, polarization diversity gain more than 9.985 dB, and quasi‐omnidirectional pattern within the expected frequency band. In addition, LTE downlink throughput measurements show that the proposed antenna system delivers data rates close to the theoretical maximum for quadrature phase shift keying, 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and 64‐QAM modulations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel estimation is one of the key technologies for ensuring reliable wireless communications under impulsive noise environments. This paper studies robust adaptive channel estimation methods for mitigating harmful impulsive noises, which are described as alpha‐stable (α ‐stable) distribution models. Traditional adaptive channel estimation using the second‐order statistics based least mean square (SOS‐LMS) algorithm does not perform well under α ‐stable noise environments, even though it was considered one of attractive approaches for estimating channels in the case of Gaussian noises. Unlike the traditional SOS‐LMS algorithm, in this research, we propose a stable sign‐function‐based LMS algorithm, which can mitigate the impulsive noises. Specifically, we first construct the cost function with minimum 1‐norm error criterion and then derive the updating equation of the proposed algorithm. Compared with the traditional SOS‐LMS, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated via Monte Carlo simulations in various α ‐stable noise scenarios. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dual‐branch selection‐and‐stay combining (SSTC) is analyzed for diversity reception on independent and correlated Nakagami‐m fading channels, where the conventional selection combining (SC) is employed only at the switching instance, and the receiver uses the selected branch till its signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) estimation is lower than a preset threshold. In this combining scheme, the receiver only needs to continuously estimate the SNR of the single selected branch. For the performance analysis of SSTC, the switching rate and the average bit error rates (BERs) of different binary coherent and non‐coherent modulations are evaluated. Numerical results based on the analysis and simulations are illustrated. According to the analysis and numerical results, the SSTC outperforms the existing switch‐and‐stay combining in the senses of the average BER and switching rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of multiple‐input multiple‐output cognitive amplify‐and‐forward relay networks using orthogonal space–time block coding over independent Nakagami‐m fading. It is assumed that both the direct transmission and the relaying transmission from the secondary transmitter to the secondary receiver are applicable. In order to process the received signals from these links, selection combining is adopted at the secondary receiver. To evaluate the system performance, an expression for the outage probability valid for an arbitrary number of transceiver antennas is presented. We also derive a tight approximation for the symbol error rate to quantify the error probability. In addition, the asymptotic performance in the high signal‐to‐noise ratio regime is investigated to render insights into the diversity behavior of the considered networks. To reveal the effect of network parameters on the system performance in terms of outage probability and symbol error rate, selected numerical results are presented. In particular, these results show that the performance of the system is enhanced when increasing the number of antennas at the transceivers of the secondary network. However, increasing the number of antennas at the primary receiver leads to a degradation in the secondary system performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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