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This paper presents a study of a cross‐layer design through joint optimization of spectrum allocation and power control for cognitive radio networks (CRNs). The spectrum of interest is divided into independent channels licensed to a set of primary users (PUs). The secondary users are activated only if the transmissions do not cause excessive interference to PUs. In particular, this paper studies the downlink channel assignment and power control in a CRN with the coexistence of PUs and secondary users. The objective was to maximize the total throughput of a CRN. A mathematical model is presented and subsequently formulated as a binary integer programming problem, which belongs to the class of non‐deterministic polynomial‐time hard problems. Subsequently, we develop a distributed algorithm to obtain sub‐optimal results with lower computational complexity. The distributed algorithm iteratively improves the network throughput, which consists of several modules including maximum power calculation, excluded channel sets recording, base station throughput estimation, base station sorting, and channel usage implementation. Through investigating the impacts of the different parameters, simulation results demonstrates that the distributed algorithm can achieve a better performance than two other schemes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Packet size optimization is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for improving many performance metrics (eg, network lifetime, delay, throughput, and reliability). In WSNs, longer packets may experience higher loss rates due to harsh channel conditions. On the other hand, shorter packets may suffer from greater overhead. Hence, the optimal packet size must be chosen to enhance various performance metrics of WSNs. To this end, many approaches have been proposed to determine the optimum packet size in WSNs. In the literature, packet size optimization studies focus on a specific application or deployment environment. However, there is no comprehensive and recent survey paper that categorizes these different approaches. To address this need, in this paper, recent studies and techniques on data packet size optimization for terrestrial WSNs, underwater WSNs, wireless underground sensor networks, and body area sensor networks are reviewed to motivate the research community to further investigate this promising research area. The main objective of this paper is to provide a better understanding of different packet size optimization approaches used in different types of sensor networks and applications as well as introduce open research issues and challenges in this area.  相似文献   

In this paper, a scheme that exploits cooperative diversity of multiple relays to provide physical layer security against an eavesdropping attack is concerned. Relay‐based cognitive radio network (CRN) faces issues multiple issues other than the same as faced by conventional wireless communications. If the nodes in a CRN are able to harvest energy and then spend less energy than the total energy available, we can ensure a perpetual lifetime for the network. In this paper, an energy‐constrained CRN is considered where relay nodes are able to harvest energy. A cooperative diversity‐based relay and subchannel‐selection algorithm is proposed, which selects a relay and a subchannel to achieve the maximum secrecy rate while keeping the energy consumed under a certain limit. A transmission power factor is also selected by the algorithm, which ensures long‐term operation of the network. The power allocation problem at the selected relay and at the source also satisfies the maximum‐interference constraint with the primary user (PU). The proposed scheme is compared with a variant of the proposed scheme where the relays are assumed to have an infinite battery capacity (so maximum transmission power is available in every time slot) and is compared with a scheme that uses jamming for physical layer security. The simulation results show that the infinite battery‐capacity scheme outperforms the jamming‐based physical layer security scheme, thus validating that cooperative diversity‐based schemes are suitable to use when channel conditions are better employed, instead of jamming for physical layer security.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new cross‐layer optimization algorithm for wireless mesh networks (WMNs). CDMA/TDD (code division multiple access/time division duplex) is utilized and a couple of TDD timeslot scheduling schemes are proposed for the mesh network backbone. Cross‐layer optimization involves simultaneous consideration of the signal to interference‐plus‐noise ratio (SINR) at the physical layer, traffic load estimation and allocation at medium access control (MAC) layer, and routing decision at the network layer. Adaptive antennas are utilized by the wireless mesh routers to take advantage of directional beamforming. The optimization formulation is subject to routing constraints and can be solved by general nonlinear optimization techniques. Comparisons are made with respect to the classic shortest‐path routing algorithm in the network layer. The results reveal that the average end‐to‐end successful packet rate (SPR) can be significantly improved by the cross‐layer approach. The corresponding optimized routing decisions are able to reduce the traffic congestion. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Power management has emerged as a challenge of paramount importance having strong social and financial impact in the community. The rapid growth of information and communication technologies made backbone networks a serious energy consumer. Concurrently, backbone networking is deemed as one of the most promising areas to apply energy efficient frameworks. One of the most popular energy efficient techniques, in the context of backbone networks, is to intentionally switch off nodes and links that are monitored underutilized. Having in mind that optical technology has thoroughly dominated modern backbone networks, the function of switching off techniques entails fast operation and rigorous decision‐making because of the tremendous speed of the underlying optical media. This paper addresses this challenge by introducing a novel, adaptive, and efficient power management scheme for large‐scale backbone networks. The proposed framework exploits traffic patterns and dynamics in order to effectively switch off the set of network entities in a periodic fashion. An adaptive decision‐making algorithm is presented to maximize the network energy gains with respect to time constraints as well as QoS guarantees. The conducted simulation results reveal considerable improvements when applying the proposed framework compared with other inflexible energy efficient schemes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an optimization of MAC protocol design for wireless sensor networks, that accounts for cross‐layering information, in terms of location accuracy for nodes and residual energy levels. In our proposed solution we encode this cross‐layer information within a decreasing backoff function in the MAC. The protocol is optimized by appropriately selecting priority window lengths, and we have shown that accurate cross‐layer information plays a crucial role in achieving an optimal performance at the MAC layer level. The estimation accuracy can be characterized spatially using a location reliability probability distribution function. We show that this distribution function greatly influences the design of the optimal backoff window parameters, and the overall throughput performance of the MAC protocol. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of a cross‐layer (physical and MAC) design for multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) system that aims at maximizing the throughput of ad hoc networks by selecting the optimum antenna combination. Employing this cross‐layer design is shown to improve the overall network performance relative to the case where no antenna selection (AS) is used. To solve the node blocking problem associated with the IEEE 802.11 medium‐access control (MAC) protocol, the proposed protocol leverage the available degrees of freedom offered by the MIMO system to allow neighboring nodes to simultaneously communicate using the zero‐forcing (ZF) Bell‐labs layered space‐time (BLAST) architecture. Using the cross‐layer design, neighboring nodes share their optimum antenna selection (AS) information through control messages. Given this shared information, nodes set their decisions on the number of selected antennas based on the available spatial channels that guarantees collision‐free transmissions. At the destination node, the ZF receiver is employed to extract the desired user data while treating the data from neighboring users as interference. The performance of the proposed cross‐layer design is examined through simulations, where we show that the network throughput is significantly improved compared to conventional MAC protocols. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities for future cellular networks, which could be accomplished by implementing cooperative mechanisms. In this paper, we propose three evolved node B (eNB)‐centric energy‐saving cooperation techniques for long‐term evolution (LTE) systems. These techniques, named as intra‐network, inter‐network, and joint cooperation, involve traffic‐aware intelligent cooperation among eNBs belonging to the same or different networks. Our proposed techniques dynamically reconfigure LTE access networks in real time utilizing less number of active eNBs and thus, achieve energy savings. In addition, these techniques are distributed and self‐organizing in nature. Analytical models for evaluating switching dynamics of eNBs under these cooperation mechanisms are also formulated. We thoroughly investigate the proposed system under different numbers of cooperating networks, traffic scenarios, eNB power profiles, and their switching thresholds. Optimal energy savings while maintaining quality of service is also evaluated. Results indicate a significant reduction in network energy consumption. System performance in terms of network capacity utilization, switching statistics, additional transmit power, and eNB sleeping patterns is also investigated. Finally, a comprehensive comparison with other works is provided for further validation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless networks are being increasingly employed to provide mobile access to network services. In most existing standards, reliable transmission on the wireless medium is achieved through the introduction of ARQ schemes at MAC layer, a strategy which is also employed by TCP for reliable end‐to‐end data delivery. The paper proposes an approach to overcome the performance degradation deriving from the duplicate ARQ strategies implemented at the transport and MAC layers by introducing a cross‐layer solution to reduce un‐necessary transmissions on the wireless medium. Furthermore, the paper describes how the proposed scheme, called ARQ Proxy, can be deployed in three different wireless technologies (3G Long‐Term Evolution, Wi‐Fi, and WiMAX) and provides extensive validation of the achievable improvement through simulations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, benefiting from rapid development of energy harvesting technologies, the research trend of wireless sensor networks has shifted from the battery‐powered network to the one that can harvest energy from ambient environments. In such networks, a proper use of harvested energy poses plenty of challenges caused by numerous influence factors and complex application environments. Although numerous works have been based on the energy status of sensor nodes, no work refers to the issue of minimizing the overall data transmission cost by adjusting transmission power of nodes in energy‐harvesting wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we consider the optimization problem of deriving the energy‐neutral minimum cost paths between the source nodes and the sink node. By introducing the concept of energy‐neutral operation, we first propose a polynomial‐time optimal algorithm for finding the optimal path from a single source to the sink by adjusting the transmission powers. Based on the work earlier, another polynomial‐time algorithm is further proposed for finding the approximated optimal paths from multiple sources to the sink node. Also, we analyze the network capacity and present a near‐optimal algorithm based on the Ford–Fulkerson algorithm for approaching the maximum flow in the given network. We have validated our algorithms by various numerical results in terms of path capacity, least energy of nodes, energy ratio, and path cost. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms achieve significant performance enhancements over existing schemes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of a large number of battery‐constrained sensors often deployed in harsh environments with little to no human control, thereby necessitating scalable and energy‐efficient techniques. This paper proposes a scalable and energy‐efficient routing scheme, called WCDS‐DCR, suitable for these WSNs. WCDS‐DCR is a fully distributed, data‐centric, routing technique that makes use of an underlying clustering structure induced by the construction of WCDS (Weakly Connected Dominating Set) to prolong network lifetime. It aims at extending network lifetime through the use of data aggregation (based on the elimination of redundant data packets) by some particular nodes. It also utilizes both the energy availability information and the distances (in number of hops) from sensors to the sink in order to make hop‐by‐hop, energy‐aware, routing decisions. Simulation results show that our solution is scalable, and outperforms existing schemes in terms of network lifetime. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider a heterogeneous network consisting of macro and pico base stations. Our goal is to associate users to one of the base stations,while minimizing the energy consumption of the network. Moreover, the algorithm should consider constraints of a real system and thus, only include the necessary complexity that helps reducing the energy consumption. Therefore, we first formulate the energy minimization problem in three different manners, each one including a different level of modeling details. The solution of each problem is analyzed to identify the important factors to consider when designing an energy‐optimized cell association algorithm. Based on this analysis, we then develop a practical energy‐aware cell association heuristic. Finally, the developed algorithm is evaluated using complex system simulations. Results show that significant energy savings are achievable by the developed algorithm compared with the conventional cell association in cellular networks. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because of the broadcast and overhearing capability of wireless networks, network coding can greatly improve throughput in wireless networks. However, our investigation of existing inter‐session network coding protocols found that the short‐term unfairness that existed in 802.11‐based medium access control (MAC) protocols actually decreases the coding opportunity, which in turn compromises the throughput gain of network coding. To alleviate the negative impact of this unfairness, we propose a coding‐aware cross‐layer heuristic approach to optimize the coordination of network coding and MAC layer protocol, named FairCoding, which can significantly increase coding opportunities for inter‐session network coding through a fair short‐term traffic allocation for different coding flows. Experiment evaluation shows that the proposed mechanism can bring more coding opportunities and improve the total throughput of wireless mesh networks by up to 20%, compared with the coding mechanism, without considering the negative impact of the short‐term unfairness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a cross‐layer optimized geographic node‐disjoint multipath routing algorithm, that is, two‐phase geographic greedy forwarding plus. To optimize the system as a whole, our algorithm is designed on the basis of multiple layers' interactions, taking into account the following. First is the physical layer, where sensor nodes are developed to scavenge the energy from environment, that is, node rechargeable operation (a kind of idle charging process to nodes). Each node can adjust its transmission power depending on its current energy level (the main object for nodes with energy harvesting is to avoid the routing hole when implementing the routing algorithm). Second is the sleep scheduling layer, where an energy‐balanced sleep scheduling scheme, that is, duty cycle (a kind of node sleep schedule that aims at putting the idle listening nodes in the network into sleep state such that the nodes will be awake only when they are needed), and energy‐consumption‐based connected k‐neighborhood is applied to allow sensor nodes to have enough time to recharge energy, which takes nodes' current energy level as the parameter to dynamically schedule nodes to be active or asleep. Third is the routing layer, in which a forwarding node chooses the next‐hop node based on 2‐hop neighbor information rather than 1‐hop. Performance of two‐phase geographic greedy forwarding plus algorithm is evaluated under three different forwarding policies, to meet different application requirements. Our extensive simulations show that by cross‐layer optimization, more shorter paths are found, resulting in shorter average path length, yet without causing much energy consumption. On top of these, a considerable increase of the network sleep rate is achieved. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given a video/audio streaming system installed on a multichannel multiradio wireless mesh network, we are interested in a problem concerning about how to construct a delay‐constrained multicast tree to support concurrent interference‐free transmissions so that the number of serviced mesh clients is maximized. In this paper, we propose a heuristic approach called cross‐layer and load‐oriented (CLLO) algorithm for the problem. On the basis of the cross‐layer design paradigm, our CLLO algorithm can consider application demands, multicast routing, and channel assignment jointly during the formation of a channel‐allocated multicast tree. The experimental results show that the proposed CLLO outperforms the layered approaches in terms of the number of serviced mesh clients and throughputs. This superiority is due to information from higher layers can be used to guide routing selection and channel allocation at the same time. As a result, the CLLO algorithm can explore more solution spaces than the traditional layered approaches. In addition to that, we also propose a channel adjusting procedure to enhance the quality of channel‐allocated multicast trees. According to our simulations, it is proved to be an effective method for improving the performance of the proposed CLLO algorithm. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive power pricing scheme to address the fairness issue with relay selection and power allocation in decode‐and‐forward‐based opportunistic relaying networks, which is focused on the scenario where a distributed energy‐constrained cooperative communication system is employed over Rayleigh fading channels. Specifically, the proposed scheme is conducted analytically by obtaining the mathematical expression for the symbol error probability using the statistical characteristic of the signal‐to‐noise ratio, and it also takes the residual energy of nodes into consideration. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme has the advantage of better system reliability and further improves the throughput of the whole network compared with previous algorithms without considering fairness. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a distributed cross‐layer resource allocation algorithm for wireless cooperative networks based on a network utility maximization framework. The algorithm provides solutions to relay selections, flow pass probabilities, transmit rate, and power levels jointly with optimal congestion control and power control through balancing link and physical layers such that the network‐wide utility is optimized. Via dual decomposition and subgradient method, we solve the utility‐optimal resource allocation problem by subproblems in different layers of the protocol stack. Furthermore, by introducing a concept of pseudochannel gain, we model both the primal direct logical link and its corresponding cooperative transmission link as a single virtual direct logical link to simplify our network utility framework. Eventually, the algorithm determines its primal resource allocation levels by employing reverse‐engineering of the pseudochannel gain model. Numerical experiments show that the convergence of the proposed algorithm can be obtained and the performance of the optimized network can be improved significantly. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interactive multimedia applications such as peer‐to‐peer (P2P) video services over the Internet have gained increasing popularity during the past few years. However, the adopted Internet‐based P2P overlay network architecture hides the underlying network topology, assuming that channel quality is always in perfect condition. Because of the time‐varying nature of wireless channels, this hardly meets the user‐perceived video quality requirement when used in wireless environments. Considering the tightly coupled relationship between P2P overlay networks and the underlying networks, we propose a distributed utility‐based scheduling algorithm on the basis of a quality‐driven cross‐layer design framework to jointly optimize the parameters of different network layers to achieve highly improved video quality for P2P video streaming services in wireless networks. In this paper, the quality‐driven P2P scheduling algorithm is formulated into a distributed utility‐based distortion‐delay optimization problem, where the expected video distortion is minimized under the constraint of a given packet playback deadline to select the optimal combination of system parameters residing in different network layers. Specifically, encoding behaviors, network congestion, Automatic Repeat Request/Query (ARQ), and modulation and coding are jointly considered. Then, we provide the algorithmic solution to the formulated problem. The distributed optimization running on each peer node adopted in the proposed scheduling algorithm greatly reduces the computational intensity. Extensive experimental results also demonstrate 4–14 dB quality enhancement in terms of peak signal‐to‐noise ratio by using the proposed scheduling algorithm. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates optimum distributed storage techniques for data preservation, and eventual dissemination, in opportunistic heterogeneous wireless sensor networks where data collection is intermittent and exhibits spatio‐temporal randomness. The proposed techniques involve optimally sharing the sensor nodes' storage and properly handling the storage traffic such that the buffering capacity of the network approaches its total storage capacity with minimum energy. The paper develops an integer linear programming (ILP) model, analyses the emergence of storage traffic in the network, provides performance bounds, assesses performance sensitivities and develops quasi‐optimal decentralized heuristics that can reasonably handle the problem in a practical implementation. These include the Closest Availability (CA) and Storage Gradient (SG) heuristics whose performance is shown to be within only 10% and 6% of the dynamic optimum allocation, respectively. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is a plethora of recent research on high performance wireless communications using a cross‐layer approach in that adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) schemes at wireless physical layer are used for combating time varying channel fading and enhance link throughput. However, in a wireless sensor network, transmitting packets over deep fading channel can incur excessive energy consumption due to the usage of stronger forwarding error code (FEC) or more robust modulation mode. To avoid such energy inefficient transmission, a straightforward approach is to temporarily buffer packets when the channel is in deep fading, until the channel quality recovers. Unfortunately, packet buffering may lead to communication latency and buffer overflow, which, in turn, can result in severe degradation in communication performance. Specifically, to improve the buffering approach, we need to address two challenging issues: (1) how long should we buffer the packets? and (2) how to choose the optimum channel transmission threshold above which to transmit the buffered packets? In this paper, by using discrete‐time queuing model, we analyze the effects of Rayleigh fading over AMC‐based communications in a wireless sensor network. We then analytically derive the packet delivery rate and average delay. Guided by these numerical results, we can determine the most energy‐efficient operation modes under different transmission environments. Extensive simulation results have validated the analytical results, and indicates that under these modes, we can achieve as much as 40% reduction in energy dissipation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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