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何梓年 《太阳能》2009,(10):I0017-I0019
一引言 真空管太阳能集热器是在平板型太阳能集热器基础上发展起来的新型太阳能集热装置。按照吸热体的材料进行分类,真空管可划分为玻璃吸热体真空管(或称为全玻璃真空管)和金属吸热体真空管(或称为玻璃-金属真空管)两大类。  相似文献   

热管式真空管集热器通过鉴定北京市太陌能研究所研制生中的热管式*空管大集热器的单位。中品研制赴程中形成了九项国家告和四能集热器日前通注了北京市科委组熟的夸家鉴定。和多项技术决安,集中了多项高新技术成果。饶国内热管式真主管太m能集热器是国除九十年代卫新技...  相似文献   

王永磊  张克峰  李红兰  陈文娟 《节能技术》2005,23(3):226-227,274
热管是依靠自身内部液体工质的相变来实现传热的元件,传热机理十分复杂。本文在Nusselt竖直壁面层流膜状凝结理论的基础上,就热管冷凝段和蒸发段的传热分别进行分析,提出了平均换热系数h2^-和Nu^-。  相似文献   

分析了新型热管式真空管太阳能集热器的开发背景,介绍了其工作原理,对集热元件、集热盒内关键零件的结构和特点以及产品的固定安装、连接方式进行了详细说明,同时提供了产品热性能测试报告和工程应用实例.  相似文献   

艾捷  石中坤  刘广生 《太阳能》2009,(10):I0035-I0038
分析了新型热管式真空管太阳能集热器的开发背景,介绍了其工作原理,对集热元件、集热盒内关键零件的结构和特点以及产品的固定安装、连接方式进行了详细说明,同时提供了产品热性能测试报告和工程应用实例。  相似文献   

热管式真空管太阳能集热器研制成功1994年9月20日,北京市太阳能研究所研制生产的热管式真空管太阳能集热器通过鉴定,标志着我国太阳能热利用基础元件的研究与生产步入世界先进行列。集热器是太阳能热利用领域中最关键的基础部件,它的发展经历了问晒式、平板式、...  相似文献   

何梓平 《太阳能》1997,(4):20-21
弯曲吸热板热管式真空管集热器何梓平蒋富林李炜弯曲吸热板,顾名思义,即构成真空集热管的吸热板呈弯曲形状。这是北京桑达太阳能技术有限公司最近推出的一种新型热管式真空管集热器,它既保留了北京市太阳能研究所研制成功的平面状吸热板热管式真空管集热器的全部优点,...  相似文献   

热管式真空管集热器的热性能研究   总被引:34,自引:9,他引:34  
在传热分析的基础上,提出了确定热管式真空集热器的总热损系数、效率因子和热转移因子的计算方法,通过实验,还分别测定了单根真空管和真空管集热器的瞬时效率曲线。实验结果与理论计算值符合较好。  相似文献   

热管真空管 十载话春秋──回顾热管式真空管太阳集热器研究发展过程江希年何梓年自80年代中期开始,以平板型太阳集热器为主要部件的太阳热水器在我国已初步形成行业,这对于节约常规能源,保护自然环境和改善人民生活都发挥了积极的作用。然而,由于平板型太阳集热器...  相似文献   

CPC热管式真空管集热器的集热效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了CPC(compound parabolic concentrator)热管式真空管集热器的结构,对CPC热管式真空管太阳能集热器进行了传热分析,并对CPC热管式真空管集热器、热管式真空管集热器和CPC热管式集热器的集热效率进行了对比计算。CPC热管式真空管集热器的集热效率的理论计算和试验结果表明:CPC热管式真空管集热器的集热效率最佳。  相似文献   

葛洪川  周小波 《太阳能》2007,(10):24-28
一引言太阳能利用已经成为建筑节能的一种有效措施。在民用建筑的热水供应系统中,采用各种形式的太阳能集热器加热生活热水是目前太阳能利用的主要形式之一。但因为建筑形式和建筑结构的复杂多样,特别是多高层住宅建筑的大量涌现,使得如  相似文献   

一 前言 从节能和环保的角度考虑,用太阳能替代或部分替代常规能源来驱动空调系统,正日益受到世界各国的重视.太阳能空调的最大优点在于季节适应性好,太阳能空调系统的制冷能力随太阳辐射能量的增加而提高,这与夏季人们对空调的迫切要求相匹配.  相似文献   

炸管、结垢,可谓太阳热水器的天敌。北京天鸣阳光太阳能科技有限公司推出的专利产品三防真空营(专利号:ZL98206638.4),解除了这种烦恼。经过多年的实践应用表明,该产品运行可靠,传热效率高,得到了商家和用户的认可。“三防”即:随时上水防炸管、单管破损防瘫痪、真空管内防结垢。  相似文献   

黄永年 《太阳能》2004,(1):32-33
承压式真空管太阳集热器(专利号:ZL98110385.5)是在集热器的联集管(或称联箱)中设置了二次换热器件,这种新型二次换热式全玻璃真空管集热器与目前常规的承压真空管集热器相比,成本大大降低,而且承压高,真空管不结垢,耐严寒(至-50℃环境温度)。这一突破不仅可以让水箱与集热器分离,  相似文献   

In this article, an experiment has been carried out with heat pipe vacuum or evacuated tube collector to produce water from atmospheric air. In this experiment, the regeneration and adsorption method has been adopted, that is, water has been produced through the adsorption and regeneration of desiccants. The desiccant is heated through a hot surface to facilitate its regeneration. Limited experiments have been conducted to obtain water through the regeneration of desiccant using a hot surface. For the condensation of water vapor, a novel box has been designed, named the “novel-designed acrylic box.” The water is collected in a measuring flask or beaker to determine its quantity. Silica gel desiccant has been used for the adsorption and regeneration of water vapors. In this experiment, the adsorption process for silica gel was carried out in two different ways. In the first method, 1 kg of silica gel was scattered on the copper tray, that is, inside the system, while in the second method, 1 kg of silica gel was scattered on the paper, that is, outside of the system. In the first case silica gel adsorbed 137 g water vapor, and in the second case, it adsorbed 232 g water vapor. In the first case of adsorption, 70 mL water was produced while in the second case of adsorption, 175 mL water was produced from ambient air. The system's maximum efficiency was found to be 4.9%. Effects of various parameters, such as solar intensity, ambient temperature, wind speed, and so forth, have been studied.  相似文献   

In this work, a heat storage vacuum tube solar collector intubated with heat storage tube is designed, which consists of solar vacuum tube, phase change material insert tube, and heat holding cover. The internal energy conversion, transmission, and storage theory are established based on the structure of the heat storage vacuum tube. The parallel and series‐parallel solar air collector system prototype consisting of nine heat storage solar vacuum tube solar collectors is designed and tested. The test results showed that the daily average conversion efficiency of the parallel and series‐parallel prototype reached 56.9% and 48.46%, respectively. Compared with nonheat storage prototype, the heat storage parallel and series‐parallel prototype had higher conversion efficiency by, respectively, 10.9% and 7.8%, longer effective heating time, and better heating stability and practicability. At the same time, the heat storage solar collector has compact structure, which is convenient to use.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to establish the heat transfer model of all-glass vacuum tube collector used in forced-circulation solar water heating system. In this model, the simplified heat transfer of collector is composed of the natural convection in single glass tube and forced flow in manifold header. Thus the heat balance equation of water in single tube and the heat balance equation of water in manifold header have been established. The flow equation is also built by analyzing the friction and buoyancy in tube. Through solved these equations the relationship between the collector average temperature, the outlet temperature and natural convection flow rate have been obtained. From this relationship and energy balance equation of collector, the collector outlet temperature can be calculated. The validated experiments of this model were carried out in winter of Beijing.  相似文献   

真空玻璃盖板热管平板式太阳能热水器的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了研究成功的采用真空玻璃盖板的热管平板式太阳能热水器,测试了其性能,并与全玻璃真空管太阳能热水器和蜂窝热管太阳能热水器进行了比较。实测得到,真空玻璃盖板热管平板式热水器的日平均效率比后两分别大13.3%和6.5%,平均热损系数比后两分别小52.5%和21.5%。真空玻璃盖板平板式太阳能热水器性能优越,有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

一种热管平板太阳能集热装置的性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决平板大阳能集热装置在冬季的防冻问题,设计建造了热管平板集热装置,并进行了实验测试.在实验中测量了系统的初末状态水温、流量、环境温度、辐照强度等数据.通过对数据的分析拟合出了系统效率与初始水温、环境温度以及辐照强度之间的经验公式,并且以该经验公式为依据对系统全年12个月典型晴天气象条件下的系统效率进行了模拟.结合实...  相似文献   

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