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针对TCP重传易导致延时抖动大、降低流媒体播放质量的问题,提出了使用TCP传输实时视频时,播放质量不受TCP重传影响的必要条件,即视频帧发送延时、播放缓冲区延时与网络往返时间需要满足一定的关系式。建立了视频帧发送延时的预测模型,该模型通过输入视频帧长度、丢包率、网络往返时间、TCP拥塞窗口大小与TCP超时重传时间,预测视频帧的发送延时。NS2模拟结果表明,可以通过发送延时的预测值来判断视频帧是否适合采用TCP传输。  相似文献   

针对IP网络中传输多媒体信息存在较大延时和抖动以及带宽有限性等特征,结合RTP协议的特征设计与实现一种基于模糊控制理论的流媒体服务器质量控制系统。该系统能根据网络状况自适应地改变发送策略,结合编码后数据的特点,丢弃一些不必要的数据,这样不仅能节约一定的带宽,也保证了关键数据的传输和良好的服务质量。  相似文献   

文章介绍了RTP、RTCP等网络传输协议。对网络视频传输的各种控制方式进行了阐述,分析了影响制约视频传输的主要因素,丢包率、延时和延时抖动是对流媒体传输质量的主要评价指标。通过研究,引进了一种自适应视频码率调节方式,本方法对传统的视频传输控制方法AIMD(Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease,和式增加,积式减少)方式进行了改进,减少了由于AIMD调节过程中产生的视频的剧烈抖动,保证了视频传输过程的稳定性和连续性。并且在客户端采用了双缓冲技术,可以降低视频传输的抖动影响,减少了视频传输中画面的停顿和闪动,保证了视频播放的流畅性,提高了用户体验。最后运用Java语言的JMF(Java Media Framework)技术,对上述方法进行了编程实现,实现了在Java下的视频自适应传输,通过实际测试,此方案在画质和丢包率方面得到了明显的改善。  相似文献   

基于MPEG-4的流媒体服务器端缓冲区管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
服务器端缓冲技术是流媒体系统中常用的一种应用控制技术,能够平滑网络抖动,减少数据丢失,提高客户端视频播放质量。该文的缓冲区管理增加了码率控制的功能,控制策略能进一步提高视频质量,特别适合于系统资源有限、带宽窄或强实时性的视频流式传输。  相似文献   

论文针对卫星通信的高速实时数据传输的特点,提出一个基于RTP传输协议的实时数据可靠传输方案。论文采用的RTP协议是以太网上的进行语音、视频等流媒体数据实时传输协议,在UDP实时传输协议基础上,结合RTP协议以满足卫星数据通信的实时性和传输质量可靠性。论文对于卫星通信网络传输的问题进行了阐述,并深入分析了利用RTP协议的结构,对于卫星传输数据网络传输提出可行性方案。  相似文献   

本文提出一种基于流媒体服务的视频监控系统方案。采用流媒体服务机制,在现有C/S模式的视频监控系统基础上,通过部署流媒体服务器.在多个用户并发访问同一路视频信号时,始终保证在流媒体和前端编码器链路上,只有一份数据拷贝在网络中传输,最大限度减小冗余数据包.提高数据传输效率.避免大容量的视频数据传输引起的网络拥塞。  相似文献   

无线流媒体传输技术可以满足用户利用无线网络实现在线视频播放,但较恶劣的无线网络环境使在线流媒体,特别对于需实况转播的流媒体系统,视频画面可能出现延迟、抖动和失真等问题,这在很大程度上影响了用户观看视频的直观感受。为了降低无线流媒体传输技术对无线网络环境的要求,提高无线视频传输的QoS(Quality of Service,服务质量),在国外视频分帧传输的思想上,提出一种FSMS(Frame Splitting Multichannel Streaming,分帧多信道传输)无线流媒体传输模型,并且基于该模型在Android移动平台上设计并实现了一整套无线流媒体传输系统。系统测试表明,即使在大量帧丢失的较恶劣网络环境下,运用此模型可以显著提高无线流媒体视频播放的流畅性。  相似文献   

网络数据传输过程中传输节点耗能过大、传输数据量过多,导致信息传输不分主次造成网络拥堵,会造成地铁通信传输存在不同程度的延迟问题。针对这一问题,提出基于无线传感器网络的地铁通信传输延迟优化方法。采用受控自回归积分滑动平均模型预测分析通信状态,分辨出高质量信息并对其调度传输,同时通过传输数据模型选取节点最优的参数,控制传输节点能耗,配置网络并生成多个区群结构,结合传输节点能量消耗控制参数调节数据压缩率,实现传输延时优化。仿真结果表明,所提方法发送和接收延迟小,能够有效减少网络拥堵现象,且降低数据丢失问题,保持传输信息精准,适用性较强。  相似文献   

一种用于P2P流媒体系统的动态树-网状网混合覆盖网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用层覆盖网络是因特网P2P流媒体系统的主要组成和有效解决方案,它的构建直接影响到系统的视频传输质量.目前的覆盖网络主要有树形(tree)和网状网结构(mesh),但是这两种结构的覆盖网络都有其自身固有的缺点:树形结构对节点动态性的容忍能力差,丢包累积,网状网结构数据包传输延时较大.本文结合两种覆盖网络的优点.利用网状网动态分配数据包的思想,动态分配描述流,提出一种用于P2P流媒体系统的动态树-网状网混合覆盖网络.仿真和分析表明.本覆盖网络有效地克服了树形结构丢包累积和网状网结构数据包传输延时大的缺点,能够自适应节点动态性和网络带宽的波动,降低丢包率,减小传输延时.  相似文献   

为了使实时传输的视频流能够自动匹配动态变化的3G网络,随着网络带宽的变化而变化,从而达到降低数据丢失率、流畅传输视频数据的目的,利用RTP协议中的丢包率和时间抖动这两个关键参数,对3G网络的数据传输过程进行大量的实验统计和分析。根据时间抖动的统计规律对其进行数学归一化,同时与丢包率一起来评估3G网络的动态特性,并依此指导TMS320DM365开发平台进行数据流量的自动调节。经测试,该方法能有效地匹配3G网络的有限带宽,实现视频数据的流畅传输。  相似文献   

服务质量(QoS)对于Internet用户来说,是至关重要的I。Pv4网络的缺点之一就是缺少对QoS的支持,对所有通信应用都以尽力而为(Best Effort)的方式提供服务。对于一些实时性较强的应用(如视频会议等),无法对其特殊性给予保障。IPv6协议在吸取了IPv4教训的基础上,不仅解决了32位地址的局限,而且增加了OoS支持,端到端的安全机制,跳数限制等。本文主要针对IPv6下QoS中DiffServ机制的原理、架构及实施过程进行了研究,并且使用网络仿真软件OPNETModeler构建了DiffServ环境,进行了仿真试验。分别使用不同的排队机制进行试验,然后针对仿真结果进一步分析。  相似文献   

流媒体传输中的QoS研究及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中提出的对视频会议的服务质量控制策略是为解决以下问题:视频会议对涉及到的实时数据流传输对网络带宽、时延和丢包率有较高要求,但是,目前得到广泛应用的IP网络是一种尽力而为的网络,它并没有对实时多媒体提供任何服务质量保证。该策略从两个方面对服务质量加以控制:在发送端控制发送流量;在数据再现端通过缓冲机制控制媒体同步。  相似文献   

This paper examines problems associated with display of live continuous media. Under the assumption that the network cannot guarantee the required bounds on delay and jitter and the operating system scheduling is non-realtime, there is a need to accommodate the delay and jitter in the end systems in order to maintain a desirable Quality of Service (QoS). We propose a method of video playback which requires accurate estimation of display cycle time of video frames and the delay suffered by frames in the packet network. We apply various deterministic forecasting methods used in time series analysis on experimental data collected from video transmission. Suitable methods are recommended for display cycle time and delay estimation.  相似文献   

基于网格的流媒体服务QoS管理框架及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流媒体服务是Internet上一类高带宽需求和高实时性约束的应用,对服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)有较高的要求。流媒体服务的发展导致传统的QoS管理框架难以适应平台的异构性和复杂性。本文提出了一种基于网格的流媒体服务QoS管理框架,为由异构的系统构成的流媒体服务提供集成的、平台无关的QoS管理机制。在谈框架的基础上,我们设计了一个基于网格的流媒体服务QoS管理系统。  相似文献   

基于QoS域代理在移动无线互联网中区分服务的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着用户数和应用业务的快速发展,对新一代Internet的服务质量提出了更高的要求。然而,在Internet中引入无线接入方式使得提供QoS面临更大挑战。文章基于区分服务(DiffServ)框架结构,并结合移动管理协议———移动IP(MobileIP)协议来研究和解决如何在新一代移动无线互联网中提供QoS控制。同时在每个自治域中引入一个新的概念———QoS域代理(QoSDomainAgent,QDA),并利用QDA进行资源管理并参与和移动主机/用户(MobileHost,MH)或其它QDA进行动态SLS的协商,同时采用组播方式把QDA中的QoSSLS内容信息传输给域内的每一个第一跳和边界路由节点。通过对相关协议和功能进行必要的修改和扩充,从而有效地解决了MH和网络的动态服务级别协议(SLA)的协商和在MobileIP切换中各入口节点动态建立SLS的问题,同时可以有效减少信令交互,节省无线资源和减少移动终端的电池消耗,并且有利于MH在域内漫游时进行无缝切换。最后给出作者的结论及进一步的研究内容。  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, most routing protocols consider energy savings as the main objective and assume data traffic with unconstrained delivery requirements to be a given. However, the introduction of video and imaging sensors unveils additional challenges. The transmission of video and imaging data requires both energy efficiency and QoS assurance (end-to-end delay and packet loss requirements), in order to ensure the efficient use of sensor resources as well as the integrity of the information collected. This paper presents a QoS routing model for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN). Moreover, based on the traditional ant-based algorithm, an ant-based multi-QoS routing metric (AntSensNet) is proposed. The AntSensNet protocol builds a hierarchical structure on the network before choosing suitable paths to meet various QoS requirements from different kinds of traffic, thus maximizing network utilization, while improving its performance. In addition, AntSensNet is able to use a efficient multi-path video packet scheduling in order to get minimum video distortion transmission. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted to assess the effectiveness of this novel solution and a detailed discussion regarding the effects of different system parameters is provided. Compared to typical routing algorithms in sensor networks and the traditional ant-based algorithm, this new algorithm has better convergence and provides significantly better QoS for multiple types of services in wireless multimedia sensor networks.  相似文献   

A fuzzy queue-aware routing approach for wireless mesh networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have overcome the drawbacks of traditional wired and ad-hoc networks and now they are seen as a means of allowing last mile communications with quality level assurance in Future Multimedia Systems. However, new routing schemes are needed to provide end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) support for delay/loss/jitter-sensitive multimedia applications. The well-known OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) protocol with ETX (Expected Transmission Count) metric brings many benefits to the path selection process, but has a drawback with regard to queue availability management, which reduces the system performance. This problem is caused when OLSR-EXT control messages are exchanged and the queues of mesh routers along the end-to-end communication path are overloaded. As a result, multimedia-related packets will suffer from loss/delay/jitter and the overall system performance will decrease. This paper proposes the Optimized Link State Routing-Fuzzy ETX Queue (OLSR-FEQ) protocol to overcome the limitations of OLSR-ETX regarding queue availability, QoS and QoE assurance. OLSR-FEQ optimizes network and user-based parameters by coordinating queue availability, QoS and fuzzy issues in the routing decision process as a way of allocating the best paths for multimedia applications. Performance evaluations were carried out with the Network Simulator (NS-2.34) to show the benefits of the proposed solution when compared with existing routing schemes, namely OLSR-ETX, OLSR-FLC, OLSR-MD and HWMP (IEEE 802.11s standard), regarding QoS (unsuccessful packet delivery and throughput) and QoE (PSNR, SSIM, VQM and MOS) parameters.  相似文献   

Current typical video conferencing connection is bridged by a multipoint control unit (MCU), which may cause large delay and communication bottleneck for the whole system. With the development of network technology, a video conferencing system can be implemented based on software-defined networking (SDN), which makes the service controllable and improves the scalability and flexibility. Additionally, a video encoding method called scalable video coding (SVC) can also help. In this paper, we propose a video conferencing architecture based on SDN-enabled SVC multicasting, which discards the traditional Internet group management protocol (IGMP) and MCU. The system implements SVC multicast streaming to satisfy different device capabilities of various conference terminals. The SDN controller is responsible for dynamically managing and controlling the layers of a video stream when a conference member faces network congestion. Also, a conference manager is designed to facilitate the management of the conference members. Experimental results show that our system can not only provide a flexible and controllable video delivery, but also reduce the network usage while guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS) of video conferencing.  相似文献   

网络服务提供商希望能从用户的角度了解目前网络所提供的服务质量,而用户也希望获得定量的指标来评价当前网络服务质量。为此,以视频质量监测为研究对象,提出一种面向用户体验质量的网络监测系统。通过实验分析了网络传输过程中QoS参数对视频QoE的影响;提出一种将视频流转化为测试序列的视频丢包测量方法,该方法能低入侵、准确测量视频传输过程中的丢包情况;基于以上的研究成果,通过对MIB库的扩展和对MIB库轮询机制的研究,构建了面向QoE的视频服务监测系统,该监测系统结构简单、可行性强,实验表明可实时对网络中的视频服务质量进行监测。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a video QoE (Quality of Experience) assessment model which can assess video quality of experience with only QoS (Quality of Service) parameters and their relative importance at network layer. Since network or service providers can forecast whether to provide multimedia services above a certain level of service quality using the proposed model, they can offer and maintain optimum network environment for multimedia service such as IPTV. Through an experiment of video quality comparison we show that our QoS/QoE correlation model is closely related with video quality degradation patterns to network environmental change.  相似文献   

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