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Discusses and compares the results of 7 independent studies that have attempted empirically to identify the behavioral or symptom correlates of individual MMPI clinical scales for psychiatric patients. Symptom correlates, in general, tend to provide construct validity for the "traditional" interpretation of individual scales. The correlations are uniformly quite low, however, and individual scales evidence relatively few instances of unique discrimination. Major symptom correlates for individual scales also tend to be significantly related to 2-point profile codes that include the individual scales, although there are obvious differences that may be associated with scale profiles. Some possible interactions of scale correlates with race, sex, and clinical setting are noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Attempted to determine whether reliable demographic and behavioral correlates could be found for singe-scale Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) code types. Ss were 661 patients in a psychiatric hospital. Utilizing a split-sample technique to allow for replication, high-point, low-point, high-score, and low-score code types were studied. Each code type was compared with other Ss on 73 demographic and behavioral variables. Separate analyses were done for male and female code types. Only correlates reliable across both samples are reported. A sufficiently large number of reliable correlates were identified, suggesting that single-scale code types can be considered a meaningful approach to MMPI interpretation. The importance of using replication procedures was confirmed. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The construct validity of scales measuring social and physical anhedonia (L. J. Chapman et al, 1976) was investigated by performing simple and canonical correlation analyses of clinical, content, and pure scales from the MMPI. Ss were 243 consecutively admitted male veterans (mean age 31.87 yrs) in an inpatient drug dependence treatment program. Results support predictions that anhedonia, defined as a deficiency in the ability to experience pleasure, would be associated with social maladjustment and confused thinking and, further, that anhedonia scales would measure personality characteristics other than depression. Social anhedonia and physical anhedonia were associated with the clinical scales Validity and Social Introversion, the content scales Social Maladjustment and Psychoticism, and Pure Scale 7, which measures characteristics associated with the 278 MMPI profile type and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2nd edition) equivalents of "schizophrenia, latent type." Degree of association was stronger for scales measuring social anhedonia, contrary to the test authors' speculations that the measure of physical anhedonia would be the more promising of the 2 scales. The construct validity of personality assessment suggested that further study is warranted, particularly to determine other aspects of everyday living that may be implicated in measures of social and physical anhedonia. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
An investigation of MMPI personality characteristics of adolescent boys was conducted. Teacher and peer ratings were used to form 4 groups of Ss who differed on degree of expressed aggression. Aggression groups consisted of High Aggression (N = 21), High Middle Aggression (N = 20), Low Middle Aggression (N = 20), and Low Aggression (N = 22). Ss were group-administered an audio form of the MMPI. High-Aggression boys (although not actually delinquent) were found to be similar to delinquent boys in personality—generally rebellious, schizoid, and excitable. However, they were different in that they appeared more concerned over the effects of their behavior. Low-Aggression boys appeared more disturbed than Middle-Aggression boys and similar to High-Aggression boys in being more schizoid. However, they appeared more neurotic, withdrawn, and socially inhibited than other boys. (22 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
96 17–80 yr old male and 218 16–83 yr old female outpatients at a back pain clinic were administered the Cornell Medical Index, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the McGill Pain Assessment Questionnaire—Revised, and the Shipley Institute of Living Scale. Analysis showed greater disruption of daily activities and affective disturbance and poorer adjustment to pain among subgroups with elevated neurotic scales. Results are consistent with those of similar studies of chronic pain patients showing that MMPI profile subgroups may be identified that are associated with relatively unique pain-related correlates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Examined the differential predictive accuracy of 7 MMPI Alcoholism scales and 2 Drug Abuse scales across both sex and race in a sample of alcoholic inpatients. Ss included 69 Black males (mean age 33.1 yrs), 43 White males (mean age 33.5 yrs), 25 Black females (mean age 38.1 yrs), and 34 White females (mean age 38 yrs). Results demonstrate considerable variance among the scales in their ability to predict alcohol and other drug use, expectancies, and consequences. Predictive accuracy within scales also varied across the 4 sex–race subgroups. (l9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Examined whether (a) a relatively small number of 2-point code types could account for a large proportion of MMPI protocols in a psychiatric setting, and (b) reliable behavioral and demographic correlates of these 2-point code types could be identified. MMPI protocols of 588 hospitalized psychiatric patients were randomly divided into 2 subsamples. Within each, the profiles were classified according to 19 frequently occurring 2-point code types (identified in a pilot study), permitting classification of 84% of the 588 profiles. For each subsample, each code type was compared with the remaining Ss on 68 behavioral and demographic variables. Although 300 or more significant differences were found for the comparisons in each subsample, in only 66 instances were the same differences significant in both subsamples. The relevance of these findings to MMPI interpretational practices is discussed. (21 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Compared the behavioral correlates of the MMPI 4-3 high-point pair of the Overcontrolled-Hostility (O-H) scale in a sample of university psychology clinic outpatients: 18 4-3 patients, 29 O-H patients, and 50 controls. Ss were assigned to the 4-3 condition if they met the following criteria: (a) Scales 3 (Hysteria) and 4 (Psychopathic Deviate)?≥?T score of 65; (b) Scale 4 (Psychopathic Deviate)?>?Scale 3 (Hysteria)?≥?all other clinical scales. Ss with T scores of 65 or higher on the O-H scale were placed in the O-H condition. Findings indicate that the behavioral correlates of these 2 groups of Ss were more similar to each other than they were to the controls. Although the 4-3 high-point pair and O-H scale appeared to be measuring the same general personality pattern, marked by rigid denial and overcontrolled hostility, important differences are noted. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) was administered to 72 female and 51 male outpatients, and subjects were rated on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Raw scores on Masculinity–Femininity (Mf) correlated positively with ratings of emotional distress, even with gender effects removed. Male and female patients who scored high (feminine direction) on Mf were rated higher on anxiety, depressed mood, guilt feelings, and tension than were low scorers. Mf was the only MMPI scale to correlate significantly with guilt feelings, and its relationships with anxiety, depressed mood, and tension were largely independent of other MMPI clinical scales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Wertheim Edward G.; Widom Cathy S.; Wortzel Lawrence H. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1978,63(2):234
Personality, aptitude, achievement, and social-demographic characteristics of graduate students in 4 professional degree programs were investigated in a comparative multivariate analysis of the correlates of professional career choice. 173 male and 175 female 1st-yr graduate students in 2 traditionally male fields (law and management) and 2 traditionally female fields (education and social work) completed an extensive questionnaire. Results confirmed the central hypothesis of the study: Differences across careers for each variable were greater than differences between the sexes within careers. In contrast to previous findings, no significant sex differences were found in assertiveness, locus of control, or Machiavellianism. Sex differences were primarily confined to the variables relating to psychological masculinity–femininity and sex role attitudes. The limitations of the current design are noted, and it is stressed that these findings are correlational in nature. Preexisting dispositions and attitudes may be the best predictors of professional career choice, although it is equally possible that these attitudes and attributes are adopted after people have made their career choices (i.e., during graduate school). (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Relationships among MMPI code types from the systems of H. Gilberstadt and J. Duker (1965) and of P. A. Marks et al (1974) were evaluated using an empirical clustering procedure. Three superordinate types were identified—neurotic (Hs, D, Hy), psychotic (Sc, Pt), and sociopathic (Pd, Ma)—which form a theoretical model of psychopathology. Patients can be readily classified according to this typology and a graphic display of the results constructed. The importance of differentiating profile elevation, scatter, and shape is discussed when matching a given MMPI profile to the various code types. Data from the MMPI do not support the practice of highly differentiated classification within the 3 superordinate types. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Zuckerman Marvin; Sola Steven; Masterson Jill; Angelone James V. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1975,43(3):286
Administered MMPIs to 145 17-23 yr old male and female drug abusers on admission to 3 therapeutic communities. Retests were done after 3 mo for the females and at the finish of the 1st phase of the program (6-8 mo) for all who stayed. Comparisons of stayers and quitters showed quitters higher on the F and psychotic scales with more 2-point codes containing 2 psychotic scales. Stayers more frequently showed a psychopathic (49-94) pattern. With the exception of Ma, most clinical scales decreased after residence in the communities, leaving a residual psychopathic profile (49-94) in 63% of the residents. Depressive-neurotic patterns virtually disappeared and were assumed to have been reactive rather than causal in the drug abuser. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
AI Leshner 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,31(10):47-54, 57-9
The addicted brain is qualitatively different from the nonaddicted brain, in ways that include glucose use, gene expression, and responsiveness to environmental cues. Such discoveries place researchers in the early but hopeful stages of translating fundamental findings into new treatments that address the neurobiologic basis of drug craving--even for cocaine, against which there are currently no pharmacologic interventions. 相似文献
This study was designed to determine in what ways and to what extent MMPI scores are influenced by the ordering of their items. 12 shortened forms of the MMPI were developed, using 4 different scales (paranoia, social desirability, physical health, and acquiescence) and 3 different patterns of ordering (all items appearing first, being scattered throughout, or appearing last in the test). Ss included 473 college students, 108 neurotics, and 54 paranoid schizophrenics. Each S was administered 2 of the test forms, each of which contained a different ordering schema of the same items, with a 1-week interval between test administrations. Findings indicated no significant contextual effects on any of the scales. (42 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Cannon Dale S.; Bell William E.; Fowler D. Robert; Penk Walter E.; Finkelstein Allan S. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1990,2(1):51
Inpatients in Veterans Administration substance-abuse treatment programs voluntarily took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) as part of a routine clinical evaluation. The alcohol-dependence-only group (n?=?207) were older (M?=?49.6 years) and had a higher percentage of White Ss (72.9%) than did either the drug-dependence group (n?=?49, M?=?32.9 years, Whites?=?53.1%) or a mixed alcohol- and drug-dependence group (n?=?160, M?=?35.0 years, Whites?=?60.0%). Previously reported differences between alcoholics and drug abusers in depression and psychopathy were obtained when age and race were not used as covariates, but no differences were found when the effects of age and race were statistically controlled. Mixed alcohol and drug abusers had somewhat more pathological MMPI scores than did alcoholics, even when effects due to age and race were partialed out. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Inpatient treatment of alcoholism is an option indicated by certain clinical criteria. The American Society of Addiction Medicine suggests four levels of care, and six assessment dimensions determine which level of care is indicated. An addiction medicine physician can consult with the primary care physician to recommend appropriate placement in difficult cases. Abstinence is a primary goal of treatment; for without abstinence, no other recovery will be possible. The remaining goals of recovery are detoxification, medical evaluation, stabilization of life-threatening emotional issues, education, identification of barriers to recovery, readjustment of behavior toward recovery, and orientation and membership in a self-help group. Successful family contributions can make the difference between success or failure of treatment goals; the role the family plays in recovery is discussed. Treatment for family members is important; the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects on family members can be just as profound on them as they are on the alcoholic. Continuing care maintains the link between the patient and the professional recovery community after discharge and is appropriate for all patients. Extended care allows for structured support of sobriety and often further progress through psychosocial issues identified during the initial treatment phase (i.e., abuse, molestation, unresolved grief). Extended care is indicated for patients requiring further structured assistance in early recovery. A large variety of treatment options are available once the decision has been made to hospitalize the patient. 相似文献
Braucht G. Nicholas; Kirby Michael W.; Berry G. James 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1978,46(6):1463
Drug use and psychosocial data were collected from 440 clients, average age 30.5 yrs, in 4 drug and alcohol treatment programs. Ss were administered the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, the Guilt Inventory, the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, a self-concept measure and 34 other psychosocial scales. A cluster analysis was performed on chronicity/frequency indices that had been calculated for each of 15 drug classes. Four multiple drug clusters were identified: (a) cocaine/other opiates and synthetics/methaqualone/illegal methadone; (b) inhalants/codeine/nonnarcotic analgesics; (c) marihuana/amphetamines/hallucinogens; (d) minor tranquilizers/barbiturates. Heroin and alcohol did not cluster with any other substances but were frequently used by this sample, and consequently were retained in further analyses, yielding 6 basic drug clusters. Next, a typology of drug abusers was developed empirically by means of proximity cluster analysis. Eight quantitatively and qualitatively distinct types of multiple drug abusers were identified solely by analysis of their standing on the use of the 6 basic clusters of drugs. Finally, the set of psychosocial measures was found to be differentially related to use of the 6 types of drugs and to the 8 types of drug abusers. These differential findings are discussed in terms of the adequacy of the theory underlying the measures and in terms of alternative analytic strategies. (42 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献