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1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 was previously shown to induce cell death in brain tumour cell lines when added to the medium at micromolar concentration. In this paper we show that Cholecalciferol, a poor ligand of the vitamin D receptor, also induces cell death of HU197 human glioblastoma cell line and early passages cultures derived from a recurrent human glioblastoma. This finding suggests that the effects of vitamin D metabolites on brain tumour cells are at least partially independent from the activation of the classic nuclear receptor pathway. Vitamin D metabolites have been shown to activate the sphingomyelin pathway inducing an increase in cellular ceramide concentration. We determined the levels of sphingomyelin ceramide and ganglioside GD3 in Hu197 cells after treatment with cholecalciferol. A significant increase in ceramide concentration and a proportional decrease in sphingomyelin was already present after 6 hours of cholecalciferol treatment when no morphological changes were visible in the cultures. Treatment with ceramides (N-acetylsphingosine or natural ceramide from bovine brain) of the same cells also induces cell death. Similarly, treatment of the same cells with bacterial Sphingomyelinase also results in cell death. The demonstration of an increase in intracellular ceramide after cholecalciferol treatment and the ability of ceramide to induce cell death suggest that the sphingomyelin pathway may be implicated in the effect of vitamin D metabolites on human glioblastoma cells. Inhibition of ceramide biosynthesis by fumonisin B1 treatment did not alter the dose response curve of HU197 cells to cholecalciferol. Insensitivity to fumonisin B1 together with a decrease in sphingomyelin content after cholecalciferol treatment indicate that activation of sphingomyelinase should be responsible for the increase in intracellular ceramide concentration.  相似文献   

Stress is widely thought to lead to overeating. Studies of stress-induced eating have tested 2 models. One has tested whether stress increases eating in all exposed organisms and has been tested primarily with animals and physical stressors. The other has tested individual differences in vulnerability to stress-induced eating and has tested only human subjects and psychological stressors. The most consistent set of findings shows that "restrained" eating predicts vulnerability among women; the authors conclude that for the stressors studied to date, the individual-difference model has received stronger support. Because the question motivating much of this research is whether stress-induced eating causes obesity, future research should assess the effect of stress on weight-change more directly. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that magnetic resonance (MR) digital subtraction angiography is superior to two-dimensional time-of-flight (TOF) MR angiography for demonstration of patent arteries in the distal lower extremity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-seven lower extremities in 23 consecutive patients were imaged with two-dimensional TOF MR angiography and two-dimensional MR digital subtraction angiography. Images were interpreted in a randomized and blinded manner. Each lower extremity was subdivided into seven potential arterial segments. The number of digital arteries visualized was also determined. Overall image quality of MR digital subtraction and TOF angiograms was compared. The relative ability of MR digital subtraction angiography and TOF MR angiography to demonstrate patent arterial segments was assessed. RESULTS: MR digital subtraction angiography was significantly superior to TOF MR angiography for demonstration of patent arterial segments and digital arteries (P < .001). MR digital subtraction angiographic images were qualitatively superior to TOF images (P < .001). CONCLUSION: Two-dimensional MR digital subtraction angiography is superior to two-dimensional TOF MR angiography for help in identifying patent segments in the distal lower extremity.  相似文献   

Requirement for the CD95 receptor-ligand pathway in c-Myc-induced apoptosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Induction of apoptosis by oncogenes like c-myc may be important in restraining the emergence of neoplasia. However, the mechanism by which c-myc induces apoptosis is unknown. CD95 (also termed Fas or APO-1) is a cell surface transmembrane receptor of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family that activates an intrinsic apoptotic suicide program in cells upon binding either its ligand CD95L or antibody. c-myc-induced apoptosis was shown to require interaction on the cell surface between CD95 and its ligand. c-Myc acts downstream of the CD95 receptor by sensitizing cells to the CD95 death signal. Moreover, IGF-I signaling and Bcl-2 suppress c-myc-induced apoptosis by also acting downstream of CD95. These findings link two apoptotic pathways previously thought to be independent and establish the dependency of Myc on CD95 signaling for its killing activity.  相似文献   

To further evaluate the influence that sex, time of day and/or stage of the estrous cycle have on stress-induced changes in gonadotropin secretory patterns, rats were subjected to acute ether stress and subsequently sacrificed at 1.5, 3, 5, 10 and 15-min intervals. A significant change in FSH levels was not detectable, however serum LH levels consistently showed a transient elevation, and prolactin release occurred rapidly and in large increments in every case. Variation in basal hormone levels due to sex, circadian rhythmicity, or estrous cyclicity did not alter the pattern of the response of individual hormones to the stress but did markedly influence the magnitude of the response.  相似文献   

Apoptosis requires the activation of caspases (formerly interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme-like proteases), in particular those related to the caspase-3/7/6 subfamily. Recent data, however, revealed that, although caspase-specific inhibitors delay apoptosis, they are often incapable of preventing it. To obtain evidence for caspase-independent steps of apoptosis, we artificially created a high amount of short-lived or aberrant proteins by blocking the ubiquitin degradation pathway. A temperature-sensitive defect in the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 induced apoptosis independent of the activation of caspase-3 and -6 and the cleavage of their respective substrates poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and lamin A. In addition, neither the caspase 3/7-specific inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-fluoromethylketone nor the general caspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone were capable of blocking this type of cell death. By contrast, Bcl-2 overexpression effectively protected cells from apoptosis induced by a defect in the E1 enzyme at the nonpermissive temperature. Bcl-2 acted downstream of the accumulation of short-lived or aberrant proteins because it did not prevent the overexpression of the short-lived proteins p53, p27(kip1), and cyclins D1 and B1 under conditions of decreased ubiquitination. These results suggest the existence of short-lived proteins that may serve the role of caspase-independent effectors of apoptosis and attractive targets of the death-protective action of Bcl-2.  相似文献   

Asserts that the characteristics of human phobias resemble the kind of learning found during the amnesic period of infancy. As certain neural systems mature, conditioning begins to exhibit adult characteristics such as context dependency, sharp generalization, and rapid extinction. The adult learning system seems to be structured at least partially through the lasting influence of infantile experience. Under (hormonal) stress, residues of early experience are reinstated and incorporated into adult memory where they directly control behavior, and this control exhibits infantile characteristics. Evidence suggests that once acquired, such conditional fears might never be eliminated using traditional extinction or counterconditioning procedures. This view leads to a renewed emphasis on the role of experience in human development. (5 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sphingomyelin (SM) biosynthesis in cultured oligodendrocytes (OC) was evaluated: (i) with [14C] tracers (choline, ethanolamine, serine) to pinpoint the major metabolic routes; (ii) with fluorescent and truncated, radiolabeled ceramide analogs to determine the relative activities of SM-synthase in intra-and extra-Golgi compartments of OC. In contrast to a general contention in the literature that SM synthase is absent from the brain, our data show that (choline-->CDP-choline-->phosphatidylcholine (PC)-->SM) is the major anabolic route with only a minor contribution to PC via methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). SM synthase activity was found to be equally divided between intra- and extra-Golgi compartments of OC. Moreover, significant SM-synthase activity was recovered in purified myelin preparations. Our results shed new light on the possible involvement of sphingolipid-derived mediators in myelination.  相似文献   

The interference of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) signaling processes with the acquisition of tumor resistance to TNF was investigated using the TNF-sensitive human breast carcinoma MCF7 cell line and its established TNF-resistant variant (R-A1). The resistance of R-A1 cells to TNF correlated with a low level of p55 TNF receptor expression and an absence of TNF signaling through TNF receptors. Stable transfection of wild-type p55 receptor in R-A1 resulted in enhancement of p55 expression and in partial restoration of TNF signaling, including nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation. However, the transfected cells remained resistant to TNF-induced apoptosis. Northern blot analysis revealed a comparable induction of manganous superoxide dismutase and A20 mRNA expression in p55-transfected cells and in sensitive MCF7 cells, making it unlikely that these genes are involved in the resistance to TNF-mediated cytotoxicity. While TNF significantly stimulated both neutral and acidic sphingomyelinase (SMase) activities with concomitant sphingomyelin (SM) hydrolysis and ceramide generation in MCF7, it failed to trigger these events in TNF-resistant p55-transfected cells. In addition, the basal SM content was significantly higher in sensitive MCF7 as compared to the resistant counterparts. Furthermore, the TNF-resistant cells tested could be induced to undergo cell death after exposure to exogenous SMase or cell-permeable C6-ceramide. This study also shows that TNF failed to induce arachidonic acid release in p55-transfected resistant cells, suggesting that an alteration of phospholipase A2 activation may be associated with MCF7 cell resistance to TNF. Our findings strongly suggest a role of ceramide in the mechanism of cell resistance to TNF-mediated cell death and may be relevant in elucidating the biochemical nature of intracellular messengers leading to such resistance.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel (PTXL) (Taxol), a taxane, and vinorelbine (VRB), a semisynthetic vinca alkaloid drug, have tubulin as their common intracellular target, but inhibit growth by binding to different sites. We evaluated in vitro the antiproliferative activity of these two drugs as single agents and in combination, against two human melanoma cell lines, G361 and StM111a. The SRB (sulphorhodamine B) assay was used to determine growth inhibition. Possible drug-drug interaction at the cellular level was assessed by constructing Isoboles (Isobologram analysis) and applying the concept of an 'envelope of additivity'. Both agents were active in the nanomolar range at clinically achievable concentrations. The mean IC50 for G361 was 46.6 nM (PTXL) and 19.9 nM (VRB) after a 1 h drug exposure. Mean IC50 (1 h) for StM111a was 9.7 nM (PTXL) and 26.9 nM (VRB). Isobole analysis at the isoeffect levels of 25%, 50% and 75% indicated that drug interaction was predominantly synergistic (supra-additive) when paclitaxel and VRB were added concurrently for 1 h to cultures of StM11 1a or G361. In some experiments, this synergy was observed with particularly low concentrations of paclitaxel (3 nM) and VRB (0.01 nM). A new points were located within the envelope of additivity or in the subadditive (antagonism) region of the isobole. An overall synergy was also found if the data were analysed by the median effect analysis. The effect of these agents on the cytoskeleton and ultrastructure were studied with immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, respectively. These results confirm the in vitro inhibitory activity of paclitaxel and VRB against malignant melanoma, but more importantly the two drugs appear to act synergistically at relatively low concentrations.  相似文献   

In this article we compare how sensitivity to the chronotropic effect of noradrenaline and adrenaline of right atria isolated from female rats is modified after repeated swimming or foot-shock stress, under the influence of the estrous cycle. Right atria from stressed female rats sacrificed at diestrus were subsensitive to both catecholamines, irrespective of the stressor agent. However, although subsensitivity to noradrenaline was of similar intensity, subsensitivity to adrenaline was more pronounced in right atria from foot shock stressed rats as opposed to swimming-stressed rats. Identical stress protocols did not induce any alteration in atrial sensitivity to catecholamines when the stressed female rats were sacrificed at estrus. We conclude that the stress reaction concerning the mediation of cardiac chronotropism by catecholamines is related to the severity of the stressor agent and is strongly influenced by the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

When exposed to diverse growth conditions in vitro, cells can respond by entering states of proliferation, quiescence, differentiation or apoptosis. While the choices among these states can be influenced by proto-oncogene expression, how these disparate outcomes are achieved remains poorly understood. To address these issues, we have generated rodent fibroblast cell lines that harbor a human c-myc gene under the control of a tetracycline-regulated promoter. When Myc-induced cells are deprived of serum growth factors, they rapidly become apoptotic with the onset of apoptosis preceded by a large, transient increase in cdk2 kinase activity that is associated with the induction of cdc25A phosphatase and the later accumulation of p27Kip1 kinase inhibitor. Surprisingly, serum starvation in the absence of myc overexpression, (which leads to quiescence instead of apoptosis) also causes a marked transient elevation in cdk2 kinase activity, an induction of cdc25A and a delayed increase in p27Kip1. Transient elevations in cdk2 kinase activity and cdc25A abundance are required for cell cycle progression, but it is evident that these changes also precede entry to either apoptosis or quiescence in serum-starved cells. These findings suggest that the pathways to both quiescence and apoptosis share regulatory machinery with cell cycle control mechanisms. In addition, the abundance of Myc protein can be critical in the choices among these cellular states.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myocardial sympathetic activity is increased in heart failure. We tested the hypothesis that norepinephrine (NE) stimulates apoptosis in adult rat ventricular myocytes in vitro. METHODS AND RESULTS: Myocytes were exposed to NE alone (10 micromol/L), NE+propranolol (2 micromol/L), NE+prazosin (0.1 micromol/L), or isoproterenol (ISO, 10 micromol/L) for 24 hours. NE and ISO decreased the number of viable myocytes by approximately 35%. This effect was completely blocked by the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol but was not affected by the alpha1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin. NE increased DNA laddering on agarose gel electrophoresis and increased the percentage of cells that were stained by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end-labeling from 5.8+/-1. 0% to 21.0+/-2.3% (P<0.01; n=4). NE likewise increased the percentage of apoptotic cells with hypodiploid DNA content as assessed by flow cytometry from 7.8+/-0.7% to 16.7+/-2.2% (P<0.01; n=6), and this effect was abolished by propranolol but not prazosin. ISO and forskolin (10 micromol/L) mimicked the effect of NE, increasing the percentage of apoptotic cells to 14.7+/-1.9% and 14. 4+/-2.2%, respectively. NE-stimulated apoptosis was abolished by the protein kinase A inhibitor H-89 (20 micromol/L) or the voltage-dependent calcium channel blockers diltiazem and nifedipine. CONCLUSIONS: NE, acting via the ss-adrenergic pathway, stimulates apoptosis in adult rat cardiac myocytes in vitro. This effect is mediated by protein kinase A and requires calcium entry via voltage-dependent calcium channels. NE-stimulated apoptosis of cardiac myocytes may contribute to the progression of myocardial failure.  相似文献   

Impersonal stressors, not only interpersonal provocation, can instigate aggression through an associative network linking negative emotions to behavioral activation (L. Berkowitz, 1990). Research has not examined the brain mechanisms that are engaged by different types of stress and serve to promote hostility and aggression. The present study examined whether stress exposure elicits more left than right frontal brain activity implicated in behavioral approach motivation and whether this lateralized brain activity predicts stress-induced aggression and hostile/aggressive tendencies. Results showed that (a) participants in the impersonal (assigned to stress by a computer) and interpersonal (assigned to stress by a provoking confederate) stress conditions both showed more left than right frontal electroencephalogram activity after condition assignment and stress exposure and (b) the 2 stress groups exhibited subsequent increases in aggression relative to the no-stress group. Importantly, left frontal asymmetry in response to stress exposure predicted increases in subsequent aggressive behavior, a finding that did not emerge in the no-stress condition. Thus, both the interpersonal and impersonal stressors impacted state changes in brain activity related to behavioral approach, suggesting that stress reactivity involving approach activation represents risk for behavioral dysregulation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The structure and thermotropic properties of N-palmitoyl sphingomyelin (C16:0-SM) and its interaction with cholesterol and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction methods. DSC of hydrated multi-bilayers of C16:0-SM shows reversible chain-melting transitions. On heating, anhydrous C16:0-SM exhibits an endothermic transition at 75 degrees C (delta H = 4.0 kcal/mol). Increasing hydration progressively lowers the transition temperature (TM) and increases the transition enthalpy (delta H), until limiting values (TM = 41 degrees C, delta H = 7.5 kcal/mol) are observed for hydration values > 25 wt % H2O. X-ray diffraction at temperatures below (29 degrees C) TM show a bilayer gel structure (d = 73.5 A, sharp 4.2 A reflection) for C16:0-SM at full hydration; above TM, at 55 degrees C, a bilayer liquid-crystal phase is present (d = 66.6 A, diffuse 4.6 A reflection). Addition of cholesterol to C16:0-SM bilayers results in a progressive decrease in the enthalpy of the transition at 41 degrees C, and no cooperative transition is detected at > 50 mol % cholesterol. X-ray diffraction shows no difference in the bilayer periodicity, position/width of the wide-angle reflections, or electron density profiles at 29 and 55 degrees C when 50 mol % cholesterol is present. Thus, cholesterol inserts into C16:0-SM bilayers progressively removing the chain-melting transition and changing the structural characteristics of the bilayer. DSC and X-ray diffraction data show that DPPC is completely miscible with C16:0-SM bilayers in both the gel and liquid-crystalline phases; however, 30 mol % C16:0-SM removes the pre-transition exhibited by DPPC.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic lymphocytes (CLs) induce caspase activation and apoptosis of target cells either through Fas activation or through release of granule cytotoxins, particularly granzyme B. CLs themselves resist granule-mediated apoptosis but are eventually cleared via Fas-mediated apoptosis. Here we show that the CL cytoplasmic serpin proteinase inhibitor 9 (PI-9) can protect transfected cells against apoptosis induced by either purified granzyme B and perforin or intact CLs. A PI-9 P1 mutant (Glu to Asp) is a 100-fold-less-efficient granzyme B inhibitor that no longer protects against granzyme B-mediated apoptosis. PI-9 is highly specific for granzyme B because it does not inhibit eight of the nine caspases tested or protect transfected cells against Fas-mediated apoptosis. In contrast, the P1(Asp) mutant is an effective caspase inhibitor that protects against Fas-mediated apoptosis. We propose that PI-9 shields CLs specifically against misdirected granzyme B to prevent autolysis or fratricide, but it does not interfere with homeostatic deletion via Fas-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

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