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Distinguishing acoustical signatures of sound emitted by normal and pathological knee joints are picked up using a double microphone-differential amplifier setup. Extraneous background noise is minimized using the principle of "noise cancellation". Two identical sensitive condenser microphones and an F.M. recorder with flat responses in the audio range were used. Preliminary studies covering normal and diseased knee joints showed that their respective waveforms and spectral patterns are unique and proved to be a promising nondestructive diagnostic tool for early detection of knee joint cartilage damage.  相似文献   

1. The combined effect of dietary fat reduction and increased aerobic exercise on coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors was investigated in healthy, normolipidaemic, normotensive, sedentary individuals. 2. After a baseline period of 2 weeks, 21 subjects were randomly allocated to one of two intervention groups (low fat exercise (LFEX) or low fat control (LFC)) for 8 weeks. Both groups were counselled to reduce their dietary fat intake to 20-25% energy from fat. The LFEX group was also required to commence an aerobic exercise programme (4 x 45 min per week). 3. In both groups, the falls in total cholesterol seen at week 4 were not maintained at the end of the study; however, the LFEX group maintained a fall in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) of 0.21 +/- 0.11 mmol/L. At the end of the study, the LFC group experienced a fall in high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol of 0.16 +/- 0.05 mmol/L, due to a 0.19 +/- 0.07 mmol/L fall in the HDL2 subfraction. The LFEX group experienced no change in HDL (-0.09 +/- 0.06 mmol/L) or HDL2 (-0.09 +/- 0.05 mmol/L). 4. At the end of the study the LFEX and LFC groups experienced a 7 +/- 3 and 5 +/- 1 mmHg fall in systolic blood pressure, respectively, while the LFEX group also observed a 4 +/- 2 mmHg fall in diastolic blood pressure. 5. The benefits of a low-fat diet combined with aerobic exercise include a reduction in LDL and blood pressure, while maintaining HDL through the HDL2 subfraction.  相似文献   

Blood transfusions have been repeatedly shown to be immunosuppressive in nature. The intracellular mechanisms of this immunosuppression have not been extensively investigated. We investigated the effect of blood transfusions on lymphocyte intracellular metabolism of glucose and amino acids, as well as levels of adenosine deaminase activity and nucleotide triphosphate concentrations. Blood transfusions were found to increase the rate of glucose and glutamine metabolism, to increase nucleotide triphosphate concentrations, and to increase the level of adenosine deaminase activity. This increased level of lymphocyte metabolism in the face of immunosuppression would appear to indicate that the transfusion-induced immunosuppression is an active dynamic process.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for the variability in plasma leptin levels observed among individuals with similar body compositions remain unclear. To examine the impact of dietary variables, we compared the changes in leptin levels induced by fasting and dietary fat restriction with the expected decrease following a significant loss in adipose mass. A 21.4 +/- 3.7% weight loss led to a 76.3 +/- 8.1% decrease in mean plasma leptin level (25.2 +/- 9.3 to 6.1 +/- 3.4 ng/mL, P = 0.0001) in a group of 9 obese males. Despite a weight loss of only 2.6 +/- 0.8%, mean plasma leptin levels fell by 61.9 +/- 25.2% (8.5 +/- 4.5 to 2.4 +/- 0.5 ng/mL, P < 0.01) in 7 nonobese females subjected to 3 days of fasting. Leptin levels in fasted subjects returned to baseline within 12 h of refeeding. Individual high- and low-fat meals given to 19 subjects after an overnight fast had no effect on plasma leptin levels. Reduction in dietary fat content from 37-10% of total calories for 7 weeks was also without effect on plasma leptin levels in these subjects. We conclude that plasma leptin levels primarily reflect total adipose mass, rather than meal consumption or dietary energy source, but that the reduction in leptin levels with ongoing fasting is disproportionate to the reduction in adipose mass. The ability of fasting to deactivate this presumed physiological satiety system may have been advantageous in environments characterized by rapid changes in food availability.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the physical, chemical, and microbial properties of turkey cecal droppings and relate them to intake of common dietary components, namely fat, fiber, and the anticoccidial, monensin. Experiment 1 involved collection and analysis of physical and chemical properties of cecal and regular droppings from commercial turkey flocks. Experiment 2 tested the effect of dietary fat, fiber, and monensin on growth performance and cecal activity in male turkeys. Compared to regular excreta, cecal droppings analyzed in Experiment 1 were higher in viscosity and fat content, and lower in dry matter, nitrogen, and fiber content (P < 0.05). High dietary fiber and fat significantly (P < 0.05) improved growth performance in Experiment 2. Prolonged feeding of monensin significantly (P < 0.05) reduced cecal evacuation. Results of chemical composition showed that higher dietary fat and fiber significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the fat percentage of cecal contents, whereas prolonged feeding of monensin increased the fat in both cecal contents and droppings. There was no significant effect of any of the treatments on pH, viscosity, and microbial counts of cecal contents. There is the need to identify and characterize the compound responsible for the high viscosity of cecal droppings.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a common surgical problem which can induce profound changes in the plasma concentrations of cytokines and hormones, leading to a catabolic state. Hypertriglyceridaemia and increased fat oxidation are the main features of altered fat metabolism encountered in this state. The endogenous catabolism of sepsis can be reduced by administering exogenous lipid emulsions as a source of metabolic fuel, although the changes in lipid metabolism associated with sepsis may affect the handling of these exogenous lipids. An exciting area for future research is an examination of the ability of lipid emulsions to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis by altering immune responses, in addition to limiting catabolism.  相似文献   

Thirty male neonatal pigs were obtained by cesarean section and randomly allotted from littermate groups to three diets containing 2%, 17%, and 32% fat on a dry matter basis. Butterfat was used to replace glucose in the isoenergetic liquid, semipurified diets. Each pig was placed in a sterile isolator and fed ad libitum five times daily. After 14 days, pigs were weighed, killed, and samples of liver and backfat were obtained. The carcass of each pig was ground and samples obtained for determination of total body fat and protein. An increase in the level of dietary fat resulted in a significant increase in 14 day weight gain and a tendency for improved feed efficiency. These results demonstrate not only that the neonatal pig can utilize semipurified liquid diets high in butterfat content, but also that energy from butterfat appears to be used as efficiently as energy from glucose from growth purposes. Increasing dietary fat level decreased the activity of fatty acid synthetase and citrate cleavage enzyme in adipose tissue and liver, and decreased the activity of malic enzyme in adipose tissue. The specific activities of these three enzymes were higher in adipose tissue than in liver.  相似文献   

Although the beneficial effects of Mediterranean-type diets, which are rich in olive oil, a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), are generally accepted, little is known about the effects of long-term dietary MUFA intake on postprandial lipoprotein metabolism and hemostasis. This study used a single-blind, randomized, crossover design to investigate the relative effects of a long-term dietary olive oil intervention and a control [saturated fatty acid (SFA)-enriched] diet on postprandial triacylglycerol metabolism and factor VII activity. The postprandial response to a standard test meal was investigated in 23 healthy men who adhered to both diets for 8 wk. cis-MUFAs were successfully substituted for SFAs in the MUFA diet without affecting total dietary fat or energy intakes. The long-term dietary MUFA intervention significantly reduced plasma and LDL-cholesterol concentrations (P = 0.01). Postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations were significantly greater in the early postprandial period after the MUFA diet (P = 0.003). Postprandial factor VII activation and the concentration of the factor VII antigen were significantly lower after the MUFA diet (P = 0.04 and P = 0.006, respectively). This study showed that isoenergetic substitution of MUFAs for SFAs reduces plasma cholesterol and reduces the degree of postprandial factor VII activation. The alterations in the postprandial triacylglycerol response suggest a greater rate of dietary fat absorption and postprandial triacylglycerol metabolism after a diet rich in MUFAs. This study presents new insights into the biochemical basis of the beneficial effects associated with long-term dietary MUFA consumption, which may explain the lower rates of coronary mortality in Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Two groups of nine weanling male rats each were fed different diets for 60 days. Group A (control) was fed a full casein diet containing 17% protein. The group B received the same diet plus nitrite, fried bacon and proline. Diet B induced increased body weight gain and increased plasma l-lactic acid and cholesterol levels, as well as a decrease in plasma selenium. We suggest that the adverse effects of diet B are related to peroxidation, with an increased nutritional need for selenium.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone intermediate, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), has been proposed as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of immunosenescence in mouse model. In the present study, the in vitro effect of DHEA on mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production was evaluated in a rat model. Spleen lymphocytes were isolated from young (4-6 months) and old (24-26 months) F344 rats and were incubated with DHEA for 30 min. The induction of lymphocyte proliferation, interleukin-2 (IL-2), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by concanavalin A (Con A) was measured in a culture medium supplemented with either fetal calf serum (FCS) or with serum-free medium (Nutridoma-SR, N-SR). The induction of lymphocyte proliferation and IL-2 production by Con A decreased significantly with age, whereas induction of IFN-gamma increased with age. Treatment of lymphocytes with DHEA did not significantly alter Con A-induced proliferation or the production of IL-2 or IFN-gamma by spleen lymphocytes isolated from either young or old rats. These data indicate that in vitro DHEA treatment appears to have no immunomodulatory effect on the age-related changes in mitogen-induced proliferation or cytokine production in rat lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of three dietary fats, safflower oil (SAF) rich in linoleic acid, borage oil (BOR) rich in gamma-linolenic acid, and perilla oil (PER) rich in alpha-linolenic acid, on the lipid metabolism, and chemical mediator and immunoglobulin levels in Sprague-Dawley rats, as well as the dietary effect of sesame-derived antioxidative sesamin. The serum cholesterol, phospholipid, triglyceride, prostaglandin E2 level and splenic leukotriene B4 level were lower in the rats fed on BOR or PER than in those fed on SAF. SES feeding suppressed the expression of the lipid-decreasing effect of BOR, but not in the rats fed on PER. In respect of the fatty acid composition of the liver and spleen, PER feeding gave a lower arachidonic acid level, and higher eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid levels than SAF feeding did, while the effect of BOR feeding was marginal. The effect of SES feeding on fatty acid composition was much smaller than that of dietary fats. In respect of immunoglobulin production, PER + SES feeding gave the lowest IgE productivity in the mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes. These results suggest that PER feeding regulated lipid metabolism and exerted an anti-allergic effect by a different mechanism from that with BOR feeding.  相似文献   

Excessive intake of dietary fat is associated with a number of nutrition-related disorders, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer. The over-consumption of fat may be related to its palatability, high energy density, or physiological effects. This article reviews possible reasons why fat intake is high, examines the relationship between diet composition and body weight, and explores potential fat reduction strategies. It is concluded that low-fat or fat-free products could be useful in reducing the percentage of calories derived from fat, although this assertion needs to be further tested in controlled laboratory experiments and validated on a population basis.  相似文献   

Macrophages are shown to replace methylthio disulfides in supporting in vitro proliferation of three cell lines previously characterized as methylthio-dependent. Macrophages have the capacity to generate methylthio groups from methylthioadenosine. It is hypothesized that macrophages stimulate cell proliferation both in normal immune systems and in certain cancers by providing an abundance of methylthio groups. Fetal calf serum is shown to contain methylthio groups. It appears that, in cell cultures containing fetal calf serum, sulfhydryl compounds stimulate cell proliferation by making the methylthio groups in the serum available to the cells.  相似文献   

From 1324 patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) 1643 stool samples were analyzed by a cell test for Clostridium difficile toxin in stool filtrates and cultivation for occurrence of C. difficile strains. In patients with no detectable toxin in their stool strains of C. difficile were isolated in 2.2% whereas when toxin was detectable, the isolation rate varied from 17% to 36%. Furthermore, there was a correlation between toxin titre in stool filtrate and production of cytotoxin in vitro by the corresponding C. difficile strains. Five clostridial strains, not belonging to the species C. difficile, were found to produce typical cytotoxin in vitro. However, five strains identified as C. difficile by biochemical reactions and gas liquid chromatography, did not produce an extracellular cytotoxin. The antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the Clostridium strains were investigated. No correlation was recognized between antibiotic resistance of isolated Clostridium strains and the AAD-inducing antibiotic penicillins and linco/clindamycin. Neither did cases of relapse of diarrheal disease after vancomycin treatment harbour C. difficile strains with increased resistance to vancomycin. It is concluded that the pathogenesis of antibiotic-associated enterocolitis is more complex than a mere intestinal overgrowth of resistant strains of C. difficile.  相似文献   

Beginning at hatching, chicks were fed a Basal diet, without vitamin E or selenium (Se) or the same diet supplemented with vitamin E (100 IU/kg) and Se (0.2 ppm). The effect of these treatments on the expression of cell surface markers (CT-1a, CD3, CD4, CD8, sIgs, and Ia) defining specific thymocyte and peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) subpopulations were examined using flow cytometric analyses. In parallel studies the effect of the dietary deficiencies on splenocyte proliferative responses to ConA or PHA stimulation was examined. The mean expression of CD3 and CT-1a per cell was increased while CD8 and CD4 expression was decreased on thymocytes from chicks fed the Basal diet. The proportion of double negative (CD4-, CD8-) thymocytes and single positive CD8+ thymocytes was significantly decreased while single positive CD4+ and double positive (CD4+, CD8+) thymocytes were significantly increased by the dietary vitamin E and Se deficiencies. The dietary deficiencies resulted in a decreased proportion of peripheral T cells and specifically decreased the number of CD4+ PBL. The proliferative response to both ConA and PHA was impaired by the vitamin E and Se dietary deficiencies. The proliferative response could be fully reconstituted but only after vitamin E and Se supplementation for periods longer than 1 week. Plasma SeGSHpx and alpha-tocopherol levels paralleled the mitogen responsiveness observed. These results support the conclusion that vitamin E and Se deficiencies may affect both the maturation of specific lymphocyte subpopulations and the functional and proliferative capabilities of the peripheral lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Effects of supplemental Jet-Sploded canola seed in the diets of dairy cows on milk yield and composition and blood metabolite concentrations were investigated. Twenty multiparous and 5 primiparous midlactation Holstein cows were assigned to treatments following a 3-wk covariate period; cows were then on the treatments for 70 d. Ten of the cows had previously been fitted with rumen cannulas. Five concentrate mixtures containing 0, 7.5, 15, 22, or 29% Jet-Sploded canola seed (Simons Feed Co., Quimby, IA) (equivalent to 0, 2.66, 5.33, 7.81, and 10.30% added fat, respectively) were formulated by substituting Jet-Sploded canola seed for barley and canola meal. Diets consisted of 25% alfalfa silage, 25% whole-crop oat silage, and 50% of one of the concentrate mixtures (dry matter basis). An increase in the amount of dietary fat from Jet-Sploded canola seed did not influence feed intake, milk yield or composition, or milk component yields. The inclusion of Jet-Sploded canola seed in the diet increased long-chain fatty acids and inhibited de novo synthesis of medium-chain fatty acids in milk. Mean total volatile fatty acids in the rumen and propionate concentration were reduced in a linear fashion by treatment. The inclusion of Jet-Sploded canola seed in the diets of mid-lactation cows altered rumen and blood metabolite concentrations; however, these changes had minimal effects on yield responses with the exception of milk fatty acid composition and milk protein content.  相似文献   

The possible increase in total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol following severe restriction of dietary NaCl was reported in 1990 and and 1991 from three experiments, one in the United States and two in Germany. Each of these experiments lasted only 1 week. To evaluate the clinical side effects we analyzed data collected from patients who completed a course of NaCl-restricted weight reduction at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center. Observations of lipid changes are not available for periods of less than 3 weeks; however, we were able to collect data on lipid and lipoprotein changes from 556 participants 25 days after they were referred for weight reduction. Total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels returned to normal in the majority of obese patients. In our slightly longer observation period in patients on a 1000 mg NaCl restricted diet we found no evidence of hyperlipidemic side effects. We believe that the hyperlipidemia resulting from severe sodium restriction in non-hypertensive, normal-weight individuals is not relevant to the problem of nonpharmacological and diuretic treatment of obese hypertensive patients. In clinically healthy, normal-weight, normotensive individuals severe salt restriction serves no practical or therapeutic purpose.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether lacrimal gland acinar cells are involved in modulating local immune response; to isolate and characterize a lacrimal gland factor that exerts biological activities on T lymphocytes. METHODS: A protein factor has been purified from lacrimal gland extracts by a combination of ion exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. This factor has the capacity to enhance proliferation of T lymphocytes upon stimulation with a mitogen or an antigen. We have, therefore, called this substance lacrimal gland-derived lymphocyte proliferation potentiating factor (LG-F). RESULTS: Lacrimal gland-derived lymphocyte proliferation potentiating factor has a molecular weight of approximately 65,000 daltons as determined by gel-filtration and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. T cells demonstrate greater proliferation when cultured with high concentrations of concanavalin A (Con A) in the presence of LG-F, as compared with culture without addition of LG-F. This enhancing effect of LG-F may be mediated by IL-2, because the final cell count correlates with the levels of IL-2 secreted by LG-F-activated cells. Lacrimal gland-derived lymphocyte proliferation potentiating factor is nonmitogenic for T cells, but its potentiating effect is antigen-dependent. Dual stimulation of OA-primed T cells with both OA and LG-F results in greater proliferative activity, in contrast to culture with OA alone. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that lacrimal gland cells may interact with the immune system by elaborating nonspecific factors that modulate lymphocyte proliferation and augment lymphokine production. The presence of such a factor in the lacrimal gland may prove to be of importance in the generation of local immune responses.  相似文献   

The effects of different amounts of dietary zinc and copper on cholesterol metabolism in the rat were investigated. The levels of the minerals used were comparable to those likely to occur in a normal mixed North American diet. Although the different levels affected the serum, liver, and femur concentrations of the minerals, they had no effect on the levels of serum and liver, total, esterified or free cholesterol, or on high density lipoprotein cholesterol. It was concluded that dietary copper and zinc, at levels likely to occur in a normal mixed diet, are not significant factors in cholesterol metabolism.  相似文献   

Twelve Holstein cows and 12 Jersey cows were used in six 4 x 4 Latin squares to investigate the effects of the degradability of dietary protein and supplemental dietary fat on milk components. Dietary dry matter contained 16% crude protein with two concentrations of ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) obtained by substituting blood meal for a portion of the soybean meal. Treatments were 1) 29% RUP, 0% added fat; 2) 29% RUP, 2.7% added fat (Ca soaps of fatty acids); 3) 41% RUP, 0% added fat; and 4) 41% RUP, 2.7% added fat. The dry matter of the total mixed ration fed at 1000 and 1400 h consisted of 30% corn silage, 29% alfalfa haylage, and 41% concentrate. Supplemental dietary fat depressed dry matter intake by 6.2%. Plasma urea N was greater at 0700 and 1600 h for Jerseys fed diets containing added fat and greater at 0700 h for Holsteins fed diets containing 41% RUP than for Holsteins fed 0% added fat and 29% RUP. When averaged across both breeds, milk production increased 7.1%, and production of 4% fat-corrected milk by Jerseys increased 8.4%, in response to added dietary fat. Milk protein was reduced when Holstein diets contained 41% RUP. Milk protein content was reduced 7.1 and 3.9%, and milk urea N was increased 4.9 and 8.5%, by added fat and 41% RUP in both breeds, respectively. Added fat reduced the concentration, but not the yield, of milk components. Substitution of blood meal decreased the concentration and yield of milk protein and casein N.  相似文献   

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