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The perceived commonality and acceptability of symptoms of bulimia, as well as associated variables including gender, generation, knowledge of bulimia, body mass index, and bulimic symptomatology, were assessed. These views were explored in a sample of college students (N = 155 male; N = 173 female) and their parents (N = 194 mothers; N = 163 fathers). Females perceived bulimic symptoms to be more common than males, and students perceived them to be more common than their parents. Students perceived bulimic symptoms to be more acceptable than their parents. Females had higher levels of bulimic symptomatology, particularly daughters. Stepwise simultaneous regression analyses revealed that one's own level of bulimic symptomatology was the primary predictor of one's attitudes toward the commonality and acceptability of bulimic symptoms. Bulimic symptomatology was primarily predicted from perceptions of the acceptability of bulimic symptoms and body mass index. Results suggest that college-age students may be at greater risk for the development of bulimia nervosa because of their greater tolerance of these symptoms; alternatively, people endorsing higher levels of bulimic symptomatology may adjust their attitudes, perceiving bulimic symptoms to be more tolerable, in order to alleviate the dissonance between their attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43), which is predominantly expressed in lens epithelial cells in the control of lens development and organization. METHODS: Newborn mice in which the Cx43 gene was disrupted by homologous recombination were used. Lenses from Cx43 (-/-) mice and wild-type littermates were processed by using 2% glutaraldehyde fixation for light and transmission electron microscopy and by freezing in liquid nitrogen for light and confocal microscopy of immunofluorescence in cryosections. RESULTS: In wild-type mice, Cx43 was immunolocalized to apical and lateral regions of lens epithelial cells and throughout the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and retina. In the bow, or equatorial, region of the lens, Cx43 disappeared gradually at the margins of the epithelial layer, whereas major intrinsic polypeptide, MP26, and alpha-crystallins were only detected in differentiated fiber cells. Ultrastructural studies revealed that epithelial cells and epithelial fiber cells were connected by large gap junctions. Lens fiber cells were closely apposed to apical boundaries of epithelial cells and apposed to one another along their entire lengths. In Cx43 (-/-) mice, epithelial cells were connected more loosely. The distribution of MP26 and alpha-crystallin in bow region fiber cells in Cx43 (-/-) lenses was not distinguishable from that in the lenses of wild-type mice. Cx46 and Cx50 were also expressed in superficial and cortical fiber cells, with similar distributions in Cx43 (-/-) and wild-type mice. However, organization of appositional membranes between lens fiber cells and between fiber and epithelial cells differed dramatically in the Cx43 (-/-) lens. In contrast to the close apposition of cells in lenses of normal mice, fiber cells in Cx43 (-/-) lenses were largely separated from apical surfaces of epithelial cells, and large vacuolar spaces were apparent between fiber cells, most prominently in deeper cortical regions. CONCLUSIONS: The normal differentiation of lens fiber cells in the bow region in lenses of Cx43 (-/-) mice, evidenced by similar distributions of Cx46, Cx50, MP26, and alpha-crystallin, suggests that the expression of Cx43 is not required for this process. However, these lenses exhibit grossly dilated extracellular spaces and intracellular vacuoles, indicative of early stages of cataract formation. These changes suggest that osmotic balance within the lens is markedly altered in Cx43 (-/-) animals, highlighting the importance of intercellular communication mediated by lens epithelial Cx43 gap junctions in the function of this tissue.  相似文献   

Gap junctions mediate cell-cell communication in almost all tissues and are composed of channel-forming integral membrane proteins, termed connexins [1-3]. Connexin43 (Cx43) is the most widely expressed and the most well-studied member of this family. Cx43-based cell-cell communication is regulated by growth factors and oncogenes [3-5], although the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood as cellular proteins that interact with connexins have yet to be identified. The carboxy-terminal cytosolic domain of Cx43 contains several phosphorylation sites and potential signalling motifs. We have used a yeast two-hybrid protein interaction screen to identify proteins that bind to the carboxy-terminal tail of Cx43 and thereby isolated the zona occludens-1 (ZO-1) protein. ZO-1 is a 220 kDa peripheral membrane protein containing multiple protein interaction domains including three PDZ domains and a Src homology 3 (SH3) domain [6-9]. The interaction of Cx43 with ZO-1 occurred through the extreme carboxyl terminus of Cx43 and the second PDZ domain of ZO-1. Cx43 associated with ZO-1 in Cx43-transfected COS7 cells, as well as endogenously in normal Rat-1 fibroblasts and mink lung epithelial cells. Confocal microscopy revealed that endogenous Cx43 and ZO-1 colocalised at gap junctions. We suggest that ZO-1 serves to recruit signalling proteins into Cx43-based gap junctions.  相似文献   

Abnormal intracellular Ca2+ handling in hypertrophied and failing hearts is partly due to changes in Ca2+ transporter gene expression, but the mechanisms responsible for these alterations remain largely unknown. We previously showed that intrinsic mechanical load (i.e. spontaneous contractile activity) induced myocyte hypertrophy, and down-regulated SR Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2) gene expression in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM). In the present study, we examined whether extrinsic mechanical load (i.e. cyclic stretch) also induced NRVM hypertrophy, and led to down-regulation of SERCA2 and other Ca2+ transporter genes which have been associated with cardiac hypertrophy and failure in vivo. NRVM were maintained in serum-free culture medium under control conditions, or subjected to cyclic mechanical deformation (1.0 Hz, 20% maximal strain, 48 h). Under these conditions, cyclic stretch induced NRVM hypertrophy, as evidenced by significant increases in total protein/DNA ratio, myosin heavy chain (MHC) content, and atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) secretion. Cyclic stretch also induced the MHC isoenzyme "switch" which is characteristic of hemodynamic overload of the rat heart in vivo. Cyclic stretch significantly down-regulated SERCA2 and ryanodine receptor (RyR) mRNA and protein levels, while simultaneously increasing ANF mRNA. In contrast, Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and phospholamban mRNA levels were unaffected. Load-dependent SERCA2 and RyR down-regulation was independent of Ca2+ influx via voltage-gated, L-type Ca2+ channels, as cyclic stretch down-regulated SERCA2 and RyR mRNA levels in both control and verapamil-treated NRVM. These results indicate that extrinsic mechanical load (in the absence of other exogenous stimuli) induces NRVM hypertrophy and causes down-regulation of Ca2+ transporter gene expression. This in vitro model system should prove useful to dissect the intracellular signaling pathways responsible for transducing this phenotype during cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure in vivo.  相似文献   

That many cells express more than one connexin (Cx) led us to examine whether Cxs other than Cx32 are expressed in the PNS. In addition to Cx32 mRNA, Cx43 and Cx26 mRNAs were detected in rat sciatic nerve by northern blot analysis. Cx43 mRNA, but not Cx26 mRNA, was expressed in both the primary Schwann cell culture and immortalized Schwann cell line (T93). The steady-state levels of the Cx43 mRNA in the primary Schwann cell culture increased 2.0-fold with 100 microM forskolin, whereas that of Po increased 7.0-fold. Immunoreactivity to Cx43 was detected on western blots of cultured Schwann cells, T93 cells, and sciatic nerves but not on blots of PNS myelin. Immunohistochemical study using human peripheral nerves revealed that anti-Cx43 antibody stained cytoplasm around nucleus of Schwann cells but not myelin, confirming western blot results. Although Po expression was markedly decreased by crush injury of the sciatic nerves, Cx43 expression showed no apparent change. Developmental profiles showed that Cx43 expression in the sciatic nerve increased rapidly after birth, peaked at about postnatal day 6, and then decreased gradually to a low level. In adult rats, the Cx43 mRNA value was much lower than that of Cx32. These findings suggest that Cx43 is localized in Schwann cell bodies and that, compared with Po, its expression is less influenced by axonal contact and cyclic AMP levels. The high expression on postnatal day 6 indicates that Cx43 may be related to PNS myelination. Cx43 is another gap junction, but its function appears to differ from that of Cx32, as judged by the differences in their localization and developmental profiles.  相似文献   

Biological and analytical characterizations of permolybdate (a mixture of H2O2 and molybdate) were done. Molybdate (10 mM) and molybdenum(V) chloride (3 mM) did not affect gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC), phosphorylation status of connexin43 (Cx43) or cellular tyrosine phosphorylation in early passage hamster embryonic cells (mainly fibroblast-like). High concentrations of H2O2 (3-10 mM) affected some of the parameters. Acidified permolybdate was clearly more stable than the unadjusted permolybdate. The maximum biological potency of acidified permolybdate was found at a molar ratio of 2:1 (H2O2:molybdate). The mixtures of molybdenum(V) chloride and H2O2 gave a maximum effect at 4:1 molar ratio (H2O2:molybdenum(V)). This can be explained by decomposition of H2O2 and by the generation of less biologically active compounds. Spectrophotometric analyses of the mixtures corroborated the biological results. The Mo(V) electron spin resonance spectrum disappeared upon addition of H2O2 to Mo(V) solutions, and no spectrum appeared when H2O2 was mixed with Mo(VI). Thus, permolybdate is probably diperoxomolybdate, a Mo(VI) compound. Regardless of the parent metal salt, the H2O2/metal salt mixtures showed concentration-dependent biphasic responses with an initial decrease in GJIC followed by an increase. A dissociation between alteration in Cx43 phosphorylation status and GJIC was obtained under certain conditions. The biological activities of permolybdate were only partially mimicked by phenylarsine oxide, an alternative protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Angiotensin (Ang) II (1, 10, 100 and 1000 nmol.L-1) was found to increase spontaneous contractile frequency dose-dependently in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes cultured for 3 d. After exposure to Ang II (100 nmol.L-1) for 7 d, neonatal rat heart cells became hypertrophy with increased frequency, elevated APA, prolonged ADP50 and ADP90, and shortened SCL. Addition of ouabian (Oua) 50 nmol.L-1 to the hypertrophic myocytes caused more frequent arrhythmia. Taurine (20 mmol.L-1) was shown to inhibit these changes induced by Ang II. These results suggest that Ang II can increase autorhythmicity as well as sensibility to Oua in cultured cardiac myocytes. These effects might be related to the promotion of Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Scorpion venom can induce in dogs severe haemodynamic changes leading to rapid rise in systemic blood pressure and cardiac output, followed by reduction of cardiac output and blood pressure within 1 h. The decrease in cardiac output is not related to myocardial dysfunction (Tarasiuk et al. 1994). We hypothesized that scorpion venom affects cardiac output by reducing venous return to the heart. Venous return was studied by steady-state measurements of cardiac output, the pressure gradient and resistance to venous return, in 16 dogs following injection of 0.05 mg kg-1 venom obtained from the scorpion species Leiurus quinquestriatus. In eight of the 16 dogs, atropine (0.1 mg kg-1) was given 15 min prior to venom injection (n = 4) or 85 min (n = 4) after venom administration. In five additional dogs, the stability of the preparation over time was evaluated following the same protocol without the injection of the venom. At 15 min, the venom induced an increase in blood pressure (80%) and cardiac output (250%) (P < 0.001) with little effect on heart rate. At 90 min, cardiac output and heart rate declined considerably below baseline (P < 0.001). Atropine prevented the decrease in heart rate, but did not affect the reduction of cardiac output. Five minutes after venom injection, mean circulatory pressure increased by 300% (P < 0.001), which was accompanied by a rightward shift of the venous return curve with no effect on resistance to venous return. At 120 min, mean circulatory pressure recovered and resistance to venous return remained at 40% (P < 0.01) above baseline. This study indicates that, in dogs, scorpion venom affects cardiac output by modifying the determinants of venous return. The initial increase in cardiac output is related to increased mean circulatory pressure since resistance to venous return did not change. The later fall in cardiac output is related to the reduction of mean circulatory pressure and increased resistance to venous return.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The regional wall motion impairment and predisposition to arrhythmias in human ventricular hibernation may plausibly result from abnormal intercellular propagation of the depolarizing wave front. This study investigated the hypothesis that altered patterns of expression of connexin43, the principal gap junctional protein responsible for passive conduction of the cardiac action potential, contribute to the pathogenesis of hibernation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients with poor ventricular function and severe coronary artery disease underwent thallium scanning and MRI to predict regions of normally perfused, reversibly ischemic, or hibernating myocardium. Twenty-one patients went on to coronary artery bypass graft surgery, during which biopsies representative of each of the above classes were taken. Hibernation was confirmed by improvement in segmental wall motion at reassessment 6 months after surgery. Connexin43 was studied by quantitative immunoconfocal laser scanning microscopy and PC image software. Analysis of en face projection views of intercalated disks revealed a significant reduction in relative connexin43 content per unit area in reversibly ischemic (76.7+/-34.6%, P<.001) and hibernating (67.4+/-24.3%, P<.001) tissue compared with normal (100+/-30.3%); ANOVA P<.001. The hibernating regions were further characterized by loss of the larger gap junctions normally seen at the disk periphery, reflected by a significant reduction in mean junctional plaque size in the hibernating tissues (69.5+/-20.8%) compared with reversibly ischemic (87.4+/-31.2%, P=.012) and normal (100+/-31.5%, P<.001) segments; ANOVA P<.001. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate progressive reduction and disruption of connexin43 gap junctions in reversible ischemia and hibernation. Abnormal impulse propagation resulting from such changes may contribute to the electromechanical dysfunction associated with hibernation.  相似文献   

Infants with mandibular hypoplasia are at risk of sudden death from cardiorespiratory arrest secondary to upper airway obstruction. To evaluate diagnostic difficulties that may occur at autopsy in such infants, the autopsy files at the Adelaide Children's Hospital (ACH) for 36 years, 1959 to 1994, were reviewed. Eight cases were identified (age range, 2 days to 10 months; mean age, 2.2 months; male/female ratio, 5:3). In all cases, death was considered most likely due to airway obstruction related to mandibular hypoplasia or its treatment. Although death occurred in the hospital in five cases, one infant suddenly collapsed at home while feeding and died, and two infants were unexpectedly found dead in their cribs at home. Three infants had defined genetic syndromes. Although all the infants had histories of antemortem airway obstruction, one infant had normal oxygen saturation studies before hospital discharge, and one infant had a tracheostomy. Acute bronchopneumonia was an exacerbating factor in one case. Assessment of mandibular size is important in any infant who dies unexpectedly; and if hypoplasia is found, careful review of the clinical details for evidence of airway obstruction is necessary to help distinguish these cases from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Sudden death may, however, occur in infants with mandibular hypoplasia in spite of apparent clinical stability before death with no significant recent episodes of oxygen desaturation.  相似文献   

Cysteine replacement mutagenesis has identified positions in the first transmembrane domain of connexins as contributors to the pore lining of gap junction hemichannels (Zhou et al. 1997. Biophys. J. 72:1946-1953). Oocytes expressing a mutant cx46 with a cysteine in position 35 exhibited a membrane conductance sensitive to the thiol reagent maleimidobutyryl biocytin (MBB). MBB irreversibly reduced the single-channel conductance by 80%. This reactive cysteine was used to probe the localization of a voltage gate that closes cx46 gap junction hemichannels at negative potentials. MBB was applied to the closed channel either from outside (whole cell) or from inside (excised membrane patches). After washout of the thiol reagent the channels were tested at potentials at which the channels open. After extracellular application of MBB to intact oocytes, the membrane conductance was unaffected. In contrast, channels treated with intracellular MBB were blocked. Thus the cysteine in position 35 of cx46 is accessible from inside but not from the outside while the channel is closed. These results suggest that the voltage gate, which may be identical to the "loop gate" (Trexler et al. 1996. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93:5836-5841), is located extracellular to the 35 position. The voltage gate results in regional closure of the pore rather than closure along the entire pore length.  相似文献   

We studied adrenergic regulation of cellular cAMP in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Since cAMP content depends on synthesis, breakdown and egress, the contribution of each of these mechanisms was assessed. In the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine, cAMP accumulation stimulated by the beta-adrenoceptor agonist (-)-isoprenaline was diminished when the mixed alpha + beta adrenoceptor agonist (-)-noradrenaline was coincubated with (-)-isoprenaline. Moreover, adenylyl cyclase activation stimulated by (-)-isoprenaline was decreased by (-)-noradrenaline and by the selective alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonists (-)-phenylephrine and methoxamine, suggesting that alpha-adrenoceptor agonism regulates cAMP metabolism through its effect on the synthetic pathway. Evidence for alpha 1-adrenoceptor mediation of this response was enhancement of (-)-noradrenaline-induced cAMP generation by the selective alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist terazosin (10 nmol/l). The selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine (10 nmol/l) had no effect. The alpha 1-adrenoceptor mediated depression of (-)-isoprenaline-stimulated cAMP generation and adenylyl cyclase activation was prevented by terazosin and in separate experiments markedly enhanced by pertussis toxin pretreatment, suggesting involvement of a guanine-nucleotide regulatory protein in this process. Occupation of the alpha 1-adrenoceptor by (-)-noradrenaline did not accelerate the rate of cAMP breakdown in the absence of phosphodiesterase inhibition. Furthermore, there was no enhancement of total phosphodiesterase activity by (-)-noradrenaline in the presence of (-)-propranolol. By contrast, pertussis toxin pretreatment augmented phosphodiesterase activity. Neither pertussis toxin nor (-)-noradrenaline increased cAMP egress. We conclude that in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes agonist occupation of the alpha 1-adrenoceptor inhibits beta-adrenoceptor stimulated cAMP accumulation most likely by coupling to a guanine nucleotide inhibitory protein.  相似文献   

Remodeling of the distribution of gap junctions is an important feature of anatomic substrates of arrhythmias in patients with healed myocardial infarcts. Mechanisms underlying this process are poorly understood but probably involve changes in gap junction protein (connexin) synthesis, assembly into channels, and degradation. The half-life of the principal cardiac gap junction protein, connexin43 (Cx43), is only 1.5 to 2 hours in primary cultures of neonatal myocytes, but it is unknown whether rapid turnover of Cx43 occurs in the adult heart or is unique to disaggregated neonatal myocytes that are actively reestablishing connections in vitro. To characterize connexin turnover dynamics in the adult heart and to elucidate its potential role in remodeling of gap junctions, we measured Cx43 turnover kinetics and characterized the proteolytic pathways involved in Cx43 degradation in isolated perfused adult rat hearts. Hearts were labeled for 40 minutes with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing [35S]methionine, and then chase perfusions were performed with nonradioactive buffer for 0, 60, 120, and 240 minutes. Quantitative immunoprecipitation assays of Cx43 radioactivity in 4 hearts at each time point yielded a monoexponential decay curve indicating a Cx43 half-life of 1.3 hours. Proteolytic pathways responsible for Cx43 degradation were elucidated by perfusing isolated rat hearts for 4 hours with specific inhibitors of either lysosomal or proteasomal proteolysis. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated significant increases ( approximately 30%) in Cx43 content in hearts perfused with either lysosomal or proteasomal pathway inhibitors. Most of the Cx43 in hearts perfused with lysosomal inhibitors consisted of phosphorylated isoforms, whereas nonphosphorylated Cx43 accumulated selectively in hearts perfused with a specific proteasomal inhibitor. These results indicate that Cx43 turns over rapidly in the adult heart and is degraded by multiple proteolytic pathways. Regulation of Cx43 degradation could play an important role in gap junction remodeling in response to cardiac injury.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication may be modulated by the rather rapid turnover and degradation of gap junction proteins, since many connexins have half-lives of 1-3 h. While several morphological studies have suggested that gap junction degradation occurs after endocytosis, our recent biochemical studies have demonstrated involvement of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in proteolysis of the connexin43 polypeptide. The present study was designed to reconcile these observations by examining the degradation of connexin43-containing gap junctions in rat heart-derived BWEM cells. After treatment of BWEM cells with Brefeldin A to prevent transport of newly synthesized connexin43 polypeptides to the plasma membrane, quantitative confocal microscopy showed the disappearance of immunoreactive connexin43 from the cell surface with a half-life of approximately 1 h. This loss of connexin43 immunoreactivity was inhibited by cotreatment with proteasomal inhibitors (ALLN, MG132, or lactacystin) or lysosomal inhibitors (leupeptin or E-64). Similar results were seen when connexin43 export was blocked with monensin. After treatment of BWEM cells with either proteasomal or lysosomal inhibitors alone, immunoblots showed accumulation of connexin43 in both whole cell lysates and in a 1% Triton X-100-insoluble fraction. Immunofluorescence studies showed that connexin43 accumulated at the cell surface in lactacystin-treated cells, but in vesicles in BWEM cells treated with lysosomal inhibitors. These results implicate both the proteasome and the lysosome in the degradation of connexin43-containing gap junctions.  相似文献   

Membrane currents of ventricular cardiomyocytes isolated from control, diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic Wistar rats have been measured using the whole cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Insulin restored the density of the 4-aminopyridine-sensitive early transient component of the calcium-independent outward potassium currents which decreased in diabetes. The inactivation rate of the transients increased in diabetes and was normalised by insulin. The late 4-aminopyridine-insensitive component of the outward currents showed the same diabetes- and insulin-related changes. This current could reflect the activation of the delayed rectifier channels although pharmacological identification of this component could not be achieved.  相似文献   

Intercellular gap junction channels are thought to form when oligomers of connexins from one cell (connexons) register and pair with connexons from a neighboring cell en route to forming tightly packed arrays (plaques). In the current study we used the rat mammary BICR-M1Rk tumor cell line to examine the trafficking, maturation, and kinetics of connexin43 (Cx43). Cx43 was conclusively shown to reside in the Golgi apparatus in addition to sites of cell-cell apposition in these cells and in normal rat kidney cells. Brefeldin A (BFA) blocked Cx43 trafficking to the surface of the mammary cells and also prevented phosphorylation of the 42-kD form of Cx43 to 44- and 46-kD species. However, phosphorylation of Cx43 occurred in the presence of BFA while it was still a resident of the ER or Golgi apparatus yielding a 43-kD form of Cx43. Moreover, the 42- and 43-kD forms of Cx43 trapped in the ER/Golgi compartment were available for gap junction assembly upon the removal of BFA. Mammary cells treated with BFA for 6 h lost preexisting gap junction "plaques," as well as the 44- and 46-kD forms of Cx43 and functional coupling. These events were reversible 1 h after the removal of BFA and not dependent on protein synthesis. In summary, we provide strong evidence that in BICR-M1Rk tumor cells: (a) Cx43 is transiently phosphorylated in the ER/Golgi apparatus, (b) Cx43 trapped in the ER/Golgi compartment is not subject to rapid degradation and is available for the assembly of new gap junction channels upon the removal of BFA, (c) the rapid turnover of gap junction plaques is correlated with the loss of the 44- and 46-kD forms of Cx43.  相似文献   

Thirty patients had 32 cementless total hip arthroplasty revisions and were evaluated postoperatively for clinical function (Harris Hip Score) and radiographic evidence of implant stability. Of the 26 femoral components revised, 16 were revised with anatomic long-stem femoral prostheses, and 10 were revised with straight mid-stem-length components. All components were collared and had circumferential proximal fiber-mesh porous coating. Seven of 16 patients had radiographic subsidence after revision with long-stem components (2 to 30 mm); 6 of 10 patients had subsidence after revision with mid-stem femoral components (2 to 25 mm). Of the 13 patients with femoral subsidence, 8 had calcar reconstruction with allograft bone; of the 13 patients without radiographic subsidence, 8 did not require calcar reconstruction. One of 27 fiber-mesh, porous-coated acetabular components migrated (30 mm). No components have been removed or revised. Even with circumferential proximal porous coating, femoral implant stability remains unpredictable in total hip arthroplasty revision.  相似文献   

Electrical synapses, or gap junctions, are widely distributed in the vertebrate retina and are thought to play critical roles in the transmission and coding of visual signals. To investigate the molecular basis of this form of neural communication in the retina, we have isolated, characterized, and functionally expressed a cDNA for a gap junction channel derived from the retina of the teleost fish Danio aquipinnatus (giant danio). The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 1146 nucleotides encoding a connexin with a predicted molecular mass of 43.3 kDa which shared extensive identity with Rattus norvegicus Cx43 (78%). This protein (DACX43) contained several consensus phosphorylation sequences in the c-terminal region, some of which are conserved among Cx43 orthologs. RNA blot hybridization revealed that DACX43 was expressed in the brain as well as in the retina. In addition, Southern analysis suggested that there are multiple copies of DACX43, or other closely related sequences, in the Danio aquipinnatus genome. When DACX43 was expressed by stable transfection in gap-junction-deficient mouse N2A neuroblastoma cells, functional gap junctions were formed as indicated by dual whole-cell recordings of electrical coupling. We conclude that DACX43 is a connexin43 ortholog, which is expressed in the retina of Danio aquipinnatus, and when translated is able to form functional gap junction channels.  相似文献   

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