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剥离奇梦达之后的“新英飞凌”现在是一个销售额超过40亿欧元的公司,英飞凌正活跃在一个未来几年预计可实现10%年平均增长率的市场中。英飞凌公司总裁兼CEO Ziebart表示,  相似文献   

不久前,英飞凌科技股份有限公司(Infineon)位于北京经济技术开发区的全新子公司——英飞凌集成电路(北京)有限公司正式开业。新公司注册资本1,500万美元,将专注IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,绝缘栅双极型晶体管)组件的生产,并进一步加强公  相似文献   

自从2005年将内存业务剥离出去之后,英飞凌全面调整战略,将重心放在通信以及工业市场。在日前举办的慕尼黑电子展上,英飞凌推出了一系列工业以及汽车电子解决方案。英飞凌汽车、工业及多元化电子市场总监李立扬表示,未来,英飞凌希望可以以每年至少10%的年增长率成长,并将瞄准三大领域:高能效、连接性和安全性。  相似文献   

日前,英飞凌在北京召开媒体发布会,公司高层人员悉数到场,与媒体共同分享2007年英飞凌战略规划以及市场期望。英飞凌总裁兼执行董事潘先弟表示,由于公司在某些方面策略比  相似文献   

丛秋波 《电子设计技术》2005,12(4):88-88,90
时下,一种被称为射频识别(RFID)技术脱颖而出,并在全球迅速掀起了RFID热潮。RFID是一种利用无线电波读取数据,而无需接触即可识别物体的技术,RFID的核心技术包含着一个硅芯片和天线,可存储关于物品的描述资料,如型号、生产日期、价格等。RFID可实现更强大的物品管理,追踪功能且应用领域十分广泛。  相似文献   

英飞凌专注于为现代社会的三大科技挑战一高能效、连通性和安全性领域提供半导体和系统解决方案。未来一两年,英飞凌将持续关注能源效率、安全系统、RFID等技术。因为2009年,能源效率、无线通信技术、汽车安全控制、RFID和安全系统等都将是值得关注的重要应用领域。  相似文献   

刚刚过去的2011年对于英飞凌公司来说,是个丰收之年。据英飞凌公布的财务报告,继2010财年上升51%之后,2011年财年英飞凌公司实现销售收入再度增长21%,达到40亿欧元,公司净收入超过10亿欧元,这些数字均创造了英飞凌公司的历史新高,同时平均年增长率14%的水平也大大超过了整个半导体行业的年增长率3%。  相似文献   

尽管Intel一直坚称自己没有做错什么,但是还是支付了12.5亿美元在11月份和AMD达成和解。在经历过一连串儿的季度AMD公司CEO梅德克(Dirk Meyer)亏损后,这位在去年7月份接手AMD首席执行官的德克·梅尔(Dirk Meyer)信心十足地要带领着公司走出困境,在一次访谈中,他谈到了AMD的发展以及和Intel的纠结。  相似文献   

英飞凌科技推出两个功能强大的全新器件系列,壮大其经济高效并可扩展的XC800微控制器(MCU)产品组合。全新的XC82x和XC83x系列经过专门设计,可进一步降低系统成本,并改进多种工业产品的能效。在设计风扇、水泵、压缩机、新型照明解决方案和任何电源转换器的电机控制器时.主要目标是提高能源效率,降低系统成本。  相似文献   

叶惠 《通讯世界》2011,(1):67-67
2010年下半年,爱可信在中国进行了一系列的调整和重组,包括新CEO和新的领导班子上任等。  相似文献   

研制了一种性能优良的全固态C频段高效率移相氮化镓(GaN)功率放大器模块。介绍了该功放模块设计方案及工作原理,并给出了该功放模块技术参数实验测试结果。该模块输出功率30W,带宽10MHz,带有6位移相功能,具有C频段高频率、固态、小型化、高效率、高功率密度、高击穿电压特性,是一种目前国内外尚无类似集成设计的最新高性能氮化镓(GaN)功率放大器模块。因其功放模块输出末级采用了美国Cree公司第三代宽禁带GaN功放管优化设计,实现了固态C频段高效率功率输出。  相似文献   

高功率高效率封离式室温CO分子激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CO分子激光器是5微米附近连续输出功率最强的激光器之一,它在大气污染探测、分子光谱研究,以及作为诸如自旋反转喇曼激光器泵浦源等方面可望有广泛的应用前景。 CO分子激光器的增益系数随着工作气体温度升高而迅速降低,因此,CO分子激光器通常是采用液氮冷却放电管,或者使用高速流动工作气体的办法来实现激光振荡,获得高功率输出。无疑,这种工作方式对一切实际应用是不方便的。  相似文献   

The current paper presents a new inverter-based charge pump circuit with high conversion ratio and high power efficiency. The proposed charge pump, which consists of a PMOS pass transistor, inverter-based switching transistors, and capacitors, can improve output voltage and conversion ratio of the circuit. The proposed charge pump was fabricated with TSMC 0.35 μm 2P4M CMOS technology. The chip area without pads is only 0.87 mm×0.65 mm. The measured results show that the output voltage of the four-stage charge pump circuit with 1.8 V power supply voltage (VDD=1.8 V) can be pumped up to 8.2 V. The proposed charge pump circuit achieves efficiency of 60% at 80 μA.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new high-efficiency grid-connected single-phase converter for fuel cells. It consists of a two-stage power conversion topology. Since the fuel cell operates with a low voltage in a wide voltage range (25?V–45?V) this voltage must be transformed to around 350–400?V in order to be able to invert this dc power into ac power to the grid. The proposed converter consists of an isolated dc–dc converter cascaded with a single-phase H-bridge inverter. The dc–dc converter is a current-fed push-pull converter. The inverter is controlled as a standard single-phase power factor controller with resistor emulation at the output. Experimental results of converter efficiency, grid performance and fuel cell dynamic response are shown for a 1?kW prototype. The proposed converter exhibits a high efficiency in a wide power range (higher than 92%) and the inverter operates with a near-unity power factor and a low current THD.  相似文献   

Efficiencies are calculated for quantum-dot apertured-microcavity light-emitting diodes. Although the maximum efficiency depends strongly on the quantum-dot inhomogeneous broadening, greater than 20% efficiency is calculated for a small-sized apertured microcavity, even for an inhomogeneous linewidth as large as 30 meV. The efficiency can be increased to 40% if the inhomogeneous linewidth is reduced to 10 meV and to more than 60% if the inhomogeneous linewidth is eliminated to leave a homogeneous linewidth of 6.6 meV. The maximum output powers are ~40 nW, although a microarray can increase this value. For the case of a single quantum dot, an efficiency >80% is estimated for a submicron apertured-microcavity, with a maximum output power of ~3 nW  相似文献   

美国环保署(EPA)的能源之星(Energy Star)计划在2007年7月20日正式开始实施,这是针对个人电脑在不同负载下最低效能要求的规范.同时,它也为其他设备,包括企业服务器、外部电源(使用在如游戏机或笔记本电脑等)以及一系列家用设备规划或制定了类似的要求.  相似文献   

如何保障一切基于网络的社会活动的正常运作渐渐成为整个互联网行业内的焦点问题,社会一方面需要通过网络加速信息传递,提高生产力以及工作效率,另一方面又希望避免因互联网固有的开放与自由性,以及各种层出不穷的、形形色色的网络活动所带来的非安全及不稳定因素所造成的危害。从现实的角度来分析,这两点本身具有相当程度的对立性:信息快速高效传递的基础就是互联网所具有的开放性和自由性,而这本身又会具有很多安全隐患,并由此影响到生产力的提高。这是每个互联网的使用者所不愿看到的。 为了解决上述问题,人们不断研究各种网络安全防御技…  相似文献   

Internet users seek solutions for mobility, multi-homing, support for localised address management (i.e. via NATs), and end-to-end security. Existing mobility approaches are not well integrated into the rest of the Internet architecture, instead primarily being separate extensions that at present are not widely deployed. Because the current approaches to these issues were developed separately, such approaches often are not harmonious when used together. Meanwhile, the Internet has a number of namespaces, for example the IP address or the Domain Name. In recent years, some have postulated that the Internet’s namespaces are not sufficiently rich and that the current concept of an address is too limiting. One proposal, the concept of separating an address into an Identifier and a separate Locator, has been controversial in the Internet community for years. It has been considered within the IETF and IRTF several times, but always was rejected as unworkable. This paper takes the position that evolving the naming in the Internet by splitting the address into separate Identifier and Locator names can provide an elegant integrated solution to the key issues listed above, without changing the core routing architecture, while offering incremental deployability through backwards compatibility with IPv6.  相似文献   

In order to deliver near-field electromagnetic power to a biomedical device or an RFID tag efficiently, the downlink signal is preferred to be at a high voltage level. To reduce power consumption and meet low supply requirements, it is advantageous for the remote device power supply to step-down the input voltage following rectification, typically using switch-mode regulators. The output ripple of a switched capacitor converter is inversely proportional to the filtering capacitance at the output node and switching frequency. In this paper, a hybrid DC–DC converter utilizing a switched capacitor regulator in master–slave configuration with a linear regulator is presented. Linear regulator actively cancels the switching ripple, while low frequency and DC current is provided by the switched capacitor converter. The converter is designed to receive an average input voltage of 5 Vpk from the receiver coil, with an output voltage of 2 V, and 5 mA of output current. The proposed regulator is fabricated in 0.35 μm technology. The power efficiency is measured to be 67%, with a nominal peak to peak ripple of less than 2 mV at the output.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel CMOS power amplifier (PA) with high output power and power added efficiency is designed to operate in the avalanche region by increasing the supply voltage for the first time. With the X-parameter measurement based poly-harmonic distortion (PHD) behavioral model including the XS and XT terms, the simulation results can reveal accurate large signal characteristics of the whole PA at breakdown. The output power at 1-dB compression point of 30.2 dBm with 34.1% PAE at 2.4 GHz is obtained.  相似文献   

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