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One of the main issues in occupational studies focusing on musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity is how to best quantify workers' exposures to risk factors during a workday. Direct measurement is preferred because it is objective and provides precise measurements. To measure elevation angle exposure of the upper extremity, accelerometers are commonly used. The main problem with the use of accelerometers is the fact that they are sensitive to linear acceleration and can only assess two axes of rotation. In the present study the Virtual Corset, a pager-sized, battery powered, tri-axial linear accelerometer with an integrated data logger, was validated in vitro for the reconstruction of elevation angles under static conditions and angle error prediction under dynamic conditions. For static conditions, the RMS angle error was less than 1°. Under dynamic conditions the elevation angle error was influenced by the radius and angular acceleration. However, the angle error was predicted well with an RMS difference of 3°. It was concluded that the Virtual Corset can be used to accurately predict arm elevation angles under static conditions. Under dynamic conditions, an understanding of the motion being studied and the placement of the Virtual Corset relative to the joint are necessary.

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A device is tested that could capture posture exposure of the shoulder at the workplace during a workday. Such exposure measurement can be used to test interventions and to develop preventive guidelines to reduce risk factors associated with musculoskeletal injuries of the upper extremity.  相似文献   

Acuna M  Karduna AR 《Ergonomics》2012,55(8):963-970
There is evidence in the literature of a link between workplace arm elevation exposure and atraumatic shoulder injuries. However, there are several methods that can be used to assess this exposure. The goal of the present study was to compare the outcomes of an activity monitor attached to the wrist and a triaxial accelerometer mounted on the humerus. Twenty-one workers wore both sensors over the course of a full workday. While the activity monitor data was not significantly correlated with any static humeral parameters, it was strongly correlated with all dynamic parameters. The use of a simple, commercially available activity monitor might offer an inexpensive alternative for the assessment of a large number of subjects over multiple workdays to determine the relationship between dynamic motion and occupation shoulder injuries in the future. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: Arm overuse has been linked to occupation-related shoulder injuries. An activity monitor attached to the wrist and a triaxial accelerometer mounted on the humerus were compared in a field trial. The results demonstrate that, under certain conditions, a commercially available activity monitor might be a useful tool for exposure assessment.  相似文献   

Analysis of human body movement is an important research area, specially for health applications. In order to assess the quality of life of people with mobility problems like Parkinson’s disease o stroke patients, it is crucial to monitor and assess their daily life activities. The main goal of this work is the characterization of basic activities using a single triaxial accelerometer located at the waist. This paper presents a novel postural detection algorithm based in SVM methods which is able to detect and identify Walking, Stand, Sit, Lying, Sit to Stand, Stand to sit, Bending up/down, Lying from Sit and Sit from Lying transitions with a sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 84% with 2884 postures analyzed from 31 healthy volunteers. Parameters and models found have been tested in another dataset from Parkinson’s disease patients, achieving results of 98% of sensitivity and 78% of specificity in postural transitions. The proposed algorithm has been optimized to be easily implemented in real-time system for on-line monitoring applications.  相似文献   

We used palmtop computers to gather in vivo self-report data on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms and other environmental and mood variables from 13 outpatients with OCD. The study participants carried palmtop computers with them for a period of 3 days. The computers beeped hourly between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., prompting participants to complete a computer-based questionnaire which included a modified version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). The data were examined for evidence of circadian patterns in symptom intensity. No such patterns were evident. Several hypotheses regarding associations among symptoms of OCD, mood, and environmental factors were tested with mixed results. Data collected via computer-administered Y-BOCS questionnaires showed only moderate agreement with data from clinician-administered Y-BOCS interviews. Several problems in the design of the study were evident in hindsight. These problems are discussed and suggestions for the design of future studies and data-collection software are offered. The methods employed in this study could be adapted for research into other areas of normal and pathological psychological functioning. Furthermore, these methods may prove useful as fine-grained assessment tools in clinical settings.  相似文献   

We present the design, fabrication and characterization of an application specific triaxial accelerometer for post-surgery heart monitoring. The accelerometer chip is designed as a 2?×?4?×?1.2?mm3 chip with nominal acceleration range of?±4?g and frequencies below 50?Hz. It has been fabricated using a multiproject wafer service with an additional deep reactive ion etching process to obtain controlled etch-through of membranes of 3, 23 and 400?μm thicknesses simultaneously. The novelty of the work presented here is the bulk micromachining technique using both deep reactive dry etching and alkali-based anisotropic wet etching of single crystal (100) silicon wafers used to obtain a space efficient design. Proof of concept is demonstrated with preliminary testing, with an acceleration sensitivity of?~0.04 mv/V/g for out of plane (z axis) acceleration.  相似文献   

静电悬浮式三轴加速度传感器的初步设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从静电悬浮式加速度传感器的工作原理出发 ,针对航天器上的微重力水平 ,初步设计了高灵敏静电悬浮式加速度传感器 ,其测量量程设计为 30 μgn,分辨力为 1ngn,并对其误差来源及减少误差的措施进行了分析。  相似文献   

望远镜系统中产生的抖动会影响跟踪精度,造成成像模糊。为了达到最优的望远镜系统设计,提高定位跟踪精度,必须对系统中的抖动进行评估。根据高灵敏度压电加速度计的测量原理,在车载望远镜平台上搭建了抖动测量系统,测量了望远镜静止和转动过程车载平台产生的抖动加速度。通过数据采集系统采集抖动加速度信号,得到的数字信号经过小波去噪处理后,用功率谱估计来分析抖动频率分布特性。结果表明:望远镜转动过程中,车载平台产生的抖动加速度可达0.015g。,最大抖动信号频率在67Hz左右,同时验证了高灵敏度的压电加速度计用来测量微弱抖动信号的可行性。  相似文献   

力平衡传感器(FBA)测量加速度是由反馈控制力与外界惯性力平衡时的控制力计算得到的,力平衡控制算法是力平衡传感器的核心.传统控制算法多以敏感元件偏移平衡位置最小为目标,限制了力平衡加速度计的测量精度和适用带宽.本文以MEMS力平衡传感器为对象,提出了一种以测量误差最小为目标的力平衡加速度计最优控制算法.引入测量误差新变量,将难以处理的力平衡控制转化为以响应最小为目标的经典控制问题,在此基础上获得了最优控制力的解析表达式,实现了对未知加速度信号的实时高精度检测.分别针对三种不同类型的输入加速度信号(阶跃、周期和随机)进行检测仿真,发现提出的算法能够准确地检测各类输入加速度信号,测量信号频带达kHz量级,同时在该控制算法下敏感元件的振动响应也得到有效控制,保证了加速度传感器的大动态范围.研究成果可为高精度和宽频带力平衡加速度传感器的研究提供基础.  相似文献   

ADXL202加速度计在振动测试中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于数字式加速度计ADXL202,设计了全数字化的加速度测量装置。分析了该装置软硬件设计的特点,并进一步论述了提高测量准确度的方法及要点。通过振动测试实验验证了设计的正确性以及提高准确度的方法,该方案适用于低成本、高准确度、全数字化、多点加速度计。  相似文献   

旋转弹载免驱动三轴MEMS陀螺的输出信号是横滚、偏航、俯仰3个角速度耦合在一起的特殊信号,如何解出弹体的3个角速度是研究的重点和难点.为解决这一问题,从旋转弹载免驱动三轴MEMS陀螺结构原理出发,分析了其输出信号.针对信号的特殊性,提出通过用重力加速度计的输出信号和陀螺的输出信号进行对比的方法来实现陀螺的三轴角速度的提...  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method to implement a motion recognition process using a mobile phone fitted with an accelerometer. The data collected from the accelerometer are interpreted by means of a statistical study and machine learning algorithms in order to obtain a classification function. Then, that function is implemented in a mobile phone and online experiments are carried out. Experimental results show that this approach can be used to effectively recognize different human activities with a high-level accuracy.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence for the protective effects of physical activity on chronic health problems. Activity monitors can objectively measure free living occupational and leisure time physical activity. Utility is an important consideration when determining the most appropriate monitor for specific populations and environments. Hours of activity data collected, the reasons for activity hours not being recorded, and how these two factors might change over time when using an activity monitor in free living are rarely reported. This study investigated user perceptions, adherence to minimal wear time and loss of data when using the RT3 activity monitor in 21 healthy adults, in a variety of occupations, over three (7 day) repeated weeks of measurement in free living. An activity diary verified each day of monitoring and a utility questionnaire explored participant perceptions on the usability of the RT3. The RT3 was worn for an average of 14 h daily with 90% of participants having complete data sets. In total 6535.8 and 6092.5 h of activity data were collected from the activity diary and the RT3 respectively. An estimated 443.3 h (6.7%) of activity data were not recorded by the RT3. Data loss was primarily due to battery malfunction (45.2%). Non-adherence to wear time accounted for 169.5 h (38.2%) of data loss, of which 14 h were due to occupational factors. The RT3 demonstrates good utility for free living activity measurement, however, technical issues and strategies to manage participant adherence require consideration with longitudinal and repeated measures studies.  相似文献   

提出了LTE中,用移动终端远程控制eNodeB,对电调天线的方向角、机械下倾角和电子下倾角进行测量的方法.设计了用于LTE电调天线远程测量系统的协议以及该系统的实现方案.该方案使用光电传感器测量电子下倾角、二维倾角传感器测量机械下倾角和方向角.将该系统用于LTE网络规划及优化设备中,可实时监测天线的角度同时达到改善网络质量的目的.  相似文献   

电容式微机械加速度计测量范围上限设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测量范围上限设计一直是高gn值微惯性引信研制的一个难题,对差动电容式微加速度计各参数对量程的本质影响及其相互关系进行了研究,理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明:按同一比例尽量减小封装间隙和电极面积,使得受限于临界偏压的外加偏压取值刚好能提供需要的量程,同时使用质量块减薄和打孔并用的方法来提高最大量程,所设计出的加速度计可具有70gn以上量程。  相似文献   

基于三轴加速度传感器的人体跌倒检测系统设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王荣  章韵  陈建新 《计算机应用》2012,32(5):1450-1452
为了满足老年人的护理需求,减少老年人因跌倒造成的身心伤害,提出了一种基于三轴加速度传感器的人体跌倒检测系统。该系统主要基于姿态测量特性,利用姿态角作为跌倒判断标准;并且考虑到噪声影响和跌倒检测系统对检测正确率的高要求,利用Kalman滤波算法来提高算法精确度。实验结果表明该系统在人体前后、侧向跌倒和跌倒后迅速站起的情况下可以100%报警,达到人体正常跌倒情况的检测标准。  相似文献   

The performance of most gait recognition methods would drop down if the viewpoint of test data is different from the viewpoint of training data. In this paper, we present an idea of estimating the view angle of a test sample in advance so as to compare it with the corresponding training samples with the same or approximate viewpoint. In order to obtain reliable estimation results, the view-sensitive features should be extracted. We propose a novel and effective feature extraction method to characterize the silhouettes from different views. The discrimination power of this representation is also verified through experiments. Afterwards, the robust regression method is employed to estimate the viewpoint of gait. The view angles of test samples from BUAA-IRIP Gait Database are estimated with the regression models learned from CASIA Gait Database. Compared with the ground truth angles, such estimation is satisfactory with a small error level. Therefore, it can provide necessary help for gait application systems when the view angles of test data are uncertain. This point is verified experimentally through integrating the view angle estimation into a gait based gender classification system.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is presented a novel approach for the self-sustained resonant accelerometer design, which takes advantages of an automatic gain control in achieving stabilized oscillation dynamics. Through the proposed system modeling and loop transformation, the feedback controller is designed to maintain uniform oscillation amplitude under dynamic input accelerations. The fabrication process for the mechanical structure is illustrated in brief. Computer simulation and experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed accelerometer design, which is applicable to a control grade inertial sense system. Recommended by Editorial Board member Dong Hwan Kim under the direction of Editor Hyun Seok Yang. This work was supported by the BK21 Project ST·IT Fusion Engineering program in Konkuk University, 2008. This work was supported by the Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science & Technology(KICOS) through a grant provided by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science & Technology(MEST) in 2008 (No. K20601000001). Authors also thank to Dr. B.-L. Lee for the help in structure manufacturing. Sangkyung Sung is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Konkuk University, Korea. He received the M.S and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University in 1998 and 2003, respectively. His research interests include inertial sensors, avionic system hardware, navigation filter, and intelligent vehicle systems. Chang-Joo Kim is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Konkuk University, Korea. He received the Ph.D. degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Seoul National University in 1991. His research interests include nonlinear optimal control, helicopter flight mechanics, and helicopter system design. Young Jae Lee is a Professor of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Konkuk University, Korea. He received the Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990. His research interests include integrity monitoring of GNSS signal, GBAS, RTK, attitude determination, orbit determination, and GNSS related engineering problems. Jungkeun Park is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Konkuk University. Dr. Park received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Seoul National University in 2004. His current research interests include embedded real-time systems design, real-time operating systems, distributed embedded real-time systems and multimedia systems. Joon Goo Park is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering at Gyung Book National University, Korea. He received the Ph.D. degree in School of Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University in 2001. His research interests include mobile navigation and adaptive control.  相似文献   

Li  Yan  Zhan-She  Guo  Qu  Yuanyuan  Zhang  Yunjiu 《Microsystem Technologies》2018,24(3):1631-1641
Microsystem Technologies - A resonant accelerometer was designed and simulated in detail. The structure was composed of external frame and internal structure. The internal structure consists of a...  相似文献   

吴祖堂  杨德猛  邹虹 《传感技术学报》2010,23(11):1586-1589
冲击谱是一连续谱,其频谱范围从零到无穷大。由于压电加速度传感器的频率范围有限,在冲击测量中不可避免地会产生频率失真,频率失真包含低频失真和高频失真。压电加速度传感器在冲击测量中的低频失真主要表现为基线不回零。分别从矩形冲击波、锯齿形冲击波和半正弦冲击波引起的传感器响应入手,定量分析了压电加速度传感器冲击测量基线不回零的问题,最后利用落体冲击试验台对理论分析进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

An interpretation of the thermal drift of the bulk silicon MEMS capacitive accelerometer using multiphysics analysis is proposed in this paper. Stress, strain, electrostatics, thermal and structural interactions are simulated based on the finite element method. The thermal drift is generated by both the stiffness asymmetry of the U-springs of the structure and relative displacement caused by the mismatch in thermal expansion coefficients between the Pyrex glass substrate and heavily boron-doped silicon structure, neither of which is dispensable. Although the layout design is symmetrical, the asymmetric widths of the U-springs, which cause stiffness asymmetry, are observed by scanning electron microscopy. To achieve a fast and feasible simulation, we divide the model into two components with different configurations. During the simulation, boundary conditions are carefully set up according to the fabrication process. A series of experiments is designed to verify the result, including a temperature experiment from −40 to 100 °C and DC voltage polarity experiment. To verify the conclusion, a new layout design that gradually increases the width of the U-springs without changing any other dimension is simulated, fabricated, and tested. The simulation and experiment results are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

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