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The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of homebound elderly (defined as people whose daily activities were limited to their home) and factors related to it among 300 community elderly residents aged 60 and over in Yamagata city. In 1995, the baseline survey was performed and the follow-up survey was conducted one year later. Subjects were divided into two groups according to the extent of their daily activities: the non-homebound group (defined as people whose daily activities extended into their community) and the homebound group. The main results were as follows; 1. The prevalence of homebound elderly was 7.7% in 1995. 2. Chi-square test or t test was performed to examine the relationship between homebound and various factors. Significant factors were age, history of hypertension, history of mental disease, incompetence of ADLs (walking, eating, toileting, bathing, dressing), interpersonal dependency, subjective health, 'ikigai' (meaningfulness of life), life style (cooking, cleaning, reading newspaper or magazine, watching TV, exercise, associate with friend) and TMIG (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) index of competence. The present study reveals that daily activities in community elderly residents is related to not only physical factors but also psychosocial factors. Using the significant variables in univariate analysis, multiple logistic regression analysis controlling for age was performed. Significant factors for homebound were incompetence of ADLs (walking, toileting), subjective health and TMIG index of competence. 3. Three out of 214 non-homebound elderly persons in 1995 changed to homebound in 1996.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A long-sought goal of medical genetics has been the development of prenatal diagnostic procedures that do not endanger the conceptus. The safety of noninvasive methods for prenatal diagnosis would be especially attractive because they could be extended to all pregnant women, regardless of their ages or histories. Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for the entire population might be possible recovering fetal cells from maternal blood. For this purpose, we have studied fetal erythroblasts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To evaluate the potential of the method for clinical use, we studied maternal blood samples from 11 women referred to us for prenatal diagnosis between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation. For simple and effective enrichment of fetal nucleated erythrocytes from peripheral maternal blood, we combined a triple density gradient and magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) of anti-CD71 transferrin receptor antibody labeled cells. The isolated cells were analysed by using dual-colour interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with X-, Y-, 18- and 21-specific DNA probes. RESULTS: Chromosomal abnormalities detected on enriched fetal cells include trisomy 21 and triploidy. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the current results it is suggested that the technique described here is a simple, fast, efficient and reliable method for non invasive prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Six polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were amplified with 20 other species of lagomorphs, representing both commercially important species and species important from a conservation perspective. Successful amplification of a number of these loci has provided an important set of new molecular markers for this mammalian order.  相似文献   

We developed a method that allows prenatal diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy using a single nucleated erythrocyte (NRBC) isolated from maternal blood. Maternal blood was obtained at 8 to 20 weeks of gestation. NRBCs were separated with Percoll using a discontinuous density gradient method and then collected by micromanipulator under microscopic observation. The entire genome of a single cell amplified by primer extension preamplification (PEP). Sex was determined from a small aliquot of the PEP reaction. After an NRBC was determined to be male and confirmed to be of fetal origin, dystrophin exons 4, 8, 12, 45, 48, 50, and 51 were determined from the same PEP reaction. This diagnostic method using maternal blood is safer than amniocentesis or cordocentesis and can be applied to other X-linked disease.  相似文献   

The action of monensin, an electroneutral Na/H antiport, has been studied on liver glycogen content of female rats. The results showed that monensin, when administered in vivo, is able to determine liver glycogen depletion, in agreement with the increase of glycemia and the decrease of insulinemia. Glycogen stores are reformed in 3-4 hours. Moreover, glycogen depletion is more evident in periportal areas, in agreement with "metabolic zonation" of liver carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

In adult animals and man, both acute and chronic ethanol intake is associated with depression of myocardial performance. Accordingly, the cardiac effects of maternal ethanol infusions, in a manner comparable to common obstetric practice of inhibition of premature labor with ethano mighte for inhibition of premature labor, were evaluated in six chronically instrumented fetal sheep. Fetal and ewe arterial PO2, PCO2, and pH values remained within normal limits with infusion rates of 15 c.c. per kilogram of 10 per cent ethanol over two hours (blood ethanol = 110 mg. per cent) and 15 c.c. per kilogram over one hour (blood ethanol = 210 mg. per cent). Fetal instrument evaluation (for 14 to 30 days after operation) provided data concerning pressures and cardiac dimensions which allowed analysis of left ventricular performance. Ethanol produced a significant depression of the extent (p less than 0.01) and velocity (p less than 0.001) of left ventricular myocardial fiber shortening as well as in the mean rate of left ventricular myocardial fiber shortening as well as in the mean rate of left ventricular circumferential fiber shortening (p less than 0.01). These indices of cardiac contractility were depressed in the absence of changes in end diastolic diameter, left atrial pressure, and systemic arterial pressure. Thus, the practice of inhibition of premature labor with ethano6 might contribute to depressed myocardial performance in the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Short-term circulatory effects with the maximum recommended dose of inhaled albuterol (Proventil) were studied on 12 asthmatic patients between 33 and 39 weeks' gestation. The mean maternal blood pressures and heart rates, systolic/diastolic ratios of the uterine arcuate and umbilical arteries, and fetal heart rates and aortic velocities were unaffected during the first 2 hours after dosing.  相似文献   

Sixty malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas originating in the upper aerodigestive tract have been analyzed for their cytologic type, immunophenotype and association with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The majority of these tumors were B-cell lymphomas of blastic cytology (78%) with the exception of lymphomas in the parotid gland. Large B-cell lymphomas were the most frequent encountered in the sinonasal region and Waldeyer's ring. Twelve lymphomas were of T- or T/NK (natural killer)-cell lineage. They were in the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses (4), the tonsil (5), and the oral cavity (3). Epstein-Barr sequences were detected in five angiocentric T/NK-lymphomas, one peripheral T-cell lymphoma, one lymphoma of lymphomatoid granulomatosis type, one large B-cell lymphoma, and in a lymphoroliferative disorder in an HIV-positive patient. These results suggest that EBV is not involved in lymphomagenesis of B-cell tumors, but is associated with angiocentric T/NK-cell lymphoma in the upper aerodigestive tract.  相似文献   

This study measured volumetric liver blood flow and galactose clearance concurrently during orthotopic liver transplant in human subjects. Ultrasound transit time flowmeters measured hepatic artery and portal vein flow 1-3 h after reperfusion. Galactose (100 mg/min) was infused over 45-60 min to steady state for calculation of clearance. Mean +/- S.D. total volumetric flow was 1966 +/- 831 ml/min with portal flow contributing 86%. Mean galactose clearance was 1988 +/- 641 ml/min. There was a significant correlation (p < 0.05, r = 0.61) between volumetric total liver blood flow and galactose clearance. The data show that: (i) the newly transplanted liver is capable of metabolizing galactose within 1-3 h of reperfusion; and (ii) liver blood flow is high in the newly implanted liver. The clinical importance of this observation is that there is increased clearance of high first pass substances by the transplanted liver which may be of importance in patient management.  相似文献   

The reported growth-promoting effects of the beta-sympathomimetic compound, ritodrine, have been investigated. The carbohydrate tolerance of eight pregnant women was found to be unaffected by treatment with oral ritodrine over a ten-week period. A further observation that the carbohydrate metabolism of the newborn infants of these women was within normal limits tends to discount possibility that any growth-promoting action ritodrine may have on the fetus is mediated through a diabetogenic effect on the mother.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if maternal obesity affects the accuracy of either clinical or sonographic fetal weight estimations. METHODS: In a year-long study, 998 singleton pregnancies of 26-43 weeks' gestation underwent both clinical (Leopold) and sonographic (Shepard and Hadlock) fetal weight estimation within 5 days of delivery (mean 1.1, 95% confidence interval 1.0-1.3). Patients were stratified into four different groups based on increasing maternal body mass index (BMI): underweight (less than 19.8), normal weight (19.8-26.0), overweight (26.1-29.0), and obese (more than 29.0). The various estimations of fetal weight were compared with actual birth weight, and the mean absolute percent error was calculated for each specific method and analyzed among the four BMI groups. RESULTS: For each method of weight estimation, there was no difference (specifically, no increase) in the magnitude of the absolute percent error with increasing maternal obesity. Regardless of maternal size, almost half of the weight predictions were within 5% of the actual birth weight. CONCLUSION: Increasing maternal obesity does not alter or decrease the accuracy of either clinical or sonographic fetal weight estimations. Therefore, fetal weight predictions provide equally accurate and valid guidelines for determining management decisions in women, regardless of body size.  相似文献   

The most fundamental questions such as whether a cell is alive, in the sense of being able to divide or to form a colony, may sometimes be very hard to answer, since even axenic microbial cultures are extremely heterogeneous. Analyses that seek to correlate such things as viability, which is a property of an individual cell, with macroscopic measurements of culture variables such as ATP content, respiratory activity, and so on, must inevitably fail. It is therefore necessary to make physiological measurements on individual cells. Flow cytometry is such a technique, which allows one to analyze cells rapidly and individually and permits the quantitative analysis of microbial heterogeneity. It therefore offers many advantages over conventional measurements for both routine and more exploratory analyses of microbial properties. While the technique has been widely applied to the study of mammalian cells, is use in microbiology has until recently been much more limited, largely because of the smaller size of microbes and the consequently smaller optical signals obtainable from them. Since these technical barriers no longer hold, flow cytometry with appropriate stains has been used for the rapid discrimination and identification of microbial cells, for the rapid assessment of viability and of the heterogeneous distributions of a wealth of other more detailed physiological properties, for the analysis of antimicrobial drug-cell interactions, and for the isolation of high-yielding strains of biotechnological interest. Flow cytometric analyses provide an abundance of multivariate data, and special methods have been devised to exploit these. Ongoing advances mean that modern flow cytometers may now be used by nonspecialists to effect a renaissance in our understanding of microbial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A retrospective review of 300 cesarean sections was performed. Patients with internal fetal monitoring were at no greater risk for infection than were those patients with labor and rupture of membranes but without internal monitoring. However, the combination of rupture of membranes and labor was a major risk factor for both the frequency and severity of maternal infection after cesarean section. Once membranes are ruptured, we find no contraindication to the use of internal monitoring.  相似文献   

The prevalence of kola nut chewing and the effects attributed to it are briefly reviewed. Except for a generalisation that its effects are probably due to its caffeine content, no attempts have been made to quantify its specific actions. Preliminary observations on the cardiovascular system of the cat show that aqueous extracts of the nut evoke a dose dependent differential response - the 8 - 9% hypertensive effect of 0.01 ug - 1mg/ml doses contrasting with the 18--71% hypotensive response of 10--1000mgs/ml doses. Adrenergic receptor blockade showed no significant alteration of the response. With larger doses a bradycardia developed and cardiac arrythmias were observed as a terminal event. These results are compatible with the action of xanthines on the heart and peripheral vasculature. The possible role of the habitually chewed kola nut in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and its implications have been briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Fractal methods have been found to be useful in characterizing biomedical signals. The use of fractal estimation requires the estimation of parameter H, which is directly related to the fractal dimension D. Here, we propose a new approach which is a combination of the wavelet transform and fractal estimators to characterize the human fetal breathing signals before and after the intake of two glasses of wine by a mother. This study was performed on 26 fetuses. The variances of the wavelet coefficients were estimated at each scale. The slope of the representation on a logarithmic plot from the scales 5 to 1 was found to be increased after alcohol intake. Our results suggested that fetal breathing rates have a rough structure before the alcohol intake and a smooth structure after alcohol intake.  相似文献   

Lungs of fetal pigs having gestational ages ranging from 80 to 115 days were examined histologically and by electron microscopy. At 80 days bronchial epithelium was ciliated but bronchiolar cells were not and bronchial mucosal glands were absent. Peripheral regions consisted predominantly of mesenchymal tissue with glandular alveoli. 92 days marked the transition from the immature to the more mature lung type. Bronchial glands appeared and began to grow from the epithelium into the lamina propria, bronchiolar epithelial cells acquired cilia, and alveoli were becoming irregular in shape and had thinner interalveolar septa. Close contact between capillaries and alveolar epithelium established the blood-air barrier at many points. Differentiation of alveolar epithelium into types I and II pneumonocytes occurred at this stage and lamellated osmiophilic inclusion bodies were present in type II cells for the first time. The number of lamellated bodies increased progressively to term at 115 days.  相似文献   

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