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《Journal of dairy science》2018,101(1):201-221
The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effect of feeding a culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on rumen metabolism and digestibility when cows are fed diets varying in starch content. Four lactating Holstein cows were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were low starch (LS; 23% of diet DM) and no yeast culture (YC; LS-control), LS and 15 g of YC/d (LS-YC), high starch (HS; 29% of diet DM) and no YC (HS-control), and HS and 15 g of YC/d (HS-YC). Periods lasted 28 d, with the last 9 d for data collection. Days 20 to 24 were used to determine production, nutrient flow, and digestibility. On d 25, 3 kg of corn grain DM was placed in the rumen 1 h before the morning feeding, and yields of milk and milk components were measured after the challenge. Blood was sampled −1, 3, 7, and 11 h relative to the morning feeding on d 24 and 25. Rumen pH was measured continuously on d 24 and 25. Rumen papillae were collected on d 24 and 28 to quantify mRNA expression of select genes. Supplementing YC increased yields of milk (26.3 vs. 29.6 kg/d), energy-corrected milk (ECM; 26.5 vs. 30.3 kg/d), fat (0.94 vs. 1.08 kg/d), true protein (0.84 vs. 0.96 kg/d), and ECM/dry matter intake (1.15 vs. 1.30) compared with the control but did not affect dry matter intake (22.6 vs. 22.9 kg/d). Cows fed HS had increased milk true protein percentage (3.18 vs. 3.31%) and yield (0.87 vs. 0.94 kg/d) compared with cows fed LS. Feeding HS-YC increased the proportion of dietary N incorporated into milk true protein from 24.9% in the other 3 treatments to 29.6%. Feeding HS increased the concentration of propionate (21.7 vs. 32.3 mM) and reduced that of NH3-N (8.3 vs. 6.7 mg/dL) in rumen fluid compared with the control, and combining HS with YC in HS-YC tended to increase microbial N synthesis compared with LS-YC (275 vs. 322 g/d). Supplementing YC to cows fed HS reduced plasma haptoglobin and rumen lactate concentrations, increased mean rumen pH, reduced the time with pH <6.0, and prevented the decrease in rumen neutral detergent fiber digestion caused by HS. Cows fed HS had less total-tract digestion of organic matter (73.9 vs. 72.4%) because of reduced acid detergent fiber (57.6 vs. 51.7%) and neutral detergent fiber (60.9 vs. 56.7%) digestibility. Production performance after the challenge was similar to that before the challenge, and YC improved yield of ECM. After the challenge, supplementing YC tended to reduce rumen lactate concentration compared with the control and reduced haptoglobin in cows fed HS. Feeding HS but not YC increased expression in rumen papillae of genes for receptors (FFAR2 and FFAR3) and transporter (SLC16A3) of short-chain fatty acids but did not affect genes involved in transport of Na+/H+ or water or in inflammatory response. Supplementing YC to dairy cows improved lactation performance in diets containing low or high starch, and mechanisms might be partially attributed to improvements in rumen pH, digestion of fiber, microbial N synthesis, and reduction in acute phase response.  相似文献   

Diets with different fat treatments and with 25, 125, or 250 IU of supplemental vitamin E (all-rac alpha-tocopheryl acetate)/kg of dry matter (DM) were fed for 28 d to midlactation Holstein cows to determine factors affecting concentrations of alpha-tocopherol in milk. Diets contained no supplemental fat or 2.25% added fat from roasted soybeans or tallow. Vitamin E treatment had no effects on production, but fat supplementation increased milk yield (37.2 vs. 35.1 kg/d). Cows fed RSB ate more DM (24.0 vs. 21.9 kg/d) and produced more milk fat than cows fed tallow. Supplemental fat increased plasma concentrations of alpha-tocopherol and cholesterol. Increased intake of alpha-tocopherol linearly increased concentrations of alpha-tocopherol in plasma but the rate of increase was 1.9 times greater when fat was fed. Plasma alpha-tocopherol concentrations were linearly related to concentrations in milk, but a change in plasma alpha-tocopherol resulted in a smaller change in milk alpha-tocopherol when fat was fed than when it was not. Fat treatment did not affect plasma alpha-tocopherol expressed relative to plasma cholesterol (mg alpha-tocopherol/g cholesterol) or relationships between plasma alpha-tocopherol/g of cholesterol and milk alpha-tocopherol. These data suggest that concentrations of alpha-tocopherol in milk are a function of the alpha-tocopherol enrichment of the plasma lipid fraction and enrichment of that fraction is saturable.  相似文献   

Multiple lines of inquiry have suggested that a high degree of inflammation in early lactation cows is associated with low productivity and increased disease incidence. In addition, some small studies have suggested that milk production increases in response to antiinflammatory treatment in the first week of lactation. Our objective was to determine if administration of sodium salicylate (SS), a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID), in the first week of lactation changes whole-lactation productivity and retention in the herd. At calving, 78 cows [n = 39 primiparous (1P); n = 24 second parity (2P); n = 15 third parity or greater (3P)] were alternately assigned to either control (CON) or SS treatments for 7 d postpartum. Sodium salicylate treatment was administered via individual water bowls at a concentration of 1.95 g/L, delivering a mean of 123.3 ± 5.5 g of salicylate/d during the 7-d treatment. For the first 21 d of lactation, dry matter intake, water intake, milk yield, and health were monitored daily, and milk samples were collected twice weekly for milk component analysis. Monthly milk yield and component testing through the rest of the lactation provided data to assess long-term responses, and the effects of treatment on the risk of leaving the herd and on 305-d milk, fat, and protein yields were assessed. During the first 21 d of lactation, we observed no differences in morbidity, except for increased risk of metritis in 3P SS cows. Treatment interacted with parity to influence both 305-d milk and milk fat yields, and a tendency for an interaction was detected for 305-d milk protein yield. Milk yield was 2,469 ± 646 kg greater over the lactation in 3P SS cows compared with 3P CON cows (21% increase) and tended to decrease by 8% in 1P cows treated with SS; no effects were detected in 2P cows. Furthermore, 3P SS cows produced 130 ± 23 kg more milk fat over the lactation (30% increase), with no effects detected for 1P or 2P. Treatment with SS tended to increase 305-d milk protein yield in 3P cows by 14%, with no effects in 1P or 2P cows. A tendency for a treatment × parity interaction was also observed for the risk of leaving the herd. First-parity cows treated with SS tended to have greater risk of leaving the herd than controls (30 vs. 6% risk); however, treatment did not alter herd retention in 2P or 3P groups, and SS had no effect on the risk of leaving the herd overall. Results indicate that SS has long-term effects on lactation of mature dairy cows, particularly on fat yield, but may have negative effects for primiparous cows.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2275-2287
We aimed to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation with magnesium oxide and calcium-magnesium dolomite on milk fat synthesis and milk fatty acid profile or persistency in milk fat synthesis after their cessation in dairy cows under milk fat depression conditions. Twenty-four multiparous dairy cows in early lactation (mean ± standard deviation; 112 ± 14 d in milk) were used in a randomized complete block design. Milk fat depression was induced in all cows for 10 d by feeding a diet containing 35.2% starch, 28.7% neutral detergent fiber, and 4.8% total fatty acid (dry matter). The experiment was conducted in 2 periods. During the Mg-supplementation period (d 1–20), cows were randomly assigned to (1) the milk fat depression diet used during the induction phase (control; n = 8), (2) the control diet plus 0.4% magnesium oxide (MG; n = 8), or (3) the control diet plus 0.8% calcium-magnesium dolomite (CMC; n = 8). Compared with the control group, feeding the magnesium-supplemented diets increased milk fat concentration and yield by 12% within 4 d. During the 20-d Mg-supplementation period, both the MG and CMC diets increased milk fat concentration and yield, as well as 3.5% fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk yield, without affecting dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk protein and lactose concentrations. In the Mg-cessation period (d 21–30), all cows received the control diet, which resulted in a greater milk fat concentration and yield in the cows that had already received the MG and CMC diets in the Mg-supplementation period. Whereas, milk fat concentration and yield remained high after discontinuation of the magnesium-containing alkalizer until d 27. The difference in milk fat synthesis was associated with lower trans-10 C18:1 (?22%) and higher trans-11 C18:1 (+12.5%) concentrations in milk during the Mg-supplementation period. Furthermore, it was evident that within 2 d of supplementation, the trans-10:trans-11 ratio was lower in MG and CMC cows compared with cows receiving the control. This suggested that the effect of magnesium-based alkalizers on milk fat synthesis was mediated via a shift in ruminal biohydrogenation of cis-9,cis-12 C18:2 in the rumen. In conclusion, abrupt addition of magnesium oxide and calcium-magnesium dolomite increased milk fat synthesis, which persisted for 7 d after cessation of magnesium-based alkalizers. A similar ability to recover milk fat synthesis and normal fatty acid biohydrogenation pathways was observed for magnesium oxide and calcium-magnesium dolomite.  相似文献   

Effects of fat supplementation for dairy rations on digestibility and ruminal digestion were studied in four cows receiving a control diet (hay-concentrate) or this diet supplemented with 5 or 10% rapeseed oil or 10% tallow, according to a Latin square design. Neither total digestibility of DM, OM, and crude fiber nor ruminal OM digestibility was modified by lipid supply. Microbial N flow to the duodenum was calculated for solid-adherent bacteria and liquid-associated bacteria, using the turnover rate of liquid phase, the ruminal pools of bacteria and their concentrations in RNA, and diaminopimelic acid. Flows of total and bacterial duodenal OM and N did not depend on the fat content of the diet. In sacco ruminal degradation of DM was lower for a diet supplemented with 10% rapessed oil than for the control diet. The addition of rapeseed oil resulted in decreased acetate and increased propionate proportions in ruminal VFA and decreased ruminal ammonia after feeding. This trial showed that modifications in ruminal digestion did not have any negative consequence on OM degradation and did not modify ruminal N digestion.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of monensin (MN) and dietary soybean oil (SBO) on milk fat percentage and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. The study was conducted as a randomized complete block design with a 2 × 3 factorial treatment arrangement using 72 lactating multiparous Holstein dairy cows (138 ± 24 d in milk). Treatments were [dry matter (DM) basis] as follows: 1) control total mixed ration (TMR, no MN) with no supplemental SBO; 2) MN-treated TMR (22 g of MN/kg of DM) with no supplemental SBO; 3) control TMR including 1.7% SBO; 4) MN-treated TMR including 1.7% SBO; 5) control TMR including 3.4% SBO; and 6) MN-treated TMR including 3.4% SBO. The TMR (% of DM; corn silage, 31.6%; haylage, 21.2%; hay, 4.2%; high-moisture corn, 18.8%; soy hulls, 3.3%; and protein supplement, 20.9%) was offered ad libitum. The experiment consisted of a 2-wk baseline, a 3-wk adaptation, and a 2-wk collection period. Monensin, SBO, and their interaction linearly reduced milk fat percentage. Cows receiving SBO with no added MN (treatments 3 and 5) had 4.5 and 14.2% decreases in milk fat percentage, respectively. Cows receiving SBO with added MN (treatments 4 and 6) had 16.5 and 35.1% decreases in milk fat percentage, respectively. However, the interaction effect of MN and SBO on fat yield was not significant. Monensin reduced milk fat yield by 6.6%. Soybean oil linearly reduced milk fat yield and protein percentage and linearly increased milk yield and milk protein yield. Monensin and SBO reduced 4% fat-corrected milk and had no effect on DM intake. Monensin interacted with SBO to linearly increase milk fat concentration (g/100 g of FA) of total trans-18:1 in milk fat including trans-6 to 8, trans-9, trans-10, trans-11, trans-12 18:1 and the concentration of total conjugated linoleic acid isomers including cis-9, trans-11 18:2; trans-9, cis-11 18:2; and trans-10, cis-12 18:2. Also, the interaction increased milk concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Monensin and SBO linearly reduced, with no significant interaction, milk concentration (g/100 g of FA) of short- and medium-chain fatty acids (<C16). Soybean oil reduced total saturated FA and increased total monounsaturated FA. These results suggest that monensin reduces milk fat percentage and this effect is accentuated when SBO is added to the ration.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that supplemental dietary fatty acids (FA) affect the energy corrected milk yield in proportion to the milk production level of dairy cows, and increase both long chain FA proportion of milk FA and milk fat globule diameter. Sixteen Danish Holstein cows were divided into four 4x4 Latin squares with two squares of medium yielding cows (32.2 kg energy corrected milk (ECM)/d; 158 days in milk (DIM)) and two squares of high yielding cows (40.0 kg ECM/d; 74 DIM). Experimental length was 12 weeks, with three weeks for each of the four periods. The four treatments were no supplementation (17 g FA/kg dry matter (DM)) and three diets with supplemented FA (29, 40, and 52 g total FA/kg DM, respectively) obtained by substituting barley with Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) fat. Diets were offered as total mixed rations with 63% grass/clover silage (DM basis). Dry matter intake decreased with increasing FA supplementation, but net energy intake was not affected. The general linear responses to 10 g/kg DM increase in FA level were 1.1 kg ECM (P<0.0001), 0.061 kg milk fat (P<0.0001), 0.012 kg milk protein (P=0.09) and 0.052 kg lactose (P=0.0002) per day, and linear responses in milk composition were 0.39 g fat (P=0.07), -0.71 g protein (P<0.0001) and 0.05 g lactose (P=0.3) per kg milk, and 0.092 microm (P<0.0001) in milk fat average globule diameter. Fatty acid supplementation decreased short- and medium-chain FA and C16:0 and increased C18:1 proportions of total FA in milk. Supplemental dietary FA increased ECM yield but not in proportion to production level as anticipated, and increased average FA chain length and milk fat globule diameter.  相似文献   

Twenty-four multiparous and 15 primiparous Holstein cows were fed a total mixed corn silage diet with one of three dietary treatments: 14% crude protein, 22% crude protein (all preformed), or 22% crude protein (preformed plus nonprotein N). Eight multiparous and 5 primiparous cows were randomly assigned to each treatment at calving. The diet contained 23% ADF during wk 1 to 4 postpartum and was lowered to 11% ADF for wk 5 to 12 postpartum. Treatment had no effect on the magnitude of depression in milk fat percentage or milk fat yield in multiparous cows. After fiber was lowered, changes in rumen acetate to propionate ratio, blood glucose, free fatty acids, and insulin were not influenced by treatment. Depression in milk fat percentage for primiparous cows was 19.7, 9.2, and 14.9% for low protein, high protein, and high protein with nonprotein N, respectively. When changed from high fiber to low fiber, the primiparous cows increased milk fat yield 9% for high preformed protein treatment but decreased fat yield for other treatments. Depression in acetate to propionate ratio and increase in blood glucose was least for the high preformed protein group.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether longer-term deficiencies in the supply of limiting amino acids would be accompanied by a decline in mammary function (total DNA, cell proliferation rate and activities of key enzymes), and whether this would adversely affect the cow's ability to respond to a return to a nutritionally adequate diet. The first experiment was performed in early/mid lactation, and the second, using the same cows, was carried out in mid/late lactation. A control group of six cows were given a grass silage-cereal diet containing fish meal as the sole protein supplement (amino acid adequate) throughout the experiments, whereas another group of six cows in treatment received the control diet for 2 wk (lactation wk 5 and 6) and then were changed to a diet in which the fish meal was replaced by an equivalent amount of protein as feather meal (amino acid deficient) for 6 wk before returning to the fish meal diet for 4 wk (Experiment 1). After a rest period of 5 wk, the experimental procedure was repeated (Experiment 2). Although there was a fall in milk yield as lactation advanced, leading to lower milk yields in Experiment 2, the marked difference in milk yield between treatments was similar for the two stages of lactation (21% vs 16% in Experiment 1 and 2, respectively). In both experiments, the marked fall of milk yield in cows given the feather meal diet was completely recovered by a return to the fish meal diet. Despite the markedly lower milk yield with the amino acid-deficient diet, however, there was no clear evidence of corresponding changes in measurements of mammary function.  相似文献   

Lactating cows were offered diets with increasing neutral detergent fiber concentrations to determine the effects on intake, milk yield and composition, blood hormones, and nutrient digestion during cool or hot weather conditions. Tifton 85 bermudagrass hay was substituted for corn silage so that the forage portion of diets were: 1) 40% corn silage (control), 2) 32.4% corn silage, 7.6% bermudagrass, 3) 24.8% corn silage, 15.2% bermudagrass, or 4) 17.2% corn silage, 22.8% bermudagrass (dry basis). Dietary neutral detergent fiber concentrations (% dry matter) were 30.2, 33.8, 37.7, and 42.0, respectively. Intake of dry matter declined with increasing dietary neutral detergent fiber during cool and hot periods, but intake adjusted for cool weather treatment differences did not change further during hot weather. Milk yield declined linearly with increasing neutral detergent fiber during cool weather and changed quadratically during hot weather. Milk temperature declined with increasing dietary neutral detergent fiber for the p.m. milking during the cool period and declined with increasing dietary neutral detergent fiber for the a.m. and p.m. milkings during the hot period. Digestibility of neutral detergent fiber improved and ruminal turnover of particulate digesta was increased with greater dietary neutral detergent fiber content. No dietary fiber level by hot weather interaction was observed, suggesting that total energy intake may have and a greater effect on milk yield than dietary fiber content during hot, humid weather.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of methods of barley grain processing and source of supplemental fat on urea-N transfer to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the utilization of this recycled urea-N in lactating dairy cows. Four ruminally cannulated Holstein cows (656.3 ± 27.7 kg of BW; 79.8 ± 12.3 d in milk) were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28-d periods and a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments. Experimental diets contained dry-rolled barley or pelleted barley in combination with whole canola or whole flaxseed as supplemental fat sources. Nitrogen balance was measured from d 15 to 19, with concurrent measurements of urea-N kinetics using continuous intrajugular infusions of [15N15N]-urea. Dry matter intake and N intake were higher in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared with those fed pelleted barley. Nitrogen retention was not affected by diet, but fecal N excretion was higher in cows fed dry-rolled barley than in those fed pelleted barley. Actual and energy-corrected milk yield were not affected by diet. Milk fat content and milk fat yield were higher in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared with those fed pelleted barley. Source of supplemental fat did not affect urea-N kinetics. Urea-N production was higher (442.2 vs. 334.3 g of N/d), and urea-N entering the GIT tended to be higher (272.9 vs. 202.0 g of N/d), in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared with those fed pelleted barley. The amount of urea-N entry into the GIT that was returned to the ornithine cycle was higher (204.1 vs. 159.5 g of N/d) in cows fed dry-rolled barley than in pelleted barley-fed cows. The amount of urea-N recycled to the GIT and used for anabolic purposes, and the amounts lost in the urine or feces were not affected by dietary treatment. Microbial nonammonia N supply, estimated using total urinary excretion of purine derivatives, was not affected by diet. These results show that even though barley grain processing altered urea-N entry into the GIT, the utilization of this recycled urea-N for microbial production was unaffected as the additional urea-N, which entered the GIT was returned to ureagenesis.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8016-8035
Few models have attempted to predict total milk fat because of its high variation among and within herds. The objective of this meta-analysis was to develop models to predict milk fat concentration and yield of lactating dairy cows. Data from 158 studies consisting of 658 treatments from 2,843 animals were used. Data from several feed databases were used to calculate dietary nutrients when dietary nutrient composition was not reported. Digested intake (DI, g/d) of each fatty acid (FA; C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1 cis, C18:1 trans C18:2, C18:3) and absorbed amounts (g/d) of each AA (Arg, His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Thr, Trp, Val) were calculated and used as candidate variables in the models. A multi-model inference method was used to fit a large set of mixed models with study as the random effect, and the best models were selected based on Akaike's information criterion corrected for sample size and evaluated further. Observed milk fat concentration (MFC) ranged from 2.26 to 4.78%, and milk fat yield (MFY) ranged from 0.488 to 1.787 kg/d among studies. Dietary levels of forage, starch, and total FA (dry matter basis) averaged 50.8 ± 10.3% (mean ± standard deviation), 27.5 ± 7.0%, and 3.4 ± 1.3%, respectively. The MFC was positively correlated with dietary forage (0.294) and negatively associated with dietary starch (?0.286). The DI of C18:2 (g/d) was more negatively correlated with MFC (?0.313) than that of the other FA. The best variables for predicting MFC were days in milk, FA-free dry matter intake, forage, starch, DI of C18:2, DI of C18:3, and absorbed Met, His, and Trp. The best predictor variables for MFY were FA-free dry matter intake, days in milk, absorbed Met and Ile, and intakes of digested C16:0 and C18:3. This model had a root mean square error of 14.1% and concordance correlation coefficient of 0.81. Surprisingly, DI of C18:3 was positively related to milk fat, and this relationship was consistently observed among models. The models developed can be used as a practical tool for predicting milk fat of dairy cows, while recognizing that additional factors are likely to also affect fat yield.  相似文献   

Effect of photoperiod on milk yield and milk fat in commercial dairy herds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred and sixteen cows stanchioned in 13 dairy herds were exposed to supplemental lighting of 16 to 16.25 h of light per day from fluorescent lamps, whereas 240 herdmates received only sunlight (9 to 12 h/day) plus lighting for usual management activities (e.g., milking and feeding). After adjustment for differences in stage of lactation, lactation number, mature equivalent, and pretrial milk yield, cows exposed to supplemental lighting produced 2.2 kg per day more milk and had .16% less milk fat than herdmate controls.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(6):5172-5181
Acetate is a major source of energy and substrate for milk fat synthesis in the dairy cow. We recently reported a linear increase in milk fat yield and greater than a 30% net apparent transfer of acetate to milk fat with ruminal infusion of neutralized acetate. Additionally, ruminal acetate infusion linearly increases plasma β-hydroxybutyrate. The objective of the current study was to investigate the ability of acetate and butyrate fed in a diet to increase milk fat synthesis. Twelve multiparous lactating Holstein cows were randomly assigned to treatments in a 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14-d periods that included a 7-d washout followed by 7 d of treatment. Cows were fed ad libitum a basal diet with a low risk for biohydrogenation-induced milk fat depression, and treatments were mixed into the basal diet. Treatments were 3.2% NaHCO3 (control), 2.9% sodium acetate, and 2.5% calcium butyrate (carbon equivalent to acetate treatment) as a percent of diet dry matter. Feeding sodium acetate increased dry matter intake by 2.7 kg, had no effect on milk yield, and increased milk fat yield by 90 g/d and concentration by 0.2 percentage units, compared with control. Calcium butyrate decreased dry matter intake by 2.6 kg/d, milk yield by 1.65 kg/d, and milk fat yield by 60 g/d, compared with control. Sodium acetate increased concentration and yield of 16 carbon mixed source fatty acids (FA) and myristic acid, while decreasing the concentration of preformed FA, compared with control. Calcium butyrate had no effect on concentration of milk FA by source, but increased concentration of trans-10 C18:1 in milk by 18%, indicating a shift in rumen biohydrogenation pathways. Our data demonstrate that milk fat yield and concentration can be increased by feeding sodium acetate at 2.9% of diet dry matter, but not by feeding calcium butyrate at an equivalent carbon mass.  相似文献   

Effects of grass maturity on dry matter intake (DMI), milk production, ruminal fermentation and pool sizes, digestion and passage kinetics, and chewing activity and the relationship of these effects with preliminary DMI (pDMI) were evaluated using 13 ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows in a crossover design with a 14-d preliminary period and two 18-d treatment periods. During the preliminary period, pDMI of individual cows ranged from 23.5 to 28.2kg/d (mean=26.1kg/d) and 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM) yield ranged from 30.8 to 57.2kg/d (mean=43.7kg/d). Experimental treatments were diets containing orchardgrass silage harvested either (1) early-cut, less mature (EC) or (2) late-cut, more mature (LC) as the sole forage. Early- and late-cut orchardgrass contained 44.9 and 54.4% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 20.1 and 15.3% crude protein, respectively. Forage:concentrate ratio was 58:42 and 46:54 for EC and LC, respectively; both diets contained approximately 25% forage NDF and 30% total NDF. Preliminary DMI, an index of nutrient demand, was determined during the last 4d of the preliminary period when cows were fed a common diet and used as a covariate. Main effects of grass maturity and their interaction with pDMI were tested by ANOVA. The EC diet decreased milk yield and increased milk fat concentration compared with the LC diet. Grass maturity and its interaction with pDMI did not affect FCM yield, DMI, rumen pH, or microbial efficiency. The EC diet increased rates of ruminal digestion of potentially digestible NDF and passage of indigestible NDF (iNDF) compared with the LC diet. The lower concentration and faster passage rate of iNDF for EC resulted in lower rumen pools of iNDF, total NDF, organic matter, and dry matter for EC than LC. Ruminal passage rates of potentially digestible NDF and starch were related to level of intake (quadratic and linear interactions, respectively) and subsequently affected ruminal digestibility of these nutrients. The EC diet decreased eating, ruminating, and total chewing time per unit of forage NDF intake compared with the LC diet. When grass silage was the only source of forage in the diet, cows supplemented with additional concentrate to account for decreasing protein and increasing fiber concentrations associated with more mature grass had similar feed intake and produced similar FCM yields as cows fed less mature grass.  相似文献   

This field trial evaluated the effects of dietary supplementation with 16 mg/kg (based on total dry matter intake) of monensin sodium on bulk tank milk fat percentage (MFP) of commercial dairy herds. Interactions between monensin and nutritional factors on MFP were studied. The trial was conducted in 47 Holstein dairy herds in Québec, Canada, between November 2005 and May 2006. The herd was the unit of interest. Enrolled herds were followed for a 7-mo period. Monensin treatment was randomly allocated in a crossover design where monensin was supplemented to the lactating dairy cow diet for a consecutive 12-wk period. Twenty-four herds were allocated to monensin treatment for the first period of trial, and 23 herds were allocated for the second period. Diet composition and ration physically effective particle level were collected every 8 wk. Milk fat percentage data were retrieved from weekly bulk tank measures. Data were analyzed in linear mixed models using repeated measures within herd where MFP was considered the outcome variable. In addition to the main effect of monensin treatment, the following covariates were forced a priori into all statistical models: treatment period, weekly herd mean parity, and weekly herd mean days in milk. The majority of herds were fed a total mixed ration (n = 29) and were housed in tie-stalls (n = 42). Monensin significantly decreased bulk tank MFP by 0.12 percentage points. The reduction of MFP associated with monensin was larger for herds having a diet high (>39.7%) in nonfiber carbohydrates, having a low level of physically effective particles in ration (>45.0%; ≥8 mm), and not feeding dry hay as first meal in the morning. Significant interactions between monensin and nutritional factors on bulk tank MFP were related to nonfiber carbohydrate and fiber concentrations in the diet.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌对奶牛生产及乳脂脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究不同枯草芽孢杆菌对奶牛生产性能和乳脂脂肪酸成分的影响。与对照组相比,试验组A和B日产奶量呈增加趋势,乳脂产量、乳脂率显著增加(P<0.05);除B组乳中体细胞数显著增加外,各试验组乳蛋白、乳糖、非脂固形物等指标无显著变化。脂肪酸的组成比例与对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。但在A和B组中,对长链及中短链脂肪酸的合成均可起促进作用。  相似文献   

Effect of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis on milk yield in dairy cows   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Our objective was to estimate the effects of the first occurrence of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis (CM) on milk yield in 3071 dairy cows in 2 New York State farms. The pathogens studied were Streptococcus spp.,Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Arcanobacterium pyogenes, other pathogens grouped together, and "no pathogen isolated." Data were collected from October 1999 to July 2001. Milk samples were collected from cows showing signs of CM and were sent to the Quality Milk Production Services laboratory at Cornell University for microbiological culture. The SAS statistical procedure PROC MIXED, with an autoregressive covariance structure, was used to quantify the effect of CM and several other control variables (herd, calving season, parity, month of lactation, J-5 vaccination status, and other diseases) on weekly milk yield. Separate models were fitted for primipara and multipara, because of the different shapes of their lactation curves. To observe effects of mastitis, milk weights were divided into several periods both pre- and postdiagnosis, according to when they were measured in relation to disease occurrence. Another category contained cows without the type of CM being modeled. Because all pathogens were modeled simultaneously, a control cow was one without CM. Among primipara, Staph. aureus, E. coli, Klebsiella spp., and "no pathogen isolated" caused the greatest losses. Milk yield generally began to drop 1 or 2 wk before diagnosis; the greatest loss occurred immediately following diagnosis. Mastitic cows often never recovered their potential yield. Among older cows, Streptococcus spp., Staph. aureus, A. pyogenes, E. coli, and Klebsiella spp. caused the most significant losses. Many multipara that developed CM were actually higher producers before diagnosis than their nonmastitic herd-mates. As in primipara, milk yield in multipara often began to decline shortly before diagnosis; the greatest loss occurred immediately following diagnosis. Milk loss persisted until at least 70 d after diagnosis for Streptococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., and A. pyogenes. The tendency for higher producing cows to contract CM may mask its impact on cow health and production. These findings provide dairy producers with more information on which pathogen-specific CM cases should receive treatment and how to manage these cows, thereby reducing CM impact on cow well being and profitability.  相似文献   

The effect of clinical mastitis on milk yield was studied in 24,276 Finnish Ayrshire cows that calved in 1993 and were followed for one lactation (i.e., until culling or the next calving). Cows that had only mastitis, but no other diseases, and cows that had no diseases (healthy cows) during the lactation were included in the study. Monthly test day milk yields were treated as repeated measurements within an animal in a mixed model analysis. Mastitis index categories were created to relate the timing of mastitis to the test day milk measures. Statistical models (a separate model for each parity) included fixed effects of calving season, stage of lactation, and mastitis index. An autoregressive correlation structure was used to model the association among the repeated measurements. The effect of mastitis occurring at different periods during the lactation was studied. The daily loss during the first 2 wk after the occurrence of mastitis varied from 1.0 to 2.5 kg, and the total loss over the entire lactation varied from 110 to 552 kg and depended on parity and the time of mastitis occurrence. Regardless of the time of occurrence during the lactation, mastitis had a long-lasting effect on milk yield; cows with mastitis did not reach their premastitis milk yields during the remainder of the lactation after onset of the disease.  相似文献   

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