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BACKGROUND: The role of nitric oxide synthase in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury is complex. Our hypothesis was that inducible nitric oxide synthase has a role in the regulation of coronary flow after ischemia. METHODS: Four groups of isolated blood-perfused rabbit hearts underwent sequential periods of perfusion, ischemia, and reperfusion (20, 30, and 20 minutes). Two groups underwent 40 minutes of perfusion. Ischemic groups received saline vehicle, N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) or the highly specific inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 1400W in low or high doses during reperfusion. Two nonischemic groups were treated with saline vehicle or 1400W during the last 20 minutes of perfusion. Left ventricular developed pressure and coronary flow were measured after each perfusion period. Ventricular levels of myeloperoxidase and cyclic guanosine monophosphate were measured at the end of the second perfusion period. RESULTS: Coronary flow was significantly increased in both 1400W groups versus L-NAME (p < 0.001) and in high-dose 1400W versus control (p < 0.001). Coronary flow was not significantly different between the nonischemic groups. Left ventricular developed pressure was not significantly different among the ischemic groups or between the two nonischemic groups. There were no differences in cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels in any of the ischemic hearts. Myeloperoxidase levels were significantly elevated in L-NAME versus high-dose 1400W, nonischemic 1400W, and nonischemic saline groups (p < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Highly selective inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase results in increased coronary flow after ischemia but not after continuous perfusion. This occurs with decreased neutrophil accumulation and a trend toward increased contractility without elevation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Coronary arteriography is considered the "gold standard" for evaluating the severity of a coronary stenosis. Because the resistance to blood flow through a stenotic lesion depends on a number of lesion characteristics, the physiological significance of coronary lesions of intermediate severity is often difficult to determine from angiography alone. This study of patients with coronary artery disease seeks to determine the relation between myocardial blood flow and flow reserve measured by positron emission tomography (PET) and the percent area stenosis on quantitative coronary arteriography. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 28 subjects: 18 patients with coronary artery disease (66 +/- 8 years) and 10 age-matched healthy volunteers (64 +/- 13 years) with dynamic N-13 ammonia PET imaging at rest and after dipyridamole (0.56 mg/kg). The percent cross-sectional area stenosis was quantified on the coronary arteriograms as described by Brown et al. In the 18 patients, a total of 41 non-infarct-related coronary vessels were analyzed. Myocardial blood flows in normal regions of patients with coronary artery disease were not different than those in healthy volunteers, both at rest and after dipyridamole. As a result, the myocardial flow reserve was also similar in both groups (2.4 +/- 0.4 versus 2.6 +/- 0.7, respectively; P = NS). Quantitative PET estimates of hyperemic blood flow (r = .81, P < .00001), flow reserve (r = .78, P < .00001), and an index of the "minimal coronary resistance" (r = .78, P < .00001) were inversely and nonlinearly correlated with the percent area stenosis on angiography. Of note, PET estimates of myocardial flow reserve successfully differentiated coronary lesions of intermediate severity (50% to 70% and 70% to 90%; 2.4 +/- 0.4 versus 1.8 +/- 0.5, respectively; P = .04). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with coronary artery disease, non-invasive measurements of myocardial blood flow and flow reserve by PET are inversely and nonlinearly related to stenosis severity as defined by quantitative angiography. Importantly, coronary lesions of intermediate severity have a differential flow reserve that decreases as stenosis increases that can be detected noninvasively by PET, thus allowing better definition of the functional importance of known coronary stenosis.  相似文献   

To study the effects of batroxobin on coronary circulation and cardiac performance in acute myocardial ischemia, Batroxobin was given intravenously to dogs with experimental coronary stenosis. A dose-dependent increase of coronary blood flow (CBF) was observed. Forty minutes after batroxobin (2 BU.kg-1 at infusion rate 0.1 BU.kg-1.min-1) administration, CBF increased by 12% (P < 0.05), small coronary resistance(RS) decreased from 4.1 +/- 0.5 to 3.2 +/- 0.5 mmHg.min.ml-1 (P < 0.01), while large coronary resistance(RL) changed insignificantly from 3.9 +/- 0.8 to 3.8 +/- 0.7 mmHg.min.ml-1 (P > 0.05). Two hours following drug administration, the changes in CBF, RS and RL still remained and RT decreased by 13% (P < 0.05). The + LV(dp/dt)max and -LV(dp/dt)max increased by 14% and 16% (P < 0.05) respectively compared with those in control group. It is concluded that batroxobin improves the ischemic canine coronary circulation and cardiac performance by way of lowering the small coronary resistance and thus increasing CBF. The data also suggest the benificial effect of batroxobin in acute myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   

Conflicting results have been reported as to the extent that cardiovascular function can be reestablished after rewarming from hypothermia. We measured hemodynamic function, myocardial metabolism and tissue water content in dogs core-cooled to 25 degrees C and later rewarmed. At 25 degrees C left ventricular (LV) systolic pressure (LVSP) was 54% +/- 4%, maximum rate of LV pressure rise (LV dP/dtmax) 44% +/- 5%, aortic pressure (AOP) 50% +/- 6%, heart rate (HR) 40% +/- 0%, cardiac output (CO) 37% +/- 5%, myocardial blood flow (MBF) 34% +/- 5%, and myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) 8% +/- 1%, compared to precooling. Stroke volume (SV) and LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) were unchanged. As normothermia (37 degrees C) was reestablished, the depression of cardiac function and myocardial metabolism remained the same as that at 25 degrees C: LVSP 71% +/- 6%, LV dP/dtmax 73% +/- 7%, SV 60% +/- 9%, AOP 70% +/- 6%, CO 57% +/- 9%, MBF 53% +/- 8%, and MVO2 44% +/- 8% HR, in contrast, recovered to precooling values. The arterial concentrations of glucose and free fatty acids (FFA) did not change significantly during the experimental period, whereas an increase in lactate of nonmyocardial origin appeared after rewarming. Increased myocardial contents of creatine phosphate and water were found during both hypothermia and rewarming. The present study demonstrates a persistent depression of cardiac function after hypothermia and rewarming in spite of adequate energy stores. Thus, a direct influence on myocardial contractile function by the cooling and rewarming process is suggested.  相似文献   

1. Baroreflex responses to changes in aortic pressure were measured simultaneously in three main coronary regions of awake dogs. 2. Pulsed Doppler flow probes were mounted at prior surgery on the right, circumflex and anterior descending coronary arteries; the animals were placed in complete heart block and the left ventricle was paced. After 2-4 weeks recovery, baroreflexes were evoked by inflating a balloon catheter placed in the mid-thoracic aorta via the femoral arteriotomy. Flow and pressure data were collected at rest, and during acute (8s) and steady-state (25s) baroreflex challenge. 3. Changing ventricular rate alone caused a fall in aortic pressure at low rates; however, over the range 60 to 180 b.p.m., circumflex and anterior descending coronary flow and conductance changed directly with ventricular rate, but right coronary flow and conductance remained unchanged. 4. Acute aortic pressure elevation increased flow at 8s in all beds at all rates. Conductance effects at 60 b.p.m. were negligible in all three beds, but rose at 100 and 180 b.p.m. in the right and circumflex beds. 5. Sustained aortic pressure elevation (25s) caused flow to return towards control in all beds ventricular rates, but in the right coronary at 60 b.p.m. flow fell below control. Conductance at this time was unchanged at all rates in the anterior descending bed, fell modestly in the circumflex, and decreased to below resting in the right coronary bed. 6. Baroreflex control of coronary flow and conductance thus varies between territories, and within territories, depending on ventricular rate. The right coronary bed appears to be regulated by a bidirectional, baroreflex-linked mechanism, which is functionally opposite in action to that found in most vascular beds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Severity of coronary artery stenosis has been defined in terms of geometric dimensions, pressure gradient-flow relations, resistance to flow and coronary flow reserve, or maximum flow capacity after maximum arteriolar vasodilation. A direct relation between coronary pressure and flow, however, may only be presumed if the resistances in the coronary circulation are constant (and minimal) as theoretically is the case during maximum arteriolar vasodilation. In that case, pressure measurements theoretically can be used to predict maximum flow and assess functional stenosis severity. METHODS AND RESULTS: A theoretical model was developed for the different components of the coronary circulation, and a set of equations was derived by which the relative maximum flow or fractional flow reserve in both the stenotic epicardial artery and the myocardial vascular bed and the proportional contribution of coronary arterial and collateral flow to myocardial blood flow are calculated from measurements of arterial, distal coronary, and central venous pressures during maximum arteriolar vasodilation. To test this model, five dogs were acutely instrumented with an epicardial, coronary Doppler flow velocity transducer. Distal coronary pressures were measured by an ultrathin pressure-monitoring guide wire (0.015 in.) with minimal influence on transstenotic pressure gradient. Fractional flow reserve was calculated from the pressure measurements and compared with relative maximum coronary artery flow measured directly by the Doppler flowmeter at three different levels of arterial pressure for each of 12 different severities of stenosis at each pressure level. Relative maximum blood flow through the stenotic artery (Qs) measured directly by the Doppler flowmeter showed an excellent correlation with the pressure-derived values of Qs (r = 0.98 +/- 0.01, intercept = 0.02 +/- 0.03, slope = 0.98 +/- 0.04), of the relative maximum myocardial flow (r = 0.98 +/- 0.02, intercept = 0.26 +/- 0.07, slope = 0.73 +/- 0.08), and of the collateral blood flow (r = 0.96 +/- 0.04, intercept = 0.24 +/- 0.07, slope = -0.24 +/- 0.06). Moreover, the theoretically predicted constant relation between mean arterial pressure and coronary wedge pressure, both corrected for venous pressure, was confirmed experimentally (r = 0.97 +/- 0.03, intercept = 9.5 +/- 13.3, slope = 4.4 +/- 1.2). CONCLUSIONS: These results provide the experimental basis for determining relative maximum flow or fractional flow reserve of both the epicardial coronary artery and the myocardium, including collateral flow, from pressure measurements during maximum arteriolar vasodilation. With a suitable guide wire for reliably measuring distal coronary pressure clinically, this method may have potential applications during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for assessing changes in the functional severity of coronary artery stenoses and for estimating collateral flow achievable during occlusion of the coronary artery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: 99mTc-N-NOET (NOET) is a new myocardial perfusion imaging agent that redistributes over time. We sought to better define the redistribution kinetics of NOET using open-chest canine models of sustained low coronary flow (protocol 1) and transient coronary occlusion followed by reflow (protocol 2). METHODS AND RESULTS: In protocol 1 (n=10), NOET and 201Tl were injected during low flow in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) that was sustained for 2 hours. Protocol 2 dogs (n=6) were injected with NOET during 20 minutes of LAD occlusion followed by 2 hours of reflow. In both protocols, serial NOET planar images were acquired, and myocardial flow and 2-hour tracer activities were determined by gamma-well counting. Defect resolution was observed on images in both protocols. Initial defect count ratios, reflecting flow disparity at injection (0.66+/-0.03 and 0.57+/-0.04, respectively), increased over 2 hours (0.73+/-0.02 and 0.75+/-0.04, respectively; P<.001 versus initial). Quantitative imaging showed that NOET redistribution resulted from greater clearance from normal areas versus low-flow or transiently occluded areas. In protocol 1, 2-hour NOET and 201Tl stenotic-to-normal tissue activity ratios were similar (0.76+/-0.06 versus 0.73+/-0.04, P=NS) and higher than injection flow ratios (0.52+/-0.06 and 0.56+/-0.07, respectively, P<.001), consistent with tracer redistribution. In protocol 2, NOET redistributed to an even greater extent (injection flow ratio, 0.27+/-0.04; 2-hour tissue activity ratio, 0.84+/-0.03, P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: NOET is the first 99mTc-labeled myocardial imaging agent with kinetics similar to 201Tl in experimental models, permitting redistribution imaging. NOET appears to be a promising agent for assessing patients with coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

The variation of coronary sinus blood flow during pacing-induced tachycardia shows no direct correlation with the number of affected coronary arteries. As a functional test, total coronary blood flow is a parameter with low sensitivity in characterizing patients with coronary artery disease and thus appears unsuitable in the selection of patients for medical or surgical treatment. The thermodilution technique remains useful for the assessment of the effects of new drugs on the heart, for the evaluation of a therapeutic intervention, and for the selective measurement of regional myocardial perfusion in the anterior interventricular vein.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if nicardipine, a calcium ion channel blocker, affects pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity and improves energy metabolism during cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. Cerebral ischemia was induced, using the bilateral carotid artery occlusion method, for 60 min followed by reperfusion up to 120 min in gerbils. Nicardipine (1 mg/kg) or saline (vehicle-treated) was given to gerbils 30 min prior to the occlusion of the common carotid arteries. PDH activity and metabolites (ATP, PCr, and lactate) were measured in cortex prior to ischemia, immediately following ischemia, and after each reperfusion period. After 60 min ischemia, PDH activity increased in both groups, and was significantly higher in the nicardipine-treated group. After 20 min reperfusion, PDH activity in the nicardipine-treated group recovered to control levels, whereas, the PDH activity in the vehicle-treated group remained elevated, and was higher than the nicardipine-treated animals. At 60 and 120 min reperfusion, the activities in the vehicle-treated group were significantly below control levels, there were no differences, however, between the two groups. ATP and PCr concentrations were markedly depleted immediately after ischemia in both groups. ATP levels at 20 min reperfusion and PCr levels at 60 min reperfusion were significantly higher in the nicardipine-treated group. Lactate concentrations in both groups increased 7-8 fold, similarly, immediately after ischemia. During reperfusion, the lactate remained elevated in both groups, though the levels in the nicardipine-treated group were lower than those in the vehicle-treated group, but not significantly. Nicardipine treatment normalized PDH activity quickly and improved energy metabolism after reperfusion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether chronic treatment with benidipine, a calcium antagonist, leads not only to regression of left ventricular hypertrophy, but also to an improvement in coronary flow reserve and microvascular remodeling. DESIGN AND METHODS: Two-kidney, one clip Goldblatt hypertensive rats were assigned either to a benidipine-treatment group or to a group without treatment after their kidneys had been clipped for 4 weeks. Benidipine was administered to rats in the treatment group for 6 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the systemic hemodynamics and coronary blood flow were determined in conscious unrestrained rats by using nonradioactive colored microspheres injected through the left atrium. The coronary blood flow was determined in rats of both groups with the rats at rest and after near-maximal vasodilatation induced by carbochrome. For evaluation of the microvascular remodeling capillary density, the wall : lumen ratio of arterioles and perivascular fibrosis were quantified by using an image analyzer after fixation of heart tissue. RESULTS: Benidipine treatment lowered the blood pressure significantly with a decrease in total peripheral resistance, and the left ventricular mass decreased markedly compared with that of untreated hypertensive rats. The coronary flow reserve of the untreated hypertensive rats was lower than that of the controls, but benidipine treatment improved the coronary flow reserve. We found a significant decrease in capillary density, and significant increases in wall : lumen ratio and perivascular fibrosis in untreated hypertensive rats. These changes in microvasculature were improved by benidipine treatment. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggest that benidipine exerts favorable effects as an antihypertensive drug by reversing cardiac hypertrophy and improving the coronary flow reserve and microvascular remodeling.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Volatile anesthetic agents produce coronary vasodilation via activation of adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels. The authors tested the hypothesis that sevoflurane selectively increases coronary collateral blood flow and assessed the role of KATP channel activation in this process. METHODS: Experiments were conducted in dogs 8 weeks after long-term implantation of a left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) ameroid constrictor to stimulate coronary collateral growth. Dogs were instrumented for measurement of retrograde LAD blood flow (an index of large coronary collateral blood flow) and LAD tissue flow (via radioactive microspheres; an index of small collateral blood flow). Coronary collateral perfusion and normal (left circumflex coronary artery [LCCA]) zone tissue blood flow were determined in four groups of dogs pretreated with intracoronary glyburide (50 microg/kg) or vehicle in the presence or absence of sevoflurane (1 minimum alveolar concentration). Dose-response relationships to the KATP channel agonist nicorandil were established in each dog using doses (25, 50, and 100 microg/min) previously shown to increase coronary collateral blood flow. RESULTS: Sevoflurane increased blood flow through large and small collaterals and increased collateral vascular conductance in the presence of glyburide but did not affect LCCA blood flow or conductance. In contrast, nicorandil increased blood flow through small but not large collaterals. Nicorandil also increased LCCA blood flow and conductance, actions that were attenuated by glyburide. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that sevoflurane selectively increases large and small coronary collateral blood flow via mechanism(s) independent of KATP channel activation.  相似文献   

The unique physical properties of the freely diffusible gas krypton-81 m allowed continuous imaging of regional myocardial blood flow in dogs when infused into the aortic root. Regional changes in myocardial perfusion related to transient coronary artery occlusion were demonstrated both as high resolution gamma camera images and as a quantitative strip chart record.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Monophosphoryl lipid A (MLA), a detoxified derivative of the lipid A portion of the endotoxin molecule, given as a pretreatment 24 h prior to cardiac ischemia/reperfusion reduces myocardial stunning and infarction in dogs. This study was undertaken to evaluate the ability of MLA pretreatment to reduce infarct size in a rabbit model of in situ regional myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. Secondly, the potential role of modulation of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel in MLA's cardioprotection was evaluated using in vivo pharmacologic antagonism with a KATP channel blocker, as was the role of tumor necrosis factor using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method of serum cytokine analysis. METHODS: Rabbits were pretreated intravenously with MLA or vehicle injection 24 h prior to initiation of 30 min in situ left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion followed by 3 h reperfusion. In animals receiving glibenclamide, the potassium channel antagonist was administered 30 min prior to inducing ischemia. Animals receiving glibenclamide, which possesses hypoglycemic effects, underwent serial blood glucose evaluation prior to drug and throughout the ischemia and reperfusion periods. Hemodynamics were monitored; infarct size and area at risk were assessed by contrast dye staining (triphenyltetrazolium chloride). Serum tumor necrosis factor was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent method in animals administered cardioprotective doses of MLA as well as pyrogenic doses of MLA and endotoxin (positive control) to determine if elaboration of this cytokine could be associated with the cardioprotective effect of MLA. RESULTS: MLA administered as a single intravenous dose 24 h prior to ischemia reduced infarct size, expressed as a percent of the area at risk, 64 and 71% at doses of 35 and 10 micrograms/kg, respectively. Lower doses of MLA (2.5 and 5 micrograms/kg) did not significantly reduce infarct size. Administration of glibenclamide (300 micrograms/kg) 30 min prior to ischemia completely blocked the ability of MLA pretreatment to limit infarct size, while MLA vehicle-glibenclamide-treated control rabbits displayed infarcts not significantly different from MLA-vehicle-treated control rabbits. A cardioprotective dose of MLA (35 micrograms/kg) did not induce the elaboration of tumor necrosis factor into rabbit serum (within the limits of assay sensitivity). CONCLUSIONS: Single-dose pretreatment with MLA administered intravenously to rabbits substantially reduces infarct size when administered 24 h prior to ischemia. Pharmacologic preconditioning with MLA appears to be mediated through KATP channels as the channel blocker, glibenclamide, reversed the cardioprotective activity of MLA when administered 1 day following MLA pretreatment, yet 30 min prior to ischemia. In this model the cardioprotective does not appear to be associated with increases in serum tumor necrosis factor.  相似文献   

Oxygen-derived free radicals play a critical role in atherogenesis and reperfusion injury. The present experiment evaluated the effects of carvedilol, a new beta adrenoreceptor blocker with potent free radical-scavenging activity, on myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury in a hypercholesterolemic rabbit model. New Zealand rabbits were fed a normal diet, a high-cholesterol diet, or a high-cholesterol diet supplemented with 1200 ppm carvedilol or propranolol. Eight weeks later, the rabbits were subjected to 60 min of myocardial ischemia followed by 60 min of reperfusion. The nontreated cholesterol-fed animals experienced greater cardiac damage after ischemia and reperfusion than rabbits fed a normal diet (necrosis 51% +/- 4% vs. 28% +/- 3% in the normal-diet group, P < .01). In addition, nontreated cholesterol-fed rabbits showed a significantly decreased vasorelaxant response to ACh in U-46619-precontracted aortic rings (56% +/- 5% vs 90% +/- 3% in the control group, P < .001). Treatment with propranolol neither preserved endothelial function after cholesterol feeding nor reduced neutrophil accumulation in ischemic-reperfused myocardial tissue. Propranolol treatment did significantly decrease HR, pressure-rate index and infarct size (necrosis 33% +/- 4%). Despite their having essentially identical effects on HR and pressure-rate index, carvedilol exerted more profound cardiac protective effects than propranolol (necrosis 19% +/- 3%). Moreover, carvedilol treatment significantly preserved aortic endothelial function and markedly reduced neutrophil accumulation in ischemic-reperfused myocardial tissue. These results indicate that in addition to its beta blocking activity, the antioxidant and endothelial protective activities of carvedilol contributed significantly to its cardiac protective effects after ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   

1. Stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRsp) have been used widely to test agents putatively capable of vascular protection. These animals present an accelerated time course of hypertension and a reduced life-span. When fed a high-sodium diet from the eighth week of life, a further acceleration in blood pressure increase is obtained, and rats start to die after 5 weeks of diet as a consequence of cerebral haemorrhage. In this model, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors were repeatedly proved to prevent vascular lesions and death. Notably, this effect was independent of any hypotensive effect. On the contrary, diuretics were shown not to be equally effective. A combination of ACE inhibitors and diuretics, although known to have synergistic effects in the therapy of hypertension, has never previously been tested. 2. Our aim was to study the effects of long-term treatment with the ACE inhibitor delapril (12 mg day-1 kg-1), the thiazide-like diuretic indapamide (1 mg day-1 kg-1), and their combination (12 and 1 mg day-1 kg-1 respectively), on the survival of SHRsp rats fed a high-sodium diet from the eighth week of life onwards. The effects of the treatments on blood pressure, body weight, food and fluid intake, diuresis, proteinuria and the appearance of lesion signs and death were assessed weekly. When control rats reached 50% mortality, they were killed, together with some drug-treated rats, to compare lesions in brain and kidney. The other drug-treated rats continued treatments until 50% mortality was reached in two treatment groups. 3. All drug treatments were able to delay death significantly when compared with control rats, which reached 50% mortality after 6 weeks of salt loading. This event was preceded by a highly significant increase in proteinuria, diuresis and fluid intake that took place 3 weeks after the increase in blood pressure over the initial range. In delapril- or indapamide-treated SHRsp these changes were never seen, even when animals started to die. In the combination-treated group, a significant increase (P < 0.01) in fluid intake and diuresis, but not proteinuria, was observed from the third week of treatment onwards. 4. Treatment with delapril or indapamide did not block the progressive increase in blood pressure as observed in control animals. However, the increase in blood pressure was markedly retarded with respect to control rats. At variance with this, in combination-treated animals blood pressure levels were maintained until the end of the experiment within the 99% confidence interval initially observed in control animals. 5. Infarctual and haemorrhagic cerebral lesions were observed in 38% of control rats; no lesions were noted in brains of age-matched rats receiving a drug treatment. Kidneys from control animals presented major degenerative lesions of glomeruli and arteries, characterized by fibrinoid necrosis. This condition was absent in drug-treated animals, which presented minor signs of ischaemic lesion. Heart hypertrophy, when heart weight was expressed as a percentage of body weight, was similar in saline-, delapril- or indapamide-treated rats. At variance with this, in combination-treated animals the heart weight to body weight ratio was significantly (P < 0.01) lower than in the other groups. 6. In conclusion, the diuretic indapamide showed similar protective effects as the ACE inhibitor delapril on acute vascular lesions and survival of SHRsp. Moreover, their combination synergized in preventing heart hypertrophy consequent to longterm hypertension. This results is probably related to the enhanced diuresis and the better control of blood pressure levels selectively found in combination-treated animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tedisamil is a new bradycardic agent proven to exert anti-ischemic and antiarrhythmic effects by blockade of the different cardiac and vascular K+ currents. HYPOTHESIS: It was the aim of the present study to compare the favorable anti-ischemic effects of tedisamil, with two long established representatives in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD), namely, the beta1 blocker esmolol and the Ca2 antagonist gallopamil. METHODS: The hemodynamic and neurohumoral effects of the new potassium channel blocker tedisamil, an agent with negative chronotropic and class III antiarrhythmic properties, were compared with the ultra-short-acting beta1-selective adrenoceptor blocker esmolol and the calcium antagonist gallopamil. A total of 22 patients with angiographically proven CAD and reproducible ST-segment depression in the exercise electrocardiogram was included in two studies with an almost identical design and inclusion criteria. The investigation was carried out using right heart catheterization and bicycle ergometry. A subgroup of 8 patients receiving 0.3 mg/kg body weight tedisamil intravenously (i.v.) in an open dose-finding study was compared with a group of 14 patients who had received esmolol (i.v. bolus of 500 micrograms/kg, maintenance dose 200 micrograms/kg/min) and gallopamil (initial dose 0.025 mg/kg, maintenance dose 0.0005 mg/kg/h) in a second intraindividual comparison. RESULTS: Tedisamil and esmolol reduced heart rate at rest by 13% (p < 0.001), and 6% (p < 0.05), and at maximum working levels by 8% (p < 0.01) and 9% (p < 0.05), respectively. Gallopamil increased heart rate at rest by 7% (p < 0.05), with only slight changes occurring during exercise. Corresponding findings for each drug were observed for cardiac output both at rest and during exercise [tedisamil: at rest -10% (NS), max. exercise -8%; esmolol: at rest -14% (NS), max. exercise -18% (NS); gallopamil: no significant changes]. Compared with tedisamil, stroke volume was reduced by esmolol [at rest and max. workload: -9% (NS)] and gallopamil [rest: -6% (NS), max. exercise: -2% (NS)]. Of the indirect parameters of ventricular function, that is, mean capillary wedge pressure (PCWPm) and right ventricular ejection fraction, only PCWPm demonstrated significant differences between tedisamil and gallopamil (+18% and -6% at rest, +17% and -21% during exercise, respectively; p < 0.001). Compared with gallopamil, both tedisamil and esmolol were superior in their effects on rate-pressure product, myocardial oxygen consumption, and ST-segment depression, whereas plasma lactate concentration was more reduced by tedisamil and gallopamil. Tedisamil led to a fall in norepinephrine levels in particular. CONCLUSION: Tedisamil and esmolol showed almost equipotent anti-ischemic effects at the doses administered. Tedisamil acts mainly by reductions in heart rate, and esmolol, though to a lesser degree, also by reductions in systolic blood pressure. The mechanism of gallopamil is to reduce afterload and to improve coronary perfusion. At the doses applied, however, it has lower antianginal potency compared with tedisamil and esmolol.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that PaCO2 levels generated during permissive hypercapnia may enhance arterial oxygenation, when ventilation is maintained. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Research laboratory in a hospital. SUBJECTS: One group of eight mongrel dogs (four male; four female). INTERVENTIONS: The dogs were anesthetized (30 mg/kg iv pentobarbital), intubated, and cannulated in one femoral artery and vein. While paralyzed with 0.1 mg/kg/hr iv vecouronium bromide, all subjects were ventilated with room air. Anesthesia was maintained, using 2 to 3 mg/kg/hr iv pentobarbital. Arterial hypercapnia at the levels generated during permissive hypercapnia was produced by stepwise increases in the dry, inspired Pco2 (PiCO2) (0, 30, 45, 60 and 75 torr [0, 4, 6, 8, and 10 kPa]; 15 mins each). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Blood gas profiles were determined at each level of hypercapnia. The minute volume was maintained at the baseline level during all exposures. Arterial hypercapnia produced gradual and significant increases in the hemoglobin concentration. These increases were approximately 6%, 7%, 11%, and 14% at PiCO2 of 30, 45, 60, and 75 torr (4, 6, 8, and 10 kPa), respectively (p < .05; repeated analysis of variance followed by Dunnett multiple comparisons test). In parallel, the oxygen content increased by approximately 6%, 7%, 11%, and 13%, respectively. During hypercapnic trials, the PaO2 remained at the normal range, whereas the dry, inspired PO2 (PiO2) was reduced from 150 to 138 torr (20 to 18.4 kPa). The average PaO2 at the highest investigated level of arterial hypercapnia was at a normal range. The hemoglobin concentration and oxygen content returned to baseline values 30 mins after hypercapnic trials. The PaCO2 and pH became normalized 15 mins after hypercapnic trials. Indirect evidence for a similar response to hypercapnia in humans is presented. CONCLUSIONS: Permissive hypercapnia due to inhaled CO2 increases oxygen-carrying capacity in dogs. The PaO2 remains at normal range even at a PiCO2 of 75 torr (10 kPa). The benefits of these effects during permissive hypercapnia, due to controlled hypoventilation, warrants investigation.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated previously that endothelin-1 stimulates the Ca2+-activated K+ (BK(Ca)) channel activity in porcine coronary artery smooth muscle cells. The purpose of the present study was to delineate the endothelin receptor subtype involved in this action. In receptor binding studies, [125I]endothelin-1 was shown to bind to the homogenate of porcine primary coronary artery smooth muscle cells in a single class of binding sites with K(D) and Bmax values of 73 pM and 99 fmol/mg protein, respectively. Furthermore, endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 displaced the binding of [125I]endothelin-1 to these cells with respective IC50 values of 70 and 17000 pM, a 240-fold difference in potency. The effects of endothelin-3 on the activity of the BK(Ca) channel in porcine coronary artery smooth muscle cells were examined using the cell-attached patch-clamp technique. Similar to endothelin-1, endothelin-3 also exhibited a bell-shaped concentration-response curve. A maximal increase of 95% in channel open-state probability (Po) was induced by 100 nM endothelin-3 as compared with the 320% increase in Po by 1 nM endothelin-1. Thus, endothelin-1 was about 100-fold more potent and 3.4-fold more efficacious than endothelin-3 in this action. Both the receptor binding and the electrophysiological results suggest that the effects of endothelins on the BK(Ca) channel are mediated through the endothelin ET(A) receptor subtype.  相似文献   

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