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A semiconductor laser diode with circularly symmetric waveguide is proposed, its property is studied by scalar finite-difference time-domain method (SFD-TDM). The results show coupling loss between the semiconductor laser diode and single mode fiber is reduced effectively, the minimum coupling loss is 0.7 dB. 相似文献
A full-vectorial 3-D numerical method applicable to high-index contrast optical waveguide discontinuities is presented. Rigorous treatment of the longitudinal boundary condition is incorporated in the formulation. The square root of the characteristic matrix is approximated using Padeacute approximants which results in an efficient implementation. The biconjugate gradient stabilized method is utilized to iteratively calculate the reflected and transmitted fields. A preconditioner is proposed which results in reduced number of iterations. The proposed method is applied to various optical waveguide facets exhibiting strong transverse and longitudinal refractive index discontinuities. In all cases, the modal reflectivities of the fundamental TE-Like and TM-Like modes are calculated for both the full-vectorial and the semi-vectorial formulations. Significant difference in the calculated modal reflectivity is seen between the full and semi-vectorial models. The error in the power balance remains low in the full-vectorial case irrespective of the waveguide dimensions. However, in the semi-vectorial case, the error in the power balance is found to increase when the waveguide width is reduced 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1975,23(1):57-70
A tutorial survey of recent work on optical waveguide modulators in electrooptic, acoustooptic, and magnetooptic materials is presented. Methods for realizing waveguiding layers in modulating materials and various modulator configurations are considered. 相似文献
设计了一种新型脊波导缝隙圆极化天线。在脊波导宽边开并联纵缝,从波导耦合电磁波至其上方的四脊波导圆极化器,实现圆极化辐射。采用脊波导不仅减小了单元尺寸,更改善了天线的带宽性能。重点研究了四脊波导圆极化器对相互垂直的两辐射场分量的影响,优化单元的轴比特性。在提取单元谐振电导的基础上,设计了工作在10GHz 的1×10 圆极化波导缝隙阵列。对天线实物测试得到中心频率处的增益为16.8dB,第一副瓣电平为
25dB,阻抗带宽约为8.5%,相对轴比带宽(AR臆3dB)约为3.2%。 相似文献
《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2009,19(2):56-58
提出了一种对称化线性双共轭梯度(BiCG)迭代算法,应用于光电工程领域中波导问题的分析。该算法是针对有限元线性系统系数矩阵的大型复对称特性,在常规BiCG迭代法基础上对其进行对称化所得到的快速迭代求解算法。数值结果表明,所提出的对称BiCG迭代法比若干常用方法更加有效。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1981,29(3):222-229
A new class of separable variables is found which allows one to find an approximate analytical solution of the Maxwell equations for axial symmetric waveguides with slow (but not necessarily small) varying boundary surfaces. Two examples of the solution are given. Possible applications and limitations of this approach are discussed. 相似文献
本文用一级微扰理论,对指数型折射率分布光波导,进行了波方程的解析求解,推得用Airy函数表示的场解和色散方程。用一级近似计算了传播常数(β/k)m,与Conwell的精确计算相比较,其结果也是好的。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1974,22(5):563-565
The electric field in a waveguide partially filled with a low-loss slab of dielectric in the H plane presents a Circularly polarized component at the air-dielectric interface over a limited frequency range. This effect could be used to improve the performance of nonreciprocal devices utilizing the gyroelectric effect in magnetized semiconductors. 相似文献
光波导开关是光网络的基础器件。半导体中的电光效应、能带填充效应、多量子阱的量子限制Stark效应以及等离子体色散效应等都可分别被利用来制作成光波导开关。本文综合介绍基于上述效应的光波导开关的发展动态。 相似文献
全硅片上光互连用波导 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
较详细地分析了用于全硅片上光互连所用光波导(如多晶Si/SiO2、Si/SiO2、Si3N4/SiO2)需满足的基本条件、制作方法以及损耗机制,总结了目前的研究进展。 相似文献
A Three-Cavity Circularly Polarized Waveguide Directional Filter Yielding a Maximally Flat Response 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1962,10(5):321-328
A directional filter is a completely matched four-port device which exhibits directional properties and a filter-like frequency characteristic. This paper extends work previously done on a single-cavity narrow-band circularly polarized waveguide directional filter to the case of three cavities connected in cascade with an overall bandwidth greater than 1 per cent. Analysis of the filter leads to a relationship between the two inner coupling factors and the two outermost coupling factors for a maximally flat response. The results obtained from an experimental filter using the design approach discussed herein compare favorably with the theoretical filter response. Directivity and band-elimination filter characteristics are discussed. 相似文献
A wideband circularly polarized (CP) aperture-coupled metasurface antenna operating at millimeter-wave frequency spectrum in substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is proposed. The proposed metasurface antenna is composed of two substrates. The first substrate contains an end-shorted SIW section with a slot etched. The introduced metasurface is printed on the top of the second substrate. The metasurface is comprised of 3 × 3 unit cells, each of which contains two interconnected patches and two parasitic patches. The working mechanism of the proposed metasurface antenna is illustrated in details. The proposed metasurface antenna has wide impedance bandwidth and axial ratio (AR) bandwidth, which are 66.7% and 40%, respectively. Using the proposed metasurface antenna, a 4 × 4 CP metasurface antenna array with an impedance bandwidth of 24%, an AR bandwidth of 30%, and a peak gain of 18.7 dBic in simulation is developed in this paper for millimeter-wave applications. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1960,8(5):573-573
In his letter J.M. Smith states that in a fully symmetric lossless hybrid where all arms are matched, the amplitudes of the waves traveling in the reverse direction in the main and auxiliary guides are equal. To allow for the existence of the reflected waves this theorem should read: "In a slightly imperfect symmetric hybrid with matched loads on the output ports the amplitude of the reflected wave at the input port is equal to the amplitude of the wave at the isolated port." 相似文献
该文提出一种新型小尺寸、低剖面、"f"字型波导缝隙圆极化器,高度仅1/6波长,宽度约2/5波长.基于该圆极化器,设计了一种高效率、低剖面、圆极化脊波导缝隙线阵天线.为满足空间应用中对轻质、高效率、圆极化、±60°宽角扫描相控阵天线的需求,采用该线阵天线作为阵元设计、仿真并实现了16阵元Ka频段脊波导缝隙相控阵天线.仿真和实测结果表明,该相控阵天线可实现1维±60°宽角扫描.在扫描角范围内,相控阵天线的轴比小于4.1 dB,增益下降小于4.3 dB.在0°扫描角工作时,天线的实测增益为35.9 dBi,辐射效率接近85%. 相似文献
ZHANGJinwei 《半导体光子学与技术》1996,2(2):90-98
We study the WKB dispersion equation in non-uniform optical wave-guide.There are three methods given in this paper;(1)method of Airy function;(2)method of connection formula;and(3) method of phase shift.At last we make some re-marks. 相似文献