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The objective of this study was to analyze the radiologic features of atypical forms of squamous cell cancer and correlate them with clinical, endoscopic, and histopathologic findings. The CT and MRI images of 31 patients with atypical forms of squamous cell carcinoma were reviewed retrospectively and the radiologic findings were correlated with clinical, endoscopic, and histopathologic findings. Histopathologic diagnoses included undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharyngeal type (n = 8), verrucous carcinoma (n = 18), spindle cell carcinoma (n = 3), and basaloid cell carcinoma (n = 2). Undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharyngeal type was located in the supraglottis or piriform sinus beneath an intact mucosa and initial endoscopic biopsy was most often negative. The discrepancy between an intact mucosa at endoscopy and a solid mass with homogenous enhancement at CT or MRI was characteristic for these tumors and warranted further investigations to obtain the definitive histologic diagnosis. Verrucous carcinoma displayed characteristic clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features, namely, an exophytic tumor arising from the glottic level displaying a rugged surface with finger-like projections but with only minor submucosal infiltration. Spindle cell carcinoma appeared as a polypoid mass with a thin stalk arising from the supraglottis. Basaloid cell carcinoma displayed a distinct lobulated enhancement pattern which was observed on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted SE images. Although the MR and CT features of atypical forms of squamous cell carcinoma cannot be considered pathognomonic they should raise the differential diagnosis even if endoscopic biopsy has been negative. The radiologist's awareness of the appearance of these unusual tumors on CT and MR images may greatly facilitate the diagnostic work-up and helps to guide the endoscopist to the adequate biopsy site in order to establish the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

AIMS AND BACKGROUND: The metastatic spread of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) to the cervical lymph nodes is a negative prognostic factor in terms of survival. We have used multivariate analysis to identify the possible prognostic significance of a number of clinical and pathological characteristics in relation to possible involvement of the cervical lymph nodes in a series of 396 patients. METHOD: 396 patients with SCCHN were studied. Variables regarding the patient, the carcinoma and histology were analysed by multivariate analysis using BMDP's PLR programme. RESULTS: Some variables appear to represent predisposing factors for tumor spread to the lymph nodes: tumor site (supraglottic larynx: P = 0.005; base of the tongue: P = 0.02; hypopharynx: P = 0.02), grading (P = 0.001), and a number of histological parameters (lower degree of histological differentiation: P = 0.001; vascular permeation: P = 0.04; perineural invasion: P < 0.05; prevalently plasmocytic infiltrate: P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The identification of cases at risk for metastasis can be improved by the assessment of prognostic factors, with a consequent improvement in treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Certain prostaglandins acting as inflammatory mediators have been implicated in the aetiology of perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR). Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the nasal mucosa might therefore influence the symptoms associated with PAR. A randomised, doubleblind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial using 0.1% Diclofenac eye-drops has been conducted to investigate this hypothesis. Diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), reduces prostaglandin synthesis through the inhibition of the cyclo-oxygenase pathway. Twenty-five patients with significant PAR and positive skin tests to relevant perennial allergens were recruited and two drops of the given preparation were administered bilaterally q.d.s.. Thirteen patients completed the study. Nasal symptom score (itch, rhinorrhoea, sneezing, and blockage), smell test score, saccharin transit time, total nasal airflow resistance, and nasal inspiratory peak flow measurements were obtained at each of three study visits. No significant treatment effects were found. The daily nasal symptom score over the entire study period showed no significant variation. Adverse effects such as local invitation, dry nose or throat were rare. No untoward changes in haematological, biochemical profiles and urinalysis occurred. In conclusion, topical 0.1% Diclofenac eye-drops applied nasally have no significant effect on PAR. Prostaglandins alone may not play a major role in mediation of symptoms in this condition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cervical lymph node metastasis has a major influence on survival in oral cancer. However, the factors influencing its occurrence are uncertain. Our aim was to improve the prognostic efficiency of the histologic assessment of the primary tumor in predicting metastasis in an individual patient. METHODS: The relationship between selected clinical and histologic features of the primary tumor of tongue/floor of the mouth and the actual metastatic status was investigated in 45 patients. Invasive cell grading was supplemented by histologic measurements of tumor size and assessments of vascular and perineural invasion. RESULTS: Ten histologic features showed significant differences in relation to metastasis. A logistic regression model with two predictor variables (total histologic malignancy score and vascular invasion) classified correctly 39 (87%) of the 45 cases. CONCLUSIONS: Histologic assessment of tumor size and malignancy grade are useful in predicting metastasis. Vascular and perineural invasion are important predictors and should be included in multifactorial malignancy grading schemes. Application of the prognostic index to the biopsy specimen would aid in treatment planning.  相似文献   

Of the 12 cases of verrusous squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx encountered since 1968 at the Department of Otolaryngology of Padua University (including the Verona Section) and the Department of Pathologic Anatomy of the University of Trieste, three are reported, together with an investigation of the nuclear DNA content of the tumour cells. It is suggested that such a study may assit with early detection of verrucous carcinoma. The laryngeal localization of the neoplasm has been evidenced only in some centres. The difficulties in establishing a correct diagnosis for this variant of squamous cell carcinoma are emphasized and the pathomorphological features, as well as the microscopic and macroscopic appearances, are discussed. The prognosis is excellent and the therapy of choice must be only surgical, as radiation has not only proven ineffective, but in some cases has induced anaplasia, leading to a rapid dissemination of the tumour.  相似文献   

An extramural vessel wall hematoma occurred immediately after implanting a coronary stent in an in-stent-restenosis of the intermedius branch. Angiography showed a significant luminal reduction distal to the intervention site. Intravascular ultrasound revealed an extramural echolucent zone compressing the vessel lumen. Stent implantation compressed the hematoma and allowed adequate myocardial perfusion. This demonstrates the value of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in cases of unusual angiographic results which can help to manage complications after coronary intervention.  相似文献   

In mouse mutants incapable of expressing mu chains, VkappaJkappa joints are detected in the CD43(+) B cell progenitors. In agreement with these earlier results, we show by a molecular single cell analysis that 4-7% of CD43(+) B cell progenitors in wild-type mice rearrange immunoglobulin (Ig)kappa genes before the assembly of a productive VHDHJH joint. Thus, mu chain expression is not a prerequisite to Igkappa light chain gene rearrangements in normal development. Overall, approximately 15% of the total CD43(+) B cell progenitor population carry Igkappa gene rearrangements in wild-type mice. Together with the results obtained in the mouse mutants, these data fit a model in which CD43(+) progenitors rearrange IgH and Igkappa loci independently, with a seven times higher frequency in the former. In addition, we show that in B cell progenitors VkappaJkappa joining rapidly initiates kappa chain expression, irrespective of the presence of a mu chain.  相似文献   

S-100 protein, a dimer of S-100 alpha and S-100 beta subunits (S-100 alpha and S-100 beta), is widely distributed in human tissue, and several papers describing S-100 protein expression in follicular cells of the thyroid have been published. In the present study, 105 cases of thyroid carcinoma (of which 96 were papillary, four follicular, two undifferentiated, and three medullary) were analyzed immunohistochemically for the expression of S-100 protein, S-100 alpha, S-100 beta, and thyroglobulin. In papillary carcinoma, 188 lesions were studied and classified into well differentiated types (56 papillary, 45 follicular) and poorly differentiated types (41 trabecular, four solid, eight squamoid, three tall, and one insular), because the histological structure of each tumor was heterogeneous. The percentage of lesions which expressed positively for S-100 protein and S-100 alpha, respectively, according to type were: papillary, 96 and 99%; follicular, 96 and 100%; trabecular, 95 and 100%; solid, 50 and 50%; squamoid, 50 and 75%; and tall, 33 and 100%. The insular type was negative for both. For papillary carcinoma, well differentiated lesions showed stronger S-100 alpha expression than poorly differentiated lesions. S-100 alpha expression was weaker in follicular and undifferentiated carcinoma than in papillary carcinoma. Medullary carcinoma also expressed S-100 alpha. S-100 beta was positive in lesions that expressed S-100 alpha strongly. Expression of S-100 protein and S-100 alpha protein correlated with thyroglobulin synthesis in the follicular cells. It was concluded that S-100 protein, mainly S-100 alpha, exists in thyroid follicular cells, that it exists in higher quantity in most of the well differentiated lesions but in lower quantity in poorly differentiated or undifferentiated lesions, and that S-100 protein, especially S-100 alpha, is a differentiation marker in carcinoma of thyroid follicular cell origin.  相似文献   

The present study investigates 1085 previously untreated patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck for factors that influence recurrence following treatment with definitive radiotherapy. In the second part of this study, those diagnosed with recurrence were studied with regard to treatment and were further analysed with regard to identification of prognostic factors which may affect outcome in the patient who actually develops a recurrence.  相似文献   

Two patients with presumed encephalitis lethargica are presented with clinical features suggestive of two forms of the disease described by Von Economo: One patient had a psychosis and a mute-akinetic syndrome associated with myoclonus. The second patient presented with a psychosis and fever, developing severe dyskinesias involving the mouth, trunk and limbs, together with respiratory irregularities and presumed hypothalamic disturbance and disturbance of consciousness. In both cases, initial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination revealed an elevated white cell count (predominantly lymphocytes), elevated protein in case 2, and oligoclonal bands in both cases. Computed tomography (CT) brain scan was normal but in both cases EEG revealed diffuse slow wave activity. A 18F-Dopa positron emission tomography (PET) scan in case 2 was normal. The medical management of both patients is discussed. In case 1, L-Dopa improved the akinesia, while the myoclonus responded to clonazepam. In case 2, the severe dyskinesias failed to respond to a number of drugs, and she ultimately required paralysis to relieve her almost continuous movements. Both patients responded rapidly and dramatically to intravenous methylprednisolone. We suggest that steroid treatment should be considered in the acute phase of patients with features suggestive of encephalitis lethargica.  相似文献   

Clear cell tumor ("sugar tumor") of the lung is a rare benign lesion with unclear histogenesis. It is composed of large cells with a clear cytoplasm rich in glycogen, blended with an abundant network of sinusoid-type vessels. We report two cases of sugar tumor, one of these lacking clearly demonstrable glycogen storage. In both, the tumor cells lacked keratin expression and were positive for vimentin and HMB 45, an antibody recognizing perivascular or myoid cell proliferation such as lymphangioleiomyomatosis and angiomyolipoma. The tumor cells were also immunoreactive for an endothelial cell marker, CD 34, but negative for Factor VIII or smooth muscle actin. Intercellular deposition of basal-like material was immunostained with Type IV collagen. At ultrastructural examination of one of these cases, tumor cells showing features of pericytes or poorly differentiated perivascular leiomyocytes encased in basement material were observed in close association with endothelial cells; their cytoplasm contained numerous membrane-bound glycogen and pinocytic vesicles. We conclude that on the basis of immunohistochemical and ultrastructural phenotype, sugar tumor presents pericytic features and that glycogen storage is not a constant feature of these benign tumors.  相似文献   

The biologic behavior of tumoral cells plays a significant role in the progression of the neoplasia, because 30 to 35% of patients with Stage I squamous cell carcinoma relapse. The present study was designed to determine whether age, pathologic parameters, DNA ploidy, and a cell proliferation index (the area of nucleolar organizer regions, AgNOR), could be used to predict survival in patients who undergo resection for limited squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. For histopathologic analysis, the parameters of histologic grading, pleural involvement, vascular invasion, and residual disease were considered. The cell proliferation index was evaluated by mitotic index, AgNOR quantification, and DNA ploidy by means of digital image analysis. Fifty-two patients (median age, 60 yr +/- 8.6 yr) were staged according to the TNM staging system. Cox univariate analysis showed that stage, residual disease, vascular invasion, histologic grading, DNA ploidy, and AgNOR were significant predictors of survival. Many of the univariate predictors of cancer death, however were eliminated when Cox multivariate models were computed. The variable that exhibited the most robust predictive value for overall survival was AgNOR. We conclude that measurement of cell proliferation might serve as a prognostic marker in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.  相似文献   

Eighteen examples of an unusual malignant soft-tissue neoplasm, the morphology of which ranged from that of "atypical" epithelioid sarcoma to that of a rhabdoid tumor or undifferentiated carcinoma (with transitional forms) are described. Patients included 11 males and seven females; their median age was 35.5 years with most patients aged 20 to 40 years. Development of a mass was the main presenting symptom. Six tumors developed in the pelvis and perineal region, four in the pubic region and vulva, three in the buttocks, one in the deep soft tissues of the left hip, one on the penis, one in left forearm, one in left axilla, and one on the occiput. Tumor size ranged from 1 to 20 cm (median, 4 cm). On microscopic examination, the tumor cells invaded the subcutaneous or deep soft tissues, had prominent epithelioid or rhabdoid features, had marked cytologic atypia, and grew in a multinodular pattern in half of the cases. Areas of necrosis were often seen. A granuloma-like pattern reminiscent of that observed in classic epithelioid sarcoma was observed in only two cases. Immunohistochemically, positivity for cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, and vimentin was seen in all but one of the cases. Of 16 cases, 10 and eight tumors reacted with desmin and CD34, respectively; five of 15 reacted at least focally with smooth-muscle actin, whereas three of 13 and one of 10 reacted for HMB-45 and carcinoembryonic antigen, respectively. S-100 protein and CD31 yielded negative results. Seven tumors were investigated at the ultrastructural level, four of which showed prominent intracytoplasmic intermediate filament aggregates, often accumulating into paranuclear whorls, which is in keeping with the rhabdoid phenotype. Five tumors showed features of epithelial differentiation (i.e., tonofilament-like structures or desmosomes or both), whereas one tumor displayed features of myofibroblastic differentiation. Differential diagnoses include mainly conventional epithelioid sarcoma, extrarenal malignant rhabdoid tumor, epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, melanoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma. Follow-up information on 14 patients (range, 4 months to 8 years; median, 19 months) revealed local recurrence in one case and metastatic dissemination in six patients, leading to death in five. In our opinion, the above-described neoplasms represent a usually "proximal-type" of epithelioid sarcoma. In contrast to the conventional, "distal-type" epithelioid sarcoma, the proximal variant is characterized by a predominantly large-cell, epithelioid cytomorphology, marked cytologic atypia, frequent occurrence of rhabdoid features, and lack of a granuloma-like pattern in most cases. It appears to be somewhat more aggressive (or at least metastasizes earlier) than usual epithelioid sarcoma.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old boy with laryngeal carcinoma underwent a partial laryngectomy. Subsequently, a cervical metastatic node developed eight months following a tonsillectomy; a radical neck dissection was performed. The patient has remained free of disease over a ten-year follow-up period. In our review of the English literature, no similar case report was found. The potential relationship of tonsillectomy to alterations in local T cell-mediated immune response is discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To verify the acclaimed accuracy of ultrasound (US) combined with US-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in the detection of lymph node metastasis in the neck and to evaluate the interobserver variability. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a prospective, multicenter study of 185 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, US (n=238 neck sides) with US-guided FNAB (n=178 neck sides) was used for evaluation of the lymph node status of the neck. Findings were correlated with those of histopathologic examination in 238 neck sides. RESULTS: US with US-guided FNAB had a sensitivity of 77% and a specificity of 100%. Nineteen of 178 aspirations were nondiagnostic. There were no significant differences between the four participating hospitals or the individual sonologists (P>.05). CONCLUSION: Sensitivity of US with US-guided FNAB was slightly lower compared with previous reports. Specificity was similar to previous reports. Interobserver variability appeared to be low. The validity of US with US-guided FNAB is high and warrants widespread use of the procedure for evaluation of the neck.  相似文献   

The anti-metastatic effect of Z-100, an immunomodulatory arabinomannan extracted from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was investigated in mice bearing B16 melanoma cells. Treatment of BF10 mice implanted with high metastatic B16F10 melanoma cells with a 10 mg/kg dose of Z-100 resulted in the reduction of experimental pulmonary metastasis as compared with that of BF10 mice treated with saline. The number of pulmonary metastatic colonies in BF1 mice (mice implanted with low metastatic B16F1 melanoma cells) was greatly increased after the inoculation of CD4+ CD11b+ CD281+ TCR alphabeta+ type 2 T cells (F10-Th2 cells) derived from BF10 mice, while only a few metastatic colonies were demonstrated in lungs of BF1 mice inoculated with naive CD4+ T cells. However, the numbers of metastatic colonies in BF1 mice were not increased when they were inoculated with the F10-Th2 cell fraction derived from Z-100-treated BF10 mice and the generation of F10-Th2 cells in BF10 mice was effectively suppressed by the Z-100 treatment. These results suggest that Z-100 inhibits pulmonary metastasis of B16 melanoma through the regulation of tumor-associated Th2 cells, which are a key cell in the acceleration of tumor metastasis.  相似文献   

The squamous cell carcinoma of the pancreas is an uncommon form of pancreatic cancer, with a frequency in the range of 0.5-3.5%. A rare case of a primary squamous cell pancreatic carcinoma, with gastric invasion and upper digestive bleeding, requiring surgical control is reported. The surgical technique to treat the bleeding is also detailed.  相似文献   

We conducted a case-control study of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) in a cohort of people followed from 1987 to 1994. Subjects were residents of Geraldton, Western Australia, who were between 40 and 64 years of age in 1987. On 2 occasions, in 1987 and 1992, dermatologists examined participants for skin cancers. Subjects were also asked on several occasions about skin cancers that they had had treated. Migrants to Australia had reduced risks of SCC. Furthermore, people who migrated to Australia early in life or, equivalently, lived in Australia for a long time had a higher risk than immigrants who arrived later in life or more recently. People who had southern European ancestry had a much lower risk of SCC than other subjects, most of whom were of British or northern European origin. Among Australian-born subjects of British or northern European ancestry, the skin's sensitivity to sunlight was strongly associated with SCC. The pigmentary traits of hair colour, eye colour and skin colour showed weaker associations. The degree of freckling on the arm was strongly predictive of risk. The risk of SCC increased strongly with increasing evidence of cutaneous solar damage and was most strongly associated with the number of solar keratoses. Our results show that sensitivity to sunlight and high levels of exposure to sunlight are important determinants of the risk of SCC.  相似文献   

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