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脉冲TEA CO2激光器输出波长的温度漂移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴谨  唐永新  卢远添 《中国激光》2008,35(5):664-669
当工作气体温度变化时,脉冲TEA CO_2激光器的输出波长也可能发生变化,此现象称为输出波长的温度漂移。通过建立六温度理论模型,用数值计算的方法揭示了平凹稳定腔脉冲TEA CO_2激光器输出波长的温度漂移规律。计算结果表明,这种激光器输出光谱为多谱线结构,工作气体温度升高,激光输出波长向长波长方向移动;工作气体温度降低,激光输出波长向短波长的方向移动。计算结果还表明,激光输出波长随温度的漂移局限在10P支内,没有9μm带与10μm带之间的跨带移动,因此,采用光栅谐振腔,可抑制脉冲TEA CO_2激光器输出波长的温度漂移,稳定激光输出波长。  相似文献   

梁平元  孟猛  罗锡璋 《中国激光》2012,39(5):511001-226
从半经典密度矩阵理论出发,建立了光抽运太赫兹波谱线竞争的双三能级分子系统模型,理论推导了抽运信号吸收系数以及太赫兹波信号增益系数的数学表达式,采用迭代法数值计算了CO2激光-9P(32)抽运重水(D2O)气体分子腔式太赫兹激光66μm和116μm两条谱线之间的竞争。给出了抽运功率、工作气压及激光腔长等工作条件下谱线竞争的一般规律。  相似文献   

Heavy water gas (D2O gas) which owns special structure property, can generate terahertz radiation by optically pumping technology, and its 385 μm wavelength radiation can be widely used. In this research, on the base of semi-classical density matrix theory, we set up a three-level energy system as its theoretical model, a TEA-CO2 laser 9R (22) output line (λ?=?9.26 μm) acted as pumping source, D2O gas molecules were operating medium, the expressions of pumping absorption coefficient G p and Terahertz signal gain coefficient G s were deduced. It was shown that the gain of Terahertz signal was related with the energy-level parameters of operating molecules and some operating parameters of the Terahertz laser cavity, mainly including cavity length. By means of iteration method, the output power density of Terahertz pulse signal was calculated numerically. Changing the parameter of cavity length and keeping others steady, the relationship curve between the output power intensity (Is) of Terahertz pulse laser and the operating cavity length (L) was obtained. The curve showed that the power intensity (Is) increased with cavity length (L) in a certain range, but decreased when the length (L) exceeded some value because of the absorption effect, and there was an optimal cavity length for the highest output power. We used a grating tuned TEA-CO2 laser as pumping power and a sample tube of variable length in 70–160 cm as terahertz laser operating cavity to experiment. The results of theoretical calculation and experiment matched with each other, and it is helpful for miniaturizing terahertz laser volume to make it practical.  相似文献   

顺序放电高重复频率TEA CO2激光器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研制了一台高重复频率顺序放电TEA CO2激光器,由共用光学谐振腔的两节相同放电组件组成,单组件的有效增益体积为2.5 cm×2.5 cm×55 cm.激光器允许以不同的双脉冲时间间隔和不同的脉冲重复频率工作并产生高峰值功率输出双脉冲.当两组件以200 Hz重复频率同步放电时,激光器输出平均功率为1.1 kW;当两组件以400 Hz重复频率顺序放电时,输出平均功率为550 W,双脉冲时间间隔为2.5 ms.在同一脉冲重复频率下,激光器的平均输出功率随双脉冲间隔的增大而减小.实验还测量了不同双脉冲间隔下,激光器的输出双脉冲波形.  相似文献   

A simple terahertz (THz) cavity and a TEA CO2 laser for the optically pumped THz emission is studied experimentally. To obtain high peak power of pump laser, pressure ratios of gas mixture in the cavity of the TEA CO2 laser are discussed. When CH3OH are pumped by the 9P(16) and 9P(36) CO2 laser lines, the generation of terahertz radiation with energy as high as 353 μJ and 307 μJ are obtained, respectively. The corresponding photon conversion efficiencies are 0.705% and 0.29%. Meanwhile, higher peak power of pump laser effectively improves the photon conversion efficiency. And the optimum THz laser pressure increases with narrower pulse width of pump laser.  相似文献   

A modified three-level laser kinetics model for a pulsed high-power optically pumped gas terahertz laser is introduced and used to model the lasing kinetics process of a gas terahertz laser system. We, for the first time to our knowledge, investigated the time evolution dynamics process of the pump intensity, population distribution among the energy levels, pump and THz signal gain coefficient, and the THz laser intensity within the pulsed D2O gas THz laser. High-power THz pulse with peak power of about 7.4 kW and pulse width of 145 ns at wavelength of 385 μm were obtained in the simulation, using an incident pump pulse with peak power of 2.2 MW and pulse width of 110 ns. THz pulse delay of 40 ns and pulse broadening of 35 ns were quantitatively analyzed. In addition, the experimental results for the pulse profile, pulse width, pulse broadening, pulse energy, and peak power are in agreement with the theoretical simulation results.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of semi-classical density matrix and a model of double three-energy-level (DTEL) system for laser line competition in optically pumped D2O super-radiant terahertz laser (THz Laser), the mathematical expressions of gain coefficients for pumping signal and THz laser signal are deduced, and the competition between 66?μm and 116?μm laser lines is calculated numerically by means of iteration method. The effects of the operation conditions (including pump power, working gas pressure and the length of cavity) on the competition are analyzed. It is found that 66?μm emission dominated the competition; with the increase of working gas pressure (or the cavity length), the spectrum of 66?μm emission experiences changes from discrete double-peak structure to overlapped double-peak structure and finally to a wide-band structure, and the optimum gas pressure varied conversely with the optimum length of the THZ laser cavity.  相似文献   

高重复频率可调谐TEA CO2激光研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
以研制平均功率千瓦级的实用化高重复频率可调谐TEA CO2激光器为目标,分别研究了注入锁定、低锐度法布里一珀罗(F-P)耦合腔、光栅选线等三种调谐方法。利用光栅选线的方案,采用光栅谐振腔,实现了平均功率千瓦级的高重复频率TEA CO2激光调谐输出。激光器输出10P(20),10R(20),9P(20),9R(20)线的脉冲能量分别为5.8J,5.8J,5.5J.5.6J,重复频率200Hz,光束远场发散角为1.66mrad(水平)与1.43mrad(竖直),约为2倍衍射极限。  相似文献   

By pumping with a suitable pulsed CO2 laser we have produced several strong MM laser lines in 1,1 difluoroethene. All the emissions are easily identified because the emission spectroscopy is simplified in pulsed optical pumping.  相似文献   

报道了一种小型高能输出横向激励大气压(TEA)CO2激光器.该激光器的主放电电极锆青铜材料制作,采取紧凑式Ernst电极,加大电极间距,增大了激活区体积.使用火花阵列预电离方式,有利于主放电均匀、稳定,且不易产生弧光.低重复频率下,自由振荡情况下的输出能量可达到2.5J.使用单片机控制的步进电机驱动光栅进行调谐,调谐后10P(20)谱线多模输出能量可达到1.2J,10P(20)谱线输出脉冲宽度为90ns.  相似文献   

二维振镜调谐TEA CO2激光器   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
报道一种快速调谐TEA CO2激光器。该激光器采取紧凑式Ernst电极,火花阵列放电紫外预电离方式,采用二维振镜扫描衍射光栅的方案实现了激光的调谐输出。激光器可输出谱线75支,其中55支谱线输出能量超过1 J,当激光器高重复频率运转时,10P(20)谱线基模能量大于300 mJ,脉冲宽度约为70 ns。这种激光器可以在10 ms内实现9.2~10.8μm范围内任意两条谱线的调谐输出。  相似文献   

采用扫描振镜方式的快调谐TEA CO2激光器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研制适用于激光差分吸收雷达(DIAL)的可调谐横向激励大气压(TEA)CO2激光器,利用六温度模型速率方程理论,分析了TEA CO2激光器的动力学特性,计算了激光器的各种输出特性.设计研制了一台高重复频率快调谐TEA CO2激光器,采用共振扫描镜扫描固定光栅的方案实现了激光的快调谐输出.当激光器高重复频率运转时,得到弱支谱线如10P(42)~10P(48)支谱线基横模能量大于100 mJ,脉冲宽度小于100 ns.10P(46)支谱线的远场发散角为2.41 mrad(水平),2.27 mrad(竖直),约为1.6倍衍射极限.实现了任意波长两条谱线在10 ms内快速切换输出.  相似文献   

高平均功率脉冲TEA CO2激光器输出光束质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在远至33m处测量了高平均功率高重复频率TEACO2激光器输出光束光强的远场二维分布,用M2因子理论对光束质量进行了评价,获得了该激光束腰斑半径、远场发散角、M2因子等参数。  相似文献   

姜培培  蔡双双  沈永行  吴波 《中国激光》2008,35(s2):168-171
报道了研制主振-放大(MOPA)结构的高功率保偏掺镱脉冲光纤激光器并用其抽运光参变振荡器(OPO)的研究工作。掺镱脉冲光纤激光器以声光调Q的Nd∶YVO4激光器作为种子源, Liekki的大直径双包层保偏光纤作为放大介质, 得到接近基模的1064 nm波长激光输出, 最大线偏振输出功率17 W, 偏振消光比优于10 dB, 重复频率50 kHz, 脉冲宽度60 ns。利用该光纤激光作为抽运光, 抽运基于周期性畴极化反转掺镁铌酸锂(PPMgLN)晶体的宽带可调谐OPO, 实现了高效参量转换。在信号光1518 nm通道, 以16.2 W功率抽运, 获得最大参变输出功率9 W, 其中3.5 μm波长功率为2.4 W。OPO的能量转换效率为58%, 斜效率为68%。在信号光1491 nm通道, 以14 W功率抽运, 获得最大参变输出6.6 W, 其中3.7 μm波长功率超过2 W。  相似文献   

结合电路分析了TEA CO2激光器的动态放电过程.综合考虑了气体放电中发生的电离、吸附及复合等碰撞过程,建立详细的参数模型,得到了电子密度、放电电流及放电电压随时间变化的波形,并将模拟结果与实验结果进行了对比;模拟并分析了放电回路中部分参量对放电特性的影响,获得了有利于激光器稳定放电的条件。  相似文献   

为了实现小型化、高功率、高效率连续2μm激光输出,采用中心波长792nm激光二极管(LD)抽运双掺杂Tm,Ho∶YLF晶体,将晶体封装在装有350mL液氮的杜瓦装置中,使其工作在77K温度条件下。光纤耦合激光二极管出纤功率14.8W,数值孔径0.3,芯径400μm。激光二极管端面抽运Tm,Ho∶YLF激光器,产生2.05μm线偏振连续激光输出,最大功率5.2W。由于Tm3+离子能级间的交叉弛豫效应导致的高抽运量子效率,实验获得的光-光转换效率为35%,斜度效率达到40%。采用双端面抽运结构,两个激光二极管注入功率29.6W时,Tm,Ho∶YLF激光器输出功率达10.2W,相当于光-光转换效率33%,斜度效率36%。  相似文献   

为了实现小型化、高功率、高效率连续2μm激光输出,采用中心波长792nm激光二极管(LD)抽运双掺杂Tm.Ho:YLF晶体,将晶体封装在装有350mL液氮的杜瓦装置中.使其工作在77K温度条件下。光纤耦合激光二极管出纤功率14.8W.数值孔径0.3,芯径400μm。激光二极管端面抽运Tm,Ho:YLF激光器,产生2.05μm线偏振连续激光输出,最大功率5.2W。由于Tm^3-离子能级间的交叉弛豫效应导致的高抽运量子效率,实验获得的光-光转换效率为35%,斜度效率达到40%。采用双端面抽运结构.两个激光二极管注入功率29.6W时,Tm,Ho:YLF激光器输出功率达10.2W,相当于光光转换效率33%,斜度效率36%。  相似文献   

基于脉冲激励电源技术水平是高功率TEA CO2激光器研制中的关键环节,提出了氢闸流管作为电源开关元件的、选用非稳激光腔结构的设计思路。详细阐述了高压充电部分、高压稳压部分、脉冲放电部分三个方面的电路设计方案。  相似文献   

CO2激光控制断裂切割氧化铝陶瓷基片最佳条件的探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张铭峰  张胜雄  郑劭家  刘海北 《中国激光》2000,27(11):1045-1049
利用 CO2 激光连续脉冲频率的快慢 ,平均功率的大小 ,加上辅助空气吹气压力的变化及其之间的相互作用 ,探讨氧化铝陶瓷基片控制断裂切割的最佳模式。  相似文献   

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