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In this paper, a coupled finite-element/state space modeling technique is applied in the determination of the steady-state parameters of a 733 MVA turbogenerator in the abc frame of reference. In this modeling environment, the forward rotor stepping-finite element procedure described in a companion paper is used to obtain the various machine self and mutual inductances under short-circuit and load conditions. A fourth-order state-space model of the armature and field winding flux linkages in the abc frame of reference is then used to obtain the next set of flux linkages and forcing function currents for the finite-element model. In this process, one iterates between the finite-element and state-space techniques until the terminal conditions converge to specified values. This method is applied to the determination of the short-circuit, and reduced- and rated-voltage load characteristics, and the corresponding machine inductances. The spatial harmonics of these inductances are analyzed via Fourier analysis to reveal the impact of machine geometry and stator-to-rotor relative motion, winding layout, magnetic saturation, and other effects. In the full-load infinite-bus case, it is found that, while the three-phase terminal voltages are pure sinusoidal waveforms, the steady-state armature phase currents are nonsinusoidal and contain a substantial amount of odd harmonics which cannot be obtained using the traditional two-axis analysis 相似文献
A combined finite element state-space modeling environment capable of predicting no-load induction motor performance is introduced. The authors focus on the model derivation and the no-load simulation. The model is based on the natural ABC frame of reference and includes full effects of discrete winding layouts, magnetic saturation, and space harmonics. The model does not require the existence of actual motor hardware. The method is totally flexible and allows the design engineer to answer what-if questions before any resources are committed to prototyping. The method was shown to produce motor parameter results which correlate very well with corresponding test data of an example 1.2 hp 200 V three-phase induction motor 相似文献
The optimum autofrettage pressure and the optimum radius of the elastic–plastic boundary of strain-hardening cylinders in plane strain and plane stress have been studied theoretically and by finite-element modeling. Equivalent von-Mises stress is used as yield criterion. Comparison of the results of the two methods shows good agreement. Although there is no explicit expression for the optimum autofrettage pressure in plane stress, the equation for plane strain can be used with good accuracy. It has also been observed that the optimum autofrettage pressure is not a constant value but depends on working pressure. 相似文献
In order to optimize the design of an enclosed induction machine of railway traction, a multi-physical model is developed taking into account electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal-flow phenomena. The electromagnetic model is based on analytical formulations and allows calculating the losses. The thermal-flow modeling is based on an equivalent thermal circuit which has the feature to consider the flow structure inside the machine. In this way, a numerical study has been carried out to evaluate this internal flow structure depending on the rotational speed. The results of the multi-physical model are confronted with experimental results. 相似文献
Boron has practical applications as an advanced fuel in propulsion systems due to its high energy content. The combustion of boron in the presence of hydrocarbon fuels is a complex problem involving heterogeneous particle oxidation followed by gas-phase kinetics of the volatilized boron species. In this study, we have modeled the high-temperature gas-phase combustion chemistry of the B/O/H/C system. We have examined the effects of recent experimental gas-phase kinetic measurements of several of the critical reaction rates and theoretical thermodynamic and transition state calculations on the previous model of boron combustion. Additional reactions that critically affect the combustion efficiency are identified for future experimental and theoretical study. The role of boron oxyhydrides, which are metastable species, is discussed. 相似文献
A fully three-dimensional time-dependent Navier–Stokes model with forced convection is developed to numerically investigate the heat and flow patterns of the two-roll mill system with two inner rotating cylinders. Such direct numerical simulations are usually limited by the difficulties from huge computational cost and complex boundary treatment. For a fast numerical process, we can use the operator-splitting scheme with the BTD term to advance the solution in temporal evolution. To implement the calculation over a Cartesian grid, the hybrid Cartesian/immersed-boundary finite-element method is employed for spatial discretization. In the authors’ previous study [D.L. Young, C.L. Chiu, C.M. Fan, A hybrid Cartesian/immersed-boundary finite-element method for simulating heat and flow patterns in a two-roll mill, Numer. Heat Transfer B 51 (3) (2007) 251–274], we have developed a simplified 2D numerical model to analyze the heat and flow patterns on the cross section of two-roll-mill flow under the assumption of infinite length in the third (vertical) direction. However, the 2D solutions could not completely represent the realistic physical phenomena unless a 3D algorithm is developed. In this study we then paid the particular attention to develop a 3D model to investigate the vertical heat and flow behaviors, including 3D features of the vortex structure, periodic oscillation and chaotic instabilities. It is found that the proposed 3D model is able to cover the 2D features if the assumptions of 2D conditions are fulfilled. 相似文献
Microgrids are LV or MV electric networks which utilize various distributed generators (DG) to serve local loads. In this paper, dynamic models of the main distributed generators including photovoltaic (PV) cell, wind turbine, hydro turbine as well as the equivalent power electronic interfaces, battery unit of PV and excitation system of hydro turbine have been made in ElectroMagnetic Transient Program/Alternative Transient Program (EMTP/ATP) software package. Control strategies based on active power/frequency and reactive power/voltage droops for the power control of the inverters have been also developed. Case studies have been carried out in a distribution network to investigate the dynamic behavior of the micro-sources in both steady state and fault scenarios. Simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed models. 相似文献
Numerical modeling results of combustion of fibrous sludge are presented and validated in a series of experiments. Combustion experiments were conducted in a thermogravimetric coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. Sludge material (open matrix of lignocellulosic fibers with inorganic fillers) was generated in pulp and a paper mill during the de-inking process. Mathematical models were developed for solid- and gas-phase combustion. The mathematical model for the decomposition of solidiphase is based on the following assumptions: (1) rate of combustion determined by oxygen mass transfer, (2) laminar gas flow, and (3) negligible radiation. The combustion of aromatic hydrocarbons formed/released during the combustion process is formulated taking the following assumptions: (1) reaction rates of methyl-naphthalene and naphthalene are relatively fast and thereby constitute the driving force for the initiation of combustion; and (2) kinetics rate data for the oxidation of methyl-naphthalene and naphthalene are equal to those of benzene. Numerical computations compare well with measurements and provide good predictions of the reactivity of the material during the combustion process. Mass fraction remaining at the end of the simulation period was predicted within 2% accuracy. Flue gas combustion simulations have shown acceptable results, however the computed overall reaction rate was over-predicted. Predictions of the behavior of major gaseous species (CO 2, O 2, CO and PAH) were reasonable. Simulations also revealed the mechanism of solid biomass combustion to start at the center of the sample and then propagate toward the surface. Such information could not be obtained from experimental data. It was also shown that indenyl may play an important role in the pulp and paper biomass combustion and may be considered as a catalyst for ignition. 相似文献
Molecular dynamics simulation was used to estimate the interfacial thermal (Kapitza) resistance between nanoparticles and amorphous and crystalline polymer matrices. Bulk thermal conductivities of the nanocomposites were then estimated using an established effective medium approach. To study functionalization, oligomeric ethylene–vinyl alcohol copolymers were chemically bonded to a single wall carbon nanotube. The results, in a poly(ethylene–vinyl acetate) matrix, are similar to those obtained previously for grafted linear hydrocarbon chains. To study the effect of non-covalent functionalization, two types of polyethylene matrices. -- aligned (extended-chain crystalline) vs. amorphous (random coils) were modeled. Both matrices produced the same interfacial thermal resistance values. Finally, functionalization of edges and faces of plate-like graphite nanoparticles was found to be only modestly effective in reducing the interfacial thermal resistance and improving the composite thermal conductivity. 相似文献
The combined finite element-state space (CFE-SS) modeling environment was used to predict the performance of a 1.2 hp, three-phase case-study squirrel cage induction motor under blocked rotor and typical load operating conditions. The nature of this CFE-SS environment allows one to rigorously account for the impact of space harmonics generated by the magnetic circuit, winding, and cage geometric, as well as layout peculiarities and magnetic saturation, on the current and torque profiles, and ohmic losses in the stator armature and cage. This includes the ability to predict the profiles of connector and bar currents. The results of the CFE-SS simulations compare favorably with blocked rotor and load experimental test data. Potential capabilities of this CFE-SS modeling environment, and its use in impacting motor design decisions, are discussed in the light of reported findings 相似文献
In Lebanon, electric power is becoming the main energy form relied upon in all economic sectors of the country. Also, the time series of electrical energy consumption in Lebanon is unique due to intermittent power outages and increasing demand. Given these facts, it is critical to model and forecast electrical energy consumption. The aim of this study is to investigate different univariate-modeling methodologies and try, at least, a one-step ahead forecast for monthly electric energy consumption in Lebanon. Three univariate models are used, namely, the autoregressive, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and a novel configuration combining an AR(1) with a highpass filter. The forecasting performance of each model is assessed using different measures. The AR(1)/highpass filter model yields the best forecast for this peculiar energy data. 相似文献
Erosion in fluidized-bed combustors, commercial process units used to burn coal cleanly, has surfaced as a serious issue that may have adverse economic effects. The evidence suggests that the key to understanding this erosion is detailed knowledge of the coupled and complex phenomena of solids circulation and bubble motion. The FLUFIX computer code has been developed for this purpose. Computed hydrodynamic results compare well with experimental data (including the bubble frequency and size and the time-averaged porosity and pressure distributions) taken in a thin ‘two-dimensional’ rectangular fluidized beds containing a rectangular obstacle and a few-tube approximation of the International Energy Agency Grimethorpe tube bank ‘C1’ configuration. Six representative erosion models selected from the literature, comprising both single-particle and fluidized-bed models are critiqued. A methodology is described whereby the computed hydrodynamic results can be used with such erosion models. Previous attempts (none involving fluidized beds) to couple fluid mechanics and erosion models are reviewed. The energy dissipation models are developed, and are shown to generalize the so-called power dissipation model used to analyze slurry jet pump erosion. It is demonstrated, by explicitly introducing the force of the particle on the eroding material surface, that impaction and abrasive erosion mechanisms are basically the same. In doing so, it has been possible to unify the entire erosion literature developed for over a century. Linkage is made to two previously developed single-particle erosion models: Finnie's and Neilson and Gilchrist's. The implementation methodology, which can be applied to any erosion model, be it single-particle or fluidized bed, is summarized. The monolayer energy dissipation (MED) erosion model is developed. The erosion rates computed from the EROSION code are compared with each other and for the cold few-tube approximation of the IEA Grimethorpe tube bank ‘C1’ fluidized-bed experiment, and with other available erosion data literature to validate the calculations. The simplified closed form MED (SCFMED) erosion models and erosion guidelines are developed using semi-empirical correlations in order to allow quick engineering estimates of erosion. Alternative methodologies to couple hydrodynamics and erosion using the kinetic theory of granular flow and discrete element method (DEM) models are briefly reviewed. Finally, a critical review of the integrated experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) pressurized fluidized-bed hydrodynamics and erosion research ongoing at Chalmers University is presented. This body of work has been influenced by the research at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and reinforces the trends and conclusions reported in this review. 相似文献
A lumped-parameter thermal model of a cylindrical LiFePO 4/graphite lithium-ion battery is developed. Heat transfer coefficients and heat capacity are determined from simultaneous measurements of the surface temperature and the internal temperature of the battery while applying 2 Hz current pulses of different magnitudes. For internal temperature measurements, a thermocouple is introduced into the battery under inert atmosphere. Heat transfer coefficients (thermal resistances in the model) inside and outside the battery are obtained from thermal steady state temperature measurements, whereas the heat capacity (thermal capacitance in the model) is determined from the transient part. The accuracy of the estimation of internal temperature from surface temperature measurements using the model is validated on current-pulse experiments and a complete charge/discharge of the battery and is within 1.5 °C. Furthermore, the model allows for simulating the internal temperature directly from the measured current and voltage of the battery. The model is simple enough to be implemented in battery management systems for electric vehicles. 相似文献
In this study, laminar flame speeds at atmospheric pressure are accurately measured for H 2/Cl 2/N 2 mixtures at different equivalence ratios and N 2 mole fractions by the counterflow flame technique. A kinetic mechanism based on recently published and evaluated rate constants is developed to model these measured laminar flame speeds as well as the literature data on the concentrations of H 2, Cl 2, and HCl species in flat-burner flames and the ignition delay times from shock tube experiments. The kinetic model yields satisfactory comparison with these experimental data, and suggests that the reactions involving excited HCl( v) species and energy branching are not of substantial significance in combustion situations, and that the use of accurate elementary rate constants is instead crucial to the accuracy of the reaction mechanism. 相似文献
This paper presents an effective modeling and simulation scheme of solar-powered hydrogen production system (PV-SPE: Photovoltaic-Solid Polymer Electrolyte). Hydrogen can provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy supply, which can enhance world's economy, environment and security. In the coming decades, the world will need new energy supplies and an upgraded energy infrastructure to meet the growing demands for electric power and transportation fuels.Existing production technologies can produce vast amounts of hydrogen from hydrocarbons; unfortunately, they emit large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO 2) into the atmosphere. Renewable technologies such as solar and wind need to be further developed in order for hydrogen production to be more cost-competitive than other sources.In this paper, we focused on a renewable technology that can advance the commercial readiness of the solar-powered hydrogen production system. Software (PSCAD/EMTDC) based model of PV-SPE system is used to effectively simulate a hydrogen production system. To verify the simulation results, we implemented an actual PV-SPE system. The actual values obtained from the data acquisition system were compared to the simulation results. 相似文献
n-Butanol is a fuel that has been proposed as an alternative to conventional gasoline and diesel fuels. In order to better understand the combustion characteristics of n-butanol, this study presents new experimental data for n-butanol in three experimental configurations. Species concentration profiles are presented in jet stirred reactor (JSR) at atmospheric conditions and a range of equivalence ratios. The laminar flame speed obtained in an n-butanol premixed laminar flame is also provided. In addition, species concentration profiles for n-butanol and n-butane in an opposed-flow diffusion flame are presented. The oxidation of n-butanol in the aforementioned experimental configurations has been modeled using an improved detailed chemical kinetic mechanism (878 reactions involving 118 species) derived from a previously proposed scheme in the literature. The proposed mechanism shows good qualitative agreement with the various experimental data. Sensitivity analyses and reaction path analyses have been conducted to interpret the results from the JSR and opposed-flow diffusion flame. It is shown that the main reaction pathway in both configurations is via H-atom abstraction from the fuel followed by β-scission of the resulting fuel radicals. Several unimolecular decomposition reactions are important as well. This study gives a better understanding of n-butanol combustion and the product species distribution. 相似文献
Coupling of exothermic and endothermic reactions in parallel microchannels is investigated through parametric variation of geometric and material properties in the context of hydrogen production by steam reforming of iso-octane, the surrogate for gasoline. Heat required for the endothermic reforming reaction is provided by the catalytic combustion of methane, the model compound for natural gas. The combination of steam reforming and combustion is modeled for a microchannel reactor configuration in which reactions and heat transfer take place in parallel, micro-sized, square-shaped flow paths with wall-coated catalysts. Thickness of the wall between microchannels, side-length of the microchannels and channel texture (straight-through vs. micro-baffled) are the geometric parameters being studied, while the use of different materials of construction - α-alumina, AISI-steel and iron - is also investigated. Instead of a fully-fledged 3-D mathematical model, the parametric runs are performed on a 2-D unit cell model which is justified to give results close to that of the former. When the wall thickness is increased from 1 × 10 −4 to 4 × 10 −4 m, the hydrogen yield, defined as moles of hydrogen produced per mole of iso-octane fed, increases by 42% because axial heat conduction in the wall becomes more pronounced and spreads the energy released by combustion into the reforming channel more effectively. Increase in the yield is more remarkable (110%) when the channel side-length is doubled from 2.8 × 10 −4 to 5.6 × 10 −4 m. Use of micro-baffles also enhances the hydrogen yield: in the 1-4 × 10 −4 m wall thickness range, the average increase is 16.5%, which is attributed both to the enhancement in heat transfer coefficients and axial conduction in the wall. As for the material property parameter, due to having the highest thermal conductivity, hence the ability of conducting heat axially, iron serves as the best wall material on the basis of highest hydrogen yield, compared with alumina and steel. 相似文献
Degradation modeling of InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction (3J) solar cells subjected to proton irradiation is performed with the use of a one-dimensional optical device simulator, PC1D. By fitting the external quantum efficiencies of 3J solar cells degraded by 30 keV, 150 keV, 3 MeV, or 10 MeV protons, the short-circuit currents ( ISC) and open-circuit voltages ( VOC) are simulated. The damage coefficients of minority carrier diffusion length ( KL) and the carrier removal rate of base carrier concentration ( RC) of each sub-cell are also estimated. The values of ISC and VOC obtained from the calculations show good agreement with experimental values at an accuracy of 5%. These results confirm that the degradation modeling method developed in this study is effective for the lifetime prediction of 3J solar cells. 相似文献
采用BEM/FEM耦合技术对某高强化V6柴油机结构的声辐射情况进行了模拟,得到了整机辐射声功率、辐射效率、主要部件对声学结果的贡献以及近、远场声压(级)、整机外场声强矢量分布等声学结果,为该柴油机针对减振降噪的结构声学优化提供了详细信息与重要参考。在此基础上,重点对主要声辐射部件一下曲轴箱的结构进行了修改,并对修改方案的声辐射情况进行了重计算。主要声学量的对比结果表明,在所研究的频率域内,修改措施对改善低频域内整机外场声辐射情况具有较为明显的作用。 相似文献