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通过分析办公建筑室内照明对能耗产生影响的原因,归结出照明功率密度、灯具安装方式、照明运行方式这3个影响因素。为了分析这3个因素对能耗的影响程度,建立严寒地区的模型建筑,改变3个影响因素的输入条件,对照明能耗、采暖能耗、空调能耗和总能耗进行敏感性分析,结果发现照明功率密度和照明运行方式是主要的影响因素,而灯具控制方式几乎不产生影响,提出照明功率设计和控制方式的建议。  相似文献   

基于联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会IPCC报告SRES情景下中排放A1B场景及低排放B1情景的预测结果,针对中国5个建筑热工设计分区的代表城市,以历史30年气象观测数据挑选出的典型气象年为基准,采用"Morphing"方法生成未来2种排放场景下代表城市的建筑能耗模拟用逐时气象数据,并对直至21世纪末每隔10年作为一个时间节点,进行代表城市办公建筑的全年能耗模拟,预估气候变化下建筑能耗的变化趋势。结果表明,总体上5个代表城市办公建筑的采暖能耗呈降低趋势、制冷能耗呈增加趋势,但在不同的排放情景下,不同气候区代表城市的建筑能耗变化有明显区别。  相似文献   

本文主要研究温和地区居住建筑合理的窗墙比。以昆明某居住建筑为研究对象,基于模拟软件DeST-h对建筑全年能耗进行动态模拟,研究居住建筑照明负荷和冷热负荷在不同朝向不同窗墙比时的变化规律。结果表明温和地区居住建筑南向窗墙比宜为0.5,北向窗墙比宜为0.4,东向窗墙比宜为0.5,西向窗墙比宜为0.3。采用上述窗墙比设置,有利于降低建筑能耗,对工程设计有参考价值。  相似文献   

以北京市某高校教学建筑为例,采用局部因素敏感性分析法,分析围护结构参数对建筑采暖能耗和制冷能耗的影响规律。结果显示:各围护结构参数对建筑采暖、制冷能耗影响程度的平均敏感度排序为外窗遮阳系数>外窗传热系数>外墙传热系数>屋顶传热系数。  相似文献   

针对依托大型建筑用户建设的分布式供能系统,利用建筑能耗模拟计算得到的逐时负荷数据,初步拟定分布式供能系统的三类负荷曲线,并在负荷需求分析的基础上拟定出合理的装机容量,确保分布式供能系统的利用率,以获得较好的运行收益.  相似文献   

1 现状和设计困惑 目前常用的冷、热源系统主要有以下3种组合:水冷冷水机组 燃气热水炉,该系统的制冷效率高,但制热能效不尽理想,并会排出大量的温室气体;水冷冷水机组 风冷热泵机组,该系统的制热效率高,但如果风冷热泵机组参与供冷的话,其制冷效率低,否则,由会造成设备闲置、浪费初投资,另外风冷机占用大量的建筑面积和造成噪声和震动污染,现代高层建筑寻找安装位置就非常困难;水冷冷水机组 分散电加热器,该系统的制冷效率得到保证,但使用高位能电力采暖的费用高,且与<公共建筑节能标准>的要求不符.  相似文献   

商场建筑能耗主要影响因素及节能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁珍  程继梅  徐坚 《节能技术》2001,19(3):17-18,20
通过建立商场建筑能耗分析模型,利用DOE-2软件对哈尔滨、北京、深圳的商场全年建筑能耗进行模拟计算,并以筛选显著因素为目的,根据正交试验设计理论及设计试验(模拟计算),采用正交试验方差分析方法分析试验结果,得出了不同地区商场的建筑能耗的主要影响因素,并进行了节能分析。  相似文献   

近年来,我国建筑数量持续增加,导致建筑能耗占总能耗比重急剧上升,在全国能耗中充当重要角色.与此同时,建筑气密性逐渐成为建筑能耗的主要影响因素.总结了国内外关于气密性的研究,并概述气密性影响下,通风方式及热回收系统对建筑能耗影响的研究现状,提出国内目前缺少严寒地区气密性及相关因素对能耗的影响分析.总结了气密性对建筑能耗的...  相似文献   

对寒冷地区某办公建筑,利用Dest能耗模拟软件计算冬季建筑逐时热负荷,并设计变频多联机(VRV)空调系统。利用推导出的VRV系统冬季能耗的计算公式,模拟VRV系统的冬季供热能耗。结果表明采用VRV系统的冬季供热费用低于集中供热费用。  相似文献   

《公共机构节能条例》和《上海市建筑节能条例》对国家机关办公建筑安装能耗分项计量与远程监测系统都作了明确要求。安装能耗分项计量与远程监测系统对于国家机关能耗数据统计准确及时规范,对于国家机关物业服务公司节能管理潜力挖掘,对于国家机关推进合同能源管理节能量认定,都具有十分重要的意义。在上海市相关职能部门大力推动下,本市国家机关办公建筑已开始安装能耗分项计量与远程监测系统,但在实际操作过程中,  相似文献   

为研究确定济南市大型公共建筑能源消耗状况,以济南某综合写字楼为研究对象,通过调研、现场实测、走访、查阅资料对项目水耗、燃气消耗、供暖热力消耗、电力消耗进行了详细地统计分析,得到了大楼单位建筑面积水耗指标、单位人员桶装水消耗指标、日均燃气消耗指标、单位建筑面积冬季空调热力消耗指标、单位建筑面积耗电指标以及单位建筑面积一次总能耗指标及其组分进行了统计分析。  相似文献   

彭鹏  朱磊 《节能》2007,26(12):50-52
以eQUEST能耗模拟软件为工具,为重庆市某办公楼建立了能耗仿真模型,分析了空调设定温度、制冷机COP值、室内照明密度对能耗的影响,并对三者相应的节能潜力进行了比较分析。结果表明,建筑电耗随照明密度的减小线性降低,照明密度对建筑节能有着巨大的影响。  相似文献   

以大型机关办公建筑为审计对象,以沈阳市某大型机关办公建筑为例,通过对该机关办公建筑的能源审计以及数据的详细统计分析,得出该类建筑的用能特点和耗能状况,并在此基础上提出相应的节能对策,为我国建立大型办公建筑节能运行监管体系,开展机关办公建筑能源审计工作提供一定参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes the effects of the installation of various countermeasures against urban heat-island (UHI) and energy-saving measures on UHI and global warming. A UHI and energy-consumption simulation model was developed by combining the one-dimensional meteorological canopy and building energy use models; further, the proposed model was expanded to evaluate the year-round air temperature and annual energy consumption. The simulation results showed that the humidification and albedo increase at building-wall surfaces reduced the total number of hours for which the air temperature was more than 30 °C during the daytime by more than 60 (h) per year. The UHI countermeasures reduced the annual energy-consumption despite causing a small increase during the winter period. However, they may result in certain unfavorable conditions for pedestrians. Energy-saving measures, on the other hand, reduce the total number of hours for which the air temperature is more than 30 °C by only a few hours per year. Thus, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the UHI countermeasures and measures against global warming by extending the calculation period from summer to an entire year.  相似文献   

In the last decade, technological innovations have resulted in considering distributed generation with heat recovery capability in addition to centralised generation. This work aims to develop a comprehensive model analysing techno-economic parameters of energy supply in an office building. The energy model is developed on the basis of the reference energy system with the linear programming technique. The objective function is the annual value of total costs of the energy supply system. The results of the model for the building of Sharif Energy Research Institute indicate that the most appropriate generation technology is an internal combustion engine of 461 kW and a water boiler of 152 kW. In addition to supplying the final service demand, hot water feeds an absorption chiller of 507 kW to produce cold water. Furthermore, storage systems of hot and cold water are required in order to achieve high load factors in the system.  相似文献   

With the wide use of light steel structure in industrial buildings, some problems such as air leakage, water dripping and condensation and so forth occur during the construction and operation phases. Through the onsite testing of a winery building in Huailai County, Hebei Province in China, the influence of infiltration on energy consumption in industrial buildings was studied. The pressurization test method and moisture condensation method were used to test the infiltration rates. The results show that the winery building is twice as leaky as normal Chinese buildings and five times as leaky as Canadian buildings. The energy use simulation demonstrates that the reduction of the infiltration rate of the exterior rooms to 1/3 and the interior rooms to 1/2 could help decrease a total energy consumption of approximately 20% and reduce a total energy cost of approximately $ 225000. Therefore, it has a great potential to reduce the energy consumption in this type of buildings. Enforcement of the appropriate design, construction and installation would play a significant role in improving the overall performance of the building.  相似文献   

针对蒸发冷却式冷水机组能耗模型进行实验研究。比较蒸发冷却式冷水机组与普通冷水机组在工作原理存在的异同并分析室外气象参数对系统能耗影响的基础上,用冷凝器侧进口空气的焓值影响替代普通冷水机组能耗模型中的冷却水进口温度影响,建立了蒸发冷却式冷水机组的能耗模型,并利用实测数据进行了参数估计与误差检验,结果显示改进模型的验证误差在8%以内,在精度上比现有模型有了较大的提升。  相似文献   

Generally, huge energy consumption is required in the operation of the multi-chiller system in air-conditioning system. Concerning minimizing energy consumption, both Lagrangian method and genetic algorithm have been applied to optimize the partial loading rate in each chiller. As is demonstrated by previous studies, though the Lagrangian method could minimize energy consumption, it could not effectively execute convergence at low demands. And despite its capability to execute convergence at low demands, the genetic algorithm may not get the minimum energy consumption solution as Lagrange method did of solving the optimal chiller loading problem. As an efficient method, the particle swarm algorithm has been proposed to solving continuous parameters optimization problems. This paper applies particle swarm algorithm to minimize energy consumption of multi-chiller system. The objective function is energy consumption and the optimum parameter is the partial loading ratio of each chiller. To further testify the feasibility of the proposed method, the paper adopts two case studies to compare the results of the developed optimal model with Lagrangian method and genetic algorithm. The result of the two case studies shows that the particle swarm algorithm outperforms the genetic algorithm not only in overcoming the divergence of Lagrangian method occurring at low demands, but also in getting the minimum energy consumption solution of solving the optimal chiller loading problem.  相似文献   

An optimal planning method is proposed for the renewal-planning problem of an energy supply system installed into building from economic viewpoint. In this method, the objective function to be minimized is the average annual total cost during the evaluation period of the objective system based on the annualized costs method, and the renewal year is considered as a decision variable together with the renewal system's structure, equipment capacities, and system's operational strategy. This problem is formulated as one of the mixed-integer linear programming problem, and a numerical study is carried out for an office building with the total floor area of 15,000 m2 by using the GAMS/CPLEX solver. Impact analysis of the carbon tax introduction is mainly studied on the renewal planning mentioned above, and the following results are obtained:  相似文献   

曹福永 《太阳能》2003,(1):18-18
1993~1998年间,芬兰国家技术研究中心VTT建筑技术研究所在若干企业的协助下进行了一项名为RAKET的低能耗建筑物研发项目。他们按计划修建了系列独户住宅、3套公寓建筑、一座太阳房和一栋办公楼。据VTT建筑技术研究所计划主任MarkkuVirtanen教授说,上述建筑基于如下特点具有低能耗与优良的居住舒适性:1.墙壁、地板与房顶等外围护结构具有优异的隔热性,2.现代高能效窗,3.具备热回收功能的机械通风系统,4.精心建造以保证建筑的气密效果。通风与气密的重要性。Virtanen指出,外围护与低U值窗的有效隔热再加上具备热回收能力的通风设备对建…  相似文献   

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