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Affinity chromatographic experiments demonstrated that IgG was the class of antibody involved in the in vitro lysis of chicken erythrocytes by antibody and normal mouse effector cells. Further experiments designed to investigate the subclass of IgG involved, indicated that IgG2a was active and provided further evidence for the inactivity of IgM, either in the native 19S or chemically degraded 7S form. From the results obtained, the possibility of ADCC-inducing activity in the other IgG subclasses could not be excluded.  相似文献   

HLA alleles in generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) were investigated to clarify the etiology and/or pathogenesis of this disease. Not only serological typing of HLA class I and II antigens but also genotyping of HLA class II alleles were carried out in twenty-six unrelated Japanese patients with GPP. These patients were classified according to their history of psoriasis vulgaris (PV). Serological typing revealed a significantly high incidence of HLA-Cw1 (Pc = 0.04) in the patients as compared with Japanese healthy controls. The frequency of HLA-B46 was particularly high in the patients with GPP and a previous history of PV. Genotyping of HLA class II alleles showed a highly significant increase in HLA-DQB1*0303 (Pc = 0.01) in the patients vs. the healthy controls. In particular, HLA-DQB1*0303 was significantly more frequent in the patients with no prior history of PV than in those with a history of PV. Analysis on linkage disequilibrium showed remarkably different patterns for HLA class II haplotypes between the patients and the healthy controls. Based on the comparative analysis among the amino acid sequences of the beta 1-domain of the HLA-DQB1*03 alleles, proline at residue 55 was suggested to be important as a common amino acid for determination of the susceptibility to GPP. These results revealed not only an association between the etiology and/or pathogenesis of GPP and HLA, but also different mechanisms of the immune response between the patients with GPP and PV.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of intermittent ischemic injury on thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in rats. Wistar rats were divided into group A, intermittent ischemic injury to liver cirrhosis, and group B, continuous ischemic injury to liver cirrhosis. Total ischemic time was 60 min in both groups. In group A, ischemic injury consisted of a repetition 4 times of 15 min ischemia and 5 min reperfusion. The ATP level of the liver was measured before ischemia, before reperfusion, and 60 min after reperfusion. Bile was collected to determine bile flow rate. The ATP level in the liver tissue 60 min after reperfusion was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in group A than in group B. The ATP level immediately before reperfusion was also significantly (p < 0.05) higher in group A than in group B. The survival rate 1 week after ischemic injury and bile flow rate 60 min after reperfusion were significantly (p < 0.01) higher in group A compared with those in group B. The energy level was much higher in intermittent ischemic injury than in continuous ischemic injury immediately before reperfusion and after reperfusion. Survival rate and bile flow rate were higher in intermittent ischemic injury than in continuous ischemic injury. Therefore it suggests that the viability of the liver was maintained better in intermittent ischemic injury than in continuous ischemic injury.  相似文献   

Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) at a dose of 1 to 300 micrograms/kg/day was administered intravenously to rats daily for 13 weeks. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity increased dose-dependently with leukocytosis. Most of the increased leukocytes were segmented neutrophils, and neutrophil alkaline phosphatase (NAP) scores were elevated markedly. Serum ALP activity correlated very well with the segmented neutrophil counts, and the coefficient of correlation was more than 0.97 in both sexes. Pathological examinations revealed splenomegaly and a marked increase in neutrophils in the red pulp of the spleen. In the spleen, phagocytosis of neutrophils by macrophages was observed. These data indicate that the increased ALP was of neutrophil origin. Serum ALP activity may be increased by the direct release of ALP from the high number of neutrophils into the blood, or by the leakage of ALP into the blood mainly from the spleen where many neutrophils are pooled and destroyed by the macrophage system.  相似文献   

It has been presumed that: 1) rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a genuine model of activation of the peripheral natural killers (NK); 2) methods of NK separation can cause their activation, and therefore only peripheral mononuclear cells were used. The aim of this research was to study the role of cytolysis of HLA-I, HLA-DR, and costimulatory proteins CD11a and CD16 expressed on resting and activated peripheral NK cells. A total of 74 healthy volunteers (HV) and 74 RA patients were compared before corticosteroid or gold treatment. Two-colour immunofluorescence and cytofluorimetric analysis, cytotoxic test against the target K 562 cells (class I negative) before and after incubation of PMC with monoclonal antibodies (MoAB) to HLA-I (E3D8), HLA-DR (ICO-1), CD11 (ICO-11), PXx63 Ag8.653 as control, and also incubation with recombinant alpha 2-IFN were used. VEP-13 MoAB was used for CD16 determination. Compared with HV PMC, the RA PMC showed a statistically significant increase of activated NK lymphocytes (CD11a+DR+ and CD16+DR+ by 2.03 and 1.96 times, resp.), and increased level of expression of HLA-I, HLA-DR, and CD16 on CD11a+ lymphocytes, resulting in significantly diminished cytolytic activity (CA) by 1.9 times. A short-term incubation with alpha 2-IFN (100 U/ml, 1 h) increased the level of expression of HLA- and costimulatory proteins and the CA of the HV PMC, while the RA PMC did not react. HV peripheral NK are concluded to be mainly resting cells, and the RA peripheral NK are mainly the activated ones. Only using the level of expression of HLA-DR on CD11a lymphocytes, as a ranking criterion, allowed to reveal two types of correlation between the CA and immunocytological parameters of PMC. The first type: in HV, the CA correlated positively (P < 0.025) with the percentage of CD11a+CD16+, and with levels of expression of HLA-I (P < 0.025) and CD16 (P < 0.025) expressed on CD11a lymphocytes (5-9.5 MFI DR--the mean fluorescence intensity of HLA-DR). The second type: the CA positively correlated (P < 0.05) with the percentage of CD11a+CD16-, and with levels of expression of HLA-DR (P < 0.05) and CD11a (P < 0.05) expressed on CD11a lymphocytes (12.4-16 MFI DR). In RA patients with a "normal" density expression of HLA-DR on CD11a lymphocytes (up to 14 MFI) there exists a mixed type: the CA correlated positively (P < 0.05) with the percentage of CD11a+CD16+, and with levels of expression of HLA-DR (P < 0.05) and CD11a (P < 0.05) expressed on CD11a lymphocytes. In RA patients with a very high density expression of HLA-DR on CD11a lymphocytes (VH-DR group, 18-26 MFI) the CA correlated negatively with the percentage of CD11a+CD1 6+ (P < 0.05), and with levels of expression of HLA-DR (P < 0.025) and CD11a (P < 0.025) expressed on CD11a lymphocytes. The anti-HLA-I,-DR, -CD11a MoABs strongly inhibit the Ca in HV- and RA-PMC. However, in the VH-DR group the anti-DR MoAB stimulates the CA from 27.06 +/- 10.25 up to 41.69 +/- 14.23%. Thus, activated peripheral CD11a+CD16+ lymphocytes suppress the CA of other NK.  相似文献   

The role of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigens and adhesion molecules (AM) in the resistance of leukemic B-cells to cell-mediated cytotoxicity was investigated using cells from eight patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and six patients with immunocytoma (IC). Both CLL and IC cells were completely resistant to natural killer (NK) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cytotoxicity and no binding to effector cells was observed, irrespectively of AM expression. Blocking of MHC class I antigens with monoclonal antibodies or their temporary elimination from leukemic B-cell surface by acid treatment resulted in a significant (p < 0.005) increase in both conjugate formation and susceptibility to lysis, thus suggesting the relevance of MHC class I expression on leukemic B-cells for the NK/LAK resistance phenomenon.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells express clonally distributed receptors for different groups of HLA class I alleles. The Z27 monoclonal antibody described in this study recognizes a p70 receptor specific for HLA-B alleles belonging to the Bw4 supertypic specificity. Single amino acid substitutions in the peptide-binding groove of HLA-B2705 molecules influenced the recognition by some, but not all, p7O/Z27+ clones. This suggests the existence of a limited polymorphism within the p7O family of receptors. The pattern of reactivity of monoclonal antibody Z27 revealed that Bw4-specific receptors may be expressed alone or in combination with different (GL183 and/or EB6) p58 molecules. Analysis of NK clones coexpressing p58 and p7O receptors allowed us to demonstrate that the two molecules represent physically and functionally independent receptors. The expression of p7O molecules either alone or in combination with EB6 molecules provided the molecular basis for understanding the cytolytic pattern of two previously defined groups of "alloreactive" NK cell clones ("group 3" and "group 5").  相似文献   

Treatment of target cells with IFN induces resistance to NK cell lysis. This process is blocked by expression of E1A gene products in adenovirus (Ad)-infected and Ad-transformed cells. We compared the ability of adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) E1A exon 1 mutants to inhibit the induction of cytolytic resistance by IFN and block IFN-stimulated gene expression with their capacity to bind the cellular proteins p105 (retinoblastoma gene product), p107, and p300. E1A mutants that did not express conserved region 3 (CR3; residues 138-184) or contained deletions in the nonconserved regions between residues 26-35 or 86-120, bound p105, p107, and p300 and were not impaired in their capacity to block IFN-stimulated gene expression or IFN's induction of cytolytic resistance. E1A mutants with deletions in CR2 (residues 121-138) could not bind p105 or p107, but blocked IFN-stimulated gene expression and IFN's induction of cytolytic resistance. In contrast, mutants in CR1 or the N-terminal nonconserved region (residues 2, 4-25, and 48-60), which define E1A's binding site for p300, were unable to block either IFN-stimulated gene expression or IFN's induction of cytolytic resistance. We conclude that E1A's capacity to block both IFN-stimulated gene expression and IFN's induction of cytolytic resistance appears to be transduced through a pathway that involves E1A-p300 binding. The capacity of E1A to block IFN's induction of cytolytic resistance is probably secondary to E1A's more general ability to inhibit IFN-stimulated gene expression.  相似文献   

CMV and other viruses down-regulate the cell surface expression of class I HLA, and while this allows them to evade CTL, it may make infected cells more susceptible to lysis by NK cells, due to the failure to engage class I inhibitory receptors on the NK cell. We studied CMV infection and found that fibroblasts infected with virus strains Towne, Toledo, Davis, and C1FE were refractory to NK lysis, while those infected with strains AD169, C1F, or R7 were susceptible. All viral strains down-regulated class I HLA to a similar extent, and we concluded that there was no evidence for any correlation between the latter and susceptibility to NK lysis. In contrast, there was a strong correlation between NK killing of CMV-infected cells and cell surface levels of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-3 (LFA-3). Fibroblasts infected with the Towne, Toledo, Davis, and C1FE strains of CMV down-regulated LFA-3 expression and were refractory to lysis, while strains AD169, C1F, and R7 up-regulated LFA-3 and were susceptible to NK killing. U373 MG (malignant glioma) cells expressed constitutively high levels of LFA-3 and were sensitive to NK lysis when infected with any of the above-listed CMV strains. We estimated that a minimum of between 29,000 and 71,000 LFA-3 molecules per target cell were needed for NK susceptibility. The effects on LFA-3 expression were due to immediate early/early viral gene products. We also demonstrated that fibroblasts infected with the strains Towne, Toledo, Davis, and C1FE expressed a ganciclovir-sensitive late CMV gene product, which delivered an inhibitory signal to NK cells.  相似文献   

Sensory ganglia (trigeminal, jugular, nodose, cervical and lumbar dorsal root ganglia) of the guinea-pig were investigated for the presence of a constitutive carbon monoxide-generating enzyme, heme oxygenase-2 (HO-2). A 36-kDa HO-2 immunoreactive protein was identified by Western blotting in protein extracts from dorsal root ganglia and localized by immunohistochemistry to all neuronal perikarya, including both substance P-positive and substance P-negative neurons, in all ganglia investigated. This ubiquitous distribution points to a general requirement for HO-2 in primary afferent neurons rather than to an association with a specific functionally defined subpopulation. Neither the axons of the sensory neurons nor their peripheral terminals in the skin and around visceral arteries were HO-2 immunoreactive. Explants of dorsal root ganglia with crushes placed on the dorsal roots showed accumulation of the neuropeptide, substance P, at the ganglionic side of the crush, but these axons were non-reactive to HO-2, indicating that there is no substantial transport of HO-2 towards the central ending of these sensory neurons. Collectively, the findings suggest that HO-2 exerts it major effects within the sensory ganglia themselves.  相似文献   

The killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) of human natural killer (NK) cells recognize human leukocyte antigen class I molecules and inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity through their interaction with protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTP). Here, we report that KIR recognition of class I ligands inhibits distal signaling events and ultimately NK cell cytotoxicity by blocking the association of an adaptor protein (pp36) with phospholipase C-gamma in NK cells. In addition, we demonstrate that pp36 can serve as a substrate in vitro for the KIR-associated PTP, PTP-1C (also called SHP-1), and that recognition of class I partially disrupts tyrosine phosphorylation of NK cell proteins, providing evidence for KIR-induced phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

The development of sexual dimorphism in the number and activity level of natural killer (NK) cells was studied in the inbred Fischer 344 rat from prepubescence to maturity. Additionally, in view of the biological significance of NK cells in controlling cancer, especially the metastatic process, we used a syngeneic mammary tumor (MADB106) to assess the host anti-metastatic activity. This tumor model was used because NK cells control the lung clearance of i.v.-injected MADB106 tumor cells, a process that critically affects the metastatic colonization of these tumor cells in the lungs. The results indicated that although prepubescent (36 days of age) males and females exhibited greater NK cytotoxicity (assessed in vitro) and higher anti-metastatic activity, evidenced by fewer tumor cells retained in the lungs. On the other hand, the mature males (140-170 days of age) displayed greater LGL/NK number and activity per ml blood, retained fewer tumor cells, and developed fewer lung tumor colonies compared to the females. During early postpubescence (63 days of age), a transitional stage between prepubescence and maturity, females and males exhibited equivalent numbers of circulating LGL/NK cells, and females displayed slightly greater NK cytotoxicity per ml blood yet retained somewhat greater numbers of tumor cells compared to the males. Overall, whereas the males exhibited increasing levels of NK number and activity throughout the age span tested, the females, despite displaying greater NK function compared to the males at prepubescence and slight improvement at postpubescence, fell behind the males in these indices of NK function at maturity.  相似文献   

A modified tetrazolium reduction assay (MTT) was used to assess the relation between HLA class I antigen expression on tumour cells and their susceptibility as a target for non-MHC restricted LAK/NK cytotoxicity using interleukin-2 activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) from normal individuals. At 20/1 effector/target ratio this ranged from no killing to 77%. The efficiency of killing was dependent on duration of effector cell culture with IL-2, peaking at day 10 and declining thereafter. This killing could be enhanced by addition of other cytokines including interferons alpha, beta and gamma. Study of a panel of 15 tumour cell lines using a single effector showed that there was no statistically significant inverse correlation (using Spearman rank test) between the degree of tumour class I expression and LAK/NK killing at 20/1 (r = 0.23 P = 0.39) and 10/1 (r = 0.30, P = 0.27) and at 5/1 E/T ratio r = 0.47, P = 0.08) respectively. Lack of inverse correlation between these two parameters came from study of one bladder tumour line (FEN), whose absent class I antigens had been corrected by transfection with beta 2 microglobulin gene. At high E/T ratio (20/1) there was an increase in the susceptibility of target cells to lysis (36% parent cell, 45% transfected cell), whilst at lower E/T ratios (1/1) there was significantly more killing of the non-transfected cells (10% vs 31%). The addition of anti-class I antibody W6/32 increased killing by 18% but this was non-specific as the same increase occurred with a class II antibody. These data suggest that overall there was not an inverse correlation between class I expression and LAK/NK killing at high E/T ratios, whilst at low (5/1 or lower) E/T ratios this correlation nearly reached statistical significance suggesting that the conflicting literature reports may be due to a threshold levels of effector cells above which the masking effects of MHC antigens disappears.  相似文献   

The transplantation of chondrocytes has shown promise for augmenting the repair of defects in articular cartilage. This in vitro study examined the efficiency of the transplantation of bovine chondrocytes onto articular cartilage disks and the ability of the transplanted chondrocytes to subsequently synthesize and deposit proteoglycan. The radiolabeling of chondrocyte cultures with [3H]thymidine, followed by 4 days of chase incubation, resulted in the incorporation of 98% of the radiolabel into DNA (as assessed by susceptibility to DNase). At the end of the culture period, the [3H]DNA was stable, with a half-life of radioactivity loss into the medium of 73 days. With use of radiolabeled chondrocytes for quantitation, the efficiency of transplantation onto a cartilage substrate was 93 +/- 4% for seeding densities of as much as 650,000 cells per cm2 and a seeding duration of 1 hour. These findings were confirmed both by tracking cells stained with 5-chlormethylfluorescein diacetate and by quantitating DNA. During the 16 hours after seeding onto a cartilage substrate (in which the endogenous cells had been lysed by lyophilization), the transplanted cells synthesized sulfated proteoglycan in direct proportion to the number of cells seeded. Most (83%) of the newly synthesized proteoglycan was released into the medium rather than retained within the layer of transplanted cells and the recipient cartilage substrate. Comparative studies with lyophilized-rehydrated or live cartilage as the recipient substrate indicated a similar efficiency of chondrocyte seeding and proteoglycan synthesis by the seeded chondrocytes. The transplanted cells retained the chondrocyte phenotype, as judged by a high proportion of the [35S]macromolecules being in the form of aggrecan that was capable of aggregating with hyaluronan and link protein, as well as by immunostaining within and around the transplanted cells for type-II, but not type-I, collagen. These results indicate that the number of chondrocytes transplanted onto a cut cartilage surface greatly affects the level of matrix synthesis; this in turn may affect repair.  相似文献   

EBV isolates from human populations with a high frequency of HLA A11 evade recognition by CTLs specific for an immunodominant A11-restricted epitope derived from the EBV nuclear antigen 4 (EBNA-4). We have previously described four nonimmunogenic variants of this epitope carrying single amino acid substitutions in the anchor residues of the peptide. We have now investigated the antigenicity, A11 binding capacity, endoplasmic reticulum translocation, endogenous processing, and presentation of these variants. The nonimmunogenic peptides were either unable to bind to HLA A11 or formed complexes of significantly lower stability compared with the immunogenic epitope. The latter peptides were produced in relatively large amounts by endogenous processing of EBNA-4 and associated with A11 molecules almost as efficiently as the immunogenic epitope, but the complexes failed to accumulate at the cell surface. The defect was not reversed by incubation of lymphoblastoid cell lines carrying the variant EBV strains at 26 degrees C. CTL lysis of HLA A11 positive targets was achieved by expressing one of the nonimmunogenic peptides through a vaccinia recombinant. However, the amount of peptide required for CTL sensitization exceeded, by at least 30-fold, that required for recognition of the immunogenic epitope. Collectively, these results suggest that complexes containing the nonimmunogenic peptides are formed but are then destroyed intracellularly. Thus, a specialized sorting mechanism seems to contribute in shaping the repertoire of peptides presented to T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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