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Nuclei isolated from human cells productively infected with adenovirus 2 have been shown to synthesize four low molecular weight RNA species which hybridize efficiently to viral DNA. One species corresponds to the 5.5S or VA RNA (Ohe, Weissman, and Cooke, 1969), and is designated V156. The other three species are novel and have been designated V200, V140, V130, since they are approximately 200, 140, and 130 nucleotides in length, respectively. These viral RNAs retain their distinct electrophoretic properties after denaturation with formamide. RNA species with electrophoretic mobilities similar to those of the V200, V156, and V140 RNAs have been found in the cytoplasmic fraction of cells at late times after adenovirus infection. In isolated nuclei, the V200, V156, V140, and V130 RNAs are all synthesized by DNA-dependent RNA polymerase III, since synthesis is sensitive to high but not to low concentrations of alpha-amanitin. The synthesis of these low molecular weight RNAs continues for a prolonged period of time in isolated nuclei, suggesting that reinitiation occurs. Adenovirus 2 DNA fragments obtained by digestion with restriction endonucleases Eco RI and Sma I were used to map the location of the DNA sequences which encode the RNAs. All the low molecular weight RNAs hybridized to a region of the genome between o.18 and 0.38 fractional lengths from the left end of the adenovirus genome, suggesting that the respective DNA sequences are clustered. Other nonviral low molecular weight RNAs are synthesized in nuclei isolated from infected cells. These include the cellular 5S rRNA species which was minitored by its hybridization to purified 5S DNA from Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

The sigmaS- and sigma70-associated forms of RNA polymerase core enzyme (E) of Escherichia coli have very similar promoter recognition specificities in vitro. Nevertheless, the in vivo expression of many stress response genes is strongly dependent on sigmaS. Based on in vitro assays, it has recently been proposed that the disaccharide trehalose specifically stimulates the formation and activity of EsigmaS and thereby contributes to promoter selectivity (S. Kusano and A. Ishihama, J. Bacteriol. 179:3649-3654, 1997). However, we demonstrate here that a trehalose-free otsA mutant exhibits growth phase-related and osmotic induction of various sigmaS-dependent genes which is indistinguishable from that of an otherwise isogenic wild-type strain and that stationary-phase cells do not accumulate trehalose (even though the trehalose-synthesizing enzymes are induced). We conclude that in vivo trehalose does not play a role in the expression of sigmaS-dependent genes and therefore also not in sigma factor selectivity at the promoters of these genes.  相似文献   

Many cytological processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation, transformation, apoptosis, etc., are accompanied by specific chromatin changes, usually identified on the basis of the relative content of euchromatin and heterochromatin. In order to achieve a quantitative, non-subjective evaluation of the chromatin pattern, two different approaches may be undertaken, one consisting in the analysis of the several morphological features of chromatin grains (size, shape, density, arrangement, and distribution), and the second consisting in the analysis of the chromatin globally considered as a coherent texture. Although the second approach appears to be simpler and more suitable, methods of texture analysis--including those specifically designed for the analysis of the chromatin pattern--are rarely applied due mainly to the unsuitability of sampling procedures and the excessive crypticism of results. As an alternative to traditional texture analysis, we suggest a method supported by a sound mathematical theory and approximately 30 years of applications in the field of geostatistics. The method, called variogram, analyzes the intrinsic structure of data sampled at different distance intervals and directions, and outputs easily understandable results. Recently, variogram analysis has successfully been exported from geostatistics to other fields (for example, ecology and epidemiology) that make use of spatially referenced variables. Based on the fact that pixels represent a perfect array of data ordered at regular distance intervals and directions, the variogram can be adopted to explore nuclear images and recognize chromatin patterns. Variograms of different nuclei can be summarized by multivariate methods without the need of previous standardization of data. This allows comparison and discrimination of chromatin patterns from mixed cell populations. Preliminary data obtained from young neurons undergoing massive apoptosis reveal a self-consistent map of nuclear changes correlated to the degenerative process.  相似文献   

Illumination of dark-grown maize plants induces a rapid rise in DNA-DEPENDENT RNA polymerase activity in plastids. Within 16 h illumination the enzyme activity is isolated plastids increases 3-4 fold as compared to other dark-grown plants illuminated for only 2 h. This change in activity is unaccompanied by either a quantitative rise in the amount of chloroplast RNA polymerase or qualitative changes in the purified enzyme. It is suggested that other factors may be present which interact either with the enzyme or the DNA template and that these factors are responsible for the light-induced enhancement of the RNA polymerase activity inplastids.  相似文献   

ABC14.5 (Rpb8) is a eukaryotic subunit common to all three nuclear RNA polymerases. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ABC14.5 (Rpb8) is essential for cell viability, however its function remains unknown. We have cloned and characterised the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rpb8(+) cDNA. We found that S.pombe rpb8, unlike the similarly diverged human orthologue, cannot substitute for S.cerevisiae ABC14. 5 in vivo. To obtain information on the function of this RNA polymerase shared subunit we have used S.pombe rpb8 as a naturally altered molecule in heterologous expression assays in S.cerevisiae. Amino acid residue differences within the 67 N-terminal residues contribute to the functional distinction of the two yeast orthologues in S.cerevisiae. Overexpression of the S.cerevisiae largest subunit of RNA polymerase III C160 (Rpc1) allows S.pombe rpb8 to functionally replace ABC14.5 in S.cerevisiae, suggesting a specific genetic interaction between the S.cerevisiae ABC14.5 (Rpb8) and C160 subunits. We provide further molecular and biochemical evidence showing that the heterologously expressed S.pombe rpb8 molecule selectively affects RNApolymerase III but not RNA polymerase I complex assembly. We also report the identification of a S.cerevisiae ABC14.5-G120D mutant which affects RNA polymerase III.  相似文献   

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