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A gain-clamping technique for the long wavelength band (L-band) erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is presented. It uses a single fiber Bragg grating (FBG) on the input side of erbium-doped fiber (EDF) to inject a portion of backward conventional band (C-band) amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) back into the system. The use of a narrow-band (NB) FBG has shown a better performance in clamped-gain level and noise figure compared to a broad-band FBG. The amplifier gain for the NB FBG set up is clamped at 15.4 dB with a variation of less than 0.3 dB for an input power as high as 0 dBm  相似文献   

光纤光栅激光器型传感器及其研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光纤光栅是构成光纤激光器谐振腔的理想窄带反射元件,在光纤激光器中引入光纤光栅可以形成高灵敏度的光纤传感器。简要介绍光纤光栅激光器型传感器的工作原理、研发现状及潜在的应用领域。  相似文献   

概述了光纤光栅激光传感器(FBGLS)的基本结构和特点,并着重介绍其波长型、偏振态型、相位型传感器的工作原理及发展现状,最后阐述了FBGLS的应用前景。  相似文献   

Multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber lasers (EDFLs) have attracted considerable interests in recent years for their po- tential applications in Wavelength-division-multiplexed fi- ber communication system, fiber sensing, optical instrumentation, and microwa…  相似文献   

We report a tunable dual-wavelength-switching fiber grating laser by exploiting the large homogeneous gain broadening in erbium (Er)-doped fiber to suppress simultaneous lasing. Wavelength switching was accomplished through a novel design which has two overlapping cavities sharing a single-gain medium. The loss corresponding to one of the lasing wavelengths can be modulated via an optical chopper. Output power of about 6 mW and extinction ratio up to 50 dB were observed. The lasing wavelengths were tunable and switching was demonstrated for wavelength separations ranging from 0.35 to 23.5 nm  相似文献   

提出了一种用两个完全相同的光纤光栅作谐振腔的Er-Yb共掺光纤激光器,并对其输出与温度特性进行实验研究,给出了Er-Yb共掺光纤的自发辐射谱及光纤光栅的透射谱,讨论了光纤光栅工作温度对激光器输出中心波长的影响.实验结果表明激光器的温度稳定性较好.  相似文献   

A novel dual-wavelength fiber laser with asymmetric fiber Bragg grating(FBG) Fabry-Perot(FP) cavity is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A couple of uniform FBGs are used as the cavity mirrors, and the third FBG is used as intracavity wavelength selector by changing its operation temperature. Experimental results show that by adjusting the operation temperature of the intracavity wavelength selector, a tunable dual-wavelength laser emission can be achieved. The results demonstrate the new concept of dual-wavelength lasing with asymmetric FBG FP resonator and its technical feasibility.  相似文献   

研究光寻址电位传感器(LAPS)的器件噪声特性 。通过对LAPS半导体场效应器件的结构分析,建 立LAPS的理论模型,并进一步分析LAPS器件噪声信号的来源、种类及特性。以 pH缓冲液中H离子 浓度为检测对象,搭建基于NI采集卡和Labview环境的LAPS测试系统,对影响LAPS信号噪声 特性的光源 波长、光源调制频率、光源强度和Si衬底厚度等因素进行了仿真和实验研究。结果表明,增 大光源波长和光源强度 是提高输出信号幅值和信噪比(SNR)的最有效方法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种新型的光无源器件-芯内光纤布喇格光栅在光纤通信领域中的应用,分析了光纤布喇格光栅器件的性能以及存在的某些问题。  相似文献   

报道一种基于保偏光纤的萨格纳克环与级联的光纤布拉格光栅的双波长掺铒光纤激光器,该激光器采用简单的线性腔结构,所用的萨格纳克环担当了梳状滤波器,光栅组构成了波长选择器件;在偏振烧孔的作用下,通过调整偏振控制器,激光器能够输出5种不同的激发模式,其中,双波长2种,单波长3种;所有的激发线具有小于0.3nm线宽,大于24dB的光学信噪比;同时,该激光器展示了较好的波长与峰值功率稳定性.  相似文献   

A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) was inscribed in the inner cladding of a double-clad fiber, in order to reflect, and thus, double-pass, the pump radiation in a cladding-pumped fiber laser. The effective pump reflectivity of the inner-cladding FBG was /spl sim/46.4%. This increased the slope efficiency of a Yb-doped cladding-pumped fiber laser by up to 8.5%, and the output power increased by 45% with a 3-W pump source. The FBG provides stable and robust pump reflection, while leaving the fiber end free, for example, so that a signal transmission fiber can be spliced to the double-clad fiber.  相似文献   

光纤激光器中的自相位调制(SPM)以及低功率下的空间烧孔效应(SHB)会导致输出光谱展宽。分析了SPM、SHB导致光谱展宽的理论模型,讨论了低反光纤光栅(OC)的带宽与反射率对激光器输出光谱展宽的影响。实验研究了不同输出功率下激光器输出光谱随OC带宽及反射率的变化关系。结果表明减小OC带宽能够有效减缓SPM、SHB导致的输出光谱展宽;减小OC反射率能降低SPM导致的输出光谱展宽速度,却促进了SHB导致的光谱展宽;但相同改变量的情况下,OC带宽所带来的影响较反射率更为显著。实验结果与理论分析一致,对光谱合束及窄线宽高功率光纤激光器的设计与应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We propose a new concept to produce switchable multiwavelength oscillations with a cascaded fiber Bragg grating overlapping cavity erbium-doped fiber laser. The laser can be designed to operate in multiwavelength or in wavelength switching modes. The different lines have different thresholds. For three-wavelength oscillation, the output powers are linear or piecewise linear functions of the input pump power. An output with a variation of only 1.5 dB has been achieved with an input pump power of 100 mW. For wavelength switching, three single-wavelength and two dual-wavelength operation regions have been obtained toy adjusting the input pump levels  相似文献   

基于光栅电磁场理论,应用光栅等效规则计算光栅槽形初始值、结合衍射效率等高线法优化设计光栅槽形,给出了具有几何对称中心的任意槽形光栅.以全息工艺上易于制作的正弦、矩形和两种梯形典型槽形光栅为例进行优化设计,结果表明,正弦槽形光栅C波段TM波衍射效率理论峰值为95%,测量值为92%.较互易定理优化方法,等效规则优化法拓宽了光通信光栅的制作方法、降低了制作难度,为全息方法制作光通信光栅提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

A tunable dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) is proposed and demonstrated. By applying axial and lateral strain simultaneously on the fiber Bragg grating (FBG), the absolute wavelength and wavelength spacing of the EDFL can be tuned continuously. The FBG used included not only the FBG fabricated in standard single-mode fiber, but also the FBG in polarization-maintaining fiber. The experiment results are similar.  相似文献   

成建群  何俊聪 《激光与红外》2018,48(12):1496-1499
提出并实验验证了一种新型的基于啁啾光纤光栅的全光纤的可切换的五波长掺铒光纤激光器,该激光器采用简洁的线性腔结构,使用一段高掺铒的光纤作为增益介质,利用一个内含宽带啁啾光纤光栅的萨格纳克环作为激光器的谐振腔腔镜,担当了一个梳状滤波器的作用,另一个腔镜由一个宽带光纤反射镜担当,适当调整环中的偏振控制器,可以获得最多五波长的激光输出,并具有4种不同的激光输出模式,所有激发线均具有大于32 dB的光学信噪比,小于0.6 nm的线宽以及小于8 dB的峰值功率差异。  相似文献   

曾江辉  张培晴  张倩  李杏  许银生  王训四  戴世勋 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(10):1005007-1005007(7)
中红外波段包含极其重要的大气窗口和众多分子的指纹区,基于硫系玻璃的中红外光纤激光器逐渐引起人们的重视。由于硫系玻璃具有极高的非线性和色散特性,脉冲激光在硫系光纤中的展宽成为发展中红外超短激光必须解决的重要问题。针对脉冲激光在硫系光纤中传输的展宽问题,设计线性啁啾光纤光栅,用于补偿高斯脉冲激光经过光纤之后的色散展宽。模拟结果表明:光纤色散导致的脉冲展宽可以通过线性啁啾光纤光栅进行很好的补偿。进一步研究发现,通过对设计的啁啾光纤光栅运用高斯变迹函数进行切趾优化,可以显著改善色散补偿的效果,以获得对脉冲激光色散展宽的完全补偿。文中的研究对于设计高质量的硫系中红外光纤激光器具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

A new mechanism to tune an erbium-doped fiber laser in the L-band is presented. The technique is based on the dual-wavelength bistability in overlapping linear cavities, which allows two lasing lines to be switched from one to another by a triggering pulse superimposed to the dc bias current applied to the pump source. The two wavelengths can be independently tuned to give the laser a total tuning range of 33 nm that covers the whole L-band, while the tuning range of either of the tunable fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) used is only half of that range. An output dynamic range of 7 dB, and a maximum output power of up to 11 dBm with high optical signal-to-noise ratios are obtained. A study of the switching transient responses shows that the typical switching time is about 4 to 12 ms, depending on the dc bias current applied to the pump source. Moreover, our wide tuning technique is implemented by only applying ordinary commercial tunable FBGs which normally would have given rise to only about half of the tuning range; no additional filtering mechanisms are required to achieve almost uniform outputs.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new type of multi-wavelength fiber laser is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. Superimposed fiber grating (SIFG) and chirp fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) are used for wavelength selection. Based on gain equalization technology, by finely adjusting the stress device in the cavity, the gain and loss are equal, so as to suppress the modal competition and achieve multi-wavelength lasing at room temperature. The experimental results show that the laser can output stable multi-wavelength lasers simultaneously. The laser coupling loss is small, the structure is simple, and it is convenient for integration, so it can be widely used in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system and optical fiber sensors.  相似文献   

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