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Xian Wang Guochun Zhang Ying Zhao Feidi Fan Hongjun Liu Peizhen Fu 《Optical Materials》2007,29(12):1658-1661
The optical transmission spectra of BaCaBO3F (abbr. BCBF) crystal have been measured at room temperature. The refractive indices have been measured with the minimum deviation method and fitted to the Sellmeier equations. The nonlinear optical coefficient d22 of BCBF crystal determined by the Maker fringe technique is 0.74d36(KDP). 相似文献
AbstractThe theoretical investigation of controlling the optical bistability (OB) and optical multistability (OM) in a dielectric medium doped with nanodiamond nitrogen vacancy centres under optical excitation are reported. The shape of the OB curve from dielectric slab can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field and polarization of the control beam. The effect of the intensity of the control laser field and the frequency detuning of probe laser field on the OB and OM behaviour are also discussed in this paper. The results obtained can be used for realizing an all-optical bistable switching or development of nanoelectronic devices. 相似文献
Dispersion of refraction coefficients of orthorhombic BiB3O6 in the wavelength range between 435.8 and 1060 nm is studied, nonlinear optical coefficients are determined, and phase matching angles, angular and spectral bandwidths for second harmonic generation processes are calculated. δ-BiBO may be suitable for doubling of lasers with a wavelength in the 1.3 μm region as well as the matrix for self-doubling lasing media. 相似文献
A novel scheme is proposed for controlling the optical bistability and multistability in an atomic system. In an open ladder-type three-level atomic system, it is shown that, by adjusting the ratio between atomic injections and exit rates from the cavity, the intensity threshold of optical bistability can be controlled. The effect of incoherent pumping field and spontaneously generated coherence (SGC) on optical bistability for different values of exit rates is also discussed. It is found that SGC makes the medium phase dependent, so the optical bistability and multistability threshold can be controlled via relative phase between applied fields. Moreover, it is shown that the optical bistability can be switched to optical multistability, which is favorable for the next generation of all-optical systems and quantum networks. 相似文献
Optical bistability based on surface plasmon polaritons in the Kretschmann configuration involving a Kerr nonlinear medium is described by analytical solutions. The conditions of forming the optical bistability with different parameters are explored. The resonant angle of surface plasmon polaritons varying with the incident light intensity also generates the phenomenon of bistability. The system could form optical bistability with the special thickness of the metal film and incident angle. This kind of system has potential application in all-optical networks. 相似文献
Jiang Li Zhenrong Sun Xiaorong Zhu Heping Zeng Zhizhan Xu Zugeng Wang Jian Lin Wenhai Huang Robert S. Armstrong Peter A. Lay 《Optical Materials》2004,25(4):401-405
We examined the optical nonlinear properties of ZnO–Nb2O5–TeO2. The absorption and Raman spectra were measured, the third-order nonlinear susceptibility was determined by degenerated four wave mixing technique. The magnitude of χ(3) is about 1.0 × 10−12 esu, larger than that of silica glasses, and the optical bistability was observed in a Fabry–Perot cavity. 相似文献
R. Jayavel S. Madeswaran R. Mohan Kumar K. Terabe K. Kitamura 《Materials Science and Engineering: B》2005,120(1-3):137-140
Single crystal growth and domain structure of Rh:Barium titanate (BaTiO3) have been investigated. Rh doping in BaTiO3 is effective for the growth of bulk crystals without twin formation. Atomic force microscope (AFM) and optical microscope studies reveal the formation 180° and 90° domains on the grown crystals. It has been observed that the complex 180° domain structure with typical size of around 20 μm exists in the c-domain of {0 0 1} face of Rh doped BaTiO3 crystals. 相似文献
One of the most interesting and applicable effects of nonlinear optics is optical bistability. This phenomenon is exhibited by certain resonant optical structures where it is possible to have two stable steady transmission states for the device, depending on the history of the input. Such a bistable device may be useful for optical computing elements as a result of its memory characteristics. Optical bistability behaviour is usually observed by inserting a nonlinear matter inside a Fabry–Perot interferometer. But in this study, it was shown that this can be achieved without the application of any optical resonator. Two laser beams were used to interact with the photorefractive media (doped PMMA polymer) which resulted in the bistability of the intensity of transmitted wave. Feedback was provided by a periodic grating created in the photorefractive polymer PMMA. 相似文献
For the first time, Ca5(BO3)3F (CBF) fiber crystals were grown by the micro-pulling down technique from LiF-based flux. Regular and transparent fibers were obtained with good optical quality. Characterization by Raman spectroscopy and EDX microprobe showed fibers compositionally homogeneous. The specific heat capacity of the fibers was measured indicating a laser damage threshold slightly lower, at room temperature, than for crystals belonging to the related rare earth calcium oxoborate family. 相似文献
We report a low-cost, scalable method to fabricate optical grade composite thin films for nonlinear optical applications. The transmission and reflection spectra of prepared Ga5Sb10Ge25Se60/PVA composite films were investigated. Optical band gap of the thin films were calculated using Tauc’s extrapolation method. The band gap of the nanocomposite thin films were found to be tunable depending on the grain size of the films. Nonlinear optical characterization of samples were studied by the Z-scan technique using an Nd:YAG laser (532 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz). Sequential Z-scan traces were made in four regimes of intensity for films with three different grain sizes. The Z-scan spectra reveal a strong nonlinear absorption depending on the grain size of the films suggesting that the new materials are promising candidates for the development of nonlinear optical devices and are extremely perspective as optical limiters of intense short pulse radiation. 相似文献
KNbO3 single crystals are often utilized for their piezoelectric and optical properties. In this study the domain configurations in as-grown single crystals were investigated using reflected light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Using atomic force microscopy it was possible to image the distortion induced on the crystal surface by the domain walls and to quantify the predicted angle between (001)pc planes across these walls for the cases of both 90° domain walls and S walls. These features can also be imaged using the other two techniques. This direct measurement of surface distortion verifies the geometrical model of domain structures, and suggests that any possible strain energy considerations are minor in predicting the surface topography in the material after phase changes from the growth temperature. 相似文献
M.A. Noginov N. Noginova S.U. Egarievwe H.J. Caulfield C. Cochrane J.C. Wang M.R. Kokta J. Paitz 《Optical Materials》1998,10(4):297-303
Stimulated emission without a cavity was obtained (at λ=800 nm) in powders of Ti-sapphire laser crystal and compared to that in Nd0.5La0.5Al3(BO3)4. The formation of a narrow channel in a powder sample by a pumping laser beam was found to be advantageous for stimulated emission in Ti-sapphire and disadvantageous in Nd0.5La0.5Al3(BO3)4. The effect of the material volume density on stimulated emission in scattering Nd0.5La0.5Al3(BO3)4 was experimentally studied. The experimental results are explained in terms of absorption of pumping light in scattering materials, penetration depth for pumping, and residence time for emission photon in the pumped volume. 相似文献
Wei Hong L. E. Halliburton D. Perlov K. T. Stevens R. K. Route R. S. Feigelson 《Optical Materials》2004,26(4):437
The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique has been used to investigate point defects in single crystals of BBO (β-BaB2O4). This borate compound is a widely used nonlinear optical material, especially in the ultraviolet region, and point defects are expected to play a role in its device performance. There were no observable EPR spectra in our as-grown BBO crystals. However, an irradiation at room temperature with X-rays produced two stable EPR signals. One of these spectra, containing ten hyperfine lines when the magnetic field is parallel to the crystal's c axis, is assigned to a hole trapped on an oxygen ion adjacent to a barium vacancy. The ten lines are due to interactions with the two neighboring 11B nuclei. The other radiation-induced spectrum consists of a single line with an effective g value of 2.017 when the magnetic field is along the c axis. We tentatively assign this spectrum to Ni+ ions substituting for Ba2+ ions. In separate experiments, it was found that heating an as-grown BBO crystal to 760 °C for several hours produced an EPR spectrum due to Cu2+ ions. Subsequent exposure at room temperature to X-rays reduces the intensity of the Cu2+ spectrum. 相似文献
Prasanta Dhak Debasis Dhak Manasmita Das Kausikisankar Pramanik Panchanan Pramanik 《Materials Science and Engineering: B》2009,164(3):165-171
Ba0.97Ti0.97La0.02Mn0.04O3 nanocrystalline powder was prepared by chemical route with the help of soluble tartarate complex of Ti4+ ion. Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of crystal structure showed that a single-phase compound was formed exhibiting tetragonal system. Average crystallite size and particle size were observed to be between 27 and 33 nm, which were analyzed through XRD and transmission electron microscope respectively. Wide range impedance spectroscopy study from 200 to 600 °C showed the presence of both bulk and grain boundary effects up to 500 °C. The bulk conductivity indicated an Arrhenius-type thermally activated process and oxygen vacancies are the possible ionic charge carriers at higher temperatures. The variation of ac conductivity as a function of frequency indicated the possibility of hopping mechanism for electrical process in the system with a non-exponential type of conductivity relaxation. 相似文献
Optical properties and conductivity of glassy (As2Se3)3−x(As2Te3)x were studied for 0 ≤ x ≤ 3. The films of the above mentioned compound were prepared by thermal evaporation with thickness of about 250 nm. The optical-absorption edge is described and calculated using the non-direct transition model and the optical band gap is found to be in the range of 0.92 to 1.84 eV. While, the width of the band gap tail exhibits opposite behaviour and is found to be in the range of 0.157 to 0.061 eV, this behaviour is believed to be associated with cohesive energy and average coordination number. The conductivity measurement on the thin films is reported in the temperature range from 280 to 190 K. The conduction that occurs in this low-temperature range is due to variable range hopping in the band tails of localized states, which is in reasonable agreement with Mott's condition of variable range hopping conduction. Some parameters such as coordination number, molar volume and theoretical glass transition temperature were calculated and discussed in the light of the topological bonding structure. 相似文献
Jiachi Zhang Zhiya Zhang Xie Peng Yanping Jiang Huihui Li 《Materials Research Bulletin》2009,44(4):953-5027
The novel vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excited Na3Y9O3(BO3)8:Eu3+ red phosphor was synthesized and the photoluminescence (PL) properties were investigated. The phosphor showed strong VUV PL intensity, large quenching concentration (40 mol%) and good chromaticity (0.649, 0.351). The Eu3+-O2− charge transition (CT) was observed to be at a higher energy (232 nm, 5.35 eV). The host absorption at 127-166 nm was broad and strong when monitoring the Eu3+ emission, which indicated that energy transfer from the host-lattice to the Eu3+ ions was efficient in Na3Y9O3(BO3)8:Eu3+. These excellent VUV PL properties were revealed to be correlated with the unique isolated layer-type structure of Na3Y9O3(BO3)8 host. The results showed that the Na3Y9O3(BO3)8:Eu3+ would be a good candidate for VUV-excited red phosphor. 相似文献
Miros?awa K?pińska Marian NowakPiotr Duka Michalina Kotyczka-MorańskaPiotr Szperlich 《Optical Materials》2011,33(11):1753-1759
Optical parameters of platelets of crystalline antimony triiodide (SbI3) have been evaluated using spectrogoniometric interference spectroscopy technique. Spectral characteristics of real parts of refractive indices of radiation with electric vector normal and parallel to the optical c-axis of SbI3 crystalline platelets (i.e. no, ne - refractive indices for ordinary and extraordinary rays) have been shown. The temperature dependences of spectra of optical parameters (no and absorption coefficient of radiation with electric vector normal to the optical c-axis) have been presented. The temperature dependences of fitted optical indirect allowed energy gap of SbI3, Urbach energy and phonons energies are the main findings of the presented work. The obtained results have been compared with literature data. 相似文献
Sheng ChaoFatih Dogan 《Materials Letters》2011,65(6):978-981
BaTiO3-SrTiO3 (BST) thick films (~ 250-390 μm) with layered structures were fabricated by tape-casting and lamination process. Layered composites with various Ba/Sr ratios were obtained by lamination of BaTiO3 (BT) and SrTiO3 (ST) tapes in different spatial configurations (2-2). As-prepared BST ceramics showed much improved sinterability over the laminates of pure BT or pure ST tapes. Dielectric properties of materials were measured in the temperature range of 25 °C to 200 °C. The method of utilizing of layered structures offered flexibility to maximize the energy storage capability at specific operating conditions: (temperature and electric field) by tailoring the dielectric properties through varying the spatial configurations of BT and ST films. 相似文献
Using an advanced quantum-chemical method, a study of Nb-doping has been carried out in the BaTiO3 and CaTiO3 crystals. The lattice distortion due to the impurity presence is studied in a comparative manner for the two crystals and also considering different crystallographic phases. A new phenomenon of an extra electron transfer from the local energy level within the band-gap to the conduction band is found. This effect is discussed in terms of the available experimental data on electrical conductivity augmentation in these materials. 相似文献
We report on the magnetoelectric characterization of epitaxial CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 nanocomposites grown by rf sputtering on Nb-doped SrTiO3 (001). Multiferroicity of the material is corroborated with both, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic hysteresis loops. Magnetoelectric coupling is investigated via magnetocapacitance measurements; a change of the capacitance of about 2% is observed for an applied magnetic field of 8 T. The possible origins of this magnetocapacitance are discussed. 相似文献