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<正>云,偶然。风雨,必然。花朵,还不到秋天,就开始谢幕。不忍看秋天,飘零与逐放。八月初秋,簇拥的小黄花,摆着菊的姿态。在天边褪色的黛墨里,织着爱的细密,打开风的坐标,深入渴望。哦,我身边的草原,就是如此精致!不待你感叹,就把节气叠加起来,让寻觅的目光,牵扯对根的思念。一匹马,一枚夕阳。  相似文献   

<正>我是个喜欢养花的人。我会花一个下午的时间去听一朵花开的声音。我始终相信,每种花,都有自己的魂灵。初识虞美人,是在花市中。放眼望去,花市中有千万种鲜花,每朵都绽放异彩,娇艳无比。虞美人的叶、茎都普通,并不吸引人,但它那艳丽的花,一下子就吸引了我。那花好似鲜血染红的,又像是黄昏时天边燃烧的红霞。传说中,虞姬在项羽战败后,泣别项羽,自刎而亡,她身下的血,便幻化成了虞美人。凝望这花,我仿佛看见,柔弱的虞姬,在泣别项羽时,坐在屏风后,怀抱琵琶,手指轻拨着弦。那哀伤,那凄婉,令人  相似文献   

<正>提起武松打虎,那当然是无人不知无人不晓。如果用现在的说法,他的知名度和人气指数,在水浒一百单八将中应该是最高的。武松,号行者。他是步将(不骑马的将领),在水浒步将中,他和花和尚是佼佼者。要说武功,连猛虎都不是他的对手。要说人品,武松是正人君子,一身正气,两袖清风。武松应该是标准的虎胆英雄。他的豪侠气质,他的刚猛勇敢,他的嫉恶如仇,人神敬仰,鬼魅畏惧。武松的能耐、处事和人格魅力,都是非常值得欣赏的。这个人物,是《水浒传》中以浓墨重彩塑造的。他的故事贯穿水浒始终,英雄事迹举不  相似文献   

<正>一皖南转折。皖南曲折。秋浦河曲折而下,而上。转折的老巷,湿漉漉渗水的青石板,青苔苦暗,明明暗暗——这是我想象中的皖南。其实也是江南。皖南滋味像肥实甜腻的南瓜,丘陵像一大批伺机而暴动的南瓜,暂时挂在车窗的左边,伴随青阳的山水迅疾飞逝。九华后山下有一座湖,号芙蓉。芙蓉别号芙蕖,又名水芝,又名水华,取上善若水,步步生莲的意思。皖南亦为江南,多水之地。水势潺湲,生雨烟,生暮色,生三五粒豌豆大的游  相似文献   

<正>秋天,无处不在。它在枫树上,摇落枫叶,给大地爷爷盖上火红的棉被,让大地爷爷安详地做着甜美的梦。秋天,无处不在。它在苹果园里,吻着一个个小苹果的脸蛋,使它们原本就红扑扑的小脸变得更加红润光泽。秋天,无处不在。它在一棵棵桂花树上,让这个城市的每个角落都弥漫着桂花那扑鼻、沁人的香气。秋天,无处不在。它在人们的穿着上,小朋友们穿上了暖和的衣裳,大人们穿上了厚实的时装。秋天,无处不在。秋天,我们爱你。  相似文献   

正不同的人,有不同的眼界。不同的心,有不同的想法。不同立场,有不同的需求。不同位置,有不同的压力。人与人,有太多的不同,但却有一样的希望。希望别人能理解,希望别人能体谅,希望别人能珍惜,希望别人能包容。人与人,想要更好地相处,就需要知道分寸,懂得换位。站在他人的角度,体谅他人的难处;处在他人的位置,理解他人的辛苦。多考虑他人的处境,将心比心去看待。不计较别人的过失,别人也会心怀感激。  相似文献   

<正>一放寒假,少年就盼着过年。过年好啊,有肉吃,有新衣,还有灯戏。小伙伴们眼睛贼亮,朝路上望了又望,好像年这家伙,是坐拖拉机来的。少年不稀罕这些,他想要的,是花炮。三十夜里,嘭嘭响、笑呵呵的花炮。去年,他是没搞赢马小淘的。马小淘住城里,年年回这里放花炮。他的货色真多啊,冲天炮,喷火筒,满地转,一个接一个。爹给他的那些玩意,衰得像只抱鸡婆,赖在地上,扑腾,扑腾,就是飞不起来。大家不哄笑,他也会无地自容的。想起往年的辉煌,少年很失落,把自己一只不响也不转的土花炮,狠狠地踢进了臭水沟。爹牵着他回家时,很坚决地说:"明年,爹一定给你弄一大  相似文献   

<正>冯杰的文章我一向喜欢读,喜欢他的笔墨,喜欢他的性情,喜欢他的趣味。写文章的人多,写得好的也多,但写出自己文本的不多。我常常想,文章这个东西,性情趣味知识不过门槛,真想写出大天地,文本必须解决。我们读《史记》觉得这是司马迁独有的笔墨,读《琅嬛文集》,觉得这文章张岱独有。而冯杰恰恰是有独特文本的人。读到冯杰近作,想起往事。前些年秋天在九华后山,正午,峰高月明,透明。透明的月如损了半边的古玉盘,土沁在焉。月离太阳两丈余,淡云系着。山里芒花一片,触目白茫茫。  相似文献   

子孺 《建筑》2006,(6):78
现代建筑如同巨大的雕塑,宏大、震撼,但不免冰冷和呆板。中国古建筑如同跳动的音符,有时如溪流淙淙,有时如高山巉巉,令人思绪万千。古建筑的灵魂在其檐。檐是有性格的。宫殿的檐博大而严谨,如稳坐的帝王和圣者,不怒而威。亭榭的檐精致而飘逸,如同临风起舞的美女,悦目怡神。民居的檐散漫而恬淡,北方的朴直无饰,如其民刚朴而尚武,南方的灵巧多变,如民聪慧而好文。檐是有灵感的。大汉崇武拓边,马啸西风,故其檐直朴有力,隐隐透出一股昂扬向上的精神。盛唐国富民强,文明开通,故其檐雄武博大,雍容华贵中自有一种帝王之尊。两宋重文轻武,苟且偏安,…  相似文献   

书香门第"青山不墨千秋画。流水无弦万古琴。"上联讲山色青青,碧染如墨。虽非墨染,却胜似墨染。是从颜色,从视觉的角度,来赞颂山之美的。下联讲泉也好,溪也罢,凡是流水,无不叮叮咚咚,如鸣佩环,悦耳动听,似处仙境。是从听觉的角度,加以描写的。传达出来的意境大致是一样的。自古以来,中国文化博大精深,古人对诗词歌赋琴棋书画的创作更使今人为之膜拜,将其创新的设计理念及博大的中国文化和谐的结合在一起,让人  相似文献   

The weathering of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) has been monitored in soils using an in situ experimental approach. Arsenopyrite in nylon experimental bags was placed in individual horizons in soils in spruce (litter, horizons A, B, and C), beech (litter, horizons A, B, and C) and unforested (horizons A, B, and C) areas and left in contact with the soil for a period of 1 year. The individual areas on the ridge of the Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic, had the same lithology, climatic and environmental conditions. Scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) was identified as a principal secondary mineral of arsenic (As) formed directly on the surface of the arsenopyrite. Scorodite was formed in all the areas in all soil horizons. The amount of scorodite formed decreased in the series beech, spruce and unforested areas. In forested areas, there was a larger amount of scorodite on arsenopyrites exposed in organic horizons (litter, A horizon). The greater rate of arsenopyrite alteration in organic horizons in the beech stand compared to spruce stand is probably a result of faster mineralization of organic material with resulting production of nitrate and better seepage conditions of soil in this area. Speciation of As determined using the sequential extraction technique demonstrated that As was bonded in the soils primarily in the residual fractions prior to the experiment. The As content in the mobile fractions increased in the organic horizon in the forested areas after the experiments.  相似文献   

探究“虚实”空间关系,创造个性化的城市空间场所   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄春华  周安伟 《规划师》2003,19(3):39-41
作者利用空间的“虚、实”概念,结合格斯塔心理学的“图底”关系,类比分析中国水墨画的留白艺术手法及生态系统中的细胞繁衍规律,通过张家界城市绿化广场周边地段的概念设计的创作实践,提出创造个性化的城市空间场所工作中虚实空间的理念与原则目标。  相似文献   

In a preliminary biomonitoring study, accumulated trace metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn) have been measured in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis collected in the Black Sea, at 100 km from the Danube Delta in February 2001 and February 2002. Mussels were collected from four sites. In 2001 metal concentrations were determined in the whole soft body whereas, in 2002, the distribution of metals was evaluated in three different organs (gills, visceral mass and remaining tissues). The results obtained in 2002 confirmed those of 2001. For a given site, concentrations were always higher in the gills and visceral mass of mussels than in the remaining tissues. Principal component analysis allowed separating stations as a function of the metal concentrations in the organs. It is concluded that the mussels M. galloprovincialis are suitable biomonitors to assess changes in metal pollution in this coastal area of the Black Sea.  相似文献   

改善寒地高层住宅适居性的设计策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高层住宅在寒地的建设现状从规划、建设、环境等方面总结并分析其特有的适居问题 ,进而提出改善寒地高层住宅适居性的设计策略 :规划设计合理化、景观设计适宜化、交通设计室内化、构造设计节能化、套型设计精密化、装饰设计人性化。  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment have received great attentions from the general and scientific community due to their potential impacts on ecological and human health. We investigated the occurrence of twelve acidic pharmaceuticals and herbicides (salicylic acid, clofibric acid, ibuprofen, gemfibrozil, fenoprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, mefenamic acid, tolfenamic acid, diclofenac, meclofenamic acid and indomethacin) in surface waters of the Yellow River, Hai River and Liao River in north China during the wet and dry seasons and assessed the potential risks to aquatic organisms posed by these acidic compounds. Seven acidic compounds were detected in the rivers, including five non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (salicylic acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac, mefenamic acid and naproxen), and two blood lipid regulators (clofibric acid and gemfibrozil). The concentrations for acidic pharmaceuticals in the Yellow River and Liao River were in most cases higher in the dry season than in the wet season, but the concentrations of acidic compounds in the Hai River were generally higher in July than in November. High concentrations of these detected compounds in the Yellow River, Hai River and Liao River were found more frequently at those sites located in metropolitan areas, lower reaches or river confluences. Only diclofenac and ibuprofen were found to have medium to high risks in the three rivers based on the calculated risk quotients.  相似文献   

Several types of vegetables were collected from two contaminated sites in Tianjin, China. The bulk soil and the rhizosphere soil samples were also collected from the same plots. Sixteen PAHs in the samples were measured. The total concentrations of PAH16 in the bulk soil from the two sites were 1.08 and 6.25 microg/g, respectively, with similar pattern. The concentrations of PAH16 and individual compounds in the rhizosphere were significantly higher than those in the bulk soil with mean values of 2.25 and 7.82 microg/g for the two sites, respectively. The contents of both total and dissolved organic matter in the rhizosphere were also higher than those in the bulk soil. Almost all PAH compounds studied were detected in both roots and aerial parts of the vegetables studied. Abundance of higher molecular weight PAHs in vegetable, however, was lower than that in soil. Concentrations of PAH16 in vegetable were higher than those reported in the literature for other areas. It appears that agricultural soils and vegetables in Tianjin, especially those from the site located immediately next to an urban district and irrigated with wastewater for several decades, are severely contaminated by PAHs. Among the eight types of vegetable studied, the highest concentration of PAHs was found in cauliflower. By average, the concentration of PAH16 in the aerial part of vegetables was 6.5 times higher as that in vegetable root, suggesting that foliar uptake is the primary transfer pathway of PAHs from environment to vegetables.  相似文献   

Many estuaries of southwest England were heavily contaminated with toxic metals associated with the mining of copper and other metals, particularly between 1850 and 1900. The question remains whether the passage of time has brought remediation to these estuaries. In 2003 and 2006 we revisited sites in 5 metal-contaminated estuaries sampled in the 1970s and 1980s — Restronguet Creek, Gannel, West Looe, East Looe and Tavy. We evaluate changes in metal contamination in sediments and in metal bioavailabilities in sediments and water to local organisms employed as biomonitors. We find that the decline in contamination in these estuaries is complex. Differences in bioavailable contamination in the water column were detectable, as were significant detectable changes in at least some estuaries in bioavailable metal contamination originating from sediments. However, in the 100 years since mining activities declined, bioavailable contamination has not declined to the regional baseline in any estuary affected by the mine wastes. The greatest decline in contamination occurred in the one instance (East Looe) where a previous industrial source of (Ag) contamination was considered. We used the macroalgae Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum as biomonitors of dissolved metal bioavailabilities and the deposit feeders Nereis diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana as biomonitors of bioavailable metal in sediments. We found no systematic decrease in the atypically high Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in the estuarine sediments over a 26 year period. Accumulated metal (Ag, As, Cu, Pb, and Zn) concentrations in the deposit feeders are similarly still atypically high in at least one estuary for each metal, and there is no consistent evidence for general decreases in sediment metal bioavailabilities over time. We conclude that the legacy of mining in sheltered estuaries of southwest England is the ongoing presence of sediments rich in metals bioavailable to deposit feeders, while dissolved metal bioavailabilities from this historical source alone are no longer atypically high.  相似文献   

Maalej S  Mahjoubi A  Elazri C  Dukan S 《Water research》2003,37(12):2865-2874
Seasonal dynamics of motile Aeromonas in a treated urban effluent and in natural seawater along the Sfax coast (Mediterranean sea, Tunisia) were measured over a year concurrently with seven environmental factors, and compared with those of faecal coliforms. Counts for Aeromonas from a standard plate count method, ranged from 1.48 x 10(5)CFU.100 ml(-1) to 2.2 x 10(8)CFU.100 ml(-1) in the effluent and from 7.9 x 10(3)CFU.100 ml(-1) to undetectable level in the surface marine waters. Contrary to faecal coliforms, the Aeromonas dynamics exhibited a seasonal distribution in seawater which was inverse of the seasonal distribution in the sewage: From the end of November 1998 to April 1999 (cold period), Aeromonas counts increased in the treated effluent, while it decreased very rapidly in seawater. From May to October (warm period), Aeromonas abundance decreased in the effluent but showed an increasing fluctuating trend in the marine waters with a maximum in late summer/early autumn when the temperatures were around 22-23 degrees C. Multiple correlation and regression analyses suggest, by the coefficient of determination (R(2)), that 42% of variance in Aeromonas number changes in the treated effluent, may be explained by only turbidity, radiation and Aeromonas density in the previous sample, while 37% of variance in marine ecosystem were explained by radiance and conductivity. Furthermore, the t statistics and their p values and the coefficient of partial determination (r(2)) indicated that radiance contributed the most (r(2)=0.3184, t=-3.2, p=0.0041) to the dynamics of motile Aeromonas in seawater, when combined with conductivity.The models relevant for changes in faecal coliforms abundance incorporated turbidity, radiance in the effluent and conductivity, pH, radiance, turbidity in coastal marine environment. These models explain 66% and 73% of the observed cell number fluctuation, with turbidity (r(2)=0.529, t=5.08, p=0.0001) and conductivity (r(2)=0.5407, t=4.97, p=0.0001) as dominant factors in the multivariate model proposed, respectively, for the two sampling sites. The results presented here suggest that the combination of negative effects of sunlight and conductivity in natural seawater mainly affects the colony-forming capacity and make the motile Aeromonas nonrecoverable during cold months.  相似文献   

Development and applications of trenchless technology in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trenchless technology has developed for almost 10 years in China since the first symposium on trenchless technology was held in Beijing (Peking) in 1996 and the China Society for Trenchless Technology-CSTT was established in 1998. Driven by the dramatically increased demand for underground pipeline installation throughout the nation, China has made significant progress in research and development in trenchless technology in the past 10 years. For example, there are more than 200 contractors engaged in trenchless construction, using more than 2000 horizontal directional drilling machines, among which approximately 700 have been introduced in the last year, and the biggest HDD rig in the world is now in China. In addition, China has made many achievements in education, research, and new products development and has accomplished many challenging projects in terms of complexity, diameter and distance in this field. There is a huge market potential for trenchless technology in mainland China.This paper presents the latest research, education, training, marketing and technical status of trenchless technology in China, and discusses the potential market, trends and factors that will influence trenchless technology in the next decade in China.  相似文献   

程琳 《福建建筑》2012,(4):62-65
混凝土在现代工程建设中占有重要的地位。而在现代混凝土工程中裂缝几乎无所不在。尽管我们在施工中采取各种措施,但裂缝时有出现,究其原因,发现产生裂缝的原因是多方面的。首先,在施工中混凝土常常出现温度裂缝,影响到结构整体性和耐久性;其次,施工工艺不熟,浇注方式的变化也会导致现浇钢筋混凝土楼板产生裂缝;第三,在运转过程中,温度变化对结构的应力状态具有显著的不容忽视的影响,另外施工单位为赶进度,在现浇混凝土未达到设计强度时即拆模,或板上施工堆载过重,也会导致板开裂,出现穿透性裂缝。本文以近年来部分住宅楼用户投诉件为例,针对混凝土裂缝的成因,从脆性和不均匀性、施工工艺、温度应力形成过程、混凝土的早期养护等方面进行分析,提出现场混凝土温度的控制和预防裂缝的措施。  相似文献   

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