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Water hydraulic systems use water as a pressure medium to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of oil-using hydraulics. Microbial growth in the systems may restrict the applicability of this technology. In this work, occurrence of bacteria in three different full-scale water hydraulic applications operating in different industries was studied. Bacteria were found from different parts of diesel engine direct water injection (DWI) systems in the range of 1.8×105–1.0×107 cells/ml. Filters designed for removal of mechanical particles released bacteria and particles into the pressure medium indicating that a more frequent change of filters was needed or better filters for microbial control should be developed. The microbiological quality of the pressure medium in the DWI systems did not significantly change during the hydraulic circuit indicating suitability for long-term operation. The DWI studies showed that tap water quality is sufficient to ensure the long-term operation of full-scale water hydraulic applications. The microbiological quality of the pressure medium in a nuclear power plant remained stable (1.4–2.1×105 cells/ml) over long-term operation. The results confirmed that water hydraulics, with demineralized water as a pressure medium, can be used in such demanding applications as nuclear power plants. In the pressure medium of the hydraulic system of a wood processing plant, microbial growth resulted in malfunction. Bacteria should be controlled by a better quality pressure medium rather than the use of a biocide. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Recent important laser technical developments of high power lasers are described. Their applications to the industrial processing of materials are discussed. These are helped by basic investigations of the lasers' scientific characteristics.  相似文献   

本文论述了馒头、面条等中国主食品的独有特征,指出主食品的生产、供应必然将实现产业化,进而向方便化、营养化、标准化、现代化发展。  相似文献   

无机膜在工业废水处理中的应用与展望   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
对无机膜在工业废水处理领域的技术进展和应用现状进行了较全面的综述,由于材料特性所决定,无机膜将在苛刻条件下的废水处理领域中发挥重要的作用,无机膜集成技术的应用也将受到重视。  相似文献   

India in its 40 years of independence has made great progress in science and technology and in industrial development. Education at all levels has expanded, and the number of colleges and universities has increased several-fold. Expenditures for research and development (R&D) have grown rapidly, with 85% of its support coming from government agencies. The four largest government programs for R&D are for Defense, Agriculture, Atomic Energy, and Space, and these four account for over 50% of the nation's R&D efforts. Under government encouragement, R&D by private industry has expanded rapidly, and now about equals the public sector industry in R&D expenditures. Industrial concerns, public and private, directly support about 30% of India's R&D.The impact of indegenous R&D on India's industry is growing, but both the public and private sectors of industry still rely principally on imported technologies. However, several new government “liberalisation” programs, aimed at enhancing the contributions of Indian research, for example by making it simpler and less costly to import research equipment, are now in place, and should expand India's research efforts, and their contributions to industry.  相似文献   

Integrating renewable energy into the manufacturing facility is the ultimate key to realising carbon-neutral operations. Although many firms have taken various initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of their facilities, there are few quantitative studies focused on cost analysis and supply reliability of integrating intermittent wind and solar power. This paper aims to fill this gap by addressing the following question: shall we adopt power purchase agreement (PPA) or onsite renewable generation to realise the eco-economic benefits? We tackle this complex decision-making problem by considering two regulatory options: government carbon incentives and utility pricing policy. A stochastic programming model is formulated to search for the optimal mix of onsite and offsite renewable power supply. The model is tested extensively in different regions under various climatic conditions. Three findings are obtained. First, in a long term onsite generation and PPA can avoid the price volatility in the spot or wholesale electricity market. Second, at locations where the wind speed is below 6 m/s, PPA at $70/MWh is preferred over onsite wind generation. Third, compared to PPA and wind generation, solar generation is not economically competitive unless the capacity cost is down below $1.5 M/MW.  相似文献   

The impact of the indigenous design and production of technologically advanced weapons in industrializing states continues to be a subject of great interest and importance. To date, however, studies of this linkage have tended to be highly generalized and simplistic. Most use static models, which assume either that this investment tends to divert scarce resources from the task of “nation building,” or, at the other end of the spectrum, that such production “spills over” into other areas, providing an infrastructure for broader technological and managerial development. In this study, a relatively complex and dynamic model relating military production to economic and technological development is proposed. In examining the case of Israel, it is shown that military production passes through various stages and is composed of separate and usually diverse sectors, from electronics to metallurgy. At each level and for every sector, the type of technology required, and, thus, the investment, risks and the potential for spill-over are different. Although Israel is, in many cases, unusual, nevertheless the generalized model can serve as a basis for the investigation of other cases.  相似文献   

我国可开发风能贮量远高于化石能源之和,高效利用风能,有助于缓解能源与环境压力。起步晚,增速快,目前我国风电装机总容量全球领先,但跟随式发展思维导致风电开发应用模式单一。而我国电源结构中适合调峰的灵活电源比重小,随着风电装机数量的快速扩张,限电"弃风"问题日益突出,影响了风电产业的可持续发展。发展新能源风电产业,需要从国情实际出发,遵循经济、环境和社会效益相统一的原则,获得国家"973"计划科研项目支持、源自我国的"非并网风电"理论,突破传统观念束缚,研究风电在不上网情况下实现高效、低成本的开发利用,目前已进入科技成果转化为现实生产力的关键期,需要多措并举,使风电真正成为造福我国的绿色清洁能源。  相似文献   

尚心德 《真空》2004,41(4):143-145
兰州真空建厂40年来,是一个稳定发展的企业,是甘肃机械工业始终保持盈利的企业.在上世纪90年代,曾有过一段兴旺发展的时期.但随着市场经济及改革的深入,其产品结构、新品开发、制造水平已不能适应市场新经济的格局,企业的发展受到了影响.针对企业生存的需要,按照"调整产品结构,发挥自我优势,开发独创产品,增强市场竞争"的发展方针,采取措施,扭转了在市场上的被动局面,求得了生存空间,走上了新的发展道路.  相似文献   

A failure analysis investigation was carried out on the secondary Superheater tubes of a boiler unit in a steam power plant. The tubes, made of DIN-16CrMo4 steel, failed by bulging and rupture only after about three years of operation. Metallurgical investigations revealed that microstructural degradation had mainly occurred at the external (fireside) tube surface. Long-term overheating was identified as the root cause of the premature failure.  相似文献   

The development of new processes or modifications of existing industrial processes often leads to acceptance issues, because not all real conditions can be reproduced in non industrial facilities. The investigations under ideal conditions are mostly indispensable for scientific tasks but lead to risks resulting from transferring university results to industry. In this article, a solution to this problem is presented combining the experimental work in university facilities with the needs of industrial plant employers. A tiered approach using preliminary scientific experiments without impurities from lab to miniplant scale followed by a bypass operation with the real industrial plant combines the advantages of the both sides. In line with this approach, intensive theoretical and experimental studies were carried out in the lab of the chair “Process Dynamics and Operation” of the “Technische Universtität Berlin” for the development of a new emission-free sulfuric acid process. In a further step, a mobile, modular, and fully automated experimental set-up is built and shipped to the industrial partner, where it is operated in bypass to the industrial sulfuric acid plant. Main objectives are to obtain important insights regarding long-term stability and interaction of secondary components. The application of this approach in a real case study shows that a very fast and cost effective process development can be realized with the minimum on risk. In this work, the very successful development of the emission-free sulfuric acid process is presented. Deep information of the reaction mechanism of the sulfur dioxide hydrogenation and side reactions was determined. The results presented in this article allow the development of optimal operational strategies for the whole sulfuric acid plant, which give a completely new perspective to the established process.  相似文献   

鉴于国内外大多数工业仪表由于4~20mA环路供电的限制而不能在液晶中引入背光的现状,设计一套基于超级电容的超低功耗背光供电系统。通过对LCD供电系统的研究和实验,以超级电容作为独立电源,将电容与电池的优点结合起来。系统充电电流由单片机控制数字电位器进行,放电时则加入高效率的电荷泵,将电压升压后经恒流二极管整流驱动背光LED。最后通过实验验证该背光系统的实用性。  相似文献   

论述了工业铂电阻自动检定装置的系统硬件结构和软件设计流程,包括各个组成部分的功能及工作原理.目的在于提高检定的准确度和效率,并实时进行分析和计算.利用计算机技术,设计了工业铂电阻的自动检定系统.通过实际工业铂电阻的检定过程全面介绍了系统的应用和操作流程.系统设计先进、结构合理、软件功能齐全、操作方便、界面美观大方,具有量值传递准确可靠、抗干扰能力强等一系列突出特点.  相似文献   

针对普光超深高含硫气田安全高效开发面临的诸多世界性技术难题,按照“学习借鉴、攻关创新、集成应用”紧密衔接的科技创新路径,组建产学研一体化技术攻关团队,形成开放式创新体系,实现科技攻关与现场先导试验良性互动,成功推动了超深高含硫气田安全高效开发技术的研发与配套、关键装备国产化、标准体系建设及其工业化应用,使我国成为世界上少数几个掌握开发特大型超深高含硫气田核心技术的国家,为我国乃至世界复杂山地超深高含硫气田安全高效开发做出了贡献。  相似文献   

中国农林生物质直燃发电产业化发展分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了中国农林生物质直燃发电产业化发展的背景和现状,通过典型案例研究来说明该产业技术发展取得的成绩和不足,并对其未来的发展做了简要分析。  相似文献   

Afghanistan has been a commercial bridge between Asia and Europe since the earliest times in history. Due to its geopolitical position, many civilizations have fought to seize this geography. Today, this fate of history has not changed so much. War and terror have always existed in Afghanistan since the early 1980s. Sustainable Development Goals and the infrastructure improvements needed to achieve these goals can be a future and hope for Afghanistan. In this context, an industrial sustainable development strategy for Afghanistan needs to be implemented urgently. This should be started in Herat Province, where has the high potential of economic and commercial provinces of Afghanistan. This study aims to explore and analyze the feasible industrial sustainable development strategies relevant to socio-technical theory, which can also be the main contributor to rural development, for the Herat province of Afghanistan. In the study, we employ a quantitative research method. The necessary data was collected from a questionnaire, which was formulated as a result of a comprehensive literature review. A survey study on the field was conducted on a sample of 250 artisans of Herat Province. Exporting of domestic goods and products to the neighborhood and other countries through the creation of land and air transportation routes; creating job opportunities through encouraging and supporting of domestic and foreign investors in industrial field; training of professional and specialized cadres and raising the capacity of entrepreneurs by creating educational, vocational and technical centers; reduction of products costs such as electricity and fuel for investors through the creation of internal energy sources and construction of dams without harming natural and environmental resources have been recommended to implement in the Herat Province, respectively.  相似文献   

动力型锂离子电池的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
动力型锂离子电池已成为目前众多学者研究的热点。从活性材料,导电剂以及粘结剂等,简要介绍了动力型锂离子电池的发展及研究现状,并对未来做了展望。  相似文献   

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