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本文简要介绍了一种新的知识表示方法-概念图;详细论述了概念图知识表示的机器内部实现方法以及在推理过程中如何实现概念图之间的匹配。  相似文献   

针对目前计算机在自动语用分析中不能解析出整个话语深层含义的问题,设计了基于模糊概念图匹配的关联推理算法。该算法针对汉语语用分析中的特定对话模式,用模糊概念图表示说话人的话语和认知语境知识,并从计算机学科出发进行关联推理,解决了话语深层含义的语用分析问题。经过实验分析,该算法准确率达78%。该算法已应用到舆情分析和IRC聊天室社会网络挖掘中,采用该算法对大量会话文本预处理,有效降低了基于多特征融合的Mutton方法和Ada Boost方法的漏报率和误报率,提高SBV极性传递算法的准确率,有效推出了对话者文本的深层含义。  相似文献   

ITS中基于模糊关系数据模型的知识表示及推理研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王陆  杨卉  董乐 《计算机工程》2001,27(2):37-38,57
使用模糊关系模型讨论建立学科知识库的方法,并用隶属度函数及模糊中心数等方法描述知识点属性,以知识点的模糊关系建立知识库,并且,就实现基于模糊关系数据模型推理过程,给出了两个关键性的算法。  相似文献   

基于描述逻辑的概念图推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了概念图在知识表示领域的重要性及其存在的问题,提出了一种基于描述逻辑的具有自动推理功能的扩展概念图.针对概念图的特点和需求,给出了将概念图的一个子集转化为描述逻辑知识库的方法,并证明了该方法的正确性.同时给出了其知识库的一致性、包含关系的自动判断方法,也证明了这些判断方法的正确性.  相似文献   

行为知识的表示和推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了行为逻辑语言,并讨论了用行为逻辑表示行为知识时应该注意的一些问题,即合理性、通用性、易读性,同了三于知识库转换的部分函数依赖与行为知识的联系。  相似文献   

基于模糊Petri网的产生式知识表示模型的推理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对基于模糊Petri网的产生式知识表示方法提出一种推理规则,通过验证和确认前提条件来化简关联矩阵,从而建立一个与推理直接相关的新矩阵,免去了对知识库的盲目搜索。  相似文献   

模糊Petri我在带权不精确知识表示和推理中的应用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Petri网是一种适合于描述异步并发事件的计算机系统模型,可以有效地对并行和并发系统进行形式化验证和行为分析,以模糊Petri网的基本定义为基础,讨论了带权模糊的模糊产生式系统表示法,建立了这种表示法与模糊Petri网之间的映射关系和转换算法;在对模糊Petri网进一步扩充的基础上,解决了与知识的模糊Petri网表示相关的几个问题;最后给出了模糊Petri网中不确定性的计算方法和相应的不精确推理算  相似文献   

一种不精确知识表示及其推理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王群来 《计算机杂志》1992,20(3):14-22,42

正向推理型故障模糊预测系统的知识表示与推理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据故障预测问题的要求,利用模糊数学理论,对预测知识进行了模糊集合描述,提出了一种面向正向推理的知识表示法,给出正向推理型故障模糊预测的推理过程。  相似文献   

关联索引知识表示及其正反混合推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

由于汉语自身的复杂性、主观题的多样性和灵活性,使主观题的自动阅卷成为计算机无纸化考试的技术难点。结合主观题中简答题的人工批改过程,提出以概念图理论为基础的模糊含权概念图知识表示方法;从汉语自然语言理解的语义分析角度研究了特定课程主观题自动阅卷问题,设计了自动阅卷部分的模块结构,实现了简答题的计算机自动阅卷过程。经过测试分析,该方法反映了考生主观题的答卷情况与人工阅卷的结果基本一致,是一个切实可行的解决方案,而该课题的研究对其他课程主观题的计算机自动阅卷具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

This study was motivated by some difficulties encountered by the authors when trying to express temporal knowledge using Sowa's conceptual graph (CG) approach. An overview of Sowa's approach is given and the difficulties encountered when trying to model temporal knowledge are outlined: the disparity of notations allowed by CG theory for expressing temporal information; the ambiguity and incompleteness of tense sspecification; the difficulty of harmonizing tenses and intergraph temporal relations. Various approaches suggested for representing time both in artificial intelligence and linguistics are presented, and an extension to Sowa's approach is proposed in which temporal and nontemporal knowledge are differentiated. In this model points in time are represented as well as time intervals. A semantic interpretation of verbs is provided based on an extension of Reichenbach's model of temporal markers. The authors show how their approach enables the representation of tenses as well as the aspectual properties of natural language sentences.  相似文献   

应用带标识的模糊Petri网的知识表示方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种在某些库所中带有标识的模糊Petri网模型来进行知识表示。为了获得更多的加权模糊产生式规则的信息,在知识表示的过程中考虑了权值,确定性因子,阈值等参数。这种模糊Petri网充分利用了Petri网的并行处理能力。随着带标识的模糊Petri网的运行,网中标识的变化可以标记加权模糊推理的运行。通过文中给出的基于相似性测度的计算方法可以更加高效地计算出多层加权模糊推理的推理结果。  相似文献   

现有的知识库问答(KBQA)研究通常依赖于完善的知识库,忽视了实际应用中知识图谱稀疏性这一关键问题。为了弥补该不足,引入了知识表示学习方法,将知识库转换为低维向量,有效摆脱了传统模型中对子图搜索空间的依赖,并实现了对隐式关系的推理,这是以往研究所未涉及到的。其次,针对传统KBQA在信息检索中常见的问句语义理解错误对下游问答推理的错误传播,引入了一种基于知识表示学习的答案推理重排序机制。该机制使用伪孪生网络分别对知识三元组和问句进行表征,并融合上游任务核心实体关注度评估阶段的特征,以实现对答案推理结果三元组的有效重排序。最后,为了验证所提算法的有效性,在中国移动RPA知识图谱问答系统与英文开源数据集下分别进行了对比实验。实验结果显示,相比现有的同类模型,该算法在hits@n、准确率、F1值等多个关键评估指标上均表现更佳,证明了基于知识表示学习的KBQA答案推理重排序算法在处理稀疏知识图谱的隐式关系推理和KBQA答案推理方面的优越性。  相似文献   

基于模糊含权概念图的主观题自动阅卷方法研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于汉语自身的复杂性、主观题的多样性和灵活性,使主观题的自动阅卷成为计算机无纸化考试的技术难点.结合主观题中简答题的人工批改过程,提出以概念图理论为基础的模糊含权概念图知识表示方法;从汉语自然语言理解的语义分析角度研究了特定课程主观题自动阅卷问题,设计了自动阅卷部分的模块结构,实现了简答题的计算机自动阅卷过程.经过测试分析,该方法反映了考生主观题的答卷情况与人工阅卷的结果基本一致,是一个切实可行的解决方案,而该课题的研究对其他课程主观题的计算机自动阅卷具有一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

Embedding defaults into terminological knowledge representation formalisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of integrating Reiter's default logic into terminological representation systems. It turns out that such an integration is less straightforward than we expected, considering the fact that the terminological language is a decidable sublanguage of first-order logic. Semantically, one has the unpleasant effect that the consequences of a terminological default theory may be rather unintuitive, and may even vary with the syntactic structure of equivalent concept expressions. This is due to the unsatisfactory treatment of open defaults via Skolemization in Reiter's semantics. On the algorithmic side, we show that this treatment may lead to an undecidable default consequence relation, even though our base language is decidable, and we have only finitely many (open) defaults. Because of these problems, we then consider a restricted semantics for open defaults in our terminological default theories: default rules are applied only to individuals that are explicitly present in the knowledge base. In this semantics it is possible to compute all extensions of a finite terminological default theory, which means that this type of default reasoning is decidable. We describe an algorithm for computing extensions and show how the inference procedures of terminological systems can be modified to give optimal support to this algorithm.This is a revised and extended version of a paper presented at the3rd International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, October 1992, Cambridge, MA.  相似文献   

Traditional knowledge graphs (KG) representation learning focuses on the link information between entities, and the effectiveness of learning is influenced by the complexity of KGs. Considering a multi-modal knowledge graph (MKG), due to the introduction of considerable other modal information(such as images and texts), the complexity of KGs further increases, which degrades the effectiveness of representation learning. To resolve this solve the problem, this study proposed the multi-modal knowledge graphs representation learning via multi-head self-attention (MKGRL-MS) model, which improved the effectiveness of link prediction by adding rich multi-modal information to the entity. We first generated a single-modal feature vector corresponding to each entity. Then, we used multi-headed self-attention to obtain the attention degree of different modal features of entities in the process of semantic synthesis. In this manner, we learned the multi-modal feature representation of entities. New knowledge representation is the sum of traditional knowledge representation and an entity’s multi-modal feature representation. Simultaneously, we successfully train our model on two existing models and two different datasets and verified its versatility and effectiveness on the link prediction task.  相似文献   

In the study of weighted fuzzy production rules (WFPRs) reasoning, we often need to consider those rules whose consequences are represented by two or more propositions connected by “AND” or “OR”. To enhance the representation capability of those rules, this paper proposes two types of knowledge representation parameters, namely, the input weight and the output weight, for a rule. A Generalized Fuzzy Petri Net (GFPN) is also presented for WFPR reasoning. Furthermore, this paper gives a similarity measure to improve the evaluation method of WFPRs and the multilevel fuzzy reasoning in which the consequences and their certainty factors are deduced synchronously by using a GFPN.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the notion of bipolar fuzzy graphs, describe various methods of their construction, discuss the concept of isomorphisms of these graphs, and investigate some of their important properties. We then introduce the notion of strong bipolar fuzzy graphs and study some of their properties. We also discuss some propositions of self complementary and self weak complementary strong bipolar fuzzy graphs.  相似文献   

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