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1PrefaceInthelastfewyears,thetechnologyofGeographicalInformationSystem(GIS)hasbeenwidelyusedandplayedagreatroleinthescientificresearchandproductionintheYellowRiverbasin.Uptonow,alotofdepartmentshavealreadydevelopedspecializedGISproductsorputforwardtherelevantdesignsofGISintheYellowRiverbasinfortheresearchofdifferentreachesanddifferentsubjectsofthisregion.TheCFCCfortheYellowRiverConservancyCommissionhasbuiltadatabasesys-temforthelowreachesoftheYellowRiverforthefloodpreventionin1991[1]…  相似文献   

Due to severe water scarcity, water resources used in agricultural sector have been reduced markedly in Hetao irrigation district. Application of water-saving practices (WSPs) is required for the sustainable agricultural development. The human activities including WSPs and increase of groundwater abstraction can lower down the groundwater table, which is helpful to the salinity control. Meanwhile, an excessively large groundwater table depth may result in negative impact on crop growth and fragile ecological environment. In this paper, the Jiefangzha irrigation system in Hetao irrigation district was selected as a typical area, a groundwater flow model based on ArcInfo Geographic Information System (GIS) was developed and implemented to quantify the effect of human activities on the groundwater system in this area. The pre- and post-processing of model data was performed efficiently by using the available GIS tools. The time-variant data in boundary conditions was further edited in Microsoft Excel with programs of Visual Basic for Application (VBA). The model was calibrated and validated with independent data sets. Application of the model indicated that it can well describe the effect of human activities on groundwater dynamics in Jiefangzha irrigation system.  相似文献   

This paper presents the studies on groundwater resources potential of the Yellow River (YR) terrace in Zhengzhou area, China. The main aim of the research was to resolve water shortage problems induced by recent but frequent drying ups of the YR in its lower reaches. Geologic explorations and grouped-pumping tests were conducted in the area. Based on collected data a groundwater flow net was established. The buried depth of groundwater level and water bearing potential of the aquifers were evaluated. Conventional method was used to determine recharge of the groundwater by lateral infiltration of the YR in pumping patterns. The results show that the study region has a high water bearing potential and offers conditions for the construction of large water works. However, only limited recharge by lateral infiltration from the river is available when developing large scale groundwater exploitation in the riverside of the YR. Environmental impacts induced by embankment stability of the Great dyke of the YR could be minimized or eliminated by appropriate engineering methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of synergy methodology to a multiobjective operational control of reservoirs. This methodology enables a comprehensive consideration of multi-objectives which may be conflicting and non commensurate such as municipal and industrial water supply, flood protection, and hydroelectric power generation etc. On the basis of the synergy theory, a harmony degree model of subsystem was established to describe the coordination magnitude. Combined with information entropy, a harmony degree entropy was proposed to determine the water resources evolvement direction. While implementing the control, an initial scheme for reservoir operation was obtained from simulation first, then control was carried out according to the harmony degree and harmony degree entropy by applying synergy theory. The application of the methodology to reservoir system in the Yellow River was reported in this paper through a case study.  相似文献   

1IntroductionGenerally,waterisreleasedfromreservoirstoserveseveralpurposessuchasmu-nicipal,industrialandirrigationwatersupply,floodcontrol,hydropowergeneration,waterqualityimprovement,andrecreationsetc.Someoftheobjectivesareusuallycon-flictingandthereisnosinglesolutiontosatisfythemallsimultaneously.Decisionsonwaterdistributionsareoftendifficulttomakeduetothelargescaleandmultipleobjec-tivenatureofareservoirsystem.Asaresult,acompromisehastobereacheddependingonthereservoirmanager’sjudgementandex…  相似文献   

统一建模语言是一种通用的面向对象的可视化建模语言,使用Rational Rose可以快速建立系统的统一建模语言模型,并进行系统类和数据库的深入设计.本文使用统一建模语言设计开发基于Web的作业发布系统。该系统具有结构清晰、维护性和交互性好等优点.  相似文献   

利用组件MapObjects及VB可视化程序语言开发黄河水沙信息GIS系统,为黄河调水调沙方案提供技术支持.在系统的数据库设计中,采用了异构数据模型,这种组织方式符合黄河水沙的变化特点,更能发挥系统的优势.同时本系统为及时制定枯季引黄量方案以防止断流及汛期输沙需水量提供重要的参考信息.  相似文献   

统一建模语言是一种通用的面向对象的可视化建模语言,使用Rational Rose可以快速建立系统的统一建模语言模型,并进行系统类和数据库的深入设计.本文使用统一建模语言设计开发基于Web的作业发布系统,该系统具有结构清晰、维护性和交互性好等优点.  相似文献   

According to the principle of procedure control and the characteristic of stochastic of inflow and water demands, this paper deals with the application of adaptive control to a water resources regulation system. The main control objective is to approach the vested target of water resources allocation by controlling the reservoir discharge and water demand. The adaptive control implemented is based on the linear quadratic control approach. Models of water balance, reservoir adjusted model and allocation model are used for the control purposes. The results show the performance of this adaptive scheme and its ability to control the water resources allocation process.  相似文献   

Torelieftheconflictbetweenwatersupplyanddemandandtoeffectivelycontroltheever-serioussituationofflowinterruptionintheYellowRiver,theStateDepartmentauthorizedtheYellowRiverConservancyCommissionforunifiedregulationofwaterresourcesandalsoquantifiedthewaterproportionforeachprovinceandthetotalnum-berofuseablewaterresourcesofthewholeriverunderaveragemulti-yearconditionsinDecember1998.However,theallocationschemeofwaterresourcesbytheStateDe-partmentisonlyconfinedtotheregularinflowsituations.Thereis…  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源调配评价的投影决策分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对黑河流域水资源调配评价指标繁多,不少单项因子不相容的问题,采用多目标投影决策分析方法,按照社会-经济-生态环境-资源-效率合理性指标进行评价得出熵权;再利用层次分析法确定各分区的权重得出综合评价值,对黑河流域5种可能的水资源配置方案行进分析,选出最佳配置方案,然后从水资源的可持续利用和区域的协调发展两方面对最佳方案进行检验.从评价结果可以看出,选出的方案在流域实施后,能满足流域社会经济的可持续发展,同时保持生态环境的良好.通过实例计算分析表明,多目标投影决策评价方法,由于采用熵权确定各评价指标的权重,从而消除了主观因素的影响,结果可靠,与实际相符  相似文献   

InthevastdrainageareaoftheYellowRiver,thereexistsaclosehydraulicrelationandfrequentconversionbetweenthestreamandthegroundwater.However,inrecentyears,duetotheintensifiedhumanactivitiesandtheminifiedriveroutflow,thestrengthenedconversionrelationshipbetweentheriverandthegroundwaterresultedinthechangeofthewatercirculation,andprovokedaseriesofsideeffectsontheecologi-calenvironmentintheareaandmadethewaterresourceandecologyintheYellowRiverdrainageareaamatterofgreaturgency.TheissuesontheYellowRivera…  相似文献   

Conversion relationships between the river and groundwater in the Yellow River drainage area are studied in this paper based on the geologic and physiognomy conditions and the data of the groundwater regime, isotope, groundwater flow field and field survey. Then eight recharge and discharge modes on the relationships are put forward and the hydraulic characteristics of the modes are analysed, which provides a scientific basis for quantitatively simulating and assessing the conversion relationships, maintenance mechanism of the Yellow River and the regeneration ability of the groundwater in the area.  相似文献   

简述了西北地区水资源紧缺状况,论述了黄河大柳树枢纽工程在西北水资源开发中的作用和综合效益,南水北调西线工程在西北开发中的战略地位,从黄河流域治理和西北水资源开发全局出发,大柳树应尽早立项建设,发挥效益。  相似文献   

Soilmoistureistheprincipalformofwaterexistenceandalsothekeylinkofwatertransformationintheecologicalenvironment.Itisanessentialissueinthestudyonre-gionalwatercycletounderstanditslawduringwatertransformationandtosimulateitsdynamicmechanism.Nowadays,therearemanyresearchmethodsonsoilmoisture[1],suchas:applyingempiricalformulasandmathematicalstatisticsfrommeteorologicalandtopographicalfactorstocalculatesoilmoisture(includingenergybalance,aerody-namics,energybalance-aerodynamics,eddycorrelation);bas…  相似文献   


Based on the AVHRR pathfinder remote sensing data, soil moisture, precipitation and evaporation during the period of 1982–1998, soil moisture of all layers of soil-profile (0–1 m) in the Yellow River basin over the 17 years are calculated by the remote sensing model of calculating soil water. The Yellow River basin is divided into seven subcatchments as control sections at the location of six hydrologic stations (Lanzhou, Toudaoguai, Longmen, Sanmenxia, Huayuankou and Lijin). After calculating soil moisture and obtaining runoff data and precipitation data, the dynamical features of hydrological cycle in the Yellow River basin are analyzed for the period from 1982 to 1988 using water balance method. The conclusions are as follows: It is feasible to calculate the soil water on the macro-scale, in the soil profile with temporal continuity by means of remote sensing and survey in land. Some values of the key water cycle factors in the Yellow River are obtained, which include the annual precipitation of 4000 km3, the evapotranspiration of 3000–3500 km3, and the soil moisture transformation of −500–500 km3. Consequently, we analyzed the process of the water cycle in the Yellow River over the 17 years, and the results show that the segment upstream of Lanzhou city is a relatively humid region, and the area of internal waters and the reaches of Shanshan is the most desiccated region. Therefore, the runoff in the depth process is intensive and the runoff-generating process is weak in more arid regions.


The necessity and feasibility of an ET-based modern water resources management was analyzed to improve assessment of critical water resources scarcity in the region/basin. This analysis was based on the whole water cycle process and its analysis object is evapotranspiration (ET), a main consumption component in the water resources dynamic transformation process. A case study was undertaken by selecting soil water resources in the Yellow River Basin and employing the WEP-L distributed hydrological model with...  相似文献   

Web数据挖掘技术及实现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在介绍W eb数据挖掘的概念、内涵基础上,探讨了如何在web上用分类器对异构与非结构化数据源进行数据抽取(IE),并建立统一的XML数据格式,进而用Reporting Services和W eb显示控件等技术进行数据挖掘和处理.  相似文献   

1:25万银川盆地地下水资源信息系统空间数据库建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银川盆地地下水资源评价空间数据库是在“银川盆地地下水资源评价”基础上建立起来的,是鄂尔多斯盆地地下水勘查项目的子项目.章论述了建立空间数据库的关键问题:图形数据的采集,属性数据的采集,图形数字化和图形数据的矢量化,最后给出了空间数据库建库流程图.  相似文献   

The integration of rivers and basins highly implies the possible existence of certain relationships between hierarchical characteristics of river networks and primary basin factors. Here we investigated river networks in two large basins, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, characterized with basic factors such as annual precipitation, slope, soil erodibility and vegetation.Hierarchical analysis demonstrated a fair self-similarity of river networks at the stream-order 1–5 in both rivers, described by the structural parameters including bifurcation ratio, side-branching ratio, drainage density, and length of headwater-river. Besides precipitation, basin slope was essential in shaping river networks in both basins, showing a significant positive correlation(R~2=0.39–0.85) to bifurcation ratio, side-branching ratio, and drainage density. Given the same basin slope(5°–15°), the higher soil erodibility and sparse vegetation would promote greater side-branching ratio and drainage density in the Yellow River, which were estimated 11.97 % and 63.70 % larger, respectively than those in the Yangtze River. This study highlights the importance to formulate basin-specific strategies for water and soil conservation in terms of different structures of river networks.  相似文献   

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