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《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2005,32(3):261-279
The China advanced research reactor (CARR) being built in Beijing, China, is a multipurpose research reactor for a variety of fields. Theoretical calculation of thermal hydraulic characteristics of CARR is presented in this paper. The theoretical analysis consists of initial steady and transient accidental analyses. Point reactor neutron kinetics model with six groups of delayed neutron is adopted for the solution of reactor power. All possible flow and heat transfer conditions are considered and the corresponding optional models are supplied in the theoretical calculations. A new simple and convenient model is proposed for the resolution of the transient behaviors of main pump instead of the complicated four-quadrant model. Gear method and Adams predictor–corrector method are adopted alternately for a better solution to such ill-conditioned differential equations corresponding to detail process. The initial multi-channel analysis shows that the effects of geometrical size on flow distribution play dominant role and the effects of core power distribution may be neglected. The temperature fields of fuel elements under asymmetrical cooling condition are also obtained, which are the bases for further study on transient-induced stress analysis, etc. Accidental analyses show that the activity of emergency cooling system apparently reduces the peak temperatures of fuel and coolant, peak quality and other operation parameters. Thus it effectively ensures the safety in operation of CARR. Because of the adoption of modular programming techniques, this code is expected to be applied to accidental analysis of other types of reactors by easily modifying the corresponding function modules. Also, this code is expected to be validated against experimental data.  相似文献   

Since the conventional subchannel analysis codes are designed for the land-based reactor core, a thermal-hydraulic subchannel analysis code was developed to evaluate thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the reactor core under motion conditions. The verification of the code was performed with experimental data and commercial codes. The ISPRA 16-rod tests were used to evaluate the steady-state prediction performance of the code, and the simulation results agree well with the test data. COBRA-EN code was applied to check the transient prediction performance of the code, and there is a good agreement between the predictions with both codes. An additional forces model for motion conditions was proposed in the code, and CFX-14.0 code was applied to verify the model. The results show that the code can be used in the thermal-hydraulic analysis of the reactor core under motion conditions. To illustrate the capabilities of the code, a fuel bundle under a complex motion condition was simulated, and the results are reasonable.  相似文献   

We report the development of a thermal-hydraulic analysis code (called TAC-DS: Thermal-hydraulic Analysis Code for Dry-storage System). The spent fuel dry-storage system of High-Temperature Reactor Pebble-bed Modules in China is simulated using the TAC-DS to confirm the design basis and to analyze the transient behavior following an accident involving blower failure. The TAC-DS includes mathematical models for the air-coolant system, heat conduction within spent fuel canisters, and thermal radiation between heat structures. The time-dependent hydrodynamic model of the TAC-DS is formulated using one-dimensional mass, momentum and energy equations, and solved using semi-implicit finite-difference scheme. The complicated heat transfer models of heat structure are incorporated into the hydrodynamic system implicitly with enclosure correlations. Code is written in Fortran 90. A validation calculation is performed by solving a simplified model. Thermal performance of the buffer storage region in the system under forced ventilation scenario is studied with TAC-DS to validate the design requirement, as well as to provide the initial condition for the transient analysis. Blower failure accident is studied to assess the performance of the safety features during the transient accident. Since the code is modular, TAC-DS can be easily modified and applied to other spent fuel dry-storage system in the future.  相似文献   

A multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulic system code MARS has been developed by consolidating and restructuring the RELAP5/MOD3.2.1.2 and COBRA-TF codes. The two codes were adopted to take advantage of the very general, versatile features of RELAP5 and the realistic three-dimensional hydrodynamic module of COBRA-TF. In the course of code development, major features of each code were consolidated into a single code first. The resulting source programs were rewritten in standard fortran 90, and then were restructured using modular data structures based on “derived type variables” and a new “dynamic memory allocation” scheme. In addition, the Windows graphics features were implemented for user friendliness. This paper presents the developmental activities up to mars version 1.3.1 including the code consolidation, the code restructuring and modernization, and the results of the developmental assessment.  相似文献   

Gas-cooled reactors have been highlighted as a promising option for next generation reactor technology. A thermal hydraulic analysis code for gas-cooled reactors has been developed with a heat transfer model of a block element, which is solved implicitly with the helium energy equation. Validation was carried out through comparison with both experimental and analytical results. A computation module for annular fuel rods has been coupled to the code for comparative analyses of an annular fuel-based block element. At normal operation, the annular fuel shows 80 °C lower peak temperature than the solid fuel for the same power in Japan's high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR), even though the pressure drop is higher in the annular fuel.  相似文献   

The fuel element of KMRR (Korea Multi-purpose Research Reactor) has 8 longitudinal, rectangular fins to enhance the heat transfer performance. The existence of these fins makes it difficult to analyze the heat transfer phenomena within the fuel element using the conventional one-dimensional heat conduction model. As the uncertainty in the computation of the maximum sheath temperature significantly affects the core thermal margin, a computer code, called, TEMP2D, which is based on a two-dimensional heat conduction model has been developed to deal with the finned element and validated. This computer code TEMP2D has a fully implicit numerical scheme and can solve both the steady state and transient problems such as the changes in coolant thermal-hydraulic conditions and fuel pin power. The code accuracy, which proved to be an excellent one, was verified by comparing its results with those from two widely accepted computer codes, MARC and ADINA. The result of this code calculation has been used to compute the KMRR core thermal margin and to develop a correlation for the equivalent 1D heated diameter which can reproduce the maximum cladding temperature (or heat flux) at various steady states when used in the 1D heat conduction model.  相似文献   

A computer code marse has been developed to analyze structural behaviors of fast breeder reactor (FBR) fuel subassemblies under irradiation conditions, especially of wire spaced fuel pin bundles.The first concept specifically considered is to model on pin oval deformation and dispersion phenomena which were found to occur in highly irradiated fuel pin bundles. Every fuel pin is modeled by three-dimensional finite element method beams with trusses at contact points. Almost all phenomena which would occur under irradiation induced bundle-to-duct interaction (BDI) conditions are included in the marse code; these include bending, expansion, oval deformation and dispersion.The second point is to reduce computing time because the BDI analysis requires much computing time if a conventional solving scheme is applied. This problem is resolved by using only a small stiffness matrix of each pin successively to treat interactions with other pins or ducts as outer forces.The marse code has been applied to BDI analyses and has been confirmed to be applicable to any types of FBR fuel pin bundles with high accuracy and a small computing time.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the dynamic behaviour of PWR-RCC fuel assemblies under seismic excitation. A simple vibrational model of the fuel assembly is proposed, which leads to natural frequencies whose spacing agree with experimental data. Available experimental results are reviewed. Impact characteristics of Zircaloy spacer grids are also discussed. It is proposed that their soundness criteria be expressed in terms of impact energy rather than in terms of impact force. The computer code CLASH is briefly described; it is utilized to perform a sensitivity analysis. An example of application is also given.  相似文献   

The transient thermal-hydraulic problem of MNSR is represented by ten differential equations solved numerically using Runge–Kutta method.Computational results are then compared with experimental measurements. Fuel grids and cooling coil models are incorporated in the model too. Radiating energy from the clad is taken into account in the energy balance in the reactor. The pool is divided into three sections in the model. The effect of the cooling coil of the pool upper section on reactor thermal-hydraulic parameters is discussed. The only input parameter of the reactor is the power temporal distribution. Good agreement between calculated and measured data was obtained.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of storage racks for spent fuel assemblies subjected to base excitation is calculated. While classical methods of linear structural dynamics may be adequate at low levels of excitation, nonlinear effects due to uplift, for example, can no longer be neglected at high excitation levels. Several nonlinear dynamic analyses have been performed for different types of storage racks with uplift capability. With the help of the numerical results, the rocking behavior of storage racks and their structural integrity has been examined.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to perform a thermal analysis of a spent fuel storage cask in order to predict the maximum concrete and fuel cladding temperatures. Thermal analyses have been carried out for a storage cask under normal, off-normal and accident conditions. The environmental temperature is assumed to be 27°C under the normal condition. The off-normal condition has an environmental temperature of 40°C. An additional off-normal condition is considered as a partial blockage of the air inlet ducts. Four of the eight inlet ducts are assumed to be completely blocked. The accident condition is defined as a 100% blockage of air inlet ducts. The storage cask is designed to store 24 PWR spent fuel assemblies with a burn-up of 55,000 MWD/MTU and a cooling time of 7 years. The decay heat load from the 24 PWR assemblies is 25.2 kW. Thermal analyses of the ventilation system have been carried out for the determination of the optimum duct size and shape. The finite-volume computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT was used for the thermal analysis. From the results of the analysis, the maximum temperatures of the fuel rod and concrete overpack were lower than the allowable values under the normal, off-normal and accident conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of fuel rod thermal-mechanical performance analysis used in the FEMAXI-III code. The code incorporates the models describing thermal-mechanical processes such as pellet-cladding thermal expansion, pellet irradiation swelling, densification, relocation and fission gas release as they affect pellet-cladding gap thermal conductance. The code performs the thermal behavior analysis of a full-length fuel rod within the framework of one-dimensional multi-zone modeling. The mechanical effects including ridge deformation is rigorously analyzed by applying the axisymmetric finite element method. The finite element geometrical model is confined to a half-pellet-height region with the assumption that pellet-pellet interaction is symmetrical. The 8-node quadratic isoparametric ring elements are adopted for obtaining accurate finite element solutions. The Newton-Raphson iteration with an implicit algorithm is applied to perform the analysis of non-linear material behaviors accurately and stably. The pellet-cladding interaction mechanism is exactly treated using the nodal continuity conditions. The code is applicable to the thermal-mechanical analysis of water reactor fuel rods experiencing variable power histories.  相似文献   

A sub-channel analysis steady state thermal-hydraulic code (SACATRI) was developed for the Moroccan TRIGA MARK II research reactor. The main objective of the thermal-hydraulic study of the whole reactor core is to evaluate the main safety parameters of the reactor core, and to ensure that they are within the safety limits for any operating conditions. The thermal-hydraulic model used in SACATRI is based on four partial differential equations that describe the conservation of mass, energy and momentum. In order to assess the thermal-hydraulic mathematical model of SACATRI, the present paper focuses on the quantification of the physical model accuracy to judge if the code is capable to represent the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of the reactor core with sufficient accuracy. The methodology adopted is based on the comparison between responses from SACATRI computational model and experimentally measured responses performed on the IPR-R1 TRIGA research reactor. The results showed good agreement between SACATRI predictions and the experimental measurements where the discrepancies observed (simulation-experiment) are less than 6%.  相似文献   

A point reactor neutron kinetics model, a drift-flow U-tube steam generator model, a non-equilibrium three-region pressurizer model and other models were established and a transient analysis code with Visual Fortran 6.5 has been developed to analyze the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the Chinese advanced pressurized water reactor (AC-600). Visual input, real-time processing and dynamic visualization output were achieved with Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003, which greatly facilitate applications in the engineering. The software were applied to analyze the transient thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the loss of feed-water accident, the double loops loss-of-flow accident, the reactivity insertion accident, the sudden increase of feed-water temperature accident and the loss of offsite power accident for the Qinshan nuclear power plant in China. The obtained analysis results are significant to the improvement of design and safety operation of the plant.  相似文献   

In the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) program, the supercritical water reactor (SCWR) concept is among the six innovative reactor types selected for development in the near future. In principle the higher efficiency and better economics make the SCWR concept competitive with the current reactor design. Due to different technical challenges that, however exist, fuel assembly design represents a crucial aspect for the success of this concept. In particular large density variations, low moderation, heat transfer enhancement and deterioration have a strong effect on the core design parameters. Only a few computational tools are currently able to perform sub-channel thermal-hydraulic analysis under supercritical water conditions. At JRC-IE the existing sub-channel code COBRA-EN has been improved to work above the critical pressure of water. The water properties package of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 was integrated in COBRA-EN to compute the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. New heat transfer and pressure drop correlations more indicated for the supercritical region of water have also been incorporated in the code. As part of the efforts to appraise the new code capabilities, a code assessment was carried out on the hexagonal fuel assembly of a fast supercritical water reactor. COBRA-EN was also applied in combination with the neutronic code MCNP to investigate on the use of hydride fuel in the HPLWR supercritical water fuel assembly. The results showed that COBRA-EN was able to reproduce the results of similar studies with acceptable accuracy. Future activities will focus on the validation of the code against experimental data and the implementation of new features (counter-current moderator channel, wall, and wire-wrap models).  相似文献   

The verification of the LMFBR core transient performance code, FORE-2M, was performed in two steps. Different components of the computation (individual models) were verified by comparing with analytical solutions and with results obtained from other conventionally accepted computer codes (e.g., TRUMP, LIFE, etc.). For verification of the integral computation method of the code, experimental data in TREAT, SEFOR and natural circulation experiments in EBR-II were compared with the code calculations. Good agreement was obtained for both of these steps. Confirmation of the code verification for undercooling transients is provided by comparisons with the recent FFTF natural circulation experiments.  相似文献   

A computational fluid dynamics (CFDs)-assisted scaling methodology is proposed for a TN24P cask (Creer et al., 1987). In the proposed methodology, the height and the number of assemblies were scaled down based, respectively, on the integral scaling criteria by Ishii and Kataoka (1984) for a natural-circulation loop under single phase flow and on the concept of an insulator on the surface of the basket. The controlling scaling parameters for the TN24P cask (the scaling ratio of the heat flux, 1.6; the thickness and conductivity of the insulator, 9 mm and 0.05 W/m K, respectively) were estimated by comparing the results of a TN24P cask experiment (Creer et al., 1987) with those of a CFD simulation of a TN24P cask scaled down, using Fluent code. Based on the proposed scaling methodology and its scaling parameters, a thermal-hydraulic experiment with a half-height single assembly was carried out. The experiment was analyzed in comparison with a CFD simulation to validate the proposed CFD models in Fluent code. The results showed good agreement for the peak cladding temperature (215 °C from the experiment, 212 °C from the CFD). It is regarded that the proposed scaling methodology was reasonably validated as maintaining the similarity of the temperature gradient and the peak cladding temperature.  相似文献   

The thermal-hydraulic analysis program for integral reactor system (TAPINS) is a thermal-hydraulic system code developed by Seoul National University for transient analysis of an integral reactor, REX-10. Specialized for a fully passive integral pressurized water reactor, TAPINS adopts a one-dimensional four-equation drift-flux model for two-phase flows. It also consists of component models for the core, the helical-coil steam generator, and the steam-gas pressurizer. This paper presents the developmental assessment of TAPINS to validate its applicability to the thermal-hydraulic analysis of REX-10. Assessment problems are determined by taking into account thermal-hydraulic phenomena expected during design basis accidents of REX-10, including the loss-of-feedwater accident and the small-break loss-of-coolant accident. To confirm the predictive capability of TAPINS for these phenomena, the TAPINS model is validated against four sets of separate effects problems, including the pressurizer insurge test, the subcooled boiling experiment, the critical flow test, and the Edwards pipe problem. In addition, the calculation results of TAPINS are compared with the experimental data obtained from a series of integral effects tests using a scaled apparatus of REX-10. From the validation results, it is demonstrated that TAPINS can provide the reasonable prediction on the thermal-hydraulic responses of REX-10 during the transient and accident conditions.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Over the past decades, although many in-core fuel management code systems for PWRs with square fuel assemblies have been developed, there are only a few codes for the cores with hexagonal assemblies (such as Russian pressurized water type WWER reac- tors). The Tianwan Nuclear Power Station in Jiangsu Province, China, is imported from Russia, which adopts the WWER-1000 reactor, and will be put into operation; therefore, the research of core fuel man- agement for WWER-typ…  相似文献   

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