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澳大利亚被誉为“骑在羊背上的国家”。二战后,进行了具有深远意义的结构改革,并向全球实行了经济开放政策,实施了以城市为载体的大规模都市经济发展战略,从而促使澳大  相似文献   

登上新加坡最高点73层的西斯坦福特摩天大楼远眺近望,树木葱茏,芳草如茵;漫步闹市街头,地洁气清,百花争艳。新加坡确是一个清洁而又绿色的城市,令置身其境的人们心旷神怡。 如同世界上所有的大城市一样,新加坡在工业化和都市化的进程中也出现了环境污染,由于政府意识得早,措施也及时有力,使新加坡从杂乱、肮脏又变成了清洁绿色的城市。  相似文献   

<正>谈起澳大利亚,人们通常会想起什么呢?阳光、沙滩和悉尼歌剧院?对于大多数城市研究者来说,要研究中国之外的城市对于中国的启示,似乎欧美日才是首选,澳大利亚是不会想到的。对他们而言,澳大利亚的全国人口加起来也才2 300多万,还不如北京或上海的人口,和中国的总人口相比,实在不是一个量级的。因此,澳大利亚的城市和城市化似乎没啥研究价值。笔者也是或多或少带着这样的想法开始阅读《澳洲城市:延续和变化》。但是读完,便觉得这本书带来  相似文献   

美国作为世界第一强国,其建筑也是走在世界的最前沿。美国作为一个移民国家,其古典建筑融入了各国的建筑风格并自成一体,现代建筑更是世界现代建筑的发源地之一,是世界当代建筑的风向标。  相似文献   

2000 年2月6日至 13日,我随“大陆杰出青年元宵访问团”一行赴台湾地区进行了为期八天的访问。现以日记形式记录下我在台的见闻感受;奉献给广大热爱消防的读者。海南的海口,可能是因为热带植物的原因,也可能是共同的文化、共同的语言和习俗的原因,总之,台湾对我来说没有一点陌生感。 2月6日 早上八点,我们一行六十六人从深圳出发经皇岗口岸出关去香港中华旅行社换证(大陆人士赴台多是由香港办理入台手续),上午十一点多到达香港中华旅行社,用了近四个小时的时间才办理完了入境手续,因为在机场还得办理出关手续,此时此…  相似文献   

引子 承德位于河北省东北部,东南距北京约250km。其地势峻拔.崇山峻岭间,佟山,罗汉山.风云岭.磬锤峰诸峰峦巍然峙立,蔚然深秀狮子沟,武烈河则逶迤于狭长山谷之间,泉水涌流,不期而汇聚之,山水相映,趣意盎然,形成广阔大小湖泊,是为塞上风光之尤。武烈河之西岸,为群山环抱之空旷平原,气象宏敞,景色幽美。  相似文献   

1993年6月,由北京飞往英国伦敦,参加第六届国际主动力学与抗震工程会议。这是一个小型的国际学术会议,参加的人数只有100多人。我国没有别的人员去,我成了唯一的参加者。会议地是在伦敦约107哩的历史小城Bath(巴斯)也可以译成“澡堂”。它是古罗马帝国于200O年前跨海征服美伦三岛时,发现该处有个温泉,就建立了公共浴室,因而得名。它是英国的有名古迹之一。直到现在,池内还是热气腾腾,涌流不断。Bath市长是一位模样和风度都象撒切尔夫人的老夫人,她为这个国际学术会议举行了招待会。会后返回伦敦,住在大使馆的教育处,因其门…  相似文献   

今年中秋前,借中国花协桂花分会开会之际,有幸去桂花之乡——湖北咸宁探桂。那天早晨,安排去桂花镇看采收桂花,天雾重重、空气湿漉漉的,我想这真是天公不作美,赏桂要打几分折扣啰!然而陪同的咸宁林业局领导说:这种天打桂花最合适,太  相似文献   

2004年2月14-28日,以中国建筑防水材料工业协会副理事长羡永彪先生和常务副秘书长苗燕女士为团长的中国防水代表团一行12人出访美国,参加美国屋面工程协会(NRCA)第117届年会和展览会,探求与国外防水业界的进一步合作和共同发展之路。代表团成员有:中国建筑防水材料工业协会标准化委员会副主任孙庆祥,中国建  相似文献   

研究表明Building Information Modeling (BIM)的使用正日益增多,然而,BIM在工料取量(Quantity Survey)行业中得到何种程度的应用还没有很清楚的结论。因此,本文旨在研究澳大利工料取量行业中BIM应用的现状和经验,进而了解他们在应用BIM技术特性方面所取的进展。本研究所收集的数据是通过对180家工料取量公司进行网上问卷(其中40家得到有效回复)和对两家公司深入访谈得到的。研究发现BIM并没有很广泛地被工料取量公司采用,主要基于以下原因:由设计者发布的三维(3D)模型可靠性不能得到保证;BIM模型所含信息的不完全性;缺乏对应用BIM的新业务流程的了解;客户需求不足;以及在应用BIM新技术过程中产生的学习成本。目前看来,大多数公司都有在计算机辅助下通过二维图纸,成本计划及工程量清单对项目进行工料估算的经验,但是他们很少有使用三维BIM模型进行工料自动计算,而目前三维模型也大多只用于可视化演示方面。在很多基于BIM的项目中,工料取量公司一般不会得到设计者发布的BIM三维模型,相反,多是通过二维图纸进行工料和造价估算。在一些使用三维模型进行自动估价的项目中,也没有明确地显示出能节省时间成本,相反,造价师在估算前在验证三维模型完整性及工料分类上反而花费了更多的时间。同时,在没有一个全行业的对建筑施工项目的进行标准化编码的前提下,工料取量师也缺乏转换到五维(5D)BIM进行造价估算的动力。最后,为解决此困境,本文提出了在工料估价领域推广BIM应用的一些具体措施,供业界参考。  相似文献   

Whether one sees a crisis in urban infrastructure finance depends more on theoretical perspective than empirical evidence. Urban infrastructure issues in Australia differ in emphasis from those in North America and Asia but the finance options are basically the same. Reform in Australia is best directed at state capital budgeting, a national infrastructure fund, clearer accountabilities for provision, user fees reflecting real cuts and experimentation with joint public-private provision.  相似文献   

夏镜朗  崔浩 《中国市政工程》2016,(4):36-40,101,102
"以水定城"提上国家战略层面后,海绵城市建设成为我国城市发展的重点。早在1984年,面对雨洪风险、淡水资源短缺、水体恶化的威胁,澳大利亚开始水资源可持续管理研究,并建立水敏性城市设计(WSUD),与美国的低冲击(LID)和绿色基础设施(GI)、英国的可持续城市排水(SUDS)、德国的分散式雨洪管理(DRWM)相互促进,发展至今。通过梳理水敏性城市设计的主要特征、工作路径、工作内容和研究进展,着重强调水敏性城市设计具有系统性和前瞻性,能够给城市带来更多的环境效益,为我国海绵城市建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Flreflghtlng Is a part of annual administration of the Australian gevernment, which Is run and managed In accordance vdth the Australian laws with regular investments and Inspectlens. Australia has a robust legal system with a relatively complete set of fire laws, regulatlens, codes and nerms and stern law enfercement. Flreflghtlng Is administrated In accerdance with law which Is a provislen legislated by the conntry. Therefere, lives and properties ef the Austalian peeple are all nnder the pretectlen ef the umbrella ef law when fire cemes.  相似文献   

Innovation in the water sector is at play when addressing the global water security challenge. This paper highlights an emerging role for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) and health-based targets in the design and application of robust and flexible water quality regulation to protect public health. This role is especially critical as traditional supply sources are subject to increased contamination, and recycled wastewater and stormwater become a crucial contribution to integrated water supply strategies. Benefits and weaknesses of QMRA-based regulation are likely to be perceived differently by the multiple stakeholders involved. The goal of the current study is to evaluate the experience of QMRA-based regulation implementation in the Netherlands and Australia, and to draw some lessons learned for regulators, policy makers, the industry and scientists. Water experts from regulatory bodies, government, water utilities, and scientists were interviewed in both countries. This paper explores how QMRA-based regulation has helped decision-making in the Netherlands in drinking water safety management over the past decade. Implementation is more recent in Australia: an analysis of current institutional barriers to nationally harmonized implementation for water recycling regulation is presented. This in-depth retrospective analysis of experiences and perceptions highlights the benefits of QMRA-based regulation and the challenges of implementation. QMRA provides a better assessment of water safety than the absence of indicators. Setting a health target addresses the balance between investments and public safety, and helps understand risks from alternative water sources. Challenges lie in efficient monitoring, institutional support for utilities, interpretation of uncertainty by regulators, and risk communication to consumers.  相似文献   

Although Australia is not usually associated with geothermal energy, it possesses significant amounts of both conventional (wet) geothermal and hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal resources. The country's conventional geothermal resources are extensive, but are low temperature and are located in areas of low population density with the result that they are not used extensively for either electricity generation or for direct heating. Australia's HDR resources, on the other hand, represent a world-class resource but have not been used to date because the technology for converting HDR resources into electricity is not yet fully commercial. The effort being directed towards exploring economically useful HDR resources and in the development of technology to convert this energy resource into electricity could make HDR resources an important part of Australia's energy mix in the near future, but there are major barriers.  相似文献   

This paper introduces this Special Issue by providing an overview of rock mechanics in Australia. It begins with an account of the establishment and development of rock mechanics as an identifiable engineering discipline in Australia, placing particular emphasis on the pioneering work carried out on the monumental Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme in the period 1949–1969. An outline is then given of the organisational frameworks within which research, professional practice and learned society activity in rock mechanics are carried out in Australia. Finally, summaries are given of the nine papers selected for inclusion in this Special Issue to represent the range of the best current Australian research and practice in rock mechanics. Throughout the paper, examples are given of significant Australian contributions to rock mechanics research and practice, nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the present status of wind power in Australia, the barriers to its further development, and the policies needed for overcoming those barriers. Unlike bioenergy or solar electricity, wind power does not need significant funding for R, D and D in Australia, but rather needs market/industry development policies. The major barrier is the political power of the coal and nuclear industries and NIMBY groups, which have disseminated exaggerated and misleading claims about the environmental impacts and alleged technological limitations of wind power, fostering opposition to wind power by the Federal Government. This paper examines critically one of the main claims, the fallacy that wind power, as a so-called 'intermittent' source, cannot be used to substitute for base-load power from coal. Continued expansion of the wind industry in Australia would need an extension of the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target, reinforced by the implementation of a carbon tax or emission permits with cap and trade.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的园艺疗法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在澳大利亚,园艺疗法的发展大部分靠实际项目来推动,而非靠政府或慈善机构来维持长期发展.近几年来,随着社区花园、学校和儿童乐园中一些新措施的推行,园艺疗法的服务范围和规模不断扩大,虽然相对于其他国家而言规模还比较小,但这些园艺疗法项目具有良好的形象和良好的社区引导等特性,已获得政府的大力支持.详细地剖析了这些新型园艺疗法,并期能为其以后的可持续发展和获得投资奠定基础.目前园艺疗法发展还存在诸多障碍,如研究不充分、缺乏组织和代表性、相关人员接受专业的教育和培训机会少、缺乏延伸及社区服务等.  相似文献   

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