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钛的熔炼技术有真空电弧熔炼法、等离子电弧熔炼法、电子束熔炼法等,现在有一种方法叫水冷坩埚感应熔炼法,简称CCIM。该熔炼法的优点是:1)针对其他熔炼法是从材料表面加热,该法采用电磁力从内部进行加热,能强有力地搅拌金属液,  相似文献   

钛及钛合金真空自耗熔炼补缩工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钛及钛合金经真空自耗熔炼后,铸锭头部易出现缩孔较深,切头量较大的问题。本文研究了缩孔产生的原因,论述了补缩工艺参数制定的原则及方法;并据此制定了符合攀长钢钛业分公司国产3 t真空自耗炉(VAR)的补缩工艺制度,极大地减小了缩孔深度,提高了成材率。  相似文献   

为满足工业生产对无铅封接玻璃的需求,研制了一种用于钛及钛合金封接的铋酸盐系玻璃。测试了该铋酸盐玻璃的膨胀系数及润湿角,考察了其与TA1纯钛、TC4钛合金的封接效果。结果表明,所制备的铋酸盐玻璃的线性膨胀系数为8.96×10-6K-1,可与TA1、TC4实现匹配封接。此外,该铋酸盐玻璃具有良好的润湿性,在大气气氛下封接件的强度达1730N,高于惰性气体保护下封接件的强度。最后提出了今后将进一步优化和改进铋酸盐玻璃配方,降低封接温度,优化封接工艺,提高封接件的可靠性。  相似文献   

锆及锆合金常被应用于核工业以及化学工业中。由于锆及锆合金熔点高,熔体的化学活性极强,会与常用的耐火材料发生反应,导致锆合金精密铸造与熔炼的难度增加,限制了其应用领域。锆与钛同处元素周期表的第IVB族,同属高活性金属,为此,结合钛合金相关方面的研究,简要介绍了锆合金的精密铸造与熔炼技术,论述了锆合金精密铸造与熔炼用耐火材料的研究现状,探讨了BaZrO_3耐火材料用于锆合金熔炼的可行性,并对其在锆合金熔炼方面的应用作了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了BT3-1钛合金棒材的生产工艺及其分析检验结果。  相似文献   

A series of red phosphors Eu3+-doped MMgP2O7(M=Ca,Sr,Ba) were synthesized by solid-state reaction method.X-ray powder diffraction(XRD) analysis confirmed the formation of pure CaMgP2O7,SrMgP2O7 and BaMgP2O7 phase.Photoluminescence spectra of MMgP2O7(M=Ca,Sr,Ba):Eu3+ phosphors showed a strong excitation peak at around 400 nm,which was coupled with the characteristic emission(350-400 nm) from UV light-emitting diode.The CaMgP2O7:Eu3+,SrMgP2O7:Eu3+ and BaMgP2O7:Eu3+ phosphors showed strong emission bands peaking at 612,593 and 587 nm,respectively.Due to the difference of the ion sizes between Ba2+(0.142 nm),Sr2+(0.126 nm),Ca2+(0.112 nm),Mg2+(0.072 nm) and Eu3+(0.107 nm),Eu3+ ions were expected to substitute for different sites in CaMgP2O7,SrMgP2O7 and BaMgP2O7 lattice.  相似文献   

Europium doped MBrCl (M=Ca, Sr, and Ba) phosphors were prepared by solid state reaction in reductive atmosphere. Photolu-minescence (PL), photostimulated luminescence (PSL) after X-ray irradiation and optical absorption studies of MBrCl:Eu2+ (M=Ca, Sr, and Ba) revealed that: (1) blue light emission, under the excitation of 300 nm, was observed in all these phosphors; (2) the shape of the emission spectra in CaBrCl:Eu2+ could be changed by varying the bromine/chlorine ratio during synthesis, while that in SrBrCl:Eu2+ and BaBrCl:Eu2+ showed no change; and (3) PSL was observed in SrBrCl:Eu2+ and BaBrCI:Eu2+ after X-ray irradiation. Difference absorption spectrum (DAS) in SrBrCl:Eu2+ showed two broad bands centered at about 470 and 570 nm, and DAS in BaBrCI:Eu2+ showed two bands at about 550 and 675 nm, respectively. This enabled the use of He-Ne laser (633 nm) or even semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LED) instead of gas lasers for photostimulation.  相似文献   

在室温下用钛酸四丁酯的醇溶液和碱土金属硝酸盐M(NO3)2(M=Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba)溶液的反应经过溶胶-凝胶法制备了多氧钛酸盐。在酸性条件下所获得的无定形凝胶在700和900℃温度之间煅烧制得了高纯MTiO2晶体粉末。用粉末X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和能量色散电子显微镜、热重(TG)、差热分析(DTA)和BET表面积测量仪等研究了多种样品。Sr和Ba的钛酸盐化合物稳定性好并  相似文献   

The VUV-UV spectroscopic properties of Ce3+ in Ba2Mg(BO3)2,Ba2Ca(BO3)2 and Sr2Mg(BO3)2 were compared,and the relation between the energy of the 4f→5d transition of Ce3+ and the coordination environments of substituted alkaline earth ions was discussed.The chromaticity coordinates of Ce3+ activated X2Z(BO3)2(X=Ba,Sr;Z=Ca,Mg) phosphors were changeable from blue to whitish and further to green range by varying the doping concentration of Ce3+ or the types of substituted alkaline earth ions upon 172 nm excitation.  相似文献   

不同方法制备的钛及钛合金管坯组织与性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分别用压力机热挤压法和两辊斜轧穿孔法获得钛及钛合金管坯,对比分析了两种不同方法制备的TA2,TA18,TC4管坯的显微组织和室温力学性能的差异。结果表明:管坯的力学性能受加热温度、变形量等因素影响,挤压管坯的组织均匀细小而斜轧穿孔的组织粗大,挤压工艺优于斜轧穿孔工艺。  相似文献   

正申请号:CN201510633212.8申请日:2015-09-29公开(公告)日:2015-12-09公开(公告)号:CN105127436A申请(专利权)人:西北有色金属研究院摘要:本发明提供了一种钛及钛合金球形粉末的真空感应熔炼气雾化制备方法,包括以下步骤:(1)将陶瓷粉末和无水乙醇按质量比混合均匀,得到防碳化涂料,然后将防碳化涂料均匀涂覆于石墨导流管内壁上部,干燥后得到防碳化涂层;(2)采用导流内芯对石墨导流管内壁中未涂覆防碳化涂层的部位进行保护;(3)将石墨导流管装入熔炼室中,然后将  相似文献   

Intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells(IT-SOFCs) have attracted extensively attentionin re-cent years because of the potential to dramatically re-duce the cost of the materials and cell fabrication inaddition to i mprove reliability , portability and long-termperformance stability ,it has been regarded as ahigh green energyin 21st[1].However ,the experi men-tal results identifiedthat the ohmic losses of IT-SOFCslargely occurred from cathode polarization , and theknown cathode mate…  相似文献   

Eu3+-doped binary borate glasses with different metal oxide components RO (R=Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn or Pb) were prepared by meltquenching technique. The fluorescent spectral properties of Eu3+in these glasses were experimentally studied. The analysis on the phonon sidebands (PSBs) indicated that RO component did not cause obvious change of the electron-phonon coupling constant (EPC). By inspecting the optical absorption edges it was found that RO could greatly affect the band gap energy, and the glass with PbO component revealed the smallest band gap energy, the glasses with ZnO, BaO and SrO showed similar band gap energy. The optical transition intensity parameters of Eu3+in all studied glasses were calculated, it was found that for each sample its value of2 was larger than that of 4 and 6, and the sample with PbO component exhibited the smallest2, but the λ values for ZBE, CBE, BBE and SBE were very similar. These results might be helpful for the design of borate glasses.  相似文献   

应用铸造快冷及可控结晶技术制备3种玻璃陶瓷纳米复合介电材料——PbNb2O6 +NaNbO3 +SiO2 (PNS),BaNb2O6+ NaNbO3+ SiO2 (BNS)和SrNb2O6+ NaNbO3+ SiO2( SNS).研究了这3种复合材料的结晶性能,微观形貌和介电性能.X射线衍射(XRD)的分析结果显示:PNS及SNS的玻璃在750℃可控结晶时,均形成中间相A2Nb2O-7(A=Pb,Sr),且该中间相在850℃时消失,此时形成MNb2O6+NaNbO3(M=Pb,Sr)的高介电常数相,而BNS则未经过中间相,在750℃直接析出MNb2O6+NaNbO3(M=Ba)的高介电常数相.在所有的样品中,随着退火温度的升高,晶粒均有逐渐长大聚集的趋势.同时,SNS玻璃陶瓷在750℃及850℃结晶退火处理时,均析出枝状晶粒,异于PNS和BNS的球状晶粒.由可控结晶技术制备的玻璃陶瓷介电性能受热处理过程中所形成的介电相组成及其体积分数和晶粒尺寸的影响很大.分析测试了这3种体系玻璃陶瓷的介电常数与结晶化处理温度之间的关系及介电常数的电场稳定性.在900℃结晶退火时,PNS玻璃陶瓷具有最高的介电常数( ~501,1 kHz),而BNS的介电常数在0~15 kV ·mm-1的测试范围内具有最好的电场稳定性(<15%).  相似文献   

Zintl phase compounds AM2Sb2(A=Ca,Sr,Ba,Eu,Yb;M=Zn,Cd)is a new class of promising thermoelectrics owing to their intrinsic features in electronic and crystal structure,such as a small or even disappeared band-gap,large density-of-states at the Fermi level,covalently bonded network of M-Sb,as well as the layered stacking by cations A2+and anionic slabs(M2Sb2)2–.In addition,the rich solid-state chemistry of Zintl phase allows structural modification and chemical substitution to adjust the fundamental transport parameters(carrier concentration,mobility,effective mass,electronic and lattice thermal conductivity)for improving the thermoelectric performance.In the present review,the recent advances in synthesis and thermoelectric characterization of title compounds AM2Sb2were presented,and the effects of alloying or substitution for sites A,M and Sb on the electrical and thermal transport were emphasized.The structural disorder yielded by the incorporation of multiple ions significantly increased the thermoelectric figure of merit mainly resulted from the reduction of thermal conductivity without disrupting the carrier transport region in substance.Therefore,alloying or substitution has been a feasible and common route utilized to enhance thermoelectric properties in these Zintl phase compounds,especially for YbZn0.4Cd1.6Sb2(ZT700 K=1.26),EuZn1.8Cd0.2Sb2(ZT650 K=1.06),and YbCd1.85Mn0.15Sb2(ZT650 K=1.14).  相似文献   

Long afterglow phosphors MAl2O4:Eu^2+ , Dy^3+ (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) were synthesized by microemulsion method, and their crystal structure and luminescent properties were compared and investigated. XRD patterns of samples indicate that phosphors CaAl2O4:Eu^2+, Dy^3+ and SrAl2O4 : Eu^2+, Dy^3+ are with monoelinie crystal structure and phosphor BaAl2O4:Eu^2+ , Dy^3+ is with hexagonal crystal structure. The wide range of excitation spectrum of phosphors MAl2O4: Eu^2 + , Dy^3+ (M = Ca,Sr, Ba) indicates that the luminescent materials can he excited by light from ultraviolet ray to visible light and the maximum emission wavelength of phosphors MAl2O4:Eu^2+ , Dy^3+ (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) is found mainly at λem of 440 nm (M = Ca), 520 nm (M = Sr) and 496 nm (M = Ba) respectively, the corresponding colors of emission light are blue, green and eyna-green respectively. The afterglow decay tendency of phosphors can he summarized as three processes: initial rapid decay, intermediate transitional decay and very long slow decay. Afterglow decay curves coincide with formula I = At^ - n, and the sequence of afterglow intensity and time is Sr 〉 Ca 〉 Ba.  相似文献   

(Sr1-xMx)Al2O4(M=Ca,Ba)∶Eu发光材料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾玉芬  靳正国  田勃然 《稀土》2004,25(6):45-47
以SrAl2O4∶Eu发光材料为基础,通过对基质的部分修饰,合成了(Sr1-xMx)Al2O4(M=Ca,Ba)∶Eu磷光体,并利用XRD对其晶体结构进行了研究,结果表明:加入Ca后,原来在室温下稳定存在的属于单斜晶系的鳞石英结构SrAl2O4相逐渐变成六方晶系,证明Ca有稳定六方相的作用,而加入Ba晶形则不发生改变。同时研究了该发光粉的发射光谱,讨论了Ca和Ba的引入对发光性能的影响。  相似文献   

由于ZrB2的独特晶体结构,使其兼有金属和陶瓷的许多优异的物理和化学性能,因此在许多领域得到广泛应用。本文利用共沉淀法制备A1(OH)3-Y(OH)3/ZrB2复合粉体,并研究其形成热力学条件。经过热力学计算并用实验验证得出:ZrB2悬浮液的pH值必须大于8.3,才符合Al3+与Y3+共沉淀所需热力学条件;当ZrB2悬浮液的pH值为9时,A1(OH)3-Y(OH)3/ZrB2复合粉体的壳-核结构最好。在溶液浓度较低的情况下,可以获得具有理想壳-核结构的A1(OH)3-Y(OH)3/ZrB2复合粉体,即c(Al3+)=0.017mol/L,c(Y3+)=0.010mol/L,分别接近于Al(NO3)3和Y(NO3)3浓度的热力学条件计算拟定值,即:0.012 60mol/L和0.007 56mol/L。  相似文献   

采用共沉淀法制备了Ca_(0.93-x)(Mo_(0.9)W_(0.1))O_4∶Eu_(0.07)~(3+),Bi_x~(3+)(0≤x≤0.05)系列样品,通过XRD、SEM及荧光光谱仪对粉体的晶体结构、形貌及荧光性能进行测试和表征。结果表明,Bi~(3+)、Eu~(3+)及WO_4~(2-)的掺杂没有改变CaMoO_4原有的四方晶系体心结构,且样品粒径分布较均匀,无明显团聚现象。随着Bi~(3+)的掺杂,Ca_(0.93-x)(Mo_(0.9)W_(0.1))O_4∶Eu_(0.07)~(3+),Bi_x~(3+)样品的激发光谱带边会发生红移,且激发强度呈现先增强后减弱的趋势,其发射光谱也具有相应的规律,Bi~(3+)的最佳掺杂浓度为x=0.02 mol,在395 nm激发下,样品的发光强度提升至134%;较之商用红色荧光粉Y_2O_2S∶Eu~(3+),Ca_(0.91)(Mo_(0.9)W_(0.1))O_4∶Eu_(0.07)~(3+),Bi_(0.02)~(3+)样品显现出更好的色纯度和发光强度,适合于近紫外LED用红色荧光粉。  相似文献   

采用常温搅拌法制备了配合物Eu(BTF)3phen(BTF=苯甲酰三氟丙酮,phen=邻菲罗啉),改善稀土铕配合物的荧光性能。对配合物的热稳定性和荧光性质进行了测定,结果表明其具有良好的热稳定性,在362 nm激发光激发下,能发射强烈的、来自于Eu3+离子的特征红光,最大发射峰在612 nm,半峰宽大约为8 nm。对邻菲罗啉中性配体进行了两种不同的分子修饰,荧光光谱测试表明,邻菲罗啉配体上引入不同数目的基基团,在一定程度上改善了Eu(BTF)3phen配合物的荧光性能。  相似文献   

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