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The well‐known two‐layer model for predicting friction losses for pipeline flows of settling slurries has been extended to solids concentrations above 35% by volume. This has been achieved by incorporating new experimental results to account for increases in friction which have been observed with “settling” slurries at high concentrations. The kinetic (fluid‐like) friction appears to increase with solids concentration in a manner which suggests that particle‐wall contact plays an important role. The experiments also suggest that the fraction of the total solids which contributes Coulombic (velocity insensitive) friction also increases to some extent at high concentrations. This effect is expressed in a tentative correlation which employs a slurry Reynolds number. In addition, new experimental measurements of delivered and in‐situ concentrations have been used to test predictions made with the previous version of the model. The measurements show that the interracial friction factor proposed recently by Wilson and coworkers is preferable for slurries of coarse particles. 相似文献
Diverse flow regimes have been encountered in liquid‐liquid flows. Some degree of consistency in the observed flow patterns is shown in reported studies, while inconsistency exits when physical properties of the two phases concerned are wide enough. An attempt was made in this study to investigate the mechanisms behind flow patterns of liquid‐liquid flows in horizontal pipes. A literature review on flow patterns of liquid‐liquid flows in horizontal pipes was conducted. The ratio of the gravitational force to viscous force was proposed to characterize liquid‐liquid flows in horizontal pipes into gravitational force dominant, viscous force dominant, and gravitational force and viscous force comparable flow featured with different basic flow regimes. Comparisons of the proposed characterization criterion with the literature data show good agreement. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1132–1143, 2017 相似文献
为了研究输送大颗粒的垂直浆体管道中固体颗粒所受的干涉力,采用相关专家的实验数据,发现大颗粒垂直浆体管道中大颗粒受到的干涉力要大于小颗粒所受的干涉力。在此基础上,采用数据拟合方式给出了干涉力修正系数的表达形式。将得到的干涉力应用于管道中颗粒受力分析中,并运用在大颗粒垂直管道阻力损失的计算模型中,通过实验数据验证了干涉力对阻力的影响。 相似文献
通过分析不同聚合热的撤除方式,阐述了淤浆法聚乙烯装置扩容改造选择浆液外循环技术的合理性,并通过对该技术关键工艺参数做必要的计算来进行论证。在不改变原聚合系统基本结构的基础上,通过增设一换热面积约80m2热负荷约3.51×106kJ/h的外冷却器即可提高生产能力约20%。对外循环系统的运行工艺条件提出优化方案。为防止外循环出现系统堵塞以及为保证外循环系统投运后的产品质量提出了相应的措施。 相似文献
综述了煤质特性、粒度分布、添加剂及制浆工艺等因素对气化用高浓度水煤浆制备的影响。制备高浓度水煤浆时,应根据不同煤种,选择适宜的粒度分布、添加剂、制浆工艺或配煤技术,才能制备出适合工业化应用的高性能水煤浆。 相似文献
For a number of years, an analytical model of particulate slurry flow has been under development at GIW Industries, USA, while large bodies of experimental data, including concentration profiles, were obtained at the Saskatchewan Research Council, Canada, and other laboratories. The present paper amalgamates information from these sources, showing that the analytic predictions match the observed concentration profiles. 相似文献
日本三井油化公司研发的淤浆法聚乙烯CX工艺控制技术先进,流程布局合理,牌号切换快捷,是应用广泛的聚乙烯生产工艺之一,主要用于生产高密度聚乙烯。介绍CX工艺流程,对日本三井油化公司开发的PZ和RZ系列催化剂、中国石化北京化工研究院研发的BCH和BCE系列催化剂、辽宁向阳科化集团开发的XY-H系列催化剂、中国石化石油化工科学研究院研发的NT-1催化剂以及中国石油自主研发的PSE-101催化剂等常用的CX工艺聚乙烯催化剂进行综述,对我国CX工艺聚乙烯催化剂的研究和应用提出建议。 相似文献
为了研究高温对费托铁基催化剂性能的影响,在浆态床反应器中考察了高温对Fe-Cu-K-Si费托合成催化剂反应活性及选择性的影响。催化剂评价结果表明,与265℃相比,320℃下搅拌釜内浆液高度降低22%,但液面高度保持平稳;CO转化率提高了20%,CO_2选择性降低了2%左右。提高反应温度后,CH_4和C_2~C_4选择性分别提高了4.7%和11.72%,C_2~C_4的烯烷比提高了1.99;C_3的烯烷比从4.27提高到7.64,C_2的烯烷比从3.00提高到3.87,但是C3的烯烷比提高幅度明显高于C_2。升高温度可提高费托合成的CO转化率、C_1~C_4低碳烃选择性及烯烷比,但也降低了C_(5+)的选择性。因此,工业生产中要根据烃类产品分布的实际需要来控制反应温度。 相似文献
为提高湿法脱硫效率,实现脱硫系统节能,以国华沧东电厂和保定热电为例,从石灰石浆液参数方面对石灰石浆液品质进行了优化研究,并通过现场实验测定和编程计算,对吸收塔内浆液液位和循环浆液量进行了优化研究。 相似文献
长距离浆体管道的典型设计寿命通常为15至25年,故管道磨蚀率的确定对管道工程经济效益有较大影响.这里所说的磨蚀是化学腐蚀和物理磨损的综合表征,其中每个因素的影响大小与特定的管道输送工程相关,如细颗粒浆体管道输送工程,化学腐蚀在管道磨蚀中起主导作用,这类管线输送流速一般设计为1.5~2.5 m/s,为高度均质流,其管道底部与顶部磨蚀相差不多,对流速不敏感.但中、粗颗粒如原矿粉及尾矿的管道输送工程,管道的磨蚀方式与细颗粒浆体不同,其主要集中在管道的底部与弯头外弧侧,对流速较为敏感.细颗粒与中、粗颗粒浆体管道沿管线的磨蚀分布规律基本相似. 相似文献
对国内外典型浆体浓密设备的特点进行了综述和比较,介绍高压浓密机在湿磨磷矿浆浓密方面的应用及湿磨磷矿浆添加絮凝剂的浓密试验情况,提出为达到180 kt P2O5/a磷酸装置磷矿浆浓密底流w(固)在65%以上,推荐采用单段浓密、添加絮凝剂,浓密机产量应达到6.0 t干矿/(m2.d),总沉降面积328.7m2。 相似文献
The effect of process variables (temperature, pressure, space velocity, and H2/CO feed ratio) on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on a promoted fused iron catalyst was studied in a slurry phase stirred tank reactor (STR). Operating conditions were chosen such that some of the data could be compared with previously reported results, but experiments were also performed at more extreme conditions (temperatures up to 280°C and pressures up to 2.86 MPa) than previously studied in a slurry phase STR. The catalyst activity compares well with previous studies at an H2/CO feed ratio of 1.0 and 1.8, but the activity is lower than previously reported values in the 0.64-0.72 range of H2/CO feed ratios. Spacetime-yield increases with pressure, and reactor productivity is best increased by increasing pressure at a constant pressure to space velocity ratio. The water-gas-shift reaction is near equilibrium at high conversions, and always proceeds at a slower rate than the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a STR. 相似文献