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随着计算技术和通信技术的快速发展,人类正逐步进入普适计算(Ubiquitous Computing)时代。而智能空间正是普适计算本质特点的一种具体而集中的体现,智能手机在其中可以获得增强化的个性服务。论文实现了一种基于Android智能手机的模拟电脑外设的多功能平台,手机和电脑端通过TCP/IP协议连接,使得用户在一定的距离内用手机远程的控制电脑。  相似文献   

红外通信技术作为技术成熟、应用广泛的无线短距离通信技术,在生产生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,本研究主要分析了红外通信原理,重点通过寻找合适的红外器件,设计出一套高速的红外通信系统。该系统可以通过串口将电脑连接起来,实现两台电脑之间的高速数据传输。  相似文献   

<正> 对于人的信息需求而言,消息比计算更直接 第二季度全球PC销售首次下跌,相比之下通信产品和服务增势依然迅猛。实际上,虽然经历着电脑大潮的狂热,但是人们对通信的需求和投入一直都是坚定不移的,一点都  相似文献   

毋庸置疑,现在整个社会正在向数字化、信息化、网络化的方向发展,通讯行业、家电行业、电脑行业三者间的不断融合已经是技术进步的必然趋势。随着网络技术的发展和广泛普及,PC作为网络第一接入设备的地位正在不断削弱,而集电脑、通信和消费类电子产品三者功能于一身的信息家电产品已经成为一个不可阻挡的发展潮流。  相似文献   

数字未来将会怎样? 世纪之初,人们都在做出各种各样的未来预言,尤其是在数字技术领域,各种预言向人们展示了各种引人入胜的美好蓝图。PCMagazine《个人电脑》也不例外,在本期的封面专题中,大家可以看到信息技术在未来几年中是如何改变电子商务、计算、通信以及我们工作和生活的方方面面。 尽管各种预言五花八门,但在有些方面却极为相似。比如,我们们将拥有速度极快、功能极强的电脑以便能够达到即时通信,各种连接方式可以使我们在任何地方、在任何时候访问这些电脑,智能化的应用方案可以自动完成某些商业运作。这些技术的发展已经在改进我  相似文献   

互联网缘起于电脑数据交互的需求,今天,数据网络和通信网络的融合已经不是趋势,而是事实。融合了通信、数据的网络,技术复杂性和应用复杂性都达到了新的高度。在这样的现实下,网络安全、网络管理成为网络技术发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

<正>一、功能与特点1.将普通电器用红外遥控器学习后,能用该遥控器控制电脑,如模拟鼠标动作、键盘击键等。2.用电脑模拟红外遥控器直接控制家电;这样在用电脑的同时用家电时(如投影机),直接用电脑就能控制;或者原遥控器损坏时,可应急代用。3.采用USB和电脑通信,方便所有有USB接口的电脑;后面将提到一种采用蓝牙通信的实  相似文献   

这些专为手机设计的操作系统很可能将出现在上网本上,因为随着通信技术的发展,手机和电脑是、间的界线变得越来越模糊。  相似文献   

校园网是当今信息社会发展的必然趋势.它是以现代网络技术、多媒体技术及Internet技术等为基础建立起来的计算机网络,为学校的教学、管理、办公、信息交流和通信等提供综合的网络应用环境.通常学校机房电脑在上课期间是不允许访问外网的,课余时间可以.实现机房电脑的连网自动控制可以减轻网络管理员的负担.  相似文献   

12月1日获悉,TCL将开发一款基于英特尔公司Florence概念设计的移动式娱乐笔记本电脑,并计划于2006年在中国上市。这款计划中的产品基于17"的Florence移动娱乐概念电脑,提供娱乐、通信和家庭计算能力的同时,能够在家中不同的房间便捷移动。这与英特尔理想中的Florence吻合,Florence就是汇聚笔记本、台式电脑、Tablet PC,以及家庭电影院等多重特性的综合体。据介绍,这一新系统是英特尔-TCL3C联合实验室进一步开发工作的组成部分,该实验室希望为中国消费者开发计算、通信和家电(3C)技术。该系统采用便携式设计,采用大型宽屏幕显示器、英…  相似文献   

Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), as a dramatic platform for pervasive computing and communication, has been widely applied in healthcare domains. Since the patient-related data in the form of text, image, voice, etc. is significant in the process of healthcare services, efficiently managing these media data from various WBAN is vital for various applications. Recently, Cloud-assisted WBAN has become popular that can supply massive computing, flexible storage and various software services to WBAN. Still, there are some challenging issues exist in this platform to deliver and share the huge media healthcare data to remote terminals timely with guaranteed QoS support. In the paper, we propose an efficient network model that combines WBAN and Cloud for valid data sharing. The proposed network architecture is designed as four layers: perception layer, network layer, cloud computing layer, and application layer. In the network, the integration of TCP/IP and Zigbee in the coordinator devices is utilized. Consequently, WBAN coordinators can compatibility inter-operate with various local networks such as WiFi and LTE network to support high mobility of users. Besides, we integrate Content Centric Networking (CCN) with our proposed architecture to improve the ability of the WBAN coordinator. Thus, it can support uninterrupted media healthcare content delivery. In addition, adaptive streaming technique was also utilized to reduce packet loss. Various simulations were conducted using OPNET simulator to show the feasibility of the proposed architecture in terms of transmitting a huge amount of media healthcare data in real-time under traditional IP-based network.  相似文献   

移动计算中移动性对Internet各层的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在移动计算中,移动性及其相关的无线环境特点给Internet网络协议提出了新的挑战,该文分析了移动性对Internet中物理和链路层、网络层、传输层、应用层的影响,并介绍了目前上述各层中的主要解决方案,综合地分析了各类解决方案的优劣,提出了一个多层协作的移动性支持的机制.  相似文献   

在5G时代,大规模物联网应用对网络架构提出了异构性、可扩展性、移动性和安全性四大挑战。基于TCP/IP的网络架构存在IP标识与位置绑定的二义重载问题,难以应对这四大挑战。命名数据网络(Named Data Networking,NDN)将内容作为第一语义,具有网络层和应用层逻辑拓扑一致性。NDN对这四大挑战的支持分别体现在:网络层命名屏蔽了底层异构细节,端到端解耦及网络层缓存使得NDN天然支持多对多通信和广播,消费者驱动的通信模式为消费者移动性提供原生支持,面向内容的内生安全更轻量可信。文中总结了基于NDN构建物联网亟待解决的问题,并对NDN与边缘计算、软件定义网络和区块链结合来构建边缘存储和计算模型、集中式与分布式结合的控制模型、分布式安全模型提出了展望。  相似文献   

Bringing direct and protected network multiprogramming into mainstream cluster computing requires innovations in three key areas: application programming interfaces, network virtualization systems, and lightweight communication protocols for high-speed interconnects. The AM-II API extends traditional active messages with support for client-server computing and facilitates the construction of parallel clients and distributed servers. Our virtual network segment driver enables a large number of arbitrary sequential and parallel applications to access network interface resources directly in a concurrent but fully protected manner. The NIC-to-NIC communication protocols provide reliable and at-most-once message delivery between communication endpoints. The NIC-to-NIC protocols perform well as the number of endpoints and the number of hosts in the cluster are scaled. The flexibility afforded by the underlying protocols enables a diverse set of timely research efforts. Other Berkeley researchers are actively using this system to investigate implicit techniques for the coscheduling of communicating processes, an essential part of high-performance communications in multiprogrammed clusters of uni- and multiprocessor servers. Other researchers are extending the active message protocols described here for clusters of symmetric multiprocessors, using so-called multiprotocol techniques and multiple network interfaces per machine  相似文献   

《Computer Communications》1987,10(3):121-127
Most local area networks support multicast and broadcast communication facilities among the network nodes. However, their use among processes has been limited by the lack of support in the distributed operating system kernel and by the limited requirements of traditional computer network applications. Some applications (e.g. operating in a multicast environment) and distributed algorithms require advanced associations among processes, whose support by the operating system kernel can take advantage of properly designed functions provided by the communication subsystem. This problem is examined in the context of an architecture for LANs, and enhanced protocols are described that can be provided by a communication subsystem based on a LAN. Virtual network protocols provide classes of service suited to a multicast environment. Their availability at communication subsystem layers offers higher layers a common framework for the implementation of a computing system with distributed control.  相似文献   

Since its inception almost 40 years ago, the Internet has evolved and changed immensely. New technology solutions are desired to keep up with this unprecedented growth. Besides the traditional computing devices, different types of mobile devices need to be supported by the future Internet architecture. In this work, a survey of identity and handoff management solutions proposed in future Internet architectures is presented. Mobility protocols developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force initiatives are discussed to give the background on the user mobility support challenges with the current architecture. The next generation network architectures supported by global initiatives are presented and analyzed in terms of their support for seamless user and device mobility. Furthermore, this survey is extended to include the architectures proposed for wireless mesh networks, which are envisioned to be a part of the next generation networks with their self organizing and self configuring network characteristics.  相似文献   

Distributed real-time systems of the future will require specialized network architectures that incorporate new classes of services and protocols in order to support time-constrained communication. In this paper, we propose a new local area network architecture for such systems. This four-layered architecture is characterized by new classes of connection-oriented and connectionless services that take into account the timing constraints of messages. We describe various aspects of the logical link control layer of the architecture and various real-time protocols that may be employed at the medium access control layer in order to support the new classes of services. We also describe a homogeneous approach to the implementation of medium access control protocols to support both connection-oriented and connectionless services, based on a uniform window splitting paradigm.  相似文献   

在Internet所使用的TCP/IP协议中,网络层IP地址同时代表了主机标识符和定位符,使得IP地址无法支持主机移动性与多宿主性,更加无法保障用户之间的可信任性。为了解决这一系列问题,文章深入研究了主机标识协议(HIP)的体系结构。该体系通过主机标志层来标志连接终端,加强了安全性和可移动性,满足了人们对保密通信和移动通信上的要求。文章基于ARM嵌入式系统,提出以透明网桥为载体架设防火墙过滤HIP包,达到对一个网段进行网络安全防范的目的。  相似文献   

Many on-chip network circuit and architecture techniques are incompatible with modern design flows, making them unsuitable for use in systems-on-chip. This paper presents a networks-on-chip (NoC) architecture design space exploration method for multi-processor systems-on-chip architecture. The NoC architecture design space is designed with a Layer-Interactive-Building block (LIB) methodology that is divided into three layers: application layer, link/network layer, and physical layer. The suggested LIB design paradigmatic philosophy provides modular building block structure in both hardware and software and the protocols for their interconnection in the three architecture layers. Using LIB the designer can easily select these building blocks to build application-specific NoCs to meet different application requirements such as media, graphic, software radio and communication network applications. The LIB provides the NoC building blocks, architecture interacting systems-on-chip components, the programming models and application mapping strategies. The LIB can be used as a complementary library and tools for future on-chip interconnection network design.  相似文献   

无线传感网是由微型传感器和信息采集网络组成的一种全新的信息获取平台。提出并实现了基于Zigbee的无线传感网在海底观测设备实时监测中的应用。该系统利用低频无线传感网技术,把海底观测监测设备的实时姿态信息传递给用户,能让用户及时了解仪器工作状态和故障信息,从而能有效地探测仪器设备的运行异常情况,减少和消除因仪器姿态异常引起的无效观测数据,提高了海底观测系统地工作效率和可信度。同样适用于其它水下设备姿态和相关信息的监测,有较大的推广价值。  相似文献   

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