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通过 AFM、交流阻抗谱及扫描 Kelvin 探针技术,研究硼酸对 7050 铝合金硼酸?硫酸阳极氧化膜结构及耐蚀性的影响。结果表明,在硼酸-硫酸阳极氧化体系中,硼酸不会改变氧化膜阻挡层的结构,但会显著影响氧化膜多孔层的结构形式,进而影响氧化膜的耐蚀性。在 0~8 g/L 的范围内,随着电解液中硼酸含量的增加,氧化膜的多孔层电阻增大,电容减小,表面势正移,孔径缩小,耐蚀性变好。在高于 8 g/L 时,随着硼酸含量的增加,氧化膜的孔隙变大,阻抗变小,电子逸出功降低,耐蚀性变差。  相似文献   

氧化热对铝合金硬质氧化膜的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制的实验装置和硫酸电解液研究阳极氧化热对铝合金2024硬质氧化膜的影响。与氧化热由氧化膜传递到电解液中相比,氧化热由铝基体传递到冷却液中有利于氧化膜的生长,成膜速度、膜厚、致密度和硬度显著提高,并随着冷却液过冷度的增大而增大。氧化膜生长所需的冷却液过冷度与电解液过冷度、铝基体壁厚、氧化膜厚度、气泡覆盖特性参数以及电流密度有关。可通过控制冷却液温度来控制氧化膜的微观结构和性能。  相似文献   

2024-T3铝合金在硫酸-硼酸-磷酸中的阳极氧化和腐蚀行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在含有10%硫酸、5%硼酸和2%磷酸的混合电解液中,对2024-T3铝合金进行阳极氧化处理,以提高其耐腐蚀性能。使用电化学阻抗频谱分析研究阳极氧化处理后合金的腐蚀行为。利用塔菲尔图和盐水喷雾技术进行对比发现,与只用磷酸或硫酸和硼酸的电解液相比,使用含有10%硫酸、5%硼酸和2%磷酸的混合电解液阳极氧化处理后的2024-T3铝合金,具有更好的耐腐蚀性和持久性。该电解液可以替代普遍用于阳极氧化铝合金的铬酸盐浴。  相似文献   

3种溶液体系下铝合金阳极氧化膜的性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过表面形貌观察、升压曲线测试、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)测试和疲劳性能测试等研究LY12铝合金铬酸阳极氧化(CAA)、硼酸硫酸阳极氧化(BSAA)和己二酸硫酸阳极氧化(ASAA)膜的性能。结果表明:CAA膜和ASAA膜缺陷较少且缺陷边缘光滑,BSAA膜缺陷数目较多且边缘较为粗糙。3种氧化膜的耐蚀性良好,在5%NaCl(质量分数)溶液中浸泡80 d后,均未出现明显的破坏。对比氧化膜的壁垒层阻抗(Rb)发现,BSAA的Rb值下降最大,约为94%,CAA和ASAA优于前者,其阻抗分别下降了75%和78%。3种阳极氧化技术对基体疲劳性能的影响结果表明,CAA处理降低基体的疲劳寿命值最小,约为14%;ASAA次之,约为20%;BSAA对基本疲劳性能的影响最大,约25%。  相似文献   

采用硬度测试、室温力学性能测试、组织观测,研究了自然时效前的预拉伸(预拉伸率1%、1.5%,2%、2.5%、3%)对2024铝合金时效过程和拉伸性能影响。结果表明,预拉伸处理延缓了合金的自然时效过程,但提高了合金的硬度和强度。当预拉伸率为2%时,合金的最高强度和伸长率分别为456 N/mm2,20.6%,这是由于冷变形量不同、回复所引起的软化、GPB区和S″相强化综合作用所导致的。自然时效时,析出物为GPB区、T相(Al20Cu2Mn3)及S″相(Al2CuMg),其中GPB区、S″(Al2CuMg)相为主要强化相,T相(Al20Cu2Mn3)有细化晶粒的作用,比未预拉伸处理合金的析出相数量多,且析出相分布更均匀,使合金厚板的强度提高。  相似文献   

采用双流浇注连续铸造方法获得了在过渡层上具有宏观成分梯度分布的2024/3003铝合金.通过组织观察和力学性能测试研究了该合金高温退火后的组织和性能变化.结果表明,2024/3003铝合金经480℃高温退火后,内层合金的洛氏硬度比铸态时的大幅提高,但随退火时间的延长,硬度的增幅很小,这种硬度变化是由于合金元素在α基体中固溶强化引起的.外层合金的硬度随退火时间的延长则明显降低,这是由于基体组织发生了再结晶和晶粒长大,而合金的固溶强化效果有限;高温退火对2024/3003合金的宏观成分梯度分布影响很小.  相似文献   

The corrosion- fatigue resistance of precorroded 6013 bare and 2024 bare aluminum alloy sheet materials was evaluated to compare the effect of corrosion on initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks. The specimens were precorroded in 3.5% NaCl water solution per ASTM G 44 for periods of 4 and 30 days, and then were subjected to cyclic testing to failure in a 3.5% NaCl corrosive environment. The notched 6013 specimens showed better corrosion- fatigue resistance for the longer exposure time only. In all other cases, the 2024 material had better resistance. Fractographic and microstructural examinations sug-gested that the lower corrosion- fatigue life of the 6013 alloy is due to intergranular corrosion. Although the surface corrosion (pitting) on the 2024 alloy appeared severe, there was little evidence of intergranu-lar corrosion in this alloy.  相似文献   

采用三种工艺研究了超塑预处理对2024铝合组织和性能的影响.拉伸试验结果表明:超塑预处理后合金的力学性能明显提高,抗拉强度均在572 N/mm2以上,最高达到580 N/mm2,相应的伸长率也在9.1%以上.比2024铝合金的T62状态的抗拉强度(440 N/mm2)和伸长率(5%)分别提高32%和80%.但时效时间不少于60 min,合金的力学性能急剧降低.  相似文献   

2024铝合金混合酸阳极氧化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的在混合酸溶液中,对2024铝合金进行不同条件下的阳极氧化,并制备氧化膜,研究比较氧化膜厚度、表面形貌和耐腐蚀性等的不同。方法 2024铝合金在硫酸-磺基水杨酸-乳酸体系中进行阳极氧化,改变氧化时间(20~60 min)与氧化电流密度(2.5~4.5 A/dm^2),观察氧化膜的表面形貌、显微硬度、厚度、晶体结构以及耐蚀性的变化。结果每次实验的氧化时间为40 min不变,改变电流密度得到一系列阳极氧化膜,当电流密度为3.0 A/dm^2,自腐蚀电位最正,接近0.0 V时膜层的耐蚀性最好。若继续增加电流密度,则自腐蚀电位会负向移动。当电流密度为4.5 A/dm^2时,自腐蚀电位最负,为-1.1 V。保持电流密度为2.5 A/cm^2不变,改变氧化时间,得到一系列阳极氧化膜,当氧化时间达到50 min时,氧化膜的耐腐蚀性最好,自腐蚀电位为-0.6 V。XRD分析表明,氧化膜由γ-Al2O3和α-Al2O3组成。氧化膜的显微硬度和厚度会随着电流密度及时间的增加而增大,氧化膜硬度、厚度最大分别为372.3HV、6.8μm。结论当阳极氧化电流密度为3.0 A/d、氧化时间为50 min时,膜层的耐蚀性最好。  相似文献   

The effect of cerium salt as an inhibitor in anodising of the 2024-T3 aluminium alloy was studied. Scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used to study the surface composition of the alloy before and after surface preparation. A mixed electrolyte of 10% sulphuric acid, 5% boric acid and 2% phosphoric acid containing 0.1 mol/L cerium sulphate salt was used as the anodising electrolyte. Sealing treatment was also done in boiling water and molten stearic acid. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and salt spray techniques were performed in order to investigate the corrosion behaviour and durability of the oxide films, respectively. It was concluded that the presence of cerium ions in anodising electrolyte resulted in the increase in homogeneity, the rate of oxide film growth and also the thickness of the oxide layer, owing to the high oxidising power of cerium ion.  相似文献   

时效时间对冷轧2024铝合金组织和力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过拉伸力学性能及硬度测试和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察,研究了室温条件下30%变形量冷轧2024铝合金180 ℃时效不同时间的力学性能和组织。结果表明,冷轧态2024铝合金在180 ℃时效时,出现了双峰时效强化。时效120 min时,合金中含有大量位错墙,有大量S’相析出,出现第一个强化峰,合金抗拉强度为560 MPa,伸长率为3.6%;时效720 min时,合金中S’相完全溶解,有Ω相析出,且位错含量降低,出现第二个强化峰,此时合金抗拉强度(563 MPa)与第一个峰值时几乎相等,但伸长率达9%,较120 min时提升150%。  相似文献   

通过接触角测量仪、扫描电镜、红外光谱、电化学工作站对经阳极氧化及低表面能物质修饰相结合处理的7075铝合金的表面的形貌、化学成分和耐蚀性能进行了表征。结果表明:阳极氧化法构筑的珊瑚状微纳结构和低表面能十四酸的协同效应赋予了7075铝合金表面超疏水性能。当草酸浓度40 g/L、电流密度20 A/dm2、阳极氧化时间10 min时,获得的铝合金超疏水表面接触角最大,为152°,耐蚀性能最好,腐蚀速率比铝合金基体降低了4个数量级,同时具有优异的防污和自清洁性能。  相似文献   

以6061铝合金为研究对象,对其在弱酸性介质中的微弧氧化膜的成分及性能进行了分析,探讨瓷质氧化预处理对微弧氧化膜的影响.结果表明:在弱酸性介质中,6061铝合金瓷质氧化预处理+微弧氧化膜的主要成分是γ-Al2 O3和α-Al2 O3,同时由于残留的瓷质氧化膜,无定型的Al2 O3也存在于氧化膜中;其厚度和硬度分别为25...  相似文献   

The corrosion of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 (AA2024-T3) under thin electrolyte layers was studied in 3.0 wt% sodium chloride solutions by cathodic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method. The cathodic polarization measurements show that, when the electrolyte layer is thicker than 200 μm, the oxygen reduction current is close to that of the bulk solution. But in the range of 200-100 μm, the oxygen reduction current is inversely proportional to the layer thickness, which shows that the oxygen diffusion through the electrolyte layer is the rate-determining step for the oxygen reduction process. In the range of 100 μm to about 58 μm, the oxygen reduction current is slightly decreased probably due to the formation of aluminum hydroxide or the change of the diffusion pattern from 2-dimensional diffusion to one-dimensional diffusion. The further decrease in electrolyte layer thickness increase the oxygen reduction current to some extent again, because the diffusion of oxygen plays more important role in thin electrolyte layers.The EIS measurements show that the corrosion is controlled by the cathodic oxygen reduction at the initial stage, showing the largest corrosion rate at the electrolyte layer thickness of 105 μm. But at the later stage of corrosion, the anodic process begin to affect the corrosion rates and the corrosion rates show a maximum at 170 μm, which may be the thickness where the corrosion changes from cathodic control to anodic control. The corrosion rate under the very thin electrolyte layer (62 μm in this study) is even smaller than that in bulk solution, this is due to that the anodic process is strongly inhibited.  相似文献   

Coarse- and fine-grained 2024 and 7075 alloy sheets were tensile tested at strain rates ranging from 10-3 to 102 /s. Ultimate tensile strengths decreased up to 10-1/s and increased at higher strain rates. Total elongations at failure showed the same behavior with uniform and localized components showing similar dependencies on strain rate. The initial ductility decrease at low strain rates is attributed to thermal gradients associated with a transition from isothermal to adiabatic conditions. At strain rates above 10-1 /s, ductility increases as strain rate hardening effects become dominant. Although the fine-grained materials had higher elongations than their coarse-grained counterparts, both variants responded similarly to changes in strain rate. The only difference was a tendency for off-center failures in coarse-grained specimens tested at the slower strain rates.  相似文献   

Atmospheric corrosion of aluminum alloy 2024 (AA2024) with salt lake water was simulated through a laboratory- accelerated test of cyclic wet-dry and electrochemical techniques. Effects of the soluble magnesium salt contained in the salt water were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared transmission spectroscope (IR), and atmospheric corrosion monitor (ACM). The results showed that, with the deposition, atmospheric corrosion of AA2024 could occur when the relative humidity (RH) was lower than 30%. A main crystalline component of corrosion products, layered double hydroxides (LDH), [Mg1-xAlx(OH)2]x+Clx?·mH2O (LDH-Cl), was determined, which meant that magnesium ion played an important role in the corrosion process. It not only facilitated the corrosion as a result of deliquescence, but also was involved in the corrosion process as a reactant.  相似文献   

主要研究了2024铝合金在差温模具下弯曲成形时回弹和残余应力的变化规律。实验中选取板坯温度为25℃室温,凸模和凹模温度分别选取25,200,300和400℃共16组温度组合进行V型弯曲;然后进行板坯、凸模和凹模均为200℃的等温弯曲,并与差温弯曲进行对比分析。研究结果表明:分别提高凸模和凹模的温度均能够减小回弹角和残余应力;在成形结束后,当差温弯曲板坯和等温弯曲板坯开始回弹前的温度相接近时,由于温度梯度和贴模后温升的影响,差温弯曲件的回弹角和内、外表面残余应力及其差值能够达到与等温弯曲数值相近或更小的效果;通过合理控制凸、凹模温度能够使室温板坯获得与高温等温成形时同样较小的回弹和残余应力。  相似文献   

将LC4铝合金进行硫酸阳极化处理,然后采用小电流密度(0.1 mA/cm^2)进行镀铜处理。XRD和EDS分析表明,小电流镀铜的沉积产物为金属铜,沉积的位置位于氧化膜多孔层的底部。结果表明,小电流镀铜能够使自腐蚀电位正移从而改善阳极氧化膜的耐蚀性。根据交流阻抗谱提出小电流镀铜后阳极氧化膜的等效电路。沉积铜对阳极氧化膜的改性作用使材料具有铜的电化学特性,是耐蚀性提高的根本原因。小电流镀铜处理与传统的电解着色工艺有本质区别,是一种新颖的提高阳极化铝合金耐蚀性的后处理方法。  相似文献   

针对铝合金焊接边阳极氧化膜,采用非接触、高效激光清洗新技术进行清理,并分析激光清理阳极氧化膜层对焊缝组织性能的影响。实验结果表明:采用激光功率100 W、扫描速度10 mm/s,可以实现5μm厚度阳极氧化膜层的完全清理。焊缝成形均匀,焊缝表面泛有金属光泽,焊缝无聚集状气孔、杂质等内部缺陷。经激光清理的铝合金接头抗拉强度为298~303 MPa,拉伸断裂延伸率6.2%~6.5%,激光清理焊缝与机械刮削焊缝的性能范围一致。  相似文献   

Two theoretical criteria represented by Katgerman, and Clyne and Davies for prognosticating hot tearing sensitivity were compared. Both unrefined and grain-refined samples of Al2024 alloy were solidified at various cooling rates ranging from 0.4 to 17.5 °C/s. Thermal analysis was used to detect dendrite coherency point and temperature of eutectic reaction. Curves of solid and liquid fractions were plotted based on Newtonian method to determine hot tearing susceptible areas. The experimental results show that the most susceptible zone in which hot tearing can occur in Al2024 is where Al2CuMg intermetallic compound forms as a eutectic phase at last stage of mushy-state interval. Also, both criteria are in a good agreement with each other at high cooling rates used in direct-chill casting process while Clyne and Davies' model is more acceptable to determine hot tearing tendency from low to medium cooling rates.  相似文献   

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