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BACKGROUND: The reliability of cardiac output obtained with the bolus technique is a problem. OBJECTIVES: To compare measurements of cardiac output measured with bolus and continuous techniques in patients with low cardiac output and to determine if measurements obtained with the continuous technique increased the number of subsequent clinical decisions. METHODS: In 60 intensive care patients, a nurse recorded a single continuous cardiac output measurement and then obtained the mean of 3 consecutive bolus determinations. The medical records of these 60 patients (experimental group) for the next 48 hours and of 60 other patients with regular or mixed venous oximetry catheters (control group) were reviewed to assess the occurrence of cardiac output events and the frequency of clinical decisions based on the events. RESULTS: Mean cardiac output was 4.46 L/min by the continuous technique and 5.20 L/min by the bolus technique (P = .011) for the experimental group. Median bias between the 2 types of measurements was -0.10 L/min (P = .79). Twenty-three of the pairs (38%) had an absolute percent difference greater than 15%. Of these, 18 (78%) had a higher bolus reading. Treatment decisions per 48 hours were 9.9 for the experimental group and 8.6 for the control group (P = .014). Median length of stay was 2 days less in the experimental group (P = .02), and mean highest cardiac output was 0.81 L/min higher (P = .009). CONCLUSIONS: Measurements of cardiac output determined with the continuous technique may be more precise than measurements determined with the bolus technique. Continuous cardiac output information increases the number of treatment decisions and actions that may shorten hospital length of stay.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To evaluate renal function during and after hypotensive anesthesia with sevoflurane compared with isoflurane in the clinical setting. DESIGN: Randomized, prospective study. SETTING: Inpatient surgery at Rosai Hospital. PATIENTS: 26 ASA physical status I and II patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received isoflurane, nitrous oxide (N2O), and fentanyl (Group I = isoflurane group; n = 13) or sevoflurane, N2O, and fentanyl (Group S = sevoflurane group; n = 13). Controlled hypotension was induced with either isoflurane or sevoflurane to maintain mean arterial pressure at 60 mmHg for 120 minutes. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Measurements included serum inorganic fluoride (previously speculated to influence renal function), creatinine clearance (CCr; to assess renal glomerular function), urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG; to assess renal tubular function), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and serum creatinine (as clinical renal function indices). Serum fluoride, CCr, and NAG were measured before hypotension, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes after the start of hypotension, 30 minutes after recovery of normotension, and on the first postoperative day. BUN and serum creatinine were measured preoperatively and on the third and seventh postoperative days. Minimum alveolar concentration times hour was 3.6 +/- 1.8 in Group I and 4.0 +/- 0.7 in Group S. In both groups, BUN and serum creatinine did not change, and CCr significantly decreased after the start of hypotension. In Group I, serum fluoride and NAG did not change. In Group S, serum fluoride significantly increased after the start of hypotension compared with prehypotension values and compared with Group I values. In addition, NAG significantly increased at 120 minutes after the start of hypotension and at 30 minutes after recovery of normotension, but returned to prehypotension values on the first postoperative day. CONCLUSIONS: Two hours of hypotensive anesthesia with sevoflurane under 5 L/min total gas flow in patients having no preoperative renal dysfunction transiently increased NAG, which is consistent with a temporary, reversible disturbance of renal tubular function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sudden hypotension in progressive hypovolemia or during hemodialysis is attributed to sudden inhibition of sympathetic activity. Critical ventricular underfilling seems responsible for this paradox, but it is unknown why the transition from sympathoactivation accompanying hypovolemia to sympathoinhibition is so abrupt. We studied whether brief fluctuation of sympathetic activity induced by cold pressor test (CPT) evokes sympathoinhibition if applied during low cardiac output. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fourteen healthy subjects underwent CPT, lower-body negative pressure (LBNP; -45 mm Hg for 60 minutes), or the combination thereof. CPT alone caused vasoconstriction and increased muscle sympathetic nerve activity, followed by uneventful relaxation. When applied during reduced cardiac output, tachycardia, and vasoconstriction induced by prior LBNP for 6 minutes, CPT again caused vasoconstriction, now followed by acute hypotension in 10 subjects, and was associated with vasorelaxation, relative bradycardia, and fall in muscle sympathetic nerve activity. Eight subjects also experienced acute LBNP-induced hypotension in the absence of CPT, but not until 17 +/- 6 minutes of LBNP. We also performed CPT before and in the final phase of hemodialysis in 8 patients. Before dialysis, the patients tolerated CPT uneventfully, but during hemodialysis, CPT provoked acute hypotension in 5 cases, showing similar withdrawal of vasoconstriction. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study showing that brief cold stress, tolerated well in normal circulatory conditions, can provoke sudden sympathoinhibition and hypotension when applied during decreased cardiac output induced by LBNP or hemodialysis. We suggest that during conditions of a decreased cardiac output, subtle sympathetic relaxation such as follows cold stress triggers self-enhancing relaxation that cannot be controlled.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the past 15 years, three models of the Rotorod Sampler have been manufactured for aeroallergen sampling. Although several studies have considered pollen recovery by specific Rotorod models, none explored inter-model sampling differences. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this present investigation was to compare pollen recovery by three Rotorod models that are widely used by allergists. METHODS: Two Model 85s, two Model 95s, and two Model 40s were installed 1.5 m above the flat rooftop of a surburban 3-story office building. Fifty atmospheric samples collected between June and August 1996 were analyzed according to the standard conventions suggested by the manufacturer. Differences in pollen recovery were evaluated using an analysis of variance followed by Duncan's multiple range test. RESULTS: Pollen counts ranged from 7.4 to 406.8 pollen grains per cubic meter of air. Differences in pollen recovery by the six devices were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Pollen counts obtained with three models of the Rotorod Sampler were generally similar and could be compared directly. This study demonstrated continuity in the performance of the Rotorod Sampler over successive generations of the device.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of injectate temperature (iced or room temperature) on cardiac output values in critically ill adults with low and high cardiac outputs. DESIGN: Quasi-experimental. SETTINGS: Two multidisciplinary intensive care units in two large, metropolitan, private, nonprofit hospitals in Texas. SUBJECTS: A convenience sample of 21 critically ill men and women who averaged 61 years of age (range 31 to 82 years) and whose most recent cardiac output measured with room temperature injectate was low (< or = 3.5 L/min) or high (> or = 8.0 L/min). INTERVENTION: Iced injectate and room temperature injectate (randomly ordered) were used to measure cardiac output in each subject. OUTCOME MEASURES: Cardiac output value with iced injectate versus cardiac output value with room temperature injectate. RESULTS: We found significant differences between cardiac output measurements with room temperature and those with iced injectate in eleven critically ill patients with low cardiac outputs (< or = 3.5 L/min) and in ten critically ill patients with high cardiac outputs (> or = 8.0 L/min). In the low cardiac output group, cardiac outputs using room temperature injectate averaged 0.37 L/min (range 0.1 to 1.10 L/min) higher than cardiac outputs using iced injectate (p = 0.001). In the high cardiac output group, measurements with room temperature injectate averaged 1.17 L/min L/min (range 0.3 to 3.0 L/min) higher than cardiac outputs with iced injectate (p = 0.005). Percent differences between room temperature and iced injectate values averaged 13% (range 3% to 27%) in patients with low cardiac outputs and 11% (range 3% to 29%) in patients with high cardiac outputs. Seven (77%) of the patients in the low cardiac output group and four (40%) of the patients in the high cardiac group had a 10% or greater difference--which many clinicians describe as a clinically significant difference--between room temperature and iced injectate cardiac output values. CONCLUSION: Although research is clearly needed to substantiate these findings, we suggest that nurses use iced injectate in patients with low and high cardiac outputs (< or = 3.5 L/min or > or = 8.0 L/min) to ensure accurate measurement of cardiac output.  相似文献   

We present the results of the in vitro action of alpha and gamma interferons and of Intacglobin and Igegam against the 47/93/IPK (Coxsackie A9) strain isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with epidemic neuropathy. The in vitro studies showed that the two interferons inhibited the replication of this agent; they also showed the presence of antibodies to it in the Intacglobin and Igegam. The results attained demonstrated that the use of these compounds could be effective for the treatment of this entity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become firmly established as a procedure of choice for gallstone disease. The procedure usually necessitates general anaesthesia and endotracheal intubation to prevent aspiration and respiratory embarrassment secondary to the induction of pneumoperitoneum. There is a paucity of data in the literature on the procedure being performed under regional (epidural) anaesthesia, especially in patients with coexisting pulmonary disease and pregnancy, who are deemed high risk for general anaesthesia. We report our preliminary experience with LC using epidural anaesthesia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: We performed LC in six patients (one man and five women), with a median age of 56 years (range, 38-74), under epidural anaesthesia over an 8-month period. All patients were ASA grade III/IV and the mean FEB1/FVC was 0.52 (range, 0.4-0.68), due to chronic asthma (two cases) and COPD (four cases). They were admitted a day prior to surgery for pulmonary function tests, nebulisers, and chest physiotherapy. An epidural catheter was introduced at T10/11 intervertebral space, and a bolus of 0.5% Bupivacaine was administered. Depending on the patient's pain threshold and the segmental level of analgesia achieved, incremental doses of 2 ml of 0.5% Bupivacaine along with boluses of intravenous 100 mcg Alfentanil was given to each patient. The patients were breathing spontaneously. No nasogastric tube was inserted, and a low-pressure (10 mmHg) pneumoperitoneum was created. LC was performed according to the standard technique. RESULTS: All the patients tolerated the procedure well and made an uneventful postoperative recovery. Median operating time was 50 min; average length of hospital stay was 2.5 days (range, 2-4). The epidural catheter was removed the morning after the operation. Only one patient required postoperative opioid analgesia. Two patients complained of persistent shoulder tip pain during surgery and required intraoperative analgesia (Alfentanil). There was no change in the patient's cardiorespiratory status, including PO2 and pCO2, and no complications occurred either intra- or postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: LC can be performed safely under epidural anaesthesia in patients with severe COPD. Intraoperative shoulder tip or abdominal pain does not seem to be a major deterrent and can be effectively controlled with small doses of opioid analgesia.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the experience gained in anesthesiological management of 667 surgeries in patients with the end-stage chronic renal failure. 206 patients were operated on under epidural anesthesia and 461 under general anesthesia. The technique of anesthesia, preparation of patients, and the management during and after surgery are described. 63 hemodialysis procedures were performed for 4 h before and 154 for 12 h after surgery. The complications occurring during and after anesthesia by both methods are analyzed. Epidural anesthesia was found to be more safe for patients with the end-stage chronic renal failure. General anesthesia more often led to hemodynamic, respiratory, metabolic disorders, and other hemostasis disturbances.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of cardiac output on blood and tissue pH in 106 adult patients undergoing cardiac or non-cardiac surgery under general anesthesia. After anesthetic induction, the minute ventilation volume was kept constant at 10 ml.kg-1 x 10 cycles.min-1. A pulmonary artery catheter and a nasogastric tube incorporating a tonometer were inserted. During surgery, cardiac index (CI), pH, Pco2, BE, So2 and Hb of arterial and mixed venous blood as well as gastric intramucosal pH (pHi) were measured simultaneously. Oxygen uptake index (Vo2I) and blood CO2 contents were calculated. The measurements were repeated every 10 to 20 minutes during surgery or during the prebypass period. Two patients with preoperative cardiogenic shock were excluded from data analysis because of development of severe acidosis and 624 sets of data from 104 patients were analyzed. Arterial and mixed venous pH correlated negatively with CI. Blood Pco2 and base excess (BE) correlated positively and negatively, respectively, with CI. Blood lactate concentration measured 142 times in the last 30 patients correlated positively with CI. Vo2I correlated positively with CI and Paco2 correlated positively with Vo2I. Veno-arterial differences in Pco2 and Cco2 correlated negatively with CI. Due to the difference, Caco2 correlated positively with CI, while Cvco2 did not correlate with CI. pHi correlated negatively with CI but only marginally. By multiple regression analysis, pHi was not affected significantly by CI, while it showed positive correlation with pHa, Hb, Sao2 and negative correlation with blood temperature. When cardiac output increased, blood pH decreased due to increased Pco2 and decreased BE. An increase in Paco2 might result from both an increase in Vo2 or Vco2 and decreased ventilation-to-perfusion ratio. A decrease in BE might result from increased washout of acids (e.g. lactate) from the tissue to the central circulation. In contrast to blood pH, pHi or tissue pH was not affected significantly by cardiac output unless patients were in cardiogenic shock.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular consequences of epidural anesthesia secondary to sympathetic blockade are well documented; however, their repercussions on renal hemodynamics in humans have not been reported. We investigated the effect of epidural anesthesia on renal blood flow (RBF) in 13 healthy volunteers 18-45 yr of age. RBF was measured using paraaminohippurate clearance before and after bilateral T6 epidural sensory block (to ensure adequate sympathetic renal nerve blockade). Epidural anesthesia was established using 22 +/- 3 mL of 2% plain lidocaine (without epinephrine) via L1-L2 epidural catheter; urine output was measured using a three-way Foley catheter. Mean arterial pressure remained > or = 70 mm Hg in all subjects without any pharmacologic intervention. Mean RBF before epidural anesthesia was 16.1 +/- 6.8 mL.kg-1.min-1 and 14.3 +/- 2.9 mL.kg-1.min-1 after bilateral T6 epidural blockade. We conclude that the institution of epidural anesthesia in healthy subjects does not result in a significant change in RBF (P > 0.25).  相似文献   

Functional reserves of the cardiovascular system during sharp depression of the cardiac output in the postreanimation period after 15-minute cardiac arrest were studied in experiments on dogs (by loading with different fluid volumes). Acute hypervolemia did not produce any circulatory decompensation. Reinforcement of venous return and changes in the peripheral circulation due to polyglucine loading augmented the CVP temporarily, and produced a stable increase of the AP, of the cardiac output, systolic volume, the work of the left cardiac ventricle and of the total oxygen consumption by the organism. Meanwhile there was a decrease of the peripheral vascular resistance. In model experiments on dogs, which sustained 20-minute isolated compression ischemia the syndrome of low cardiac output developed too. This indicated the relation of this phenomenon to the disorders in the neuro-humoral regulation of blood circulation.  相似文献   

Extracranial mycotic aneurysms of the carotid are unusual. We present such an aneurysm of the right primary carotid caused by enteritis due to Salmonella in a 75-year-old patient at high risk for surgery (myocardial ischemia evolving over 3 months) and with coexisting stenosis of 75% of the left internal carotid. Endarterectomy of the left internal carotid, with shunting, was performed, after which the right primary carotid was tied during the same operation. Epidural anesthesia to C6-C7 was provided through a catheter supplemented with an intravenous propofol infusion. Neurological and hemodynamic variables monitored during surgery were stable. No neurological deficits or myocardial ischemic changes were recorded. Three months after discharge the patient was asymptomatic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Patients with collagen diseases are generally regarded as high-risk surgical candidates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: To evaluate the feasibility of epidural anesthesia and to determine the risk factors in abdominal surgery for patients with collagen diseases, 20 patients with collagen diseases who underwent elective abdominal surgery were examined for their surgical outcomes and clinical characteristics. Among the 20 cases, 12 received epidural anesthesia alone without endotracheal intubation, 3 received general anesthesia only, 4 received general anesthesia with epidural anesthesia and one received lumbar anesthesia. RESULTS: Only one patient receiving epidural anesthesia died after operation. The mortality in patients receiving epidural anesthesia was 8.3% (1/12) while the overall mortality was 5.0% (1/20). No significant difference was observed either in the mortality or incidence of postoperative complications among the 4 groups according to the method of anesthesia. Patients with a dysfunction of the vital organs more often had postoperative complications than those without a dysfunction of the vital organs (p = 0.043). CONCLUSIONS: Although only a small number of patients were included in this study, these results suggested that 1) elective abdominal surgery can be as safely performed under epidural anesthesia alone as with general anesthesia even for patients with collagen diseases, and 2) the patients with collagen diseases, who preoperatively showed a dysfunction of the vital organs, might be at a higher risk for abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

Incomplete anaesthesia is a major clinical problem both in single spinal and in single epidural anaesthesia. The clinical efficacy of epidural anaesthesia with augmentation (aEA) and combined epidural and spinal anesthesia (CSE) for cesarean section was investigated in a prospective randomized study on 45 patients. METHODS: Anaesthesia extending up to Th5 was aimed for. Depending on the patient's height, epidural anaesthesia was administered with a dose of 18-22 ml 0.5% bupivacaine and spinal anaesthesia with a dose of 11-15 mg 0.5% bupivacaine. Augmentation was carried out in all cases in epidural anaesthesia, initially with 7.5 ml 1% Lidocaine with epinephrine 1:400,000, raised by 1.5 ml per missing segment. The epidural reinjection in CSE was carried out as necessary with 9.5-15 ml 1% lidocaine with epinephrine, depending on the height and difference from the segment Th5. RESULTS: The extension of anaesthesia achieved in epidural anaesthesia after an initial dose of 101.8 mg bupivacaine and augmenting dose of 99 mg lidocaine reached the segment Th5. The primary spinal anaesthesia dose up to 15 mg corresponding to height led to a segmental extension to a maximum of Th3 under CSE. Augmentation was necessary in 13 patients; in 5 cases because of inadequate extent of anaesthesia and 8 cases because of pain resulting from premature reversion. The augmenting dose required was 13.9 ml. Readiness for operation was attained after 19.8 min (aEA) and after 10.5 min (CSE). No patient required analgesics before delivery. The additional analgesic requirement during operation was 63.6% (aEA) and 39.1% (CSE). Taking into account pain in the area of surgery, the requirement of analgesics was 50% (aEA) vs. 17.4% (CSE). Antiemetics were required in 18.2 (aEA) and in 65.2% (CSE). The systolic blood pressure fell by 17.7% (aEA) and in 30.3% (CSE). The minimum systolic pressure was observed after 13.4 min in aEA, and after 9.5 min in CSE. The APGAR score and the umbilical pH did not show any differences. General anaesthesia was not required in any case.  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective study was to compare differential blood cultures and quantitative catheter tip cultures for the diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis. Over a period of 2 years, 283 central venous catheters were inserted in 190 adult patients. Catheters were removed when they were no longer needed or when infection was suspected. Immediately before removal of the central venous catheters, blood cultures were performed, with blood drawn simultaneously from the catheter and the peripheral vein. After removal, quantitative catheter culture was performed according to the Brun-Buisson modified Cleri technique. Fifty-five quantitative catheter cultures were positive. They were classified as contaminated (n = 18), colonized (n = 23), or infected (n = 14). Differential blood cultures correctly identified 13 infections. With a catheter/peripheral cfu ratio of 8, differential blood cultures had a sensitivity of 92.8% and a specificity of 98.8%. When the catheters were removed because of suspected infection, differential blood cultures had a sensitivity of 92.8% and a specificity of 100%. Differential blood culture, a technique that does not necessitate catheter removal, seems effective in the diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis in patients in the intensive care unit.  相似文献   

The noninvasive measurement of cardiac output (Q) by the Indirect Fick CO2-rebreathing technique requires mixed venous P CO2 (P CO2) to be determined by the rebreathing maneuver, and Pa CO2 to be estimated from end-tidal P CO2 (PET CO2). Previous work has suggested that although P CO2 can be determined, Pa CO2 cannot be accurately estimated in patients with significant airflow limitation. Nineteen patients with cystic fibrosis who had severe airflow limitation (%FEV1, 29.3 +/- 7.12 SD) were studied during steady-state exercise at 50% of their measured maximal work capacity. Estimated Pa CO2 was slightly lower than Pa CO2 measured from blood samples obtained from an indwelling arterial catheter (measured: 45.2 +/- 4.92; estimate: 42.7 +/- 5.68 mm Hg). To calculate arterial blood content, the values derived from Pa CO2, pH, hemoglobin (Hb), and O2 saturation were compared with those derived from PET CO2 and O2 saturation, where (1) pH was assumed to be 7.40 and Hb was measured, and (2) pH was assumed to be 7.40 and Hb was assumed to be 15 g/dl (measured mean pH, 7.34; Hb, 14.4 g/dl). No difference in arterial CO2 content was seen between the three methods (measured: 47.53 +/- 5.17; estimate 1: 49.57 +/- 6.58; estimate 2: 49.12 +/- 6.61 ml/100 ml). As pH and Hb can also affect mixed venous CO2 content, the effect on Q was also assessed. Both estimates fit closely with measured Q (r2=0.77 and 0.76), with intercepts not different from zero and slopes not different from 1, and coefficients of variation of 13.5 and 14.6%. When viewed with regard to the confidence intervals for Q as a function of O2 consumption, Q was altered to a minor extent. We conclude that the use of PET CO2 to estimate Pa CO2 can give reasonable values for Q determined noninvasively in patients with severe airflow limitation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In patients with end-stage renal disease, anemia develops as a result of erythropoietin deficiency, and recombinant human erythropoietin (epoetin) is prescribed to correct the anemia partially. We examined the risks and benefits of normalizing the hematocrit in patients with cardiac disease who were undergoing hemodialysis. METHODS: We studied 1233 patients with clinical evidence of congestive heart failure or ischemic heart disease who were undergoing hemodialysis: 618 patients were assigned to receive increasing doses of epoetin to achieve and maintain a hematocrit of 42 percent, and 615 were assigned to receive doses of epoetin sufficient to maintain a hematocrit of 30 percent throughout the study. The median duration of treatment was 14 months. The primary end point was the length of time to death or a first nonfatal myocardial infarction. RESULTS: After 29 months, there were 183 deaths and 19 first nonfatal myocardial infarctions among the patients in the normal-hematocrit group and 150 deaths and 14 nonfatal myocardial infarctions among those in the low-hematocrit group (risk ratio for the normal-hematocrit group as compared with the low-hematocrit group, 1.3; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.9 to 1.9). Although the difference in event-free survival between the two groups did not reach the prespecified statistical stopping boundary, the study was halted. The causes of death in the two groups were similar. The mortality rates decreased with increasing hematocrit values in both groups. The patients in the normal-hematocrit group had a decline in the adequacy of dialysis and received intravenous iron dextran more often than those in the low-hematocrit group. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with clinically evident congestive heart failure or ischemic heart disease who are receiving hemodialysis, administration of epoetin to raise their hematocrit to 42 percent is not recommended.  相似文献   

近年来,剖宫产率呈明显上升趋势,当前我国大部分城市医院剖产率达到40.00%~50.00%.剖宫产术的安全性和术中的并发症越来越受到社会的广泛关注.为比较硬膜外麻醉(CEA)和腰硬联合麻醉(CSEA)在剖宫产术中麻醉效果、不良反应以及对产妇、新生儿的影响.对宜都市妇幼保健院2006年1月-2009年1月剖宫产术的单胎初产妇1600)名采用两种不同的麻醉方法的效果进行比较分析,现报告如下.  相似文献   

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