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经皮给药电穿孔仪的研制   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
电穿孔脉冲对皮肤的安全性以及对药物经皮渗透速率的影响并不完全取决于脉冲幅度和(或)脉冲持续时间,脉冲的冲量和能量也起了重要的作用。本仪器适用于离体经皮给药电穿孔技术研究,它可以产生脉冲率为1、2、4、8、10、20或40ppm,1~999个脉幅为70~400V电穿孔脉冲,脉冲冲量和经皮能量分别可以达到25.9 V  相似文献   

A measurement technique based on Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) aimed at discriminating electrical effects of the electrical treatment from the electrical characteristics of drug delivery in human skin is presented. The technique turns out to be useful as the first and most crucial step in determining the drug delivered into the skin after electrical treatment. After recalling the background of electrical measurements principle and electrical modeling of biological tissues, the proposed measurement procedure is illustrated. Then, experimental tests of in vivo characterization of the procedure are reported, and the obtained results are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解决化疗方法治疗肿瘤存在的毒副作用、药剂效率低等问题,研究一种基于核磁共振成像技术(Mag-netic Resonance Imaging,MRI)导航的血管内磁性药物颗粒投送系统.介绍了外磁场驱动磁性药物颗粒向血管内病变区集中的作用机理,采用数值计算的方法对空间磁场强度和磁场梯度分布进行了分析,从而界定了有效工作空间,在此基础上探讨了多颗磁性颗粒的驱动方案与线圈设计,为磁性药物靶向治疗的临床应用提供参考.  相似文献   

针对目前国内智慧药房自动化设备发展中在上药速率和上药可靠性方面存在的问题,设计一种新的基于PLC的上药机械手系统。在分析了目前国内智慧药房自动化设备运行中存在的上药机械手对不同尺寸药盒适应范围小和对高就诊率的药盒补充需求不足等问题后,设计了一种带有限位机构的送药装置,并采用双送药装置的自动化上药机械手系统。根据上药机械手系统及其送药装置的动作过程和工作流程,设计了上药机械手系统的硬件控制系统组成和软件控制系统结构。结果表明:带有限位机构的送药装置能够保证不同尺寸大小的药盒在其内整齐叠放,且上药过程中不会出现药盒倾倒现象,具有较高的可靠性。采用双送药装置的自动化上药机械手系统相比于传统的单送药装置上药机械手系统,上药速度提高了近一倍。  相似文献   

体内胶囊式药物释放微机电系统机构设计研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出一种新型的胶囊式药物释放微机电系统的设计模型。该系统以实现药物在人体内定时、定位释放为主要目的。探讨该系统的机构和控制电路设计中的一些关键技术和难点。  相似文献   

住宅建筑空调负荷分析与同时使用系数的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过计算住宅建筑典型住户24h的动态空调负荷,详细分析了住宅建筑空调负荷的特性及其同时使用系数,总结出一种节能的机组选型方法。  相似文献   

为提高低频超声透皮给药过程中药液渗透率的控制精度,通过有限元计算分析,设计了一款具有密封结构的超声换能器,用以改变低频超声透皮给药系统中的药液压强。基于Franz扩散池的皮肤透皮体外实验的研究(包括人造皮肤与大鼠离体皮肤),获得了密封系统对透皮渗透量变化的影响规律。实验结果表明,超声空化、促渗剂与压强都可以改变药液渗透率,其中超声可以通过空化效应破坏皮肤表层结构进而促进渗透,而压强与超声、促渗剂相互结合则可以起到提高给药渗透精度的作用。提出的密封式超声换能器可通过压强变化初步实现调节低频超声透皮给药精度的目的,为进一步设计可调压强的低频超声给药系统奠定应用基础。  相似文献   

Biplab Paul 《Measurement》2012,45(1):133-139
A simple apparatus for the simultaneous measurement of Seebeck coefficient (α) and electrical resistivity (ρ) in the temperature range 100-600 K, Hall coefficient (RH) and transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen coefficient (N) in the temperature range 300-600 K of the bar shaped samples has been fabricated. The instrument has been designed so simply that the sample can be easily mounted for the fast measurements of different thermoelectric parameters. The sample holder assembly of the apparatus has been designed so cleverly that any part of that section can be replaced in case of any damage; and so it can be regarded as a modular based system. The apparatus is relatively cheaper in cost and also portable.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have abilities to mediate tissue protection through mechanisms of anti-apoptosis, anti-oxidative stress and anti-fibrosis as well as tissue regeneration through mechanisms of cell proliferation, differentiation and angiogenesis. These effects by MSCs are mediated by a variety of factors, including growth factors, cytokines and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Among these factors, EVs, containing proteins, mRNA and microRNAs (miRNA), may carry their contents into distant tissues with high stability. Therefore, the treatment with MSC-derived EVs may be promising as ‘natural’ drug delivery systems (DDS). Especially, the treatment of MSC-derived EVs with the manipulation of specific miRNAs expression has been reported to be beneficial under a variety of diseases and tissue injuries. The overexpression of specific miRNAs in the EVs might be through pre-loading method using the gene editing system by plasmid vector or post-loading method to load miRNA mimics into EVs by electroporation or calcium chloride-mediated transfection. Despite current several challenges for clinical use, it should open the next era of regenerative medicine for a variety of diseases. In this article, we highlight the therapeutic potential of MSC-derived EVs as ‘natural’ DDS and current challenges.  相似文献   

针对某大型激光器装置的装校过程模块化、阵列化及超洁净工作环境等特点,分析了洁净精密装校机器人的轨迹规划和智能化无人装校的实际需求,提出了“轨迹取点→单关节变化PTP口规划→初步轨迹拟合→基于时间和防料动轨迹优化”的轨迹规划思路和方法.根据该机器人结构特征,应用D-H法建立坐标系,完成了运动学正逆解分析.基于运动学位姿方程,按照机器人作业规划流程,完成了洁净精密装校机器人安装一个模块的轨迹规划和优化,并运用MATLAB 2008绘制了具体轨迹曲线.最后运用Pro/E 4.0进行了机构运动学仿真验证,验证表明洁净精密装校机器人在无人工干预及超洁净环境下可实现高洁净、高精密装校.  相似文献   

针对低频超声透皮给药过程中声场和流场的促渗机理问题,基于压电方程、声压方程以及湍流k-ε模型,利用COMSOL有限元软件建立了其声-压电-流耦合仿真计算模型。通过理论分析和Franz体外透皮实验分别获得了给药系统中的声场与流场的大小及分布,以及体外实验的超声促渗后的渗透量。仿真计算与实验结果表明:离体皮肤在超声作用下渗透量更大,皮肤上产生更多褶皱与空化穴,这说明存在空化效应与交变载荷,而后者可能是流场流动或涡流引起的;药液中流场沿超声换能器的辐射面下方流动到辐射面侧面,形成搅拌作用,且辐射面正下方的流速最大,当输入电功率为5.5 W时,可达0.55m/s,皮肤上方伴有较强涡流;流场在超声促渗中起搅拌与扩张皮肤通道的作用,对促渗起辅助作用。  相似文献   

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